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Interest Check: Scions in Exalted - An Experiment

[QUOTE="Shining Lotus Sage]I have a Battles proposal, if you like.

Sounds good. I just got back from a few days out of town, so give me a little bit to get settled back into the ol' homestead and look over my posts and we can get started.
Sure, sure. I didn't want to throw all-in until I was sure I was welcome, you know? Everyone offers a different number of strikes. Just let me know how much detail you want by when. Thumbnail sketch is military veteran disillusioned by the pointlessness of war, forcibly hardening himself to the battles he now has to ensure happen. Very much like Black Ice Shadow, reinterpreted for a red aura.

But also welcome home! How was Utah?
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The relatives have a house out in the middle of nowhere around the town of Hatch. It is absolutely beautiful looking out at the trees covered in snow standing atop the mountains. I'm a city guy, having lived in Las Vegas for almost all my life, so getting away out to nature like that is great for me - in small doses. It is way to remote for me to want to live there full time, but to visit is great. I think my teenage daughter was going through internet withdraws by the time we were all ready to come home.

Back to business.

Ok, so far we have:

Chosen of Serenity - @Random Word

Chosen of Endings - @Grey

Chosen of Battles - @Shining Lotus Sage

Chosen of Secrets - @Grey

Chosen of Journeys - @vinom

That is the current lineup. @Grey has put in an interest in two different Goddesses, so he needs to pick one. Are we ready for me to make up our forum?
Almost. We need Pantheon-specific Virtues, unless you want to import Exalted's four. Conviction is RAW, but I think Scion(Courage) comes closer to Exalted(Valor) than Scion(Valor) does. Temperance looks split across Piety, Endurance, and Harmony. Compassion.... doesn't appear in Scion at all? It's sort of like Duty, I guess. The point is that your handling of Virtues is going to require either custom material or a settings tweak.
I thought I had posted the Virtues with the other stats, but I see that I did not. We will be going with Courage, Conviction, Endurance and Intellect. A nice assortment of traits. If anyone has a reason to change them to something different, feel free to express your arguments and we can change it as necessary.
Sherwood said:
Ok, so far we have:
Chosen of Serenity - @Random Word

Chosen of Endings - @Grey

Chosen of Battles - @Shining Lotus Sage

Chosen of Secrets - @Grey

Chosen of Journeys - @vinom

That is the current lineup. @Grey has put in an interest in two different Goddesses, so he needs to pick one. Are we ready for me to make up our forum?
I sort of wish that two more people would express interest so that Arrani, daughter of Little Beam is a valid character choice.
Ok, so we have:

Chosen of Serenity - @Random Word

Chosen of Endings -

Chosen of Battles - @Shining Lotus Sage

Chosen of Secrets - @Grey

Chosen of Journeys - @vinom

If no one else decides to jump in, I'll make up an NPC for the fifth member of the Band that you are a part of. So, we are at last call for interested people to sign up with one slot open.
I'll bite, provided there are no other takers for an ending. Any time frame that I should have this character ready?
Yeah, apologies for being slow, actually, in both games - Exalted and Scion characters always take me a while and I'm running too many games.
[QUOTE="Action Replay]I'll bite, provided there are no other takers for an ending. Any time frame that I should have this character ready?

I hope to have characters ready to go by the end of the week, if possible. Once people are ready, I'll open up a forum for us to post in and update it with the background stuff I have ready.
Alright. I can get a decent enough backstory pitch ready by then. Crunch comes...whenever we get a thread detailing char creation put up.
Well, there is all the info on what Epic Attributes and Purviews are associated with each one of the Goddesses, so you can start working on your sheets. I suppose I can make up the forum now, and we can start posting there.
Okay so...what char creation do we use then and to what extent? Just vanilla scion creation taking from the stuff on page one of this thread? What backgrounds are go and no go? That sort of thing is leaving me hesitant and confused.
Ah. I understand. We are mostly using the Scion rules for character creation, but I am going to add an additional 10 bonus points to your sheets as mystery disadvantages that will come up in game play; stuff from your backgrounds, things like that. These points can be used to purchase backgrounds such as Artifact, Manse, or other Exalted style ones such as Contacts or Backing, or you can pour them into your divine powers instead. Using your bonus points, you are allowed to purchase Merits and positive mutations, but you are not going to be allowed to get more points back for a negative mutation or Flaw.

I am going to allow you to buy Specialties using the point costs of 1-for-1 of a regular skill, or 2-for-1 for a favored skill. You will start with the 4 free Specialties listed in the 2.5 errata.

Items made from the Magical Materials are allowed as personal artifacts using either Starmetal or Orichalcum, your choice. Manse is limited to a maximum of 2, since most of the places of mystic power have been snapped up by various governments across Creation. Artifacts in the 4 to 5 point range will have to be justified; after all, you are going to be low level Scions with at max a Legend/Essence score of 4, so why/how do you have such a powerful item? Something more original than "I got it from my mom" will be required to get something like that.

I will go ahead and open up a forum for us to use under the name of The Bureau of Destiny, and I'll tag everyone in it so you can see when its done.

Ok, new Forum is up, and I'm starting to copy/paste over the rules.
I just had a player bow out due to Real Life complications, so if anyone is interested, you have a shot at getting in. We have not yet started posting, but should be up and running in a few days, so any submissions are going to need to be done quickly.

The only open spot is for a child of Jupiter, the Maiden of Secrets. This way you know which one to look at.

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