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Fandom Inter-species Exchange? (Monster Musume Rp)

ScaraByte said:
Finish the godess? @Aqua
Well that depends because if it popped out a humans skull that was you know loved the preadator and aliens movie and was a nerd for them but wasn't fully grown and went inside a Preadator he probqbly could make peace with them. (It mostly explains it in the link of chapter 1 or 2)
Well if the predalien successor wanted peace it would have to kill one of the two and bring the carcass to the other species. Predaliens aren't given complete equality due to their instincts from xenomorph and Yautja
Yeah I know but in the story it let loose the other face hugers but when he came back they wuldnt let them in they're hive which was the Yajuta ship so he had to look around elsewhere for something he was wearing plus like any other animal Xenomorphs let out hormones to.
I understand this. On a side-note though would there be a Predalien queen since it is seen that the original predalien laid 'Bellybursters' inside a woman through it's inner mouth. I was doing a bit more research on perdalien's and this came to mind since it could establish it's own grouping in theory, comprised of Human Yajuta and Xenomorph.
No this Prealian came into existence by a mishap the face hugger didn't plant the seed in the stomache but in the mouth since the face hugger didn't have enough strength so it went up to the skull after it hatched ate the brain and gained the conciousness of the male and didn't eat the inards, but he busted straight out but he saw a preadator and forced his self in it's chest and gained the dna of the Yujata and became half and half with a nerd mind.
Techinically since the Xenomorphs takes the gene of they're host so they can get a physical form and he took the form of a Alien with The mouth and height of a Yujata
Wouldn't it at the chest buster stage already have set dna

Also I don't think eating a Brian gives you their memories
So a hybrid but differed. It was a normal xeno but it didn't get to the chest causing it to gain human thought. From such it ate Yujata innards and gained a partial dna from it. So it mutated correct?
Yes it mutated based on the body of the host, and who knows karcen Xenomorphs are full of mystery's.
As soon as they emerge they have a supposed time of twenty minutes for their genetics to settle so they can do basic xeno functions (Breathe in space, crawl up walls, etc.) Afterwards their skin begins to harder to the point they need to shed causing their bodies to accelerate and grow to their 'adult' form.
Usally they are mature a couple of hours after they emerge out of the host that they ate but if it eats the brains and bust's out it only has the brains dna so it will have to find a host to get the body Dna

That idea would also make the chestburster itself unstable and it would have a bit of a harder time adapting. Which would also create some form of error within the code. Though it would stabalize as a xeno-hybrid it would have some form of flaw in it's design or a lacking of some sort.
Yes it would it would probably be more vulnerable to fire slower but it would be physically stronger or smarter then a normal Xeno would it would also have a lot of upsides to it.

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