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Inheritance Cycle - 1x1

Frost's cheeks reddened at the compliment, the colour spreading across her pale cheeks. She nodded to the more experianced rider, and turned her head to look at Leon and his dragon, giving the two a small smile. She felt little Ash move in her arms, not liking how uncomfortable her rider felt in the heat, and then looking panicked as Frost swayed slightly on her feet.

She jumped slightly as a hand was placed on her shoulder, blinking at Mira. She hadn't really been listening, and held her dragon slightly tighter as the experienced rider began to speak in soft tones. Frost's red eyes widened as the air seemed to move around them, and Ash in her arms started to purr in excitement, as the air began to cool. The new rider didn't really understand what was happening, but whatever it was, she was both confused and excited to learn about it.

She felt slightly better as it cooled to a gentle winters day temperature, and smiled slightly as her dragon chirped at Mira, thanking her. Frost mumbled a thank you to the rider, giving a tiny smile
"No problem. After all I'm expected to take care of you both in the next upcoming years, so I might as well start now." Giving the girl a toothy grin Mira sneaked a wink at Leon who blushed. Clearing her throat and swallowing back the anticipation that was building up inside of her she looked at Tiren, who in turn nodded, and walked and stood until she was standing in front of the two youngest riders of the New Age. "Well, now. I'm going to teach you the basics of Dragon Care taking and maintenance. First--"

With a clear cough and a waving hand Tiren gained the attention on himself and met the gaze of Mira evenly as she glared at him through dark grey eyes. "Mira," his voice was clear and loud under the shadow of the dragon's wing. "Rather than explain to them about Dragons why don't we....show them." Flashing his trade mark grin he put his hands behind his back and sighed heavily. Mira blinked before licking her lips and cocking her head as if paying him extra attention.

"Tiren." Her voice was thinly veiled with a shadow of doubt. "Don't you think we should wait a bit before taking them? They're still children for Heaven's sakes. We can't just-"

"Yes, and so will they and the ones who come after them and after them. Mira. They are Dragon Riders." Tiren narrowed his eyes and held his chin high. "They belong with their brethern as do their Dragons. They need the exposure Mira and I think that integrating them would be best. Besides, don't you remember our ceremony?"

Mira frowned, " Yes, I remember you getting ram rod drunk and having our mentors force you out the cavern." She smiled at Tiren's blush. "I guess you're right at the moment. For now I want them both to go home and get some rest. I also, want both of us to escort each of them home for the night and after you've said a sufficient goodbye to you're families we'll leave at dawn. Any questions?"
Frost became slightly excited at the idea of being about to learn something, as Ash curled up in her arms, watching the riders with wide eyes. When the subject changed after a moment, the new rider sighed, and gently stroked Ash's head, fingers dancing over the young dragons scales, as she absently listened to the two riders talk. She had no idea what they were talking about for a while, until she realised, with Tirens lines, that they meant to take the two to other dragon riders and their dragons.

Ash, settled in Frost's arms, chirped excitedly at the realisation, twitching her little tail and fluttering her tiny wings. She clearly wanted to meet new dragons, curious and excited, and she bumped her head against her riders chin, chirping softly.

She nodded to Mira's words, "No questions" She said softly, wondering what her guardian would say to her. If she'd be as proud as she had looked when the egg had hatched under Frost's hand.
Leon nodded in agreement as both Riders looked at him. Zaranth was nestled in his arms, soft purring sounds coming from his snout, as if he was afriad Leon would try and leave again. The thought made him guilty and he rested a small hand over his neck. The soft skin thrumming with each brathe his friend took and the warmth was nice to the touch. Mira let out a sigh as she stretched, her arms straight and elegant at her sides before resting once again. Tiren looked away with a biush and coughed.

Mira smirked at him, her lips curling into a small smile that was matched by no other. Her eyes were playful and bright as she stared at Tiren and in turn he gave her a small glance at the two children, She rolled her eyes as he snapped her fingers and at once the walls around them began to move. The white membranes that surrounded them moved in unison as her great Dragons wings unfurled opening to the bright sky.

The day had changed and the night had taken over. The moon hung over head, silent and cold, as if nothing had every happened. Leon licked his lips as a cold chill settled over them making him thank the coming winter, but part of him made him dread it. The people who had been outside of the walls had gone, The town had vanished in an instant as if they were told to leave. The dusty buildings seemed empty and alone save for the occasional neigh of a horse.

"Where is everyone?" Leon whispered mostly to himself,

Tiren looked at him gently. "My Dragon told them to leave. Besides we needed the peace and quiet anyway." Tiren added. "Don't worry they're not gone, they're just at their homes settling in for the night,"

Leon frowned as he cocked his hgead. "But, in the....wings...it seemed like it was daytime. Mira even cast a spell.."

"That was to make sure you weren't getting nervous. How would you feel if you knew we had spent hours in that damned...thing." Tiren looked apologetically at the Dragon. "Besides we didn't want to scare you. Mind you it was getting dark."
Frost looked surprised when the dragons great wings moved from around them, to reveal the inky darkness, lit by the light of the moon. She smiled slightly as she felt the cool breezes of the night flutter across her pale skin. She loved the nighttime, it was cooler and quieter than the daytime. Her red eyes brightened slightly, and she smiled softly, realising that this would be one of the last times, for a long time, that she'd see the town at nightfall.

Absently she wondered just how long they had been talking for. It hadn't seemed to be hours, but now that she could see outside, she realised that that was what had happened. They had talked business for so long, that everyone else had gone about their own business, and had gone home, and were likely now either asleep, or going to sleep. She looked down at Ash, who was gazing around curiously, having never seen the night before.

She could feel the gentle heat radiating off little Ash, and held her close to her chest, running a gentle finger over the newborn dragons scales. She still couldn't believe that this was happening
Zaranth curled up closer in Leon's arms as a wave of cold air passed over them. It seemed to burrow in Leon's skin and twist it's way into him. He shivered as a breathe of fog began to simmer in the distance. Tiren sighed quietly as a wave of silence passed over them all. It was odd Leon realized not hearing the gentle reminder of the town or the ever present crackle of fire in his home. He looked around for a few moments as he took it all trying to etch the image of his home into his mind. Part of him was scared at the fact that he was leaving, but he other part of him was excited at the prospect of seeing something new. He had grown bored of the forever still image of the same woods and the same people who he had grown up with. It was a new challenge that was ready to take on despite his caution.

Tiren was the first to speak. "I think that's enough. Leon, I'll take you home." His voice was quite and respectful as he spoke to the both of them. Mire made no sound and without a word to Frost she gestured that Frost lead the way to her home.

"Goodnight Leon. May the gods be with you and Zaranth for this night."


The walk home was silent only filled with the chirping of the crickets and the soft mutterings of the birds as they too took flight in the open night air. Owls hooted gently in the distance making Leon shiver with fright, but then relaxed as Zaranth growled a low comforting sound. Tiren followed not long behind and his Dragon was high in the air. The great Beast has decided that it was time for a routinely night flight to stretch his wings ever since they had left. Leon had noticed that Tiren sometimes looked up to watch his Partner with longing. Leon wondered if he would ever feel like that with his Dragon.

"How long have you been a Rider?" His words came out softly as they broke the silence.

Tiren looked at him in surprise and smiled even as the darkness surrounded them. "Not that long. Fifty years maybe?" Leon stopped as he looked back. "When you become a Rider time seems to go by faster than usual..."

"Oh," And at that the conversation stopped.


His house came into view only a short while after. The large farmhouse was a two story and seemed older than ever in the darkness as shadows pierced around it making it appear larger. The buildings next to it were silent save for the occasional neigh of a horse as they neared it. Leon furrowed his eyebrows as it seemed that the horses seemed to be responding by the large Beast that had landed not so long ago. The lights were dim and visible to them and Leon relaxed as he spotted a shadow by the window frame. It was large and muscular and seemed to take over the whole view. His father, Leon had decided right then, was a powerful man.

"We better leave for now." Tiren stopped as he faced Leon. "Besides, I don't think the animals would appreciate a large Dragon near them..." Leon cracked a grin as Tiren smiled at him. "Goodbye Leon...I'll see you in the morning."

Wanting to say more, Leon opened his mouth by stopped as Tiren raised a playful eyebrow. "Yeah, I'll see tomorrow at....dawn?"

Tiren blinked once before nodding. "Good memory. We'll work on some more stuff later. Tell your father about it too alright?"

Leon turned to face his house. "Alright, I'll tell him." He smiled as the door began to swing open. "Goodnight, Tiren. I'll-" By the time he had turned to face his mentor he saw nothing but shadows. "see you tomorrow...."

Frost softly mumbled that she'd walk herself home, and started to walk off, wanting to be alone with Ash for a while. Disappearing quickly down the road, she slowed when she was sure she wasn't being followed, and hugged little Ash close to her chest, the warmth of the dragon helping keep the thin girl warm. She walked slowly, sighing softly as her home came into view. She walked toward it, slowly pushing the door open and padding inside, only to be attacked by her carer, who hugged her and told her how proud she was. After a while, she mumbled that she was tired, and disappeared into her room happily

(sorry for the short post. Busy)
((I'm going to timeskip until the morning))

His sleep was probably the strangest thing in his life. The images that surrounded him were filled with flashes of red and black each melting into one another becoming one until he couldn't distinguish one from the other finally. The colors swirled around him making him sick and the images of red that spewed hot fire at people under him. His tossed as a blaze of smoke rose in the air and covered the land in darkness. The thick greyness of it making everyone cry out for help and there he stood in the center of it all. Crying out for his friends and for his Dragon who stood beside him silently mourning the loss the life that he had help taking. The stench of bodies permeated into his very being making him retch sickness all over the place, it was so real that he could taste it.

He woke up in a cold sweat just as the Sun had risin in his sky. It's brightness shone in the way it covered the land just as the smoke had, but only different. It was the light that contrasted with the darkness that made Leon happy. His Dragon, Zaranth, was awake just as he. His bright amberish red eyes peering at him glazed with a silent plea as he chirped softly.

"You saw it too, huh," His voice came out gravelly with sleep. "I don't know what it was....but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. We have no enemies, so who would we be fighting?" Zaranth said nothing. His eyes wide with something Leon could not describe and soon he let out a sigh. His tiny body shivering under the covers that Leon had put on him.

"I guess. You know, I never really had nightma-" He flinched in surprise as his father's voice shook the room. It was loud and big just as his father and his voice sounded pined yet had the underlying scent of happiness.

Leon looked at Zaranth before his heart skipped a beat. Of course his father would have tried to wake him up so early. It was the day he would soon live and become a Dragon Rider! He smiled as Zaranth sat up, his wings unfurling for a bit before he nodded to Leon and showed him the packed sack of all his things lying next to his bed. All his belongings including his pictures were in the sack each neatly put up with care. Leon jumped out of bed before yelling to his father that he was almost ready.

Quickly putting on some clothes he had left the night before he took a moment to pause and look back at his room. The shabby furnishing was simple in most people's eyes, but to him it was the greatest thing in the world. He loved the beaten down dresser and the springy bed that he slept in. The windows were his gates to the outside world and the smell of lemon made everything complete. It was his own room and he loved it with every fiber of his being. Sighing at last he swallowed down the bitter taste of sadness and grabbed Zaranth, who chirped in surprise.

"Let's go buddy." And with that he grabbed his back sack in one had and without looking back he left the room. And soon the smell of lemon vanished from him for the longest time.

Frosts dreams were clouded with fear and horror. Darkness and pain filled her body and her surroundings were hard to see, and she felt as though she couldn't move. She saw movement from the darkness, and a dragon that she recognised to be Ash crawled. Out of the dark, cooing softly at her rider, before something hit Frost, and she screamed.

Seconds later the girl woke, sitting up quickly in her bed, shivering. It was still dark outside when she did so, so she slowly stood, shaking. Hearing a chirp as she moved to get changed and pack a bag with her small amount of possessions, she turned to the bed again, finding her dragon staring at her with wide, scared eyes. The girl moved forward, scooping the little one up and cradling her, not even having to ask, "It won't happen Ash. It was just a dream" she said softly, though was somewhat scared that it would, "Come on...let's go" she said softly, looking out the window to see the sun rising. Picking up the bag and allowing her dragon to happily sit on her shoulder, she softly said bye to her guardian, who she hugged, and left, walking out quietly

"I'm guessing you''re all packed since you had all night." Mira spoke from beside the doorway, her body leaning against it as she crossed her arms. Her black hair was neat and seemed to be freshly done and a scent of pine drifted from her. Her clothes were simple, but she had on a standard riding gear that were white with markings in the language of the elves. Her Dragon, Terenth, with his white wings furled gently against him and his body a great shadow across the land was in the field watching over Frost ad his Rider. His horns were curved and elegant and tapered to a fine point. Mira knew he was a beauty among his kind. "We'll meet Tiren and Leon in the air. I just talked with Tiren and he's already scooped up Leon, so they should just be about five minutes ahead of us. We'll meet them later."

Terenth growled low in his throat as if protesting. "Alright, fine." Mira turned towards Frost with a glint of amusement shining in her eyes. "We'll meet them shortly in the air." Gesturing Frost to follow her she led the way to her Dragon who watched them carefully, Frost especially and her Dragon Ash. His cold blue eyes were cautious and warm yet he held the air of a regal person in the way he held his neck high.

When they finally reached him, Terenth lowered his head slowly, the new Sun reflecting off of his scales perfectly casting spots of white on the ground with simple ease. Mira stopped to watch as if mesmerized and with a cough a few seconds later she flustered an apology and stood to reach for her Dragon. His skin was warm to touch and smooth. She could feel the warm pressings of sleep coming from him, but she ignored it letting a soft warning to him that she was a new Rider and that she would need a Dragon who was fully awake. He snorted a puff of smoke and put his head on the grass gently waiting for her to climb on.

"You first. I'll show you how to sit properly later." she gestured to Frost to her Dragon.

Frost jumped slightly as he heard Mira's voice, and quietly bobbed her head, mumbling a affirmative that she had indeed packed her bag, which was hung over her back in a snug manner. She felt small beside the other rider, who looked perfect and elegant, whilst Frost was small, thin and pale. Her red eyes watched the other rider for a moment, before her odd gaze moved over to Mira's dragon. She was awed by his size and elegance, and simply allowed the older rider to lead her.

Yesterday she would have never thought that she would even be this close to a dragon, let alone have her own cradled in her arms, and to be facing one as beautiful as Terenth was a honour. As she was told to get up, she swallowed, but nodded nervously, and carefully placed Ash down on the others back, and carefully climbed up, before picking Ash back up and looking to Mira
((You can take control or have Mira as a character if you want. That way it'll go a bit faster :) )

"Alright, so here's how it's going to go." Tiren's voice is loud and excited against the wind blowing against them. "I'm going to sit up front and you're going to hold me. When he takes off be sure try and hold on tight because it can get a bit wild once we try and get up there." Leon hold tightly onto a slightly still Zaranth who's wings are curled up in excitement. He purrs against Leon's chest and Leon looks back at his father who's standing by watching with a teary eyed expression.

"Y-yes sir!" Tiren looks back with a smile and Leon blushes. A low yet loud hum is heard against everyone and they all turn to look in surprise at Tiren's purple dragon who seems to be watching them with a glint of amusement shining in it's large eye. Leon shivers as it turns toward him with an unblinking eye almost taking him in before swinging it's great head toward Tiren before closing slowly like a cat. Tiren turns toward his Dragon as well and puts a gentle hand on it's snout. Leon turns away as if he were invading something and only looks back as Tiren grunts to get his attention.

"Actually now that I think about it I'll sit behind you to make sure you won't...fly away. Looking at you you could use a bit of meat on your bones." Tiren smiles and motions for Leon to get a head up as his Dragon crouches down and rests a large head on the grass.
You may child.

His breathe catches in his throat as the voice falls into his head. It's large and demanding and somewhat soothing to him and Leon nods almost at once as he takes a few shaky steps forward before walking as confidently as he can.


It takes a few moments to get upright on the saddle with Zaranth squirming in his arms and his heart pounding so fast he's scared. Tiren manages to hide a laugh somewhat and his father gives him a few parting words before leaving. Leon tried not to cry, but Tiren told him that he would respect him no less if he did.

"You ready up there?" Tiren shouts as Leon grips a shaky hand on the saddle.

His reply is almost blown away. "Yeah, I'm ready!"
Settled now in the saddle, with little Ash in her arms, Frost grew frightened, yet excited in the same wondrous moment. She held Ash close, feeling the little dragon purr, and began to image that, soon it wouldn't be Mira's dragon that she was sat upon the back of, but Ash. She imagined that the little warm ball of scales in her arms grew into a large creature, with elegance and strength, and grew to become a symbol of peace and protection over their lands.

She was brought from her happy thoughts, as Mira climbed up behind her, and carefully wrapped her arms around Frost, to make sure she didn't panic and fall off. Mira's legs tensed, holding onto her dragon carefully, moving one hand from around Frost, to grab at the edge of the saddle, so that the rider wouldn't fall, even when she knew her dragon would catch her safely, "Its going to be a surprise to you Frost, but I want you keep calm. You'll get used to all of this eventually, but for now, just hold on tight" She told the albino girl in front of her, who simply gave a shaky nod.

With that, the great beast beneath them slowly stood, Frost looking toward her home as she watched her guardian for so long wave to her, smiling brightly whilst tears fell down the older womans face. Then, Frost tightened her grip on both her own dragon, and the saddle, and the dragon beneath her opened its wings, beating them as it rose into the air
The great purple Dragon, who's name Leon now remembers is Alden, slowly raises his legs. They rise in the air and he feels a jolt of shock run through his veins as the ground suddenly seems a lot farther down than before. His breathe catches in his throat and his mind begins to wander with the endless possibilities of what could happen and how he would react. His eyes hurt a bit as the Sun shines down upon them as they face towards it. The great hide of the Dragons scales don't help with the fact that they twinkle against them brilliantly yet Leon can't deny their beauty.He feels a hand on his shoulder--relaxing and warm against his thin clothing--and hears the mumbled words of Tiren as his breathe ghosts over him.

"Relax, it's going to be alright. You won't fall Leon," Leon can feel the purring sound that vibrates between his legs and realizes that its Alden who is making that sound. He gulps audibly. "Alden is an experienced flyer and I one day you're going to have to do this too you know..." Tiren trails off as he snickers and Leon brushes away the thought of punching him amidst his fear. Zaranth is being held closely against him, Tiren had made straps to ensure that the little one would not fall, but Leon is still apprehensive.

With a great shuddering of air and with the elegance of a cat Alden's wings unfurl with a great bust of wind. His wings, Leon admits to himself, seem longer than his body and he surmises that it has to be. How else would he be able to take off, but the sight still troubles him. Just not as much as it impresses him. He looks down at his own red Dragon and wonders if one day it will be them. Will it be him one day sitting behind a youngster with Zaranth underneath them? Will he have the same confidence as Tiren or will he still be a shuddering mess of nerves ready to collapse?

"He's beautiful..." Leon whispers mainly to himself. The wings of a brilliant purple deeper than the hide. It's like a thin layer of skin wrapped with millions of membranes running from the body to the tips of the wings. Tiren says nothing, but Leon can feel his nod like he can feel his breathe on his neck. He shivers.

"We're ready Alden! Take flight!" With a gust of exhilaration the Dragon lets out a roar loud enough to startle the horses. Tiren laughs as the Dragon begins to run and moves his wings up and down smoothly and in Leon's shock he feels himself yell too. Zaranth's claws have dug into his leg and he sqeuals a tiny roar alongside Leon. The Dragon bends down and with a great leap and with Leon gripping the saddle in a death grip they are in the air with a few wing beats and slowly they rise up and skim above the sea of trees below them. The rise higher and higher and Leon struggles to maintain his racing heart against the wind blowing against his face. Tiren lets out a yell alongside his Dragon and for once he lets a tear fall down his face.

He's a Rider.
Frost seemed to panic as the dragon beneath her gave a rumbling purr, likely to calm both her and Ash down, and as the great white dragon opened its wings widely, beating them each time as it rose higher and higher. Whether it was purposely being slow as it flew up, or whether it did this normally, confused Frost. But then the dragon landed again, and Frost and Ash both squeaked in surprise, as they heard Mira chuckle behind them,

"She's just letting you get used to it. Now we'll take off properly." Mira assured them both, warning them to hold on tightly. The female white dragon beneath them bobbed her head, scales gleaming brilliantly in the sun, as she opened her wings again, and Frost took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the dragon. Its wings were not as white as they first seemed, and were actually patterened with pale blue splashes of colour on the top. But her appreciation stopped as they suddenly moved forward, and Frosts grip on the saddle and her dragon tightened as they jumped into the air with a jolt, and Frost whimpered softly in fear, feeling Mira behind her gently hold onto the girl.

"You won't fall Frost. We won't let you" She stated softly, "Relax" She then told her, watching the girl warily. But Frost nodded and seemed to calm at the assurance, and as Ash chirped happily, as the dragon and her new rider looked about, realising just how high up they were by now.
Slowly they rose higher and higher until as the trees dimmed below them. The way before them was clear without a flock of anything to get in there way and with the beating of wings filling his ears he smiled to himself despite the pounding in his chest. He sighed slowly to release the tension in his muscles and flinched slightly as the air pushed back to him without pause. He didn't want to look down knowing that he would become afraid even with the gentle arms of Tiren helping him stay grounded to where he was. He smiled finally as his heart began to ease and his mind became clearer and felt the pressings of happiness in his mind as Zaranth squealed though it was lost in the rush of the wind. So, far they were below the clouds and yet they seemed to so far away. He looked up in wonder as he watched the puffy clouds get closer and closer until finally he had a good look at them. In his surprise they looked list mist and even then it was hard to see through them. He made a mental note to study them later if he had the chance.

Tiren said nothing, but Leon could feel the beating of his heart and the whispers of his breathe as he inhaled slowly as if this were an everyday thing to him. He wasn't surprised though seeing as Tiren was an experienced Rider, but it still felt...unreal if that was the proper term to use. Slowly they eased in a gentle flight and Leon soon leaned back in Tiren who seemed to tense before chuckling. "You alright, Leon?" he voice was gentle yet playful as he gripped the saddle in front of them.

Leon smiled and almost turned around before remembering that was somewhat dangerous. "I'm fine...It's just that I never thought that I would be...here you know?"

Leon felt Tiren nod to himself seemed to wrap his arms around Leon. Leon blinked and watched as Tiren handled the saddle with ease and laid it down in front of them. Zaranth purred to himself and seemed to give Leon images of the ground below them. They were simple images yet Leon could feel the intensity of them as he saw through Zaranth's eyes. They were clear and hawk like. The images being clearer than he ever seen before and jumped as Zaranth seemed to focus on one spot and gazed at the tiny people below them. "Is he stretching his eyes?" Leon nodded. "Don't be alarmed. A lot of Dragons do that to share what they see with their Rider. They say it's another way to bond."

Leon breathed out as the images went away and leaned forward. "Where are Frost and Mira?" He asked.

Tiren looked around and patted the Dragons smooth hide. "They should be seeing us first actually. I contacted Mira and we left before them. They should be here any moment now..."
Hey! This is Thermal Trickster and I just wanted to let you know that this is another account I made. I'll be posting from here from now on.
Frost clutched Ash tightly to her chest as they flew up and up, into the sky. The albino girl had her eyes tightly shut, too afraid to look down. She could feel the wind trying to undo her platted hair, as it danced across her body, pulling at her clothes and brushing over her skin. She could feel the dragon beneath her move with each powerful stroke of its wings, said white dragon climbing higher and higher into the sky, until they were just below the clouds, though Frost didn't know that, because she had her eyes shut. Suddenly, images came to life in front of her closed eyes, and she realised that, due to the warmth accompanying it, it must be Ash, who she could feel in her arms. With her eyes still closed, she let her dragon peer over the edge, and felt the excitement of her little friend, but didn't hear the joyful chirp that accompanied it.

When she finally opened her eyes, it was because her dragons view had faded, and she missed the hawk like accuracy that her dragons eyes held. Blinking, she looked up instead of down first, confused to see the clouds just above her, a swirling mass of white mist. She would have reached up to try and touch it, but she was still too afraid of falling, and instead simply admired it, before finally looking down. She tensed, but soon got used to the idea of how high up they were, as trees looked like specks below.

Mira was still gently holding her, keeping her from panicking and falling to her death, and Frost shuddered at that thought. But, despite the fear of falling, she felt oddly free, even on the back of someone elses dragon
They flew for a great number of minutes that felt like hours. Leon could tell by the way the day cleared and how the sky eventually became clearer that it was still morning. It was beautiful, he finally decided, as he took it in. Being so close to the sky made him feel...alive. Free. Happy. The only three words that would climb out of his throat at the moment and yet there was so much joy he couldn't look away. The sky melted into a deep rich blue with the edgings of purple fading into it. The purple looked as if it were a pale lavender color; the first time he had seen it was during a hike in which his father had instructed him on early herb training. He remembered touching it marveling at how soft the petals looked and how large it was. It was like that. Soft to look at and yet longer than anything he had ever known. A gentle smile slowly placed itself on his lips and he felt the tears begin to sting at his eyes. He blinked them away quickly and put a soft hand on Zaranth's hide feeling each individual scale and tracing it along with his pointer finger. Zaranth purred and leaned back to his touch, his red hide shining in the sunlight.

"I'm guessing you're enjoying this. I know...I remember my first time flying with Alden. I'll never forget the nerves I felt that day or the trust I had in my Dragon. It's a feeling I'll never forget, being so high up there with nothing, but the birds as your friends." His voice trailed off and Leon said nothing. No words felt right at simple moment between Riders. He could feel Tirens breathe with ever stroke of the Dragon's wings. The powerful bursts of every making him feel alive and energized.

"Well, speaking of friends, there they are!" Tiren's voice piped up again this time Leon jolted as Tiren sat up suddenly. Giving him a apologetic shake Tiren waved toward to their left. "Look over there. See the purple light flashing in the distance. We don't need to speak because we know the way, but I want you to look. This won't be the first time you'll see two Dragons in the sky. Besides," Tiren licked his lips and flashed a smile. "It'll be a long while before we land, kid. Might as well get comfortable. Wanna hear the story of how I beat two Riders in a game of chance?"

Leon nodded to himself as he turned. "Yeah, I'd like that. What kind of game?" He could feel Tiren shaking his head and knew he still had the grin on his face. He rolled his eyes and smiled glancing at the purple light shining next to them. He couldn't see them from where he was, but he could hear the faint beating of wings over Aldens. Zaranth cocked his head of suddenly startling Leon and chirped in the direction of Mira and Frost. "I know, buddy, we'll see them soon..."

Tiren murmured in agreement and leaned back. "Well, it all started out when I came to see some new Riders they had picked up. Mind you this was about....thirty years ago I think? Anyway..."


(Did you want to time skip to where they can see the island?)

(Sure. I'll do it now then.)

Minutes turned to hours, as the new riders rode upon old dragons, with their own hatchlings cradled in their arms. Frost had almost fell asleep to the powerful wing beats of the dragon below her, whom she had learned was named Aziel. Her name meant power, according to Mira, and she decided that it suited the white beast. It had been hours ago that they had first spotted the others, yet they hadn't moved too close, and Frost found herself excited to land and talk to her fellow new rider. Currently the young girl had her eyes shut, leaning gently against Mira, who didn't seem to mind, and only giggled softly when she realised the albino in front of her was falling asleep.

After a while, Frost was woken by Mira, who had poked her gently on the shoulder, "Look down there." The older rider said softly, watching as Frost blinked in confusion, and didn't look down, before continuing, "Its the island" She told her, smiling widely at the girl, "Your new home." With that line, little Ash, curled into Frosts arms, chirped happily, and peered over, as her rider did the same out of powerful curiosity.

In the middle of the horizon, was a island. From the distance they were at, it seemed rather small and tiny, but as they got all the closer, Frost realised it was the opposite. Of course, it had to be, in order for many dragons to live there. There seemed to be a large amount of green, and from this distance she could see small specks, dragons, flying about
His breathe came out in even waves of delirouenss. His mind was a hazy fog of sleep as he leaned forward his arms crossed as a makeshift blanket for his head. Zaranth was curled in the warm spot blew his stomach his own breathing rapid yet calm. Tiren and him had talked for an hour or so Tiren had told him. They talked about a myriad of things and yet Leon still didn't understand most of them Tiren said that in a few years he would one day understand. Leon had nodded and yawned and Tiren suggested that he lay against him. He had for a while before the wind kept getting in his face and before he knew it he was leaning against the white Dragon with Tiren's hand placed upon his back. He smiled at the thought and blushed before feeling a rough yet brisk shake. Licking his dry lips he leaned forward his mind still fuzzy with sleep and his body aching and his legs tired after being parted for so long. His eyes opened slowly and he slowly sat up his back popping and Zaranth waking up and chirping at him. The prickings of confusion coming from him.

"W-what happened?" Leon breathed out slowly and tired not to let the Sun get in his eyes with no avail.

Tiren yawned. "Look to your left. Welcome to Alverdine, land of Peace. It means council in elvish and don't worry, Leon, you'll learn Evlish. You're smart so it should come easy to you and Frost." Leon flushed at his compliment and shook himself awake at the mention of the name. Looking to his left he squinted his eyes and slowly gripped his Dragon in his arms. The warm body of his partner was soft and Leon felt Zaranth's neck rise up and purr at him.

The first thing he saw were the colors. Everywhere he looked he saw them and yet it was so beautiful he couldn't look away. Each color was different with each shade more prettier than the other. He saw blue, green, pink, grey, white, red and so many other colors that he couldn't name them all. All of them shone perfectly in the light and each glittered like a star on the clearest night. They were specks, but the closer he came the harder his heart began to pound. They all seemed so large and intimidating and yet here hie was; a child thrown into the ring with adults twice--no--four times his age. The second thing he saw where the buildings. They were larger than anything he had ever seen before and made his own village look like a kitchen in comparison. His mind began to wander and slowly he remembered the books he read and the images that were held within them. They were castle like with large platforms on each of them. Tiren had told them that those were the places where the Dragons were held and he smiled at the memory.

Feeling the shift in flight, Leon felt his stomach drop slightly as Alden began his descent. Zaranth on the other hand opened his maw and began to roar--or something like it-- in surprise and excitement as the wings slowly curled up into the Great Beasts body. Leon swallowed down a pinch of air and felt his heart increase if that were possible and felt is mind....stop. It all seemed so unreal that he couldn't process it. Here he was Leon Tanner ready to become a Dragon Rider. Yesterday he had just been a simple farmers son and now here he was with the greatest honor being bestowed upon him. He smiled to himself and felt the pride in his fathers gaze.

Tiren picked up the saddle reigns in his hands and motioned for Leon to grip them too. Leon did and smiled as the rough straps were seated within his palms. "You ready, Leon?" He nodded. "Alright, we're going to drop, but I want you to stay calm. It's going to be a little fast, but Alden knows what he's doing. See that clearing in the distance. That's where the Dragons usually land...it's empty now thank the gods, so we should have a safe, uh, gentle landing..."

Leon sucked in a deep breathed and whispered, "I'm ready..." He closed his eyes and grit his teeth as Tiren nodded and almost at once their speed increased and Leon know knew what a bird felt like dropping in on it's prey. They went faster and faster with the wind blowing against their faces and his eyes watering and yet he still closed them and felt the dreading pit in his stomach yet a smile came upon his face. he felt something pass by them and opened his eyes to see a flash of green swiftly climb next to them and vanish behind them. He smiled in amazement and looked in front to see the field in front of them. T

Frosts eyes had been opened to a whole new world of bright colours and fantastic experiences, yet she hadn't even got down onto the ground yet. Both she and her dragon watched and admired the island, and the amazing creatures that lived there. She was in complete awe of the place, of its buildings and wildlife, and of the people, the riders and their scaled companions, whole lived on the island, vowing to protect their world on the backs of creatures who were so picky about their rider. But it was clear that the dragons knew who would suit them, who would love them and who would fight along side them best. They only chose the ones of bravery, and intelligence, people who knew how to face fire and fight it, or at least, thats what she had seen in Mira. But she was still frightened that she wouldn't be good enough, that they'd take Ash from her and send her home.

She knew that if that happened, she'd probably not continue to live long. Even though she and Ash had only been bonded for a while, Frost already had no idea how she'd cope if the little ones presence in her mind suddenly vanished. She was pulled from her thoughts as said hatchling snuggled against her, watching her with wide eyes, obviously feeling her fear and trying to assure her rider that it would all be ok, that Ash herself had chosen well.

It was all too soon that Mira warned her of what would now happen, and looked down to watch Alden land, taking note of the great speed that the other dragon had landed in, and how he had slowed to land. Even so, she still wasn't ready when Aziel tilted down, great wings tucking to her sides, as she dove toward a space beside Alden, where she would land. Frost ducked her head and held Ash close as the wind whipped past them, and then squeaked as they suddenly slowed, as Aziel opened her wings, and fluttered to land.

After a moment, the large dragon knelt down, in order to allow both her riders off, and Frost practically fell off, holding Ash tightly in her grip. Once her feet had touched back on the ground, and she had gotten her bearings, she slowly approached the dragons head, "T-Thank you Aziel"
With a great jolt Alden landed smoothly, his wings brushing the air and whipping up blades of grass and dirt before settling with a great mumble. Tiren sighed and slumped forward leaning his body on Leon, who in turn blushed, and patted him on the shoulder. Without a word he sat up and slid down using his legs to brace himself and landed with a thump on the mud which in turn stained his boots. He scowled at that and tried not to focus on it. Leon sat there trembling and yet motionless and jumped as Zaranth nipped his hand. Leon muttered a thank you and slowly gripped his Dragon in his arms and slid his legs ove the saddle and slid down. This time the pit of his stomach wasn't so bad after experiencing....that.

Tiren caught him and slowly motioned him to sit up. With two hands on both shoulder he gave Leon a warm smile and moved towards his Dragon. Leon turned as Tiren had his moment and once he was done he went towards the Great Beast himself. Slowly he stood next to him and flinched a great blue eye swirled toward him with ease and a great purr filled the air. Leon stood there motionless before raising a hand and touching his hide. It was warm. Warmer than any other creature he had ever touched and he smiled as Zaranth sniffed at Alden. "Thank you for the flight..." Alden closed his eye slowly like a cat and dipped his head. With a quick movement he turned away and lapped at the stream before settling down.

Stepping away Leon turned to see Tiren talking to Mira. They were both in a heated discussion all form of simplicity gone as they argued about...something. Zaranth cocked his head as he watched the Purple Dragon before jumping down from Leon's arms and standing next to him. Leon took the moment to size him up and noticed that he was about the size of a house cat. Slight bigger with the wings, but the same size nevertheless. Zaranth looked at him in defiance and swiped his tail across the ground. Leon felt the pressings of happiness coming from him. Leon rolled his eyes and slowly walked to Frost.

"How was the flight?" Leon stood next to her with Zaranth at his heels. He noted that since the beginning of this...journey that he and Frost hadn't had much time together alone. Leon wanted to be friends with her, but he didn't really know how. He decided to start with formalities first.
Frost smiled as the other dragon landed, and watched Leon quietly. In her arms, Ash wiggled around, shuffling and climbing up Frost's arm, fluttering her little wings, as she settled contently onto the girls shoulder, for a better, taller view of the world. To Frost it felt odd to be back on the ground after so long, and her legs kept wobbling beneath her as she attempted to keep her balance, getting used to the floor once more. Whilst being on the ground was natural to her, she was already excited for the day when she and Ash could fly together in the sky, but she supposed that Ash would have to grow a bit, or a lot, before that could happen, and she was unsure how long it would take.

On her shoulder, Frost could feel Ash's purrs, her warm body pressed against Frost's pale, cool neck, and her claws out and pressing into Frosts shoulder, in order to keep her own balance on her rider-perch. Spotting Zaranth, Ash chirped from her rider-perch, and did the same as the other hatchling, crawling down her riders back before landing gracefully on the floor. The little scaled beast decided to sit upon one of Frost's shoes for now, watching the other hatchling curiously.

Frost herself jumped as Leon spoke, and nodded quietly to him, "It was…different." She replied, "But enjoyable. You?" She asked, looking at him with her red eyes
"It was weird to be honest. I mean flying, actually flying was an amazing experience..." his breathe left him as he watched a bird flutter by. It's wings picked up on the sun and left a blue trail across his mind as it passed over them. "Do you think that'll be us someday? You know, flying our Dragons at gods knows how fast?" he left it at that watching the clouds as they drifted by. Each had a distinct marking on it weather it be the shape of an animal of some sort or a mist like appearance. Either way it was nice to look at them and actually know what they were made out of.

Zaranth purred at the ground next to him. His tiny claws digging into the earth and swishing his tail as the wind passed over them. Leon shivered slightly before looking around. They were in a small field. There were no markings of anything weird about it except for the trees that surrounded them at all sides. It was barren at the least and somewhat lacking in surprise. Either way Leon didn't question it and tried not to focus on the darkness of the trees that covered the edge of his vision. He licked his lips and thought about something else at least for a moment.

"What do you'll think will happen now that we're here?" he asked with a frown.

Watching the little Dragon at his feet he watched Ash for a moment admiring her beauty. He thought about mentioning it to Frost, but decided to say nothing.

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