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Inheritance Cycle - 1x1


Ten Thousand Club
Frost Storm

(Kinda like this. Sorry for the anime image. Couldn't find the right real one…)


Frost Storm


None. Occasionally Frostbite




Born 12th December 1999, fifteen years old




Unknown. Far Underweight

:Skin Color:

Pale skin that seems to never be affected by the sun, except being easily burnt by it


Frost is generally a quiet, gentle person who believes that everyone has a good side, and that everyone can be talked out of doing wrong, for there should be no need for violence. She will defend anyone with her life, and believes herself worthless in comparison to most others, the exception being those who harm her friends and other people. Frost is very intelligent, but hides it behind her quiet exterior. She has hardly any friends at all, most believing her the spawn of the devil for being albino, and thus having red eyes.


~Frost cannot be in the light for too long, as her pale skin is easily affected by heat and light, and can cause sunburn and dehydration quicker than normal.

~Frost has a strong sense of loyalty to friends, and will die for them

~Frost prefers to be alone


~Survival. Living alone most of her life has taught her the basics

~Trust. Frost trusts no one without good reason, and can usually tell when lies are made

~Acting. Frost is a good actor, as she uses her skills to beg for food occasionally, pretending she has a little brother










-Hatches when her rider finds her-


A small type of dragon, around the size of a single-decker bus



:Scale Color:

Pitch black, with fiery wisp-like patterns, which glow when she is building up fire.


Much like her rider, Ash is a quiet creature. However, she is not one to be as peaceful as Frost, and will do anything in her power to save someone, or fight back. Often this creates a argument between the dragon and the rider, yet they always seem to resolve it quickly. Ash is overprotective of her rider, and often disobeys her rider if it will put Frost in definite danger,


~Her fire is unstable, and she tends to accidentally set light to things

~Ash has a strong sense of loyalty to friends, and will die for them


~Flight. Ash is very swift and agile in the air.

~Firebreathing. Whilst this sometimes gets out of hand, she can create fires well.

Leon Quentin Gretch



Leon Quentin Gretch






Born on March 15, 1998 he is currently sixteen years old.




120.0 lbs

:Skin Color:

Light brown that gets a shade darker as he gradually starts to go outside more.


Leon is generally a very kind person towards others. To much of the world he seems to be a very reserved boy who likes to keep to himself and not bother others. Despite common belief Leon is not shy and will approach others if he feels the need to with little to no trouble at all. As much as he tries to help it Leon can be very moody at times leading people to not want to be bothered with him. One of the top people in his class Leon is a very smart and is capable of taking care of himself, but sometimes he can lack common sense sometimes forgetting things and making them harder than need to be despite his persistence.


~Leon has a bit of a temper when challenged and can be moody and unreasonable.

~He will judge others, but he tries not to.

~He is very prideful and self



~Talking to people

~Ability to think under pressure











Still a hatchling at this time.


Currently 9'7"



:Scale Color:

Red with flecks of lightish red covering his body he gleams in the light like his father and whenever the light touches him the walls are adorned with art of red patches. His eyes are a pale yellow with cat like slits with ornage flecks within them and the horns on his head are spiral shaped and are tapered to a fine point. They are pristine white due to the constant grooming done by Leon.


As like all dragons Zaranth is vain to a point. His apperence his one of his strongest points due to the symmetrical balance of his head and the finely shaped scales that he wears. He prefers the grooming of Leon only due to the fact that he trusts no one else to touch him. He is prone to have a bit of anger s and once he gets angry Leon is the only one who can calm him. He hates apologizing and being considered lesser than someone else and uses his intelligence to trick others. He is cunning and clever and an exact opposite of Leon and will do anything to get what he wants and will manipulate others if he sees them as a threat towards Leon. He acts distant from Leon, but is the first to defend him and always has an eye on him wheater he be in the sky or hiding. He will not lose his human partner to blood.


~Very superfical


~Somewhat cold to others


~He is caring towards those he loves

~He is great with words and offers wisdom to others when needed.


~Ariel tactics and strategy
The ride to the village is bumpy and filled with the ever constant sound of hooves clacking on the ground. The smell coming from the horses is pungent and Leon can tell by the way he way the horses fling the mud that he may have to clean them afterwords. The brown and white pinto underneath him is smaller than the others and he can feel the way she heaves as she tries to gain back some ground with a pace that becomes a little faster as the time drags on.

His father is sitting close in front of him riding, Shock, the largest of the horses of their barn and he can tell by the agitated way his father is sitting that he's tense about something. Leon frowns to himself and sighs. Of course he would, of all days this was the time when the dragon riders would be coming. His never understood his father's antagonism toward them despite how many times he's tried to ask. It's always been the same answer and the same way of response. A glare and a wave of a hand in which it meant to leave him be to his work.

Leon stares at his father for a moment before looking down at the brown and white stirpes that adorn his horses mane.He pats it twice to let her know that's he's still there with her and not off to Wonderland. Trixie snorts and quickens her pace until she's side by side with his father.

Aster Gretchson is a man of tall stature and an even taller personality. He works deftly and quickly and makes sure everything is alright with him. His temper is one to be feared above all else, but Leon loves him all the same. Aster looks at him with a tight smile before nodding his head towards the village gates. Their presence is common knowledge to all the people of, BornHold, and even before their close the gates open with a loud clack and stirring of wheels. The soldiers nod at them as the pass under their wary eyes and Leon shivers as he meets one of them. He quickly looks away and notes the emptiness around the city.

His father notices it too, but he doesn't make it very clear at first. Leon can tell by the way he tenses and he looks around at the empty streets. Leon knows what's happening even if he wasn't there to see it. The day of Hatching is a day in which every child dreams of. Hell, even he too dreamed about it. Riding an awesome creature such as a dragon is a powerful image to behold even in the mind's eye. Leon swallows back down excitement as his father veers towards the left to the inner city.

He can hear them by now. The cautious whispers and yells that occasionally break the silence makes him smile a bit, but quickly vanishes as his father looks over him to stare at something. "Are you excited?" Aster's voice is tired and old and Leon can't help, but feel sad.

Leon nods slowly without answering until finally the silence presses against him. "Y-yeah. I'm ready if they choose me..." Aster looks at him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"She would be proud of you." Leon grits his teeth tightly and nods without speaking. He remembers the stories his father used to tell him about her, his mother. Lily Volatina rider of the proud Primith. Leon swallows hard to remember the words that once flowed over him from his father and he smiles.

"I know."
The meadows surrounding the town were silent and peaceful, birds gently chirping to each other in the trees as they communicated. Below them, a young girl, with pale skin and red eyes, watched the feathered beings, in the dark shade of a large, healthy tree. She liked it here. The sight and smell of nature, of the flowers, calmed the teen. She wished, as she watched the birds, that she was one of them, able to fly upon wings, able to see the peaceful land from far up high.

But she wouldn't be lucky. She was a human, a shy, different human, with no family, no friends and no true place to call her own. For months now, maybe even years, she had been living with Lillian, a kind, old woman, who looked after the younger. True, the girl was made to work, helping on the nearby farms, collecting eggs from chickens, milking cows and grooming horses, but she had a roof over her head none the less, which was more than she had had before.

Her parents had died when she was young, 5 years old at the most. She barely remembered them, or her older brother, who had moved away at 11, and she had never seen, nor heard of him since.

So, as she started slowly walking through those peaceful meadow fields, she began to think. The hatching ceremony was today and, whilst she doubted that any sane dragon egg would choose her, she was still hopeful. Because a dragon would change her life, set her free. She could finally fly in the sky, finally have a friend, a companion that she had waited all her life for. But she once more doubted that she would be claimed by a beast so beautiful, so majestic. Maybe Timothy from the bakers would get the dragon, or Mira, the prettiest girl in the town.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she wandered into the town, facing the floor as she ignored the gazes of the soldiers. She can hear the excited whispers of children and adults alike, as they awaited the time of the choosing.

Pushing herself through the large crowd that had gathered at the town centre, the girl moved to the edge, finding a spot where she could see the proceedings, and watched.
By the time the horses are tethered to a nearby stable which to his father's surprise cost about three coins. Leon laughed as his father grumbled to himself pulling out the coins and tossing it in the elderly woman's hand with a grunt. The crowd around them pulsated with excitement and anticipation and Leon could see the youngsters like himself talking among each other laughing and betting about who would be chosen. The smell of roast pig reached his nostrils, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to afford it with the meager allowance he had. Plus his father had already fed him a special dinner of his own special roast pig which was bigger as Leon looked at it closely.

Standing near the center of the crowd Leon stood next to a ragged building that looked lopsided as he stared at it form his perspective. He watched as his father greeted old friends, happily clapping them on the back and roaring with laughter at a joke, as if all his anxiety was gone. Though Leon could see his father look at him occasionally to check on him. Leon smiled to himself and watched the skies.

Pale blue and covered with frosting of clouds it was a bright day for the Summer of Bornhold. The birds chirped faintly in the distance and the horses whined from the left as they ate and were petted by the children. People passed by one another smiling and talking and staring at the sky like him before moving on to the next station. For once Leon was grateful of this day. After a long Winter of toil or the pressing cold he and everyone else wanted to make this day last as long as they could. Sometimes a celebration might even go on for days if the time was right. Leon looked to his left as a small blue bird crouched closer to him and tilted it's head quickly before fluttering off.

It was a good day to be here despite the tension in the air.

No matter how hard he looked at it he could see it. From the way people whispered to even the kids glancing at the stronger and tougher looking kids he could tell that competition was tight. Leon narrowed his eyes as he watched a group of young men talk to one another n a tight circle. Their ringleader, a taller boy of age 21, was gesturing to the skies wildly and barking things at the shorter ones. They shrank under his gaze, but nodded nonetheless.

The beating of wings caught his attention and almost at once everyone went silent. For a heartbeat the sky was clear even as everyone turned to stare at it, but finally someone screamed.

"There! A purple dragon above the roof!" At once everyone went wild with shouts of love and praise and Leon watched in awe as the dragon circled them and slowly another one appeared from above the clouds and dipped down lightly towards them. Everyone scattered to make way for them and Leon stood as he gazed at the Purple dragon and the new White one land delicatly leading up a swarm of dust that covered everyone.

"People of BornHold, hello!" A man's voice pierced the shocked silence. "My name is Tiren and this is my partner Waveva. The other rider before me is Mira and her white dragon Virnera. I hope you have some food with you!" The man was handsome and lean with a tough build. His voice was smooth against the public and unlike the ringleader he had kind eyes and a dark brown hair. He caught Leon's eye and winked as his partner, a woman with shoulder length black hair and piercing blue eyes and with a beauty no one seemed to match waved at them all. Behind her was a pouch and Leon could feel everyone's gaze on it. Mira smirked and tilted her head before landing on the ground with a graceful swoop and put a hand on her hip.

"What, no welcome?"
Frost watched as people moved too and fro, collecting food and chatting away excitedly. She was awed by just how many people had come to the event, but then, she supposed, it was a life changing moment that no one would wish to miss. She looked longingly at the stands that sold food, but shook her head to herself. She didn't have enough money to buy anything, and she stopped hoping, instead turning back to the crowd as they spoke, listening to the loud and excited conversations of the many people around her.

Staying where she was, Frost watched as children, too young to be chosen, ran about their parents feet, arms outstretched and flapping like a bird in flight. It took the girl a few moments to realise they were pretending to be dragons, as one let out a loud yell of 'ROAR' and flew at another, giggling and smiling as the other ran away.

The adults for once didn't tell the children off, allowing them to be happy and to run about. She supposed it was because nothing could ever go wrong, not on that day. But Frost was more wary. Dragons, no matter how well trained, usually brought trouble with them, and that possibility of danger made the albinos heart race. Later she would realise it was beating in excitement and anticipation. Tilting her head up, she gazed up at the sky, the warm sun shining down upon her as she wondered what would happen that day, who would be chosen.

So, she kept watching the people around her. A group of teens was stood in a tight circle, a older man seeming to be ordering them to do something, as they nodded sadly. Maybe he was actually telling them off. Whatever they were doing, it seemed suspicious, as if one of them knew what would happen if their leader didn't become a rider. She felt sorry for the boys, but not sorry enough to go over and speak. She refused to speak to anyone anymore, and thus stayed settled where she stood.

And then, out of nowhere it seemed, two large dragons appeared, the beating of their wings bringing up dust from the dirt floor of the town. She watched as they landed, and stared at their riders as they spoke.

She noted the bag, but was far more interested on the flying creatures that the riders sat upon. They were beautiful, magical beings, and she loved them already, wishing she could fly on the back of one
Leon blushed as did every guy around him. Mira was a woman high standard and by the looks of it she knew it herself. With her high cheekbones and curved nose she looked like a goddess among them. Leon could feel the tension from among the women as they stared at her with blatant jealously. Mira smirked showing her white teeth brushed a strand of hair back before gazing at the crowd.

A rumble erupted from sound them making everyone gasp and turn their heads glancing in every direction before watching the great white dragon turn it's head toward them. It's scales shone brightly against the Sun making him look like a gem. The colors of silver and white reflected greatly burning across their minds shining across the buildings making splotches of crystal. Leon heard the sweet gasps of children as they tried to touch the spots on the walls. The dragon's throat was curved and lean and beautiful with it's muscles retracting visibly as it swallowed.

"He's beautiful..." A whisper came from no where seemingly voicing everyone's thoughts.

"Here's how it's going to go," Tiren's amused took place. "I want the strongest youngsters up in a line. I don't like to pick and choose so we're going to give you each a chance to try and prove you're worth." Tiren smiled slowly as he took in the gaze of everyone as if he loved being center of attention. He blinked holding everyone's eyes and then waved his hand as if to motion them.

Almost at once everyone drew forward, elders and children alike, but with a quick growl from the White dragon they stepped back and stood in the shadows of the building to escape from the Sun's piercing rays. The line that formed was ragged and uneven. Boys and girls of all sizes and races stood vying for a spot to impress the eggs. Leon stood back and stood on his tiptoes to watch as Mira climbed on her dragon's back (her dragon had bent down to give her leverage) and stepped back down with the sack in tow. The sack itself was boring in view. Brown and ragged though Leon could see the color of the eggs peeking through as if they were shining. A wave of excitement spread through the crowd.

With a quick glance and wink at Tiren, Mira opened the sack and placed the dragon eggs on her white beasts' forepaws. The dragon raised his head as if protecting them causing two boys two step out of line and to walk away silently. They were frowned upon by the others and laughed at by the children. The Purple dragon sat back in the shadows monitoring the ceremony with a careful eye that looked of silver and gold. She only ever blinked when someone had failed.

One by one the line grew shorter and shorter and the faces of the Dragon Riders became more and more solemn. Some ran away in shock and others began to cry. The few who remained strong simply shrugged their shoulders and walked away though Leon could see the shame in their eyes as the reality hit them.

They weren't good enough.

Leon couldn't see the eggs clearly, but he knew that they beautiful as was the rumors of all dragon eggs. Slowly, but surely the line soon grew short to the extent that their were two left and soon they too were unable to impress the eggs.

Tiren stood scratching his head and glanced back at Mira who in turn stared back at him. "Are none of you Dragon Rider worthy?" His voice shook the clearing. "Isn't there someone here who can impress these two eggs?"

Leon turned as did everyone else in shame and embarrassment. Suddenly a man's voice boomed out among the silence cutting through it as if it were a knife. "My son can. Leon Gretcher, sir. If there's anyone who can impress a dragon it's my boy." He felt his heart stop beating in his cheast almost at once. His mind went numb as he turned to stare at his father who stood proudly against the shocked expressions and the silent chuckles. He blinked before turning towards Leon. Theuir eyes meeting and in a silent agreement and Tiren smiled hesitantly.

"Alright then! Good father kid!" Tiren motioned him upwards with a swift hand.

"Wait!" Mira stopped Tiren who narrowed his eyes at her. "We need another one. This is the only village available at this time and we need another child." She scanned the crowd and rolled her eyes at the waving hands before stopping and smiling. "You there! Yes, you with the white hair come here! It's about time you showed yourself."
Frost simply watched in awe of the creature before her, the dragons. They were both beautiful, their scales shining brightly in the sunlight. She giggled as she watched children frantically chase the shimmering light that reflected onto the nearby walls, as if was the most precious of gems to hold. She watched the disappointment that showed on their faces when they finally touched the light, only to find it wasn't what they believed, as it shone onto their hands.

The girls head shot up as one of the riders spoke, and once again watched as everyone scrambled to get to the front of the line, only for the white dragon, the majestic, intelligent white dragon, to growl lowly, warning children and elders away. The girl shook her head silently, for she knew that children would likely get another chance someday, and that elders would not be fit enough to ride on a dragon, and were more likely to fall in battle than to live long, which would be a waste of a dragon and a rider, she thought coldly.

She surveyed the eager ones who were allowed to stay in the ragged line. She, however, stayed put, not believing herself good enough. And, as the line began to shorten, as the people were turned away by the eggs, a slight glimmer of hope was destroyed in Frost. If those good people could not get a egg to respond, what chance did she have.

And, when the line was finally finished, she lowered her head and stared at the floor. This town, full of good, and bad, people, had not been enough to impress either of the eggs that the rider held.

She lowered her head as the male rider spoke, suddenly feeling guilty. Guilty that no one here had been able to claim the eggs, that the eggs would be left riderless for a long time now.

But then that glimmer of hope reappeared, when a father offered his son. Her eyes moved over to him, unsure of who he was. She had seen him before, but had never spoken to him, never introduced herself to him, and watched instead as he walked up to the riders, looking hesitant yet excited.

And then the worst thing happened. The rider beckoned over to Frost. The girl stilled for a moment, as all eyes turned onto her, a few scowling and muttering, whilst a few of the children smiled and gave her whispers of encouragement. Children were innocent beings, she thought, but they would grow, and their parents would tell them of the bad things in the world. And so, with a wariness that she tried to hide, Frost slowly moved to stand beside the boy, "H-Hello" She mumbled to him.
Leon tried to form a polite reply, but was silenced by a look from Tiren. Instead he glanced at the girl next to him and smiled softly giving her soft reassurance even as his own heart was thudding widely in his chest. Tiren seemed to have noticed and gave him a nod while Mira simply watched from her post beside the eggs. Slowly her and Tiren looked them over, assessing them as potential Riders, and by a single nod from Mira they both smiled softly though Leon could see the doubt in their eyes. Leon felt a prickle of anger and imagined stomping up to the eggs and touching them and glaring right into their faces as he did. But reality was true to him and instead he could only stare at the eggs gleaming from the dragons paw.


and shining they were both beautiful to behold. He could feel the breathe seize up in his throat as he tried not to blink thinking that the image would be ruined. The left egg was a deep red encased in a shiny like gel that gleamed in the sun. Ridges of gold sparkled form it and seem to flow in waves as he breathed. It seemed to have a webbing pattern on it that dove down from the top to bottom.

The other was pure black in color and edges. It seemed to be dimmer than the other one instead of having a shine to it it seemed to be glowing like the embers of a fire. There seemed to be cracks in it and as Leon looked closer he could see that they were glowing like lava and that they too glowed faintly in the bright rays of the Sun.

Both were stunning to behold yet the truth was shaking him to the core. What if they didn't hatch? He knew that they would both be surrounded by laughter and both would have to face the disappointing faces of their peers and parents. Leon furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of the Dragon Riders and their knowing looks they gave to one another. With a set jaw he was determined to prove them wrong and to show them that he too could be worthy of the dragons. Both children were small in comparison to the other people who had come up, but he knew that they would prove them wrong if not everyone else.

"Well, what are waiting for?" Tiren's tired voice shook him out of his thoughts. "It's alright if you don't want to do it....We'll understand." Leon swallowed back down the fear that drove him and stepped forward under the watchful eyes of the Purple dragon. He tried to ignore it, but couldn't help but glance her way as she shifted on her paws and titled her head at both of them. It was the first sign of movement she had sown since the ceremony began...was that a good sign?

Focused as he was he tried not to be intimidated by the size of the White dragon who breathed out heavily. As if a gusty wind blew his way he was encased in the smell of smoke and coughed as he narrowed his eyes and ignored him. The soft rumbling began, but he shook his head. As the eggs came into closer view he paused quickly before choosing. There was no choose in the decision except for the determination that drove him to prove them wrong.

The small red egg wasn't large, but it was about the size of his head if he did the correct measures. He paused underneath the neck of the White dragon and held his breathe as the town was quieted in tension. Reaching out his hand he held his breathe and paused midair. Closing his eyes he swallowed back the bile that rose in his throat and ignored the Purple dragon leaning closer and closer until he touched it.

And nothing happened.

Until the first crack appeared.

Ignoring the lack of response from the other, Frost watched the dragons and their riders instead. She noticed that, whilst the riders were smiling away, trying to reassure the two last people that the eggs could chose, she saw the doubt in their eyes. She realized that they were trying to keep their hopes up, for Frost and the boy beside her were the last two people, and the last two hopes for the eggs. She absently wondered what would happen if they didn't manage to help the eggs, if the eggs didn't hatch at their touch. What then? Would the eggs be stored, taken out again in a few years to pick their riders once more? Or would the eggs die, riderless?

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she watched the eggs quietly, Her eyes were immediately drawn to the smaller egg, and she took in each and every detail that it held. The darkness of its surface was lit by the small crack like patterns, that seemed to glow like flowing lava. It was half the size of the other egg, and seemed dwarfed by it, but Frost just seemed to know that the dragon curled inside would likely be a great creature.

She then looked to the other egg, but it didn't draw her attention as much as the other. Red and gold gleamed upon it, a shiny gel like substance encasing it. Whilst it looked magnificent, she wasn't sure that she and that dragon would get along as rider and dragon.

But, whilst they were both beautiful, Frost was worried. If these eggs didn't hatch because of them, then what? Both she and the boy would be laughed at. and would have to return to their disappointed guardians. And, whilst her guardian wasn't in the crowd. likely at home baking, she would likely hear of it in a short time.

She jumped slightly as the rider spoke, and gave a shy, embarrassed smile. She wished to try, she really did now, but she allowed the boy beside her to go first. Watching as he moved to the red and gold egg, she held her breath as he placed his hand upon it. A few precious seconds passed, and a crack was heard/

Slightly encouraged by his victory, Frost moved to the eggs warily, swallowing in fear that this wouldn't work. She stood in front of the unhatched egg, the lava cracked one, and reached forward, brushing her fingers over the smooth surface, holding her breath in hope.

And then, after a few seconds, that egg also cracked
Shocked silence swept through the crowd quieting the snickers and doubtful mumbles as the egg rocked back and forth. Leon could hear the small tapping sound as the egg shell broke away slowly a reddish nose poking through before vanishing into the tiny darkness. His mind felt numb and his hands were plastered to his sides in shock and as much as he wanted the reassurance of his father he couldn't bear to turn his gaze away from the egg who's cracks were now growing prominent. Slowly but surely the cracks increased until Leon tore his gaze away to glance at the Riders to his left, but turned quickly as a growl broke through the silence. A woman shriek in the distance, but she was shushed by the waiting crowd.

At first there the egg stopped moving...so much that Mira had taken a step forward until with a shrieking roar the size of a kitten mewing the eggshells burst from the dragon's paws and fell slowly to the ground flashing in the light and then dimming softly as if their purpose was finished. Looking down Leon tried to look up. His face was frozen in his suspended terror and his mind was racing with the thought of what he might see. A soft chirping sound brought him back and he slowly looked up. His eyes tracing the dragon's paw until finally he saw it.

Curious amber eyes stared at him with flecks of gold reflecting his curiosity. The cat like pupils were large and wide staring at him with no inhibition. The gaze was intense and powerful and so focused that Leon could do nothing, but stare back at him. It opened it's mouth so that Leon could see the ridges lines of blade sharp teeth and the long blackish tongue as it yawned and slowly cocked it's head. Shiny red scales covered it's body so that every time it moved a reflection of red sparkled across his eyes and his clothes as if it were a living ruby. It's wings were weak and fragile looking and were plastered to it's side by a sticky residue while it's tail was curled around it's body. The two white stubs on it's head seemed like that was what helped it escape it's prison.

All in all this was it. This was
his dragon. No one else's, but his...

Slowly the red dragon nudged forward and Leon stepped back. It flinched back as if hurt and looked away and Leon heard the sharp intake of breathe behind him and Tiren mutter a reassurance and that he was just scared. It tried again, but this time Leon was ready. Slowly he raised his hand and stepped forward, but at the last moment he turned away and closed his eyes. Before it hit him he had felt the smooth head that had leaned forward the last few inches to meet his.

Cold water hit him with such fury that he was blinded by the light of Sun in all it's glory. Darkness covered his vision as he tried to bat away the iciness that swept into his body and paralyzed him. His senses were complete and new and everything smelled fresher than before, but it ended as suddenly his lungs felt that they were on fire. He couldn't breathe, move, and or even look without feeling as though his skin was being pulled away. As he fought and as he lost he felt something else with him. It was hard to distinguish what it was, but slowly it grew bigger and

bigger...shielding him....protecting him...loving him...He breathed in through the darkness and felt as if something was burrowed in his mind. A soft, pinkish, yet aggressive light was burrowing itself in him....and he didn't care. He wanted it to be there as it was...So he embraced it and so did...

He was brought back by the shaking of his body. He was staring into the sky with his mouth in a silent scream and his hand touching the Red dragon. He let his body sag and felt his head snap to his chest and heard the frightened whispers of the others in the background. Swallowing back the dryness in his throat he coughed and looked up. His dragon was looking at him with a soft expression. His eyes were soft ad loving and caring and Leon felt the tears well up in his eyes.

He was one with a Dragon.

Frost barely noticed the shocked silence of the crowd behind the two, too focussed on the egg, her egg, her dragon. She watched with wide red eyes as her tiny egg rocked slightly, seemed to shudder, and cracked again. Something was fighting to get out of her little egg, and it fascinated her. She watched as a small piece of the egg fell away, revealing what looked like a tiny snout, which seemed to sniff the air, before retreating back into the egg. The being seemed to continue making its way out, pieces of the egg finally shattering away to reveal the dragon inside.

She was momentarily blinded by a fire like light that encompassed the remains of the egg, as if the tiny dragon inside was burning it away in its fight to get out. She turned her gaze to the floor, scared yet excited. A soft chirp broke the quiet that followed the light, and her eyes slowly rose to meet those of her dragons. She watched its paws for a moment, tiny, delicate toes that tried to grip the floor as it got used to the outside world, tiny claws like small razors.

But, as she lifted her head further, she met them. Bright golden eyes met her red ones, like burning stars in the dark nights sky. Adorable, large black pupils stared into her eyes, like a curious puppy begging to play. But the dragons gaze was filled with burning power, and strength, and Frost was momentarily frozen by the sight. The tiny creature contently ran its forked tongue over sharp teeth, watching the human in front of it with complete curiosity. Tiny black scales covered its lithe body, with crack like blazes of a lava colour, that seemed to glow. They ran down the creatures front, down its belly and under its tail, webbing over the membranes of the dragons tiny, fragile wings that were stuck to its body with a sticky, clear substance.

This was
her dragon, and it was beautiful.

Frost hadn't noticed that the tiny creature had moved closer until it let out a sharp clicking noise, in order to gain her attention. It reached its head out hopefully, and Frost responded by reaching out her own hand, hesitating for only a second before she reached close to the little creature, who pushed its head forward to meet her hand.

Cold ice hit Frost hard, encasing her in a darkness that she could see nothing through. She found she couldn't move, seemingly paralysed by the ice that seemed to surround her. All of a sudden everything around her seemed to sharpen, the sounds, the smells, her senses reborn. She felt lost, the new sensations burning her. But like that it was over. Something had taken the cold away, encasing her in warmth, in caring and love. It seemed to encompass her, and she allowed it to, closing her eyes.

Frost was breathing hard when she returned to the world, body shaking and eyes snapping open to see the bright sun, only to close again as she let her head fall to her chest, smiling slightly. Her hand, still gently against her dragons head, reminded her of what had happened, and looked up, finding the same warmth in the young dragons eyes.

This was her dragon. And they were one
The roar of the crowd woke him from his bond with the tiny Red Dragon, so much that he flinched back and hissed at the noise. He looked over the girl's side and smiled as he saw the tiny dragon she was now tied to. Her face was a mixture of happiness and the slight shock of the bond as was his and with a shudder he remembered the blackness that surrounded him earlier. The Red Dragon narrowed his eyes and glared at the crowd, but softened as Leon puta hand under his snout and rubbed. Before he could say anything Leon felt a strong hand on his shoulder turning him around to face the crowd. He had a chance to glance at the white haired girl next to him and saw the Mira had spun her around also to face the eager crowd.

His Dragon growled in protest and Leon made a gasping sound as he felt a prickle of anger seep into him. He tried to turn his head to see where is came from, but before he could do anything he heard the loud and commanding voice of Tiren calling the crowd to silence. It took a few minutes for them to settle down, but Leon could see the glimmer and respect in their eyes and the profoundness of others. Searching for his father he saw the old man watching him. His mouth was pulled back in a tight smile and his eyes were gleaming as if trying not to cry. He mouthed, "I love you." and Leon swallowed back a dry sob.

"People of BornHall! I present to you, The Rider of Red," He nudged Leon forward. "And the Rider of Black! I hope this sits well with you for today is a joyous day for your village. For the next two hundred years The Dragon Riders will always and forever honor you and your willingness to help procreate a new generation of Dragon Riders!" Tiren's Purple dragon roared and let loose a sparkling array of red and orange fire that covered them.

"Now, before anything else we have to speak with our two youngsters about their dragons in private." Mira's voice cut through them, quick and playful. "You may continue the festivities." Without a moment to think about anything the White Dragons wings curled over them shielding them from view and at the cover Tiren and Mira led them to their dragons. The Dragon's White wing provided them the perfect shade curling everything around them in a milky white shadow.

"First off, congrats on your bond!" Tiren voice was different then before. It was more curt and quick as he talked to them....As if he didn't like top be proven wrong. "What are your names and who are you''re families?"

"Tiren calm down." Mira was more gentle with them. "You should be happy for them this is an experience that only few get to have." To emphasize her point she put her hand on the White Dragons leg. "I'm also curious. Where did you both come from?"

Leon began first, his gaze pointed directly at his Dragon as he fumbled over his words. "I-My name is Leon Gretch. I'm a farmer's son...my mom used to be a Dragon Rider, but she was killed in a battle 10 years ago. Her name was Marie Gretch and her dragon was Lilieon."

Frost flinched at the cheerful roar of the crowd that pulled her out of her daze, and she gave a soft whine. She gave a small smile to the other new rider, realising that the two had the same feelings, excitement and shock. She still wondered what the inky blackness was, why it was so icy and cold, until her dragon had appeared to warm her and keep her safe. The little black dragon clearly also didn't like the noise, and hissed loudly at them, startling a few people who were too close. Frost gently rubbed behind her little dragons tiny ears, smiling as the little creature purred, but could do no more as she was spun around by one of the riders.

Behind her she heard another low hiss, and she tensed as she felt anger and sadness suddenly appear in her mind. Before she could turn her head to look behind her, she was stilled by the commanding voice of the male dragon rider. Her eyes searched the crowd for Lillian, and finally noticed her guardian at the back. She was openly crying, and gave a small wave and smile as she noticed Frost's gaze on her, clearly proud of the new dragon rider.

She smiled softly as she was nudged forward. She liked that, being the rider of black. It sounded dark and mysterious, and she smiled softly, feeling shy to be standing in front of so many people, but couldn't care. She had her dragon now, bonded and safe.

She hardly noticed that anything was happening, until two large wings encompassed the sky, and she realised they were beneath the white dragons care. She twitched as the male rider quickly began to talk, wondering what to answer with. She had been told never to say who her parents were, yet here they were, asking for it.

She allowed the boy to go first, swallowing nervously, "M-My name is Frost Storm. My father was a dragon rider, Jack Tennant, and his dragon was Shadow. He and my mother died years ago." she said softly. They had been attacked when his father and Shadow had taken his mother on a flight on her birthday
Tiren nodded slowly at each. His gaze fell on each of them as they spoke, assessing them individually and finally watching how they held their dragons carefully in their arms. Leon felt a prickle of unease as Tiren's gaze fell upon him. His dark brown eyes scanning him up and down watching his movements and waiting for the perfect chance to do something. Leon shivered. To do what? He breathed in quickly through his nose swallowing down the dryness that collected in his throat. His dragon squirmed in his arms slowly trying to get comfortable and Leon, with a apologetic grin, shifted his arms until his Red sighed in content and closed its amber eyes slowly.

Feeling a wave of calm draw over him Leon felt his shoulders relax slowly. It prickled at the tip of his mind as if drawing him closer until he had a faint smile on his lips. Looking up he saw the faint trace of a grin on Tiren's face before glancing at Mira who was staring at the girl intently. Her face was drawn up in a confused frown and her lips twitched as if she itched to say something.

"That's odd don't you think? Two children of Dragon Riders?" She turned halfway after Frost finished. "Bit of an advantage, huh?" Her voice was uncertain yet cool.

Tiren was unconvinced. "It's fine. It just means that they have good blood. Besides, remember, dragons don't care about lineage." He said it with a smile before coughing in his throat. Leon watched as Mira blinked and turn to put a easy hand on her dragon's shoulder. He felt a low fill the air. "Now, what do you think we should tell them first?"

Mira put a hand on her waist. "I think we should have started with the names foremost. It's a bit rude to the babies don't you think?" Leon heard a low growl and shivered causing his Red to shift in his arms before settling again.

"Damn, forgot." Tiren cursed under his breathe causing Leon to smile."What's so funny? Do you already have a name picked out?" His voice was stern yet hearty with laughter.

"I don't know to be honest. What kinds of names do dragons have?" He felt that honestly would be best in this situation.
Frost could feel Mira's gaze on her as she finished speaking, and felt rather small under said gaze. Did she think she was lying? But then, she could be lying, but she wouldn't really know. She couldn't remember them that well, but she had been told by Lillian that Shadow had been a dragon, and that her father had been a rider. So it must be true…right? She sighed softly, getting rid of her doubting thoughts and instead shifting so that the little dragon in her arms was comfortable. She could feel a soft purr, and looked down, smiling slightly at the sight of her dragon resting its little head on her arm, eyes closed happily.

She felt the calm and the happiness next, and it made her smile slightly, as she allowed her body to relax slightly, though not by much. She was too excited at having a friend to completely relax, and instead she gently ran one finger over her little dragons scales, smiling at the soft warmth that radiated from them.

She flinched as she heard Mira speak, and looked up, as did the tiny dragon in her arms. Both looked alert, but then the dragon seemed to realise it was only Mira, and relaxed again, calming Frost.

She listened to them speak, noting how wary Mira acted, and how excited Tiren acted. They opposed each other in how they acted in the situation, with one taking things slowly, and one willing to jump ahead. She smiled slightly at the mention of names, and looked down at her little dragon, then back up at the other new rider when he spoke.

"O-One they like…O-One that s-suits them" She mumbled, thinking of names in her head for her little bundle of scales. Many fire names came to mind, but most didn't seem to suit the young dragon, and she wondered absently if the dragon was helping her think
Tiren looked from both children noting how sharply how soft they both held their dragons. It sent a thrill of nostalgia that went to his head. He remembered his own ceremony taking place and the thrill of it as he held the cracked egg and watched everyone's eyes glittering under the sun. The emotions of that day passed through everyone of them; anger, envy, and hope. He felt a silent chuckle reach from the bottom of his mind and smiled knowingly at his dragon.

"Well, that's true of course, but they need you're help also." He put a hand to his chin and bit his bottom lip thoughtfully. "I'll just give off a few off the top of my head...Alistar, Shade, Ulnar, Baran...Mira help me out here..." Leon could hear the frustrated sigh in his voice.

Mira narrowed her pale blue eyes and pushed the shock of brown hair out of her face. "Typical Tiren. There's Diego, Raiden, Saphira, Bristle, Mulken, and...Mash." Mira sent quick glance their way. "Of course there are more, but then that would take us hours to list them all. Hell, maybe even days."

"Found any you like?" Tiren brushed away Mira with a wave of his hand. "What about you Leon? Has your dragon showed any interest in those names?"

Leon blinked as both gazes fell upon him. Both Dragon Riders--Including himself and Frost--were staring at him expectantly as if he knew right off the bat which name he would have chosen. He felt a prickle of annoyance and looked down to see his Red blinking up at him. Well, the names his Red would chosen anyway. Hugging his Red tighter he licked his dry lips and held the tiny dragon up closer feeling the warmth pulsating from his scales and the strong beat of his heart.

"Alistar?" His Red snorted and a small wave of smoke drifted to his face. With a slight cough he breathed it away with a exhale. "Shade? Ulnar? Baran?" Each time he said a name aloud his dragon met everyone of his suggestions with a growl. Leon frowned trying to place his words correctly. His dragon sent bursts of dislike at each name and even went as far as to bristle in his arms. Noting this Leon wondered what kind of personality his Red would have in the future. So, far it seemed as if he would be a hard one to please.

"Well, I don't know." Leon deadpanned to his Red ignoring the looks to shock from the other. "What about Phiran? Or what about Zaranth-"

His words were met with an excited squeak as his dragon raised it's head and slender neck and nuzzled into him. Leon felt the happiness bubble up inside of him and swell as he thought the word out with ease. Zaranth...It felt...right. Somehow he found that this was the word he--his dragon had chosen to call himself. Zaranth blinked up at him and sent a wave of happiness rolling over him and cuddled into his shirt. Leon could already feel the bits of sweat prickling on his skin from the heat.

Tiren laughed and put a hand behind his neck. "I'll be damned...Not a bad name. Where did you get it from?" Both Mira and Tiren looked at one another.

Leon looked up from Zaranth and grinned sheepishly. "It's from a book I read a while ago. It was about a king who tried to save his land from invaders. Is that good?"

Tiren looked at Mira and then at him. "It's fine...It's just...It's a name of a....not so good dragon from a long time ago that's all. But anyway don't worry about it. I have a feeling that Zaranth will do good. Along with you and Frost here."

Mira seemed to study Leon with no clear expression before smiling. "He's right. What happened is in the past and not the present." She turned to look at Frost. "What about you?"
Frost barely listened to the riders speaking, though heard their suggestions, wincing at each. Most were male names, and the ones that were female sounding did not suit her little dragon at all. Instead she watched the little scales being as she purred and nuzzled against Frost, watching her rider expectantly with large golden eyes. Those golden orbs sent shivers down Frost's spine with the sheer power held in them, and she softly began to suggest names, even as Leon deadpanned his.

"Storm?" Was met with a shake of the head, "Midnight?" with an annoyed huff, "Flicker?" With a roll of golden eyes. As she suggested more names, the more intricate they became, until she was just spouting random words at her little dragon.

Finally she seemed to hit the right word, and the dragon nodded. Looking confused, Frost tilted her head, "Lilly?" She asked, remembering the last name she had said, and was met with a hiss. Frowning, she tried to remember what she had said before that, "Ash?" She asked once more, luckily for the final time.

The little creature in her arms cooed with joy at finally being named, and let out a few sparks from her mouth, making Frost giggle. She nodded, "Ash it is" She said softly.

She hadn't realised just how warm the area was getting, how her skin had started to tinge red as she began to overheat. Had she noticed, she would of cursed herself, her pale skin and odd features made her weak to the sun, easy to burn and easy to overheat and, eventually, collapse. But she was too focussed on her dragon to notice that.

She barely even noticed as she was asked something by Mira, and looked up, blinking, "A-Ash" She mumbled, "Ash is her name"
Watching the two newest members of their care Mira smiled to herself as she gazed upon Frost and her young Ash. "Good name. It suits her well if you ask me." She wanted to say more, to make them know that this was just the beginning of their far future under the care of the Dragon Riders, but nothing came out. She tried to warn them of the dangers of their dragons and the envy of the common people, but she settled for silence. Was it not her job to care for these young ones?

Tiren was the first to break the silence with a cough. "As Mira said it's a good choice. Though I've never seen a dragon with those markings..." He let it go off on a hum, but shrugged. "A dragon is a dragon after all, but anyway let's get down to business. As you have heard before I am Tiren and this is my Mira. Our dragons are Storm and Valanr, but the one who's above you is Valanr. We are Dragon Riders or Riders or short. It's out job to protect this land and everyone in it including Orcs, Werecats, and even Dwarves. Yes, even the ones we know nothing about as it is our duty to this land in exchange for the lifetime bond and love of a dragon. Pay close attention to this part. A bond is a lifetime event for each of you and as invincible as it may seem some bonds do come to an end. Death. Protect your families and allies and even those who wish death upon you. For it is not a right to be a Rider no is at a given. It is a choice made by the Dragons themselves and maybe even a higher power. From the moment you touched your dragon you are now immortal...." He paused. "Sad as it may be this is one of many prices of a Rider. Along with isolation and insanity at the loss of your true one. But that is nothing in comparison to the lives you now must face weather or not you like it. Coming in an hour you will come with to the land of the Riders and we will train you in our ways until the day will come when there is nothing else to teach you."

Mira interhected with a nod. "Nice words for such young ears Tiren. Though he right....I do not expect you to understand what we are saying now no matter how smart you think you are. There is always someone who is better than you and it's your job to give 'em some competition don't you think?" Mira smirked. "Like he said, at sunset we'll leave. This will give you ample time to reconcile with your loved ones, but this is not the last time we will see them. No, there will be a day when you will be reunited again."

Their words were met with a still silence. Leon swallowed back the anxiety and shock at their words and felt a pirckle of guilt for no reason other than thinking that this was his destiny. Zaranth was oddly still and quietly occasionally moving his thin wings against Leon's chest before snuggling up close.

"Frost." Mira's voice rang out with slight concern. "Are you alright? Would you like to get some fresh air? I'm sure the day has gotten a bit colder for you if that's what interests you..." Tiren blinked before staring at Frost with a slightly confused expression.

"Yeah, did you want some water?" Leon mumbled softly as he shifted a bit closer to her.
Frost gave a small smile at the compliment, glad to know that she was not the only one who believed that it suited her little partner. She frowned at Tirens words on her dragon. Did he think she was abnormal, simply because she had odd markings, that even now seemed to glow as Ash growled at the other rider at his words, clearly not liking the way they were said. Frost felt anger bubble inside her, and fought to keep it at bay, replacing it with calm feelings as her dragon relaxed back into her arms.

She listened as the riders introduced themselves and the dragons again, and nodded, watching them quietly. She wondered if Ash would ever be as big as the two, and nodded to herself, sure that Ash would be far more graceful than the two. She listened contently, quite happy to protect people, no matter the race, and quietly stood, swaying slightly. She twitched at the idea that they were now immortal, and looked down at Ash, realising it was a small price to pay for a loyal companion. Besides, she didn't really have a family here, except Lillian, and maybe she'd meet new friends as she protected people from the back of her dragon.

She smiled at the thought, and looked back up as Mira spoke, taking in her words. She decided she'd say farewell to Lillian first, then take Ash to her tree so that they could bond more, and then at sunset she would join the riders once more as requested.

She froze as she was asked something, and looked up, shaking her head, "I-I'm fine. 's just warm" She mumbled, shaking
Leon swallowed down the twinge of anxiety that threatened to spill over, Tiren's words swept through his mind over and over again replying themselves in his head. Immortal? The word itself seemed to be bigger than expected before this seemingly irrelevant to his simple farmer's life. Now as he stood underneath the shade of the White Dragons wing he nodded towards Frost as if listening and stared down at the ground as silence passed over him. He breathed in slowly and exhaled quietly.

Immortal. Forever. A future so long even he didn't have to the power to see. He blinked away the memories of his father and bit the bottom of his lip gently. His stomach was turning and he tensed as he looked upwards at the webbed wing which he could barely see the sun that was shining down upon them from the outside. He felt selfish and stupid and naive for believing that he could be a Dragon Rider with no consequences, The pepope he would protect seemed to close in on him and the thoughts of his father would fill his mind.

He began to think of his future with no one but his Dragon. His father would be dead and long forgotten in the eyes of the world after 50 years. His future lover would wither away into nothingness after that while he stayed young virile with nothing but his dragon and the Riders. As he was lost in thought Zaranth looked up from being tucked under his shoulder and crooned softly and flinched as Leon tensed.

Slowly easing him onto the ground Leon put Zaranth down and began to walk backwards towards the shadowy image of the people outside. Tiren looked up from talking to Mira and Frost and narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Leon-Where are you going?" He voice was soft as if he knew what had happened but his gaze was hard and strong. Mira cocked her head and blinked softly as she looked down at Zaranth who had squeaked in discontent and began to crawl toward Leon.

"I- I can't...." Leon heard his own voice. Feeble and soft. "I-I can't leave my father to die. I-I can't be immortal, I won't...I won't leave him!" Leon turned suddenly and held himself. Slowly he felt the pressings of his Dragon in his mind and felt a soft whisper begin in his ears.

Tiren sighed gently and began the short walk towards Leon. Once there he put a hand on the young boy's shoulder and hesitated as if he were looking for something to say. "I know this is hard Leon. Your father is a great man by what I can tell if he's had such an influence on you," He licked his lips and continued. "I understand that he lost his wife and it may seem as if he's going to lose a son too, but it's deeper than that! He has a son that a Dragon Rider. One of the greatest forces on this land and imagine how proud he must be to see his legacy continue for generations on end and maybe even eons. You and Frost already have the comings of fine Riders and it pleases both me and Mira and even our own Dragons to see how brave you both are for leaving everything behind to help continue a rich culture dedicated to helping people. We are honored to be your mentors."
Frost watched Leon, watching as he thought. She had a feeling that she knew what he was thinking. He had a family here, a life, and he couldn't just abandon that, at least not easily. But Frost was okay with it, with living for years with only her dragon at her side, and the other riders. She was well aware that death would seem to surround her, as friends died of old age around her, whilst she stayed young and free. But being linked to Ash had opened her mind.

She could save lives with her dragon, could do things others would never dream of. And she'd always have her best friend, her winged companion, at her side, so she'd never truly be alone, not even in her own mind. Besides, Lillan was her only friend, and she was old and frail. Frost couldn't bear to see her die, couldn't stand to stay still in the town and mourn alone. She had no other family, and wouldn't be able to handle watching someone die in front of her, especially after her parents had died. She had been the one to find their bodies, and she never wished to experience that again.

She watched as Leon placed his dragon down, staring sadly as the little newborn squeaked and tried to get to his rider. In her arms, little Ash also seemed to become sad, and chirped to her fellow dragon, as if trying to assure him that his rider would be fine, and that Leon wouldn't in fact leave. But Frost felt the uncertainty come through the bond, holding Ash that little bit closer, as if to assure both herself and her dragon that they were ok and together.

"Leon?" Frost said softly, taking a small step forward, "Everybody knows that everybody dies. But maybe we can change that for a lot of people, a lot of people who need the riders and their dragons. And don't you think he'd be proud of you? To know how many lives you have saved? But if you stay…you'll always feel that guilt that you weren't there to save those lives"
Swallowing down the feeling of hesitation he slowly took in Frosts' words. He wanted to respond with a sharp retort about how those people didn't effect him, but the more he thought about it the more he found himself unwilling to tell her otherwise. Her words strung through his mind making him feel a twinge of guilt hidden behind the feeling of self pity and the silent concern from Zaranth and lowered his head to stare at the ground. The floor was dirty and speckled with dust that fell and rose with the wind that drifted from underneath the Dragon's wing and he nodded softly. Somewhat to himself and swallowed down the bitter tears that threatened to tear him apart.

Even if he did leave where would that leave Zaranth? He blinked once before looking up his eyes automatically catching the dark red gaze of his partner. Zaranth looked pitiful on the ground, his wings curled up to his sides and his tail curled around him. His body rose with his deep breathes and despite the intensity of his gaze Leon could feel the hurt hiding behind them. If he left would Zaranth be a riderless Dragon or would he stay with him? Even so that was no life for a Dragon. Flightless with no training and no help from others. It would be cruel for him and he would end up feeling the guilt of his betrayal forever.

Tiren tried to take a step forward his hand outstretched to rest on Leon's shoulders, but stopped and lowered his arm. He looked behind him and Mira and with a quick nod he stepped back and cocked his head at Leon waiting for something. What he waiting for Leon didn't know and neither did he care at the moment. Ignoring the two senior Riders he stepped cautiously towards Zaranth who lifted his head up quickly and opened his maw in excitement. Leon felt his heart tug and wished he could still hold him.

Once he was next to his dragon he bent down on one knee and held out a shaky hand and felt raw emotion climb up in his chest. "Zaranth...." His words came out softly. "I'm so sorry buddy...I-" His words were stopped and his breathe came out in a gasp as he was propelled on his back. Blinking a few times he smiled and looked down to see Zaranth curled on his chest a loud purring sound akin to a cat making it's way into the air. He put his arms around his partner...his friend....and rested his head against Zaranth, feeling the roughness of his skin.

"I-I want to do this..."
Frost watched them sadly, unsure of what was happening. She kept her eyes on the two as her fellow new rider crouched near his dragon, and felt the excitement that Ash felt. The little dragon didn't want the other hatchling to be riderless, and was clearly expecting the other rider to pick up his dragon once more. But Frost was more wary, that when the dragon ended up on the humans chest, that this was more of a goodbye than a hello. She was unsure about this, and glanced warily at the older riders, red eyes confused and gleaming sadly. She felt Ash's purr against her chest, and gently petted her dragons head, running her fingers over smooth, warm scales.

She was beginning to get a headache now, and it was getting worse by the minute. The sunlight and warmth was affecting her badly, and she rubbed her head with one hand, frowning as she closed her eyes for a moment. She needed to be somewhere cool, and could feel the worry coming from her dragon as Ash seemed to notice, hearing the small whimpering noises from the hatchling in her arms
Tiren smiled warmly at the two seeming satisfied with a 'reunion.' "I know it will be hard in the future, Leon. But in the end," His eyes started to shine with excitement. "That's when it'll all be worth it. Just you wait." Crossing his arms over his chest he grunted and regained his composure and stood up straight. Mira rolled her eyes playful and helped Leon up to his feet carefully maneuvering his footing so that his Dragon wouldn't get harmed.

"I'm glad you made the right choice Leon. And Frost," Mira turned towards the smaller girl. "Thank you for you're words of wisdom for surely we and all other riders who come after us will need it." She watched Frost for a moment before setting his lips into a thin line and tilted her head in curiosity. "I suppose it's hot enough in here with nothing to do....I'll fix it."

Tiren blinked and began to open his mouth to speak, but stopped from a quick look at Mira. "What? Eventually they'll learn how to do this. There's no point in keeping it from them." Tiren didn't seem satisfied with this answer yet yielded opting not to argue in front of the children. Mira smiled in success--it was small, but Leon knew she won-- and breathed out. Placing her hand on Frosts' shoulder and spoke softly making each word perfect. Leon shivered as he felt the air around them move and the wind begin to press against them more strongly. Wrapping around them and whisking away the dirt on them.

Mira's eyes were closed in soft concentration and spoke so quietly Leon through she was talking to herself. The words he could make out were thin and short and held no meaning to him. But apparently it did to the world as the air cooled around them considerably and the wind began to move around them making the heat less intense. It seemed as Leon had stepped into a somewhat cold day in Winter. He shivered as the Sunlight dimmed from the webbing of Mira's Dragon and felt the rumbling of the great white beast as it hummed alongside his rider.

Opening her eyes he breathed in a bit and put down her hand. Smiling at Frost she raised an eyebrow and turned towards Tiren with a nod. "Just a simple spell really. Nothing too complex for you to learn yourself...maybe about a year of two when your Dragon is fully fit."

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