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Fandom InFamous: World in Terror

Apoc idly stood by, watching as the girl charged some sort of super move. He hadn't been fazed much by Ashley's use of the word idiot to describe him. He'd heard Issac call him the word so many times that at his point, it just didn't have any affect now. He bounced giddily has he waited for was his supposed demise- Wait..... She.. Said she was gonna KILL him? He let out a low growl as the girl finished charging the attack, before it went off. He stood still for a few moments, processing what had happened. Blood began to leak from both of his ears, trailing down the side of his head. Dabbing his index finger in the liquid, Apoc felt a red haze fall over him. This girl had attacked him. No, no. Tried to kill him. He welcomed the red mist, allowing his rage and insanity engulf him. "You tried to kill me," Apoc said, taking a step towards. His mask eye was now as red as it could possibly get, pulsing as the color got darker and darker. "You tried to kill me!?" He spat the words out, full of malice. 'Apoc, we've got enough heat on our ass without you trying to commit murder! God damnit Apoc, leave her along!" Apoc shook his head furiously before charging the girl. He didn't have a specific plan. All he had in mind was breaking over and over again.
Assailant said:
Rex smiled. Rex was still right next to Kaito, so he had just managed to make out what he said. "No problem!" Jane, with her mind reading, didn't even have to hear. She knew he was saying it.
"Yeah, don't mention it. Always happy to help."
Momentarily Kaito's eyes lost focus, his attention shifting to the still warm corpses scattered around the asphalt alongside the ruins of tanks and helicopters that now served no other purpose than a graveyard inferno for the crew that was inside them. Watching the blood still trickle out and pool onto the roads created an extreme contrast that was more appealing to the conduit's eyes the more he watched. Just knowing that the approaching sound of ambulances were going to be useless brought a sick level of joy to Kaito.


"...We can't stay here. They're coming. I don't care what the two of you do, but you helped me. I'm leaving and if you choose to come, then I may try not to kill you," Kaito spoke, his voice occasionally becoming harder to hear throughout given his attention, while speaking, was diverted several times to a crow plucking out a fallen soldier's eye or a soldier bleeding out and desperately crawling searching out for help that would never make it in time.
Insane. They all had to be insane. They were just standing around trading pleasantries in the aftermath of a bloodbath. All those lost souls and mutilated corpses-

He lost what little food he had left in his stomach.

"I'm not cut out for this."

He wandered through the city in a slight daze as he replayed the "battle" between the DUP and the conduits. It was ironic, that someone with the power to literally shield others was the one being the most protected. He chuckled to himself darkly at the thought.

"Time to go home." He sighed heavily as he turned to take a more direct route back to his house.
"Well since it seems that we're not going out to eat and we can't stay here, I'm gonna go find Apoc. It's probably not a good idea to have him alone. But I guess he never really is alone 'cause of Isaac... Oh! Zachary, stay safe!" Lynn yelled just before Zachary was actually gone, but he just kept walking home. Lynn only saw the direction that Apoc went in, and in that direction was a hole that led into the sewer tunnels. In the brief amount of time that she knew Apoc, she gathered it would only make sense that he would go into possibly the worst smelling place on the entire planet of Earth.

Lynn jumped down into the hole and immediately gagged. The smell was bad, really bad. But she had to find him and this was probably where he was. From seemingly nowhere Lynn heard a girl screaming "Go away!" very loudly, it seemed distant but it was still extremely loud. It was like listening to Maria Brink scream at max volume and about double her normal pitch. The sound was piercing, but the only thing that could make somebody scream that loud was Apoc, or she found a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

She rushed to the origin of the sound, using her wires to propel herself through the tunnels. Eventually she found Apoc and the girl who made the scream. Apoc was going on about how she tried to kill him. Although she tried to kill Apoc, Lynn couldn't let him kill her. "Apoc!" Lynn yelled hoping to get his attention, it didn't work. Apoc started charging towards the girl. Lynn without hesitation created a tripwire right in front of him hoping that she could trip him and then calm him down. @AvidElmV2
Rex looked around and shrugged. "Sure, I'm bored. I guess I'll come with you." He smiled, but he hurt inside. This death and carnage... He's never wanted it. But long ago, he'd accepted that sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils. His innocence and naïveté, his ignorance... It was all a farce. Judging by the way Jane looked sadly at him, he knew she could tell. He was more mature than he's ever let on.

But he wouldn't let misery and death crush his spirits. He had to spread his light and joy to the world, even if that took some darkness within him. He didn't mind. He just wanted to help.

And sometimes, to help, you have to hurt.
AvidElmV2 said:
Apoc idly stood by, watching as the girl charged some sort of super move. He hadn't been fazed much by Ashley's use of the word idiot to describe him. He'd heard Issac call him the word so many times that at his point, it just didn't have any affect now. He bounced giddily has he waited for was his supposed demise- Wait..... She.. Said she was gonna KILL him? He let out a low growl as the girl finished charging the attack, before it went off. He stood still for a few moments, processing what had happened. Blood began to leak from both of his ears, trailing down the side of his head. Dabbing his index finger in the liquid, Apoc felt a red haze fall over him. This girl had attacked him. No, no. Tried to kill him. He welcomed the red mist, allowing his rage and insanity engulf him. "You tried to kill me," Apoc said, taking a step towards. His mask eye was now as red as it could possibly get, pulsing as the color got darker and darker. "You tried to kill me!?" He spat the words out, full of malice. 'Apoc, we've got enough heat on our ass without you trying to commit murder! God damnit Apoc, leave her along!" Apoc shook his head furiously before charging the girl. He didn't have a specific plan. All he had in mind was breaking over and over again.
Ashley Ashley was startled, he was still alive. And he was charging at her. She got scared and didn't know what to do, so she went to video game logic for help. 'Chargers never think. I can just dodge and he'll hit a wall.' She thought. But there was no wall, so she did the next best option in her opinion. She backed her arm and formed a fist and punched too early. She tried activating her powers. A blast of vibration came out and the recoil was too much to handle. She flew back with a few backflips and sideflips and landed on her back flipping over to her chest, rolling on her side. She was confused and exhausted. "What the fuck just happened?" She said out of breath closing her eyes. Hopefully the mysterious figure went away, or stopped. She was too tired to do anything else, and she didn't know what happened. 'New power, I guess. Let's not do that again.' She thought slowly.
As Apoc continued his charge, he could only help but chuckle as he saw the girl fall. This was it. It was all over for her- He let out a sound of distress as he felt himself falling face first on the ground. He skidded to a halt, directly in front of Ashley, deathly still. Had that done it? Had fallen on something, miraculously knocking him unconscious? The answer was given when he slowly rose to his feet, staring intensely at the teenage girl in front of him. The mask had formed a light so intense that it now mimicked that of a light towers, creating a dark red spotlight. For a few minutes it seemed like he was going back to attack Ashley... Before he tuned around completely. His light shined upon Lynn, marking her as a target. He wordlessly approach her, as words weren't need. He was her new target. Then he'd finish off the girl.

@TYGERShrk @TheOnlyCatbug
((@AvidElmV2 I'm guessing that Apoc is the split personality conduit guy?))

K'tal surfed freely along the phone lines of Chicago, shouting, "WoooooooHOOOOOO!!" He leaned forward to gain speed whilst feeling his hair be gently lifted and moved by the wind rushing against his face. A grin grew across his face before he shout again. "Wooooo-wait..." K'tal looked down to see a male conduit [ @AvidElmV2 ] attacking two female conduits [ @TheOnlyCatbug @TYGERShrk ]. Seeing that the girl needed some help, he bolted in between the conflicting forces. After appearing in a bolt of lightning, he stuck a stopping hand out in front of the attacking conduit. "Hey, now," K'tal said to the male conduit with his bass octave voice, "I may not be familiar with this situation, but don't you think we conduits should fight with each other? Not against each other?" K'tal tried to give off a friendly vibe, but he was never good with social things. He summoned a gigawatt blade to his lowered hand, should things go awry.
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As the man landed in front of Apoc, the man beast rolled his shoulder. His words went in one ear and out the other. While he was no longer in a raging state of mind, he was still angry enough to want to hurt someone. He would show he was not one to be crossed, even if it meant he had to hurt those around him. 'Apoc... No. I quite literally know what you're thinking. We don't know what this guy is capable of, and that big... Sparky... Blade... Thing... That's... That's awesome..." While Issac was busy over studying every feature of Bishop's gigawatt blade, Apoc took this moment to strike before Issac had time to give his opinion and recommendation. Replying to Bishop's speech with a small grunt, Apoc spread his arms out beside himself before slamming his palms together in an ear splitting shockwave clap, hoping to send Bishop flying so he could focus on hurting someone else.

Kain stayed with the few conduits at the Buckingham Fountain remains. He kept looking at the death before him that the other conduits wrecked. He couldn't believe that these people had no remorse for humans. Conduits were blessed, they needed to protect the weak. Not take advantage of their powers, that's why all conduits have a bad reputation... Kain spoke to the few conduits around him, "Why would you have done this? The regular people will always think that we are bad, because some of us are... You kill them... They're weak... They need us to protect them, not kill them. Which one of you made their guns explode and who created the fog? I am going to have to have a word with you." Kain made the sign of the cross and stood still, no idea of what to do anymore.


Back at the DUP headquarters of Chicago, Marshall was sitting in a chair in his office, watching the tape Curtis recorded of the conduits on his laptop. He watched carefully as he gave each person a different name based on their powers. "Metals... Foggy... Barrier dude... Windy... Big Brute... And Light..." He muttered to himself. He studied their faces and he ran multiple facial recognition tests for them, finding out their real names within minutes. Even Apoc. In fact, he was a test subject of their own project. Marshall smiled, speaking to himself again, "Well well well. Apoc or something eh? I guess we should be taking you back in. Well... Better get going. Ain't no rest for the wicked." He pressed a button on the nearby phone on his desk and spoke into it, "Charlotte, would you mind sending Curtis into my office please?"


The group of Apoc, Bishop, Lynn, and Ashley would hear a deep and monstrous roaring, enough to shake the sewers and the street above it. Mice began to evacuate from the center of the sound and ran in every direction they could...

Rex turned back to Kain. "We fought because we had no choice, friend. I hate killing as much as you do... I want to protect people as much as you do... but sometimes, there's no choice. Personally though, I find that very rarely is the case." Rex signified for Kaito to wait up for a moment, and signified for Kain to follow him. The two walked over to the corpse of the guy that Rex had punched... yet, as Rex took Kain's hand and pressed Kain's finger to the man's neck, he would feel a pulse. "He's only unconscious. He'll probably have a concussion, but he'll live. I told you: sometimes you have to kill. But if it can be avoided, I do my best." Meanwhile, Light approached Kain with a sheepish smile.

"I- um... I'm the one who blew up the guns." Let's see... were you trying to threaten me, buddy? You seem like a nice enough guy, so I don't want to fight you. If you force my hand, though...

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Ashley's eyes shot open.

'Ok. Ok. Got to move, not good sound, not good sound.' She thought as she pushed herself up from the ground. She retained balance as she stood. She took a moment to look where to go, she spotted a manhole to go out of. She sprinted there passing the red eyed guy and went up.

"What the hell was that!?" She said to nobody in particular.

K'tal was launched a good many feet back, and his ears rang like crazy from the sound emitted. Being inside a sewer, where sounds reverberate more efficiently, did not help. A few moments were spent rubbing his head and squinting his eyes shut, letting out an agitated sigh. Damn, did his ears hurt. "Ah, well..." K'tal sighed, "...there goes reason. Hey!" He called out to the rampaging conduit. He Bolted back in front of him. K'tal continued, "I don't like it when my mercy gets rejected." He kicked his newfound foe, knocking him back a few feet back. He followed the kick up with a Tesla Grenade. The electric orb split to five smaller orbs that laid around him. A few seconds past before they all burst with energy, destroying the structure in a fifteen foot radius. His opponent, on the other hand, will be in one piece. Conduits are sturdy kids, and it will take a lot more than just K'tal's arsenal. He pursed his lips and asked, "So...what's your name? You can call me-" K'tal cocked his head at the low grumbling.

"Oh boy," he whispered, "Whatever's going on now, I'd rather not find out." He turned to his rival while heading to the ladder. He continued, "Call me Bishop for now. I'ma leave, and you best do that, too! Unless you want to find out about that ungodly sound." K'tal Bolted out of the sewers before Bolting once more to the top of a building. He looked around to see exactly what was going on. He decided to ask a seemingly nice man who took it upon himself to evacuate civilians [ @Chayliel ] . Though, he was a DUP. Then again, K'tal was on the down low in Chicago as of now. No DUPs had noticed him for his true identity. Still, better safe than sorry. K'tal Bolted down to the ground, away from sight, before walking up to the DUP, trying to act as normal as possible. He asked the officer, "Excuse me, do you know what's going on here? Why are we evacuating?"
Apoc grinned happily under his mask at Bishop's pain. Turning to walk away and leave the male writhing in his own pain, Apoc was surprised when he felt something be thrown at his back. Or... Had Bishop kicked him. His attention immediately went back to the boy when he threw an object at his feet. Fore he could react, the bomb splintered into smaller versions of itself, which exploded, causing the roof of the sewer to collapse on to of him. While Bishop moved to the exit, an arm shot out of he rubble, grabbing onto his leg and. Yanking him back down into the sewers, before throwing him into the sewers wall.

Apoc rose from the rubble an brushed himself off when he heard the what sounded like the wounded howl of an animal. Big animal. Reaching into his pocket to see if his mouse friend was okay, Apoc was glad to see he had survived everything thrown at him. Cupping his hands around the rodent and placing him onto the ground, Apoc went to investigate the noise. 'Is it just me, or was that really familiar?'

(Apoc is like, 7 feet tall with rock hard abs. Gotta toughen up when you're constantly being thrown into the ring to fight mindless flesh monsters the size of skyscrapers and such. Just saying @MightBeASithLord)
Kain looked over at Light with a look of disappointment. "You couldn't have just disarmed them? You couldn't have just taken the engines out of the tanks or helicopters? You had to literally kill them? At least your friend just knocked one out. They are living people. What if you were in their shoes? What if they were the ones with powers and you were the human, trying to see your wife and kid at the end of the day? Us conduits should be the human's guardians, not their reapers..." Kain kept a cold glare at Light and was about to speak again until he felt the earth tremor (a different one from the other group)... He looked down and braced for an explosion. Kain shot his arms outward and stomped on the ground with one foot and released a massive gust of wind, blowing all nearby people back a great deal... Just as the ground below him erupted, sending Kain flying towards the closest building.

A beast emerged from the gaping hole in the ground where Kain once stood. A large, scaly beast. Resembling a standing alligator, yet dry and somehow looking human. It's golden eyes were mad with rage. The beast eyed the conduits around him, sensing their heat and preparing for a slaughter.


The same exact thing happened directly below Apoc.


The DUP officer replied to K'tal, "Sorry sir. Please just get to safety as quickly as poss-" he was cut off by the giant beast that emerged from the ground, covering the area in dust and rubble. The officer grabbed his radio and dialed into HQ, "There is a massive beast that just erupted from the ground! We are going to need a shit load of soldiers! This thing is like an alligator giant! And it looks bad!" ... No reply... The officer spoke to K'tal, "Please! Sir! Get to safety NOW!!"


Marshall and Curtis were speaking about the video they had captured when an elite looking DUP officer burst into Marshall's office, saluting and speaking without permission, "Sir! Two giant alligator conduits have erupted from the ground, not sure where they came from, but they are huge and menacing! Awaiting your orders!"

Marshall looked at the officer with a calm demeanor. He stood up and motioned for Curtis to follow. He breezed past the officer and said, "Leave it. They are only aggressive towards conduits. They can sense their gene..." The officer retreated and started shouting orders to officers to leave the beast be. Marshall whispered to himself, "These beasts better be worth it, damn higher ups." Marshall and Curtis went to the garage and entered a helicopter, Marshall in the pilots seat, setting off for the alligator men....
"Alligators?" Eliam was watching in the sky, riding on a shimmering cylinder as if it was a broomstick. It was, in actuality, a polygon shaped into a hexagonal cylinder, but between its neon colours and the shifts of code in its faces, it was hard to discern it from afar, "I'll try #3 and #12..." Eliam mumbled as he waved his hands, and the rubble from the eruption of the ground remained floating in mid-air, suspended motionlessly and harmlessly.

"So... I was taking my time and... alligators?" Eliam called out as he descended on his polygon pole to be close enough to hear the conduits talk, albeit out of the immediate danger of... whatever was going on. Who thought alligators in a city is a good idea? He thought as he eyed the monstrosities that clearly were not any ordinary household lizards, "Aren't alligators supposed to live outside of the urban area?" he swiped a finger as he talked aloud, mostly to himself, and the debris almost seemed to go in reverse, having had they velocities accelerated in the directions of the alligators. It almost looked like they were converging upon the alligators, like shattered glass rewinding in a video, "You can have these back." Eliam smiled as the debris converged upon the alligators like an implosion.
As Apoc travelled through the sewers, he soon came into a large intersection, spottng three other corridors that led deeper in the sewers. He knew he wouldn't have to take any of them, however, as the rumble here was stronger than ever. Stepping into the intersection, Apoc was alerted to someone else presence by a battle cry of sorts. He turned to see a turtle like mutant with two Sai pounce at him. He heard a voice scream something out, but didn't pay much attention. Swatting the mutant away like a fly, hearing a satisfying crack. He sighed feeling something strike him on his lower back, and turned to see a mutant wearing a purple mask with a wooden staff. The mutant was mortified by Apoc's reaction and could hardly react himself when he was punted across the room and into a wall, breaking its shell. Another mutant, one with blue war paint, charged at him with two katana. Apoc extended his arm and slammed it into the mutant, performing a brutal close line before stopping onto its shell. The last mutant, one with a yellow sash, dropped its weapons and backed away. Apoc did nothing in response, wondering how turtle tasted.

Deep in his thoughts, Apoc was snapped out of them when a large reptilian creature slammed through the floor below through, letting outna ferocious roar. "Mama turtle?" Apoc took a few steps back, attempting to process the situation. That didn't last long! Apoc began to circle around the creature, taking a good look at it. 'Hey... Doesn't this thing seem familiar?' Issac questioned, probing his and Apoc's memory for an answer.

(I'm sorry, but I had to do this. Sewers and all. Also, booyakasha, cowabunga, and all that good stuff. Now that that's out of the way, time to raise some shell.)
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Chayliel said:
Kain looked over at Light with a look of disappointment. "You couldn't have just disarmed them? You couldn't have just taken the engines out of the tanks or helicopters? You had to literally kill them? At least your friend just knocked one out. They are living people. What if you were in their shoes? What if they were the ones with powers and you were the human, trying to see your wife and kid at the end of the day? Us conduits should be the human's guardians, not their reapers..." Kain kept a cold glare at Light and was about to speak again until he felt the earth tremor (a different one from the other group)... He looked down and braced for an explosion. Kain shot his arms outward and stomped on the ground with one foot and released a massive gust of wind, blowing all nearby people back a great deal... Just as the ground below him erupted, sending Kain flying towards the closest building.
A beast emerged from the gaping hole in the ground where Kain once stood. A large, scaly beast. Resembling a standing alligator, yet dry and somehow looking human. It's golden eyes were mad with rage. The beast eyed the conduits around him, sensing their heat and preparing for a slaughter.
Kaito watched the entire dispute between Kain and Light with only slight interest, meanwhile the sounds in the distance kept the conduit's attention for each moment they stayed longer than what he had suggested. Of course, Kaito must of looked insane as he mumbled to himself but in truth the conduit was just preparing his explanation of why Kain was wrong and that there were many that deserved the wrath of a conduit's revenge.

That was until...

"I told you we shouldn't stay here," growled the blue haired wonder as he jumped back, even though he was already keeping his distance, before Kain blasted everyone back and the monstrosity made its appearance.

Another wicked grin overtook the conduit as he looked with the fascination of a child upon the reptilian beast and the poor decision making of the DUP yet again. Kaito glanced around from building to building around the block as people cowered from their windows and closed their blinds to try and hide what they didn't wish to ever see in their lifetime. He could hear them. He could feel their fear.

"That was a mistake..." bellowed the deranged conduit as the lights in all of the nearby streetlamps began to dim before going out all together and then bursting thus sending shards of glass shooting out like shrapnel from a grenade.
Ashley looked up to see the massive monster.

'From what I'm seeing, this is like a ninja turtle. Maybe created by government.' She thought. Her mind was filled with laughter, the thought of it being a ninja turtle was pretty funny to her. She got back in order. "Somebody tell me what that thing is! I don't wanna fight that!" She said again to no person in mind. 'Maybe I can set a scene. Nah I'll wait.' She thought raising a hand like a promise. She wanted something to happen and hopefully it would be distracted with other people and not her so she can just walk away from the whole situation.

'Oh whatever, I'll help. Not like there's anything else to do, but how?' she thought standing there thinking about what to do.
Light glanced over at Kaito. He could tell, just by looking in his eyes, that the man was a warrior of righteousness. He understood what must be done to make this world a better place, the path of blood and despair that must be trudged through to reach a world of light and hope.

"Pacifism isn't always an option, unfortunately," Light said sadly. While he didn't mean it, he'd prefer not to take pacifism whether available or not, he had become a master at deceiving people. He truly did sound saddened by this "unfortunate" truth. Rex shook his head sadly as well, clearly agreeing with the sentiment, though Light supposed there was no deception behind that face. He truly was saddened by this truth. Pah. Well, at least the boy isn't naive or dumb, petty sentimentality aside. Light saw Kain about to speak back up before an alligator creature appeared. Light and Rex both prepared for battle, Rex with a sort of giddiness ("Oh boy, this looks like it'll be a fun fight,") whilst Light carried himself with a determined disposition.
Zachary was halfway home when the earth began to rumble. It would have been strong enough to knock him off his feet, if he hadn't created a force-field platform that was frictionless on the bottom.

"What more is going to happen today?"
Lynn followed Apoc as he went to go investigate the mysterious sewer noise. Seemingly out of nowhere, a huge crocodile alligator came out of the ground. "Maybe this is more like Batman than TMNT huh...." She muttered to herself in awe of the beast. Apoc started to circle the beast. "Hey Apoc! Sorry about tripping you and stuff earlier! But we need to kill this thing and to do that we need to work together! I'm gonna bind it and when it's down you should beat it to a pulp, please! NOW!!" Lynn yelled just before wrapping up the killer croc wannabe. @AvidElmV2
K'tal walked away from the immediate vicinity, out of sight from every one. Although, as soon as the coast was clear, he bolted up a vertical power chord all the way up a building that was at a safe enough distance from the scene. Surely, they couldn't capture his scent here. K'tal smiled as soon as he acknowledged the scaly humanoids that rampaged the city. "So," he said with a chuckle, "Project 'Gator' has been initiated here in Chicago? Then, I best get to Marshall as soon as poss-" A Gator sprang up to attack -no- kill K'tal. One had found him.

Despite the threat, K'tal's smile grew to a grin before he summoned his Gigawatt Blades to face the danger. The two charged at each other with neither intending to back down. With four slashes of the Gigawatt Blades through the center of its body, the Gator fell. Although, it was only because the Gator moved to attack K'tal again. They can't feel pain... K'tal stood up straight, his Blades still active. He glared down at the gators in the street. He had planned to leave them be, but given what went down recently, and their function... "Okay," K'tal said with irritation in his voice," change of plans, get to DUP head quarters...as soon as possible."

K'tal undid his hair from the ponytail, letting his hair cover his face, and he took off his button up over shirt. After tying the over shirt around his waist, K'tal Bolted down from the building, and in front of the Gator. He leaped toward his new enemy as they leaped toward him. K'tal continuously slashed at the Gator furiously. The Gators were capable of keeping up with K'tal. Damn, they're fast... As the battle continued, storm clouds began to gather. K'tal banished his blades and took the opportunity to enter Overcharge. He lifted his hand and absorbed a lightning bolt. Once K'tal was in Overcharge, he shot his hand down and shot a Zeus canon at the the Gators. Fried to a crisp, the Gator collapsed on the wet asphalt.

K'tal smiled and saluted before hopping on a phone wire and surfing it, rting his best to avoid any Gator on his way to DUP. With a mystery conduit dashing across phone wires towards DUP headquarters, the news kept a close eye on him. So much for subtlety.
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"Hmm how much for these old toys young man....?"

Margher was polishing off some dusty trinkets at the pawn shop when he looked over at who was talking. He saw an old lady holding a couple of action figures that looked like 30 different kids have owned them. "I want to get something for my grandson as long as they aren't too pricey......."

He gave the woman a kind and warm smile "both of those action figures together are "4.99~"

"Oh thank goodness. Could you be a dear and ring these up for me?"

Margher gave her a small nod and took the toys over to the cash register and rang them up.

Once the lady left satisfied with her purchase Margher chuckled to himself and leaned on the counter watching her go "you just made some kids happy Margher........"


"But your boss is still a challenge..........yes sir?"

A middle aged man with balding her stomped in with his face completely red from anger "did you just sell those dolls at 4.99 even though they're price is 12.99???"

"Sir I hardly say they're worth that much I mean one of them were missing a leg and-"

"And I don't give a shit!!! I own this store, I pay you, so you listen to me!! Next time you do this you're out of a job!! Am I clear??"

"Yes sir...."

And with that the man stomped away back to his office

Margher rolled his eyes and went to a nearby tv turning it on "they're action figures not dolls asshole...........hm?"

The news was turned on and the latest headlines was about a conduit being sighted in the city

Oh fuck they found me......

Then they showed live footage of a man going across telephone wires and bunch of people pointing at him

"Oh............I guess they didn't find me then.........."
'I hope no one's hurt.'

Zachary's head whipped around as he saw an abandoned building begin to topple onto an unaware mother and her child.

"Watch out!!!" There was no time for them to run as the earth's shuddering peaked and the building's support gave out.

Zachary didn't even think as he manifested a trio of shields. The first to move the mother and her child away from the falling building, to the other side of the street. The second, to replace his platform and slide in between the innocents and the building. The third he projected from his core to repel any debris that would become deadly shrapnel. He stood resolute as the building collapsed. Luckily, the bulk of it fell into itself leaving him only a few hundred pounds of stone and metal to defend against.

"Th-thank you for saving us, young lady, but you shouldn't have made it so obvious. What if the DUP was watching?" The lady spoke quickly and quietly while kneeling as if checking on her daughter. She was grateful, but she wouldn't allow herself to look like a sympathizer.

"I save whoever I can. No matter what it means for me..." He whispered back, then raised his voice to a less suspicious level, "You would do well to stay out of a conduits way, lady. I won't save you next time." He strode off to fast for her to reply, but he caught her whispered "Good Luck."

After saving that lady and her child, Zachary found his resolve and his trigger. He was already associated with the conduits and would be treatd badly if the DUP ever found him, whether they knew he was a conduit or not.

'In that case, the least I can do is protect my mom.' He turned away from his house and ran to his father's place.

His father had gone on "vacation" 2 years ago, but the place stayed paid. He didn't want to waste time. This could become a potential hideout later on.

"So I went from being saved by a light-wielding conduit, to saving two innocents, to deciding to be a superhero. Does logic even exist for you anymore, Zachary?"

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