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Fandom InFamous: World in Terror

((Well if nobody else will...))

Rex prepared to fight the lizard creature before Light suddenly yelled. "I can't do this!" Rex turned to see Light fleeing from the area. "Rex, wait, we need you he-" Rex was interrupted as he was smacked by the creature and sent flying a few feet. He groaned and stood up to see that Light had already left. He groaned once more and slowly stood up to see that the creature was charging him. Right as it was about to punch him, Rex jumped into the air and hit it with a Light Kick. Due to the momentum of the charging creature, this caused it to fall sideways and hit the ground with a crunching BANG. After rolling for a cycle or two, it planted its hands on the ground and slid around, now on all fours as it stared the group down.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Ashley looked up to see the massive monster.
'From what I'm seeing, this is like a ninja turtle. Maybe created by government.' She thought. Her mind was filled with laughter, the thought of it being a ninja turtle was pretty funny to her. She got back in order. "Somebody tell me what that thing is! I don't wanna fight that!" She said again to no person in mind. 'Maybe I can set a scene. Nah I'll wait.' She thought raising a hand like a promise. She wanted something to happen and hopefully it would be distracted with other people and not her so she can just walk away from the whole situation.

'Oh whatever, I'll help. Not like there's anything else to do, but how?' she thought standing there thinking about what to do.
MightBeASithLord said:
K'tal walked away from the immediate vicinity, out of sight from every one. Although, as soon as the coast was clear, he bolted up a vertical power chord all the way up a building that was at a safe enough distance from the scene. Surely, they couldn't capture his scent here. K'tal smiled as soon as he acknowledged the scaly humanoids that rampaged the city. "So," he said with a chuckle, "Project 'Gator' has been initiated here in Chicago? Then, I best get to Marshall as soon as poss-" A Gator sprang up to attack -no- kill K'tal. One had found him.
Despite the threat, K'tal's smile grew to a grin before he summoned his Gigawatt Blades to face the danger. The two charged at each other with neither intending to back down. With four slashes of the Gigawatt Blades through the center of its body, the Gator fell. Although, it was only because the Gator moved to attack K'tal again. They can't feel pain... K'tal stood up straight, his Blades still active. He glared down at the gators in the street. He had planned to leave them be, but given what went down recently, and their function... "Okay," K'tal said with irritation in his voice," change of plans, get to DUP head quarters...as soon as possible."

K'tal undid his hair from the ponytail, letting his hair cover his face, and he took off his button up over shirt. After tying the over shirt around his waist, K'tal Bolted down from the building, and in front of the Gator. He leaped toward his new enemy as they leaped toward him. K'tal continuously slashed at the Gator furiously. The Gators were capable of keeping up with K'tal. Damn, they're fast... As the battle continued, storm clouds began to gather. K'tal banished his blades and took the opportunity to enter Overcharge. He lifted his hand and absorbed a lightning bolt. Once K'tal was in Overcharge, he shot his hand down and shot a Zeus canon at the the Gators. Fried to a crisp, the Gator collapsed on the wet asphalt.

K'tal smiled and saluted before hopping on a phone wire and surfing it, rting his best to avoid any Gator on his way to DUP. With a mystery conduit dashing across phone wires towards DUP headquarters, the news kept a close eye on him. So much for subtlety.
TYGERShrk said:
Lynn followed Apoc as he went to go investigate the mysterious sewer noise. Seemingly out of nowhere, a huge crocodile alligator came out of the ground. "Maybe this is more like Batman than TMNT huh...." She muttered to herself in awe of the beast. Apoc started to circle the beast. "Hey Apoc! Sorry about tripping you and stuff earlier! But we need to kill this thing and to do that we need to work together! I'm gonna bind it and when it's down you should beat it to a pulp, please! NOW!!" Lynn yelled just before wrapping up the killer croc wannabe. @AvidElmV2
AvidElmV2 said:
As Apoc travelled through the sewers, he soon came into a large intersection, spottng three other corridors that led deeper in the sewers. He knew he wouldn't have to take any of them, however, as the rumble here was stronger than ever. Stepping into the intersection, Apoc was alerted to someone else presence by a battle cry of sorts. He turned to see a turtle like mutant with two Sai pounce at him. He heard a voice scream something out, but didn't pay much attention. Swatting the mutant away like a fly, hearing a satisfying crack. He sighed feeling something strike him on his lower back, and turned to see a mutant wearing a purple mask with a wooden staff. The mutant was mortified by Apoc's reaction and could hardly react himself when he was punted across the room and into a wall, breaking its shell. Another mutant, one with blue war paint, charged at him with two katana. Apoc extended his arm and slammed it into the mutant, performing a brutal close line before stopping onto its shell. The last mutant, one with a yellow sash, dropped its weapons and backed away. Apoc did nothing in response, wondering how turtle tasted.
Deep in his thoughts, Apoc was snapped out of them when a large reptilian creature slammed through the floor below through, letting outna ferocious roar. "Mama turtle?" Apoc took a few steps back, attempting to process the situation. That didn't last long! Apoc began to circle around the creature, taking a good look at it. 'Hey... Doesn't this thing seem familiar?' Issac questioned, probing his and Apoc's memory for an answer.

(I'm sorry, but I had to do this. Sewers and all. Also, booyakasha, cowabunga, and all that good stuff. Now that that's out of the way, time to raise some shell.)
Otakuyaki said:
"Alligators?" Eliam was watching in the sky, riding on a shimmering cylinder as if it was a broomstick. It was, in actuality, a polygon shaped into a hexagonal cylinder, but between its neon colours and the shifts of code in its faces, it was hard to discern it from afar, "I'll try #3 and #12..." Eliam mumbled as he waved his hands, and the rubble from the eruption of the ground remained floating in mid-air, suspended motionlessly and harmlessly.
"So... I was taking my time and... alligators?" Eliam called out as he descended on his polygon pole to be close enough to hear the conduits talk, albeit out of the immediate danger of... whatever was going on. Who thought alligators in a city is a good idea? He thought as he eyed the monstrosities that clearly were not any ordinary household lizards, "Aren't alligators supposed to live outside of the urban area?" he swiped a finger as he talked aloud, mostly to himself, and the debris almost seemed to go in reverse, having had they velocities accelerated in the directions of the alligators. It almost looked like they were converging upon the alligators, like shattered glass rewinding in a video, "You can have these back." Eliam smiled as the debris converged upon the alligators like an implosion.
Assailant said:
((Well if nobody else will...))
Rex prepared to fight the lizard creature before Light suddenly yelled. "I can't do this!" Rex turned to see Light fleeing from the area. "Rex, wait, we need you he-" Rex was interrupted as he was smacked by the creature and sent flying a few feet. He groaned and stood up to see that Light had already left. He groaned once more and slowly stood up to see that the creature was charging him. Right as it was about to punch him, Rex jumped into the air and hit it with a Light Kick. Due to the momentum of the charging creature, this caused it to fall sideways and hit the ground with a crunching BANG. After rolling for a cycle or two, it planted its hands on the ground and slid around, now on all fours as it stared the group down.
The gators were slowly being beaten down by the conduits, one in particular being fried to a crisp after being struck by an intense stream of lightning. Its blackened body had fallen forward, but was now dissolving onto the wet asphalt, revealing a mixture of charred flesh and bone sown together within the hide and thick flesh, jolting from the shock.

The other monstrous alligators, however, were not being dealt with decisively. One had been knocked off its charge into the ground and was now eyeing the group of conduits with its intense, amber eyes while the other was struggling against the wires that were binding it, having taken damage from the barrages of attacks.

"Conduits, if you have any finishing moves, now might be the best time to show it." Eliam called out to the conduits below him as he extended a palm, code flying from his hand as they formed patterns and sequences in the air, preparing an ability. The alligator that was eyeing down the group suddenly pulled forwards in a charge, just as Eliam thrust his palm down at the alligator, causing a glow to erupt beneath its feet. The rubble cracked beneath it as a sudden force propelled the alligator up into the air, even higher than where he was floating, "Attack it now, please." Eliam drew a circle in the air and pressed his palm against it, causing a geometric pattern to appear beneath the alligator that slowed its descent, "While it's still up there so that this place doesn't get wrecked any further." Eliam turned quickly to the third, but its struggle was growing more ferocious by the second. Thrusting and turning violently, the alligator wrapped in Lynn's wires suddenly relaxed, before it hurled itself at Lynn, its wide jaws snapping open as it failed to free its limbs.

((@TheOnlyCatbug @MightBeASithLord @TYGERShrk @AvidElmV2 @Assailant))
Apoc turned to the new arrival, groaning lightly. He had expected to be able to fight the gator alone, in a mano e reptilo battle, but the conduit girl who had attack him earlier had other plans. Apoc watched in awe as the wires shot out of the girl, forgetting all about his own powers for a moment. Issac took note of the girls power in case he tried to kill her later and instructed Apoc to pay attention to the task at hand. 'Apoc, turn around and fight this thing like only you could fight it. And don't die. That is the MOST important thing right now. DON'T DIE. Say it with me now. DON-' Issac never got to finish his sentence as Apoc charged forward just as the gator leapt, tackling it in midair. Apoc wrestled the reptile onto its stomach while it was still disoriented and struggling to free itself before hooking his thumbs in the beast eyes, pulling its head back in an attempt to snap its neck and end the fight before it began.

@TheOnlyCatbug @MightBeASithLord @TYGERShrk @Otakuyaki @Assailant
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"Alrighty, I guess it's time for my finishing move," Rex said reluctantly. He cracked his knuckled. "PHOENIX FLAME!" With that, his eyes glowed a brilliant light. His body radiated a magnificent energy as wings of light streamed behind him. His body seared and crackled with energy as he grit his teeth so he didn't yell out from the pain. He flew up into the air and shot a long, concentrated stream of light at the gator, harder than any attack prior.

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