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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

Masaru smirked, quickly walking to the aisle. "Alright, pick your poison."

Dei-Loki gasped, hopping off the cart once more before heading over to his favourite section, where the caramel products were. More specifically, the Werther's Originals had been ((Living vicariously. I love these. ;w; )). Though, he'd no sooner raise his brows as he noticed the shelf had been empty. His eyes shrunk i panic as he widened his eyes. "H-How is this possible!? This rack is always full! Always!" He'd then look around before resting his attention on the male that had FOUR FOCKING BAGS of them in his cart. Dipper twitched a brow, slapping on a fake smile as he'd approach the male. "Pardon me, sir, but y' seem t' have taken the last bags of Werther's Originals. Could y' spare one?"

The male paused, looking from his list to Dei-Loki, squinting. "No way, kid. These are my wife's favourite. Besides, there's a sale."

Dei-Loki twitched a brow, closing his eyes as he grinned. "I don't think ya heard me~" He'd then reach up, gripping the male by the front of the shirt before forcefully pulling him down hard enough to bash his face against the cart handle. The male cried out in pain while Dei-Loki pulled him to eye level. "THE HARD CANDIES. NOW. OR SO HELP ME YOU'LL BE WALKIN' OUTTA HERE WITH A LOT MORE THAN JUST NO WERTHER'S ORIGINALS!"
Dei-Loki gasped, hopping off the cart once more before heading over to his favourite section, where the caramel products were. More specifically, the Werther's Originals had been ((Living vicariously. I love these. ;w; )). Though, he'd no sooner raise his brows as he noticed the shelf had been empty. His eyes shrunk i panic as he widened his eyes. "H-How is this possible!? This rack is always full! Always!" He'd then look around before resting his attention on the male that had FOUR FOCKING BAGS of them in his cart. Dipper twitched a brow, slapping on a fake smile as he'd approach the male. "Pardon me, sir, but y' seem t' have taken the last bags of Werther's Originals. Could y' spare one?"

The male paused, looking from his list to Dei-Loki, squinting. "No way, kid. These are my wife's favourite. Besides, there's a sale."

Dei-Loki twitched a brow, closing his eyes as he grinned. "I don't think ya heard me~" He'd then reach up, gripping the male by the front of the shirt before forcefully pulling him down hard enough to bash his face against the cart handle. The male cried out in pain while Dei-Loki pulled him to eye level. "THE HARD CANDIES. NOW. OR SO HELP ME YOU'LL BE WALKIN' OUTTA HERE WITH A LOT MORE THAN JUST NO WERTHER'S ORIGINALS!"
Masaru leaned over, putting two gold coins into his front pocket. "Do yourself a favor and give him it before he kills you and you never see your wife again."
Masaru leaned over, putting two gold coins into his front pocket. "Do yourself a favor and give him it before he kills you and you never see your wife again."

The male winced, growling as he'd toss the bags over to Dei, who'd take them as he grinned.

"Glad we came to an understanding~"
Masaru smiled before turning the cart around and heading into line. He began to place the items on the surface.

Dei-Loki helped with the items, snickering softly from the look of the cashier.
Dei-Loki helped with the items, snickering softly from the look of the cashier.
Masaru smiled at the cashier, "y'got a problem?"

The cashier shook his head, "no sir." He then rung up the items. "Yer price is ten gold and seven silver."

Masaru dug into his pocket.
Masaru smiled at the cashier, "y'got a problem?"

The cashier shook his head, "no sir." He then rung up the items. "Yer price is ten gold and seven silver."

Masaru dug into his pocket.

Dei-Loki, who'd bag the items, whistled low at the price. "Masaru, let me paaaay."
Masaru waved him off, "most of the shit i'm getting is for my mouth, so it's whatever." He handed over the coins before putting the bagged goodies in the cart.

Dei-Loki nodded to this, handing over the bagged goodies so they could be placed in the cart. "A'ight."

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