In The Shadows...

He moved away from her a bit and pressed his lips together still feeling the lingering sensation of the kiss. He nodded. "Yeah we should probably get out of the rain.." he let out a chuckle too. This had been the most he had ever talked to someone out of free will and he loved it. He felt more comfortable by the second. His hair was drenched and sticking to his forehead. He looked at his hands as his tattoo's began to dim down and faded. The excitement had made them glow. He had to be careful not to alarm anyone around him.

As they headed to her apartment he walked behind her, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. His cheeks became red again, as he touched his lips, his hands cold. "
Wow.." he breathed out softly and smirked, shaking his head trying to concentrate on walking.
Melody led the way to her apartment building, taking the time to collect herself a little. This whole situation was a little unusual, but she was happy with it, happy with him. It was so strange for her to kiss a guy the same day she had met him, but with Belial it just felt typical, like it was meant to be. 'Hell, I hope this isn't all just magic,' she thought, her chest constricting at the thought. 'If this is just his glamour...this is gonna be so awkward,' her mind continued, but she shrugged the thought off. She knew what his glamour felt like; she had nearly succumbed to it in the alley they had met in. This was different somehow, less forced. 'And I'll be able to tell for sure soon,' she reassured herself, knowing that she'd be able to make a counter spell as soon as she had a spare moment at home.

After another minute, the pair reached Melody's apartment building and she reached for the door to open it, when it flung open all on its own. "What the hell?" Melody was able to say before a body tackled her. "Omph!"

"OHMYGODMELODY!! We were so, so, so worried! Where the hell've you been?!" the tackler asked as she clung to Melody. Melody pried the younger girl off with a sigh and pushed her inside, motioning for Belial to follow the pair indoors.

"Melody! We were just about to go looking for you, girl! You okay?" another figure asked and Melody nodded, smiling sheepishly at the two.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I got a little...sidetracked on the way home," she said with a sly smile as she looked at Belial. "Ryan, Ildri, this is Belial. Belial, this is Ryan and Ildri. They're two of the witches who live here with me," Melody explained as she motioned to each individual.

"Wow," Ildri breathed as she finally got a good look at Belial. "Where did you find him and does he have a brother?" the redhead asked and Melody laughed, giving Belial an apologetic smile.
He turned red at the comment and ran his fingers through his wet hair. "H-hello" he smiled widely and kissed the red head's hand softly, bowing a bit and shook the guy's hand. "The pleasure is all mine, And i apologize for getting your floor all wet" he took off his pack and placed it on the corner of the room so it wouldn't wet the whole place. His shirt was soaked and with that you could see through it, his chest was a bit red from the cold and his tribal tattoo's showed. "I'm a wet mess it seems.." he said shyly chuckling a bit, as the remaining water on his head dripped down his face and the side of his neck.

You have a very nice home.." he looked around curiously. "I've never met so many witches before.. Helena never really let me socialize with other magical species.." He admitted looking into the girls eyes before remembering his glamour and looked down quickly. His strength seemed to have faded some and he felt normal. It must of been all the hassle of today and the adventure he had must of worn him out. He felt weak, actually.
lldri giggled as Belial kissed her hand, and replied, "No, no, don't worry about it. We can clean it up later." She looked him over as he straightened, and she smirked. "Yes you are," she muttered in reply to his comment, and Melody felt a little agitated. She knew Ildri was harmless, but a flirt by nature, and that Belial's glamour probably wasn't helping that much, but it annoyed her to see the redhead so openly ogling him. "Hmm? Oh, well this is only the lobby, and the whole place technically belongs to Wanda. She rents the rooms out to witches who need a place to stay, so the place is full of us," Ildri informed. "Who's Helena?" she asked when the name came up, smiling quizzically at him.

Melody had to admit, she was curious, too. She already had her suspicions, but she hoped she was wrong, that it was just a coincidence and that she was thinking of the wrong person. She simply couldn't imagine Belial - the sweet guy who'd helped her escape from the police who was interested in books and music - hanging around Helena the demon who her mom had told her about when she was growing up. The demon who ate hearts...
he laughed a bit at her flirting and rubbed the back of his neck when she asked him who Helena was. "W-well..Helena is" he paused, he really didn't know how to put it. "She is my mother.." he said softly. "Well she took me in when i was abandoned... And she raised me.." he shrugged, trying not to think about it. "She isn't a very good person..." he trailed off a bit when he said it, because deep down she wasn't as evil as people had painted her out to be. She was just in her nature and she was tired of humans trying to harrass her kind.

She raised me to be like her.. To eat humans.. But i never really liked it.. In fact i never did.. I was more into candy and junk food, which is what ive been surviving on for years now.. Before it was things i could get from human women.." he was a bit shamed. "I'm not with her anymore.." he looked at them as he spoke. "I left because i couldn't take it anymore.. She told me i acted more human than Demon.." his face grew a bit pale.

She isn't so bad though.. She just hates humans for treating her like they do.. Shes over a hundred years old you know..People used to love her..untill the rules changed and she became the wanted.." He admitted. "I'm sorry, I'm probably boring you.." he stopped and rubbed the back of his neck again. He felt as bit awkward because he knew that no amount of explaining could ever make Helena seem like she was good. In all reality she WAS a monster just like him, but she didn't tolerate like he did. He didn't mind living amongst other species or humans, He knew they weren't all bad. He sighed a bit at the silence.

I apologize if i have offended any of you.." His eyes changed from green to a slight grey in a moments notice. He was hungry.
The three witches looked at Belial in shock, their eyes wide and their mouths agape. Ryan was the first to speak and he let out a shaky breath, combing his hand through dyed blue locks. ", someone should probably go tell Wanda and the others that you're back. I'm just gonna that," he said and gave Ildri a pointed look. "Maybe you could help me? It'd be faster," he reasoned, and Ildri nodded, giving Belial one last disbelieving glance before turning around and following Ryan down the hall to the elevator.

'I can't believe it,' was all Melody could think, but not because she had been right about Helena's identity. She was awestricken. He had grown up being taught to kill and hurt, but somehow he managed to restrain himself. "You don't have anything to apologize for," Melody murmured and stepped up to him. Lacing her fingers through his, she gave him a small smile, hoping it would ease any remaining tension from the situation. "And, don't mind those too. I'm sure they were just a little shocked," she added, glancing at the elevator doors. She looked back up at Belial, her eyes locked on his. "Weren't they green before?" she murmured, her brows scrunching in confusion as she took note of his grey eyes.
he sighed watching them walk away. He felt Melody's hand grip his and he looked at her, intensely. "Im a bit hungry..." He smiled a bit. "They change sometimes.." he shrugged. He didn't want to offend anyone. He leaned in and kissed her again softly. He couldn't help it. Everytime she was close he weanted to kiss her, he let his body do the talking for him at that very instant but he had to figure out a way to hold back when he was around her.

I-is this glamour?" he asked suddenly trying to figure out if this was real or not. "I-i mean..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm just so used to girls screaming in fear after we finished getting what we wanted from them that i cant figure out if im glamouring you or not..And if i was glamouring you then you honestly would say no that i wasn't.. but if indeed you where not glamoured and you said you wasn't glamoured i wouldnt know if that was the truth or the glamour" he ranted. "Oh, im sorry.." he chuckled a bit noticing his rambling.
"What do you want to- mmph!" Melody's question was cut off as Belial pressed his lips to hers. She melted into the kiss, kissing him back before he pulled away. She stifled a sigh, wanting those lips back on hers, but she stiffened as Belial spoke. Biting her lip, she looked away from him, not knowing exactly how to answer. If it was just the glamour, would she hurt him by telling him so? Or would he even care at all? The thought nearly made her cringe.

She smiled a little as he laughed, but the smile gave way to a confused frown. "Honestly...I don't know. I mean, I'm aware of the glamour, so I don't think it is, but I'm just not sure. When I first met you in the alley, it was all around you and I could feel it pulling me in, but it's not there anymore, that feeling. But I don't know if that means it worked and I'm under a spell, or if I managed to block it out, though I don't know how I would've managed to. The only way to know for sure is to cast an anti-glamour," Melody explained, hoping she got her jumbled thoughts across clearly enough. "I was planning on casting it tonight, actually," she added, glancing up at Belial tentatively.
he sighed and took off his shirt, leving a muslce shirt underneath, still soaking wet. "Is there somewhere i could dry this?" He looked down a bit; what she said still lingering in his head.

If it IS a glamour.. I'm sorry i didn't mean to.." he rubbed his face, his eyes getting a bit glossed over. "I wondered if you had glamour powers too at one point.." he paused. "Because... I felt like i needed to be with you too.." he said softly and then remained silent for a while. He could feel his heart sink a bit at the thought of all of their interaction being because of the glamour. He hated that power he wished he never had it, maybe Helena hadn't of used him. he sighed, trying not to let her see his sorrow. He felt a knot in his throat that made him not be able to speak at the moment. He tried not to look up at her or anything.

If it is the glamour i will leave and i guess that would be that.." he said finnaly clearing his throat.
Melody flushed, her heart leaping into her throat. Her head was swimming, and she felt short of breath. 'This is too much,' she thought, breathing out shakily. 'What if it is just his glamour? What the hell am I going to do?' she wondered, dismayed. "I want you to be with me... I don't want you to leave," she mumbled, almost hoping he didn't hear and she turned in the direction of the elevator, but kept her hand locked with his. "If it isn't just the glamour...then what?" she wondered aloud, her heart racing at the thought. She glanced back at Belial and swallowed thickly to force the tight sensation in her throat to relax. "Let's go upstairs," she suggested, pulling gently on his arm. "We can dry your clothes up there," she said and walked down the hall to the elevator, pulling him along with her.

They rode the elevator up to the fifth floor and got off, Melody leading the way into her apartment. She dropped Belial's hand when she entered, and started motioning towards things. "This is the living room, there's the kitchen and the two doors leading from the hallway are to my bedroom and the workroom," she explained, trying not to keep her eyes on Belial for too long. Her heart was throbbing painfully and she wanted now more than ever to cast the anti-glamour. She wanted to know what was real and what was magic, and the suspense was starting to kill her. She wondered if she wouldn't go into cardiac arrest before she could cast the spell.

", if you give me those I can dry them for you," she said, motioning to Belial's clothes.
He blushed when she asked him to take off his clothes. But he did as he was told. He took off his shirt and pants, shoes, and socks leaving his boxers on but still turning around and quickly placing his bag on himself to cover from his waist down. He cleared his throat and handed her his clothes with one hand standing there infront of her.

I think maybe you should work on that anti-glamour spell now.. better know now than later.." he sighed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck some more. He shook his head, the water spraying everywhere as if he where a dog trying to get dry. He laughed a bit. "Sorry.." turning red.

It's nice here..." he smiled "We would always sleep on the floor on an old matress.. Or at least i would.. Helena has her tree" he shrugged.
She realized she hadn't really thought her sentence through when Belial started taking off his pants. She squeaked and turned her face away from him, only looking back when he offered up the clothes. She took them from him quickly, eying his exposed skin for a second before snapping back into action. With her face beet red, Melody started towards the hall that would take her to her workroom, stopping when she got to the door. "Well, I won't ask you to sleep on the floor," she said and then in a louder voice added, "There's food in the fridge, and you can use the TV if you want. Or read a book. I'll, um, bring your clothes back out in a second," she finished and darted into her workroom, shutting the door behind her.

She hit her head against the door lightly, cursing silently. "I'm such a moron," she muttered with a sigh. Picking herself up, she immediately headed for the dryer in the corner of the room. She contemplated washing the clothes for him first, but the thought of someone walking into her apartment to find Belial in a pair of boxers sitting in her living room prompted her to toss his outfit into the dryer. Remembering she had his hoodie on, she took it off and tossed it in the machine too before starting it.

With the machine running and half of her problem solved, Melody next turned to her workspace which consisted of two thin, but tall bookcases crammed full of spell books, potion books, various Book of Shadows, and a few others; a desk covered in scattered papers - spell instructions and sheet music alike - and numerous jars of potion ingredients; and beside it all was a waist-high black cauldron situated above a burner Wanda, the landlord, had installed in all of the apartments. She went straight to the book case on the left - the one that held the majority of her spell books - and pulled out the first one that had to do with charms and love spells. Flipping through the pages, she couldn't find a spell suited to her situation, and so she moved on to the next book, and then the next, and the next one after that until finally, in the fifth book, she found a spell that she thought would work.

It was a simple spell, but it was an unusual fix. It wasn't an anti-glamour, per se, but it was a charm that was created to cancel out other charms. The spell called for a few ingredients, nothing Melody didn't have, and a plain amulet of sorts, preferably one with a protection stone imbedded in it. Moving to her desk, she pulled out a drawer that contained such a necklace; it was a gift from Ildri that she had locked away, much preferring the idea of it protecting her workspace than her. Following the directions laid out in the book, Melody pushed a few of the scattered papers that littered her desk to the side and grabbed the things she would need to complete the spell.

Drawing a white chalk circle on her wooden desk and outlining it three times, Melody laid the amulet in the center and grabbed the rose petals she had set next to her. Grabbing a handful of the soft red flower, she sprinkled the petals around the amulet, chanting the incantation written in her book. Next she grabbed the clovers and added them to the red rose petals, and added the thyme after that. "By the power of three times three, as I will, so mote it be. Blessed be," she muttered, finishing the spell. For a second, nothing happened, and then the circle and its contents began to glow. The petals of the three herbs she had added floated up and swirled around the amulet, and after three rotations, they dissolved into a brilliant gold dust that floated down to the amulet. The amulet itself glowed the same gold and soaked in the dust swirling around it, and when all the dust had been absorbed the light faded, leaving the amulet a dark amber.

"I hope this works," Melody mumbled and picked up the amulet, draping it around her neck. She wondered if she should have felt anything when she put it on, but let the thought slip away as the dryer chimed signalling it was done.

((BLAH. Too long.))
In the meantime he had sat down on the couch, reading the book he had in his bag. He was halfway through it and his face had a happyness of a glow to it. His eyes lingering on the words and his lips pressed down on an apple, as he took a bite. He smiled contently. It was the first time he had an apple in years. He sighed remembering the last time he shared an apple. He was 7 and Helena had just finished off the meal she had made from a German woman who had been on vacation. He laughed and giggled at the cartoons on the woman's TV. Tom and Jerry. He loved those cartoons. He didn't like tricking Human women into letting us stay in their homes and eat their food and take advantage of them while Helena had a fiest.

He remembered walking to the fridge and finding the most amazing green apple sitting there all alone in the middle of the fridge. He remembered his slender small fingers trying to wrap around it and couldn't quiet reach. The first time he bit into it it made his lips purse tightly and then a smile cross his face as he tasted the tangy flavor of the fruit.

He sat back in his chair a smile on his face as he bit into the green apple again remembering the taste of the first time. "
So good.." he whispered into his food as he swallowed. His mind going back to what Melody had said about the glamour he frown, trying not to worry too much but it was inevitable. He didn't want it to be just a glamour spell. He didn't want to have made it into her house because of a spell. He didn't want to leave or be without her. It was strange to think he felt this way but it was all so real. He sighed again and closed his book, trying not to cry. Why would he cry? He had been in the streets his whole life. Don't cry you idiot!

He yelled at himself.

Maybe he should leave.

He got up quickly and rummaged through his bag. His other pants where wet. They had been protecting his book. He sighed and slipped them on, grabbing his other wet shirt and putting it on as well. He reached into the bag and pulled out 2 gold coins he had saved up from a long time ago. It was the only money he had. he placed it on the table and put his bags over his shoulder. He wrote out a note to her. His handwriting was that of the old english kind you would see in old history books written from ink and feather pens. It was slim and almost cursive. He had practiced it when he was younger.

The note read:

I am sorry for leaving. In my heart i believe that it was just glamour. I am a monster and i ask for your forgiveness. It has only been a day and i feel as if i need to be with you forever. But who am i kidding? I haven't known another kind soul since i was born... It's probably just me being an idiot. If it was glamour i apologize and i wish you the best.

Ps: I have left 2 gold coins for the apple i ate. It was delicious. And again i'm sorry.

Pss: You are.. Gorgeous.

He placed the note down on the table, the coins on it to weigh it down and he headed to the door. He opened it and went down the staircase. using the elvator; he figured, would make too much of a ruckus.

when he reached the outside, it wasn't raining as much so he stepped out and placed his hands in his pockets, his clothes soaked.

sh*t i left my book.." he turned around and grabbed the door knob. "No.. too late.." he sighed and touched his head walking away. It's for the best. This is the reason why Helena raised you and no one else. Shes immune to your glamour.. And because no one else would take you. His mind was going off.It didn't matter. What would he do next?
Melody grabbed Belial's clothes from the dryer and left the room to enter the living room, but she stopped short at the end of the hallway. Looking around curiously, she noticed that the living room, as well as the kitchen, was empty. 'Weird,' she thought and turned around, thinking that he must be in her room or the bathroom attached to it, but she came up blank when she checked the rooms. "What in the hell?" she asked herself and went back into the living room, her pace quicker, more urgent than before. Not a thing was out of place in either room, so she knew he wasn't hiding anywhere, but then where the hell was he?

Panic welled up and Melody's gaze became more frantic as she gave the joint rooms one final sweep, and then she noticed it. Darting towards the kitchen table, she snatched up the note and scanned it, her hands shaking by the end. "What the hell?" she repeated, unshed tears making her vision blurry. She turned and ran for the door to her apartment, stumbling and dropping Belial's clothes along the way. She flung the door open and nearly tripped out of it in her haste, and ran smack into Ryan.

"Woah, there, little lady. Where are you going in such a rush? And where's that demon you were with?" Ryan asked, but Melody didn't respond. She was too busy having a panic attack. "Melody? What's wrong? Did he do something to you? I swear to God I'll kill him if he-"

"He left," Melody blurted to silence her friend. "I was making a charm, and he left, and I don't know where he went. Holy hell, I don't know where he's going, and I don't know how to find him, and what if the police find him before I do? Oh, God, I've got to go look for him, Ryan, I've got to go and make sure he's okay," she said, her tears starting to roll down her cheeks. "Damn, damn, damn! I've got to go and get him, but how the hell am I-"

"Melody, calm down! You're nearly hyperventilating!" Ryan exclaimed, and tried to lead her back into her apartment, but Melody refused to budge. "Melody, come on, you've got to relax. I'm sure he's fine. Probably needed some air or something. Why are you so worked up anyway? I thought you just met this guy," Ryan said, his gaze imploring and Melody began wiping away her tears.

"I did, but... God, I don't know! I just...I don't want to leave him alone," she ended in a whisper, sniffling pitifully and Ryan pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, it'll be alright. If it's really bugging you, I'll go look for him with you, okay? Just let me get an umbrella first; you'll catch a cold if you keep getting drenched like before," Ryan said, and Melody nodded, smiling a little at him in thanks. Ryan grabbed an umbrella from his apartment - his was across the hall from hers - and jogged back to Melody, holding his arm out for her. Her smile widened and she looped her arm through his and the two took the elevator down to the lobby. "By the way, what was with that reaction? I mean, I could kind of tell that you liked the guy, but that seemed a little overboard, especially for you," Ryan continued and Melody took a deep, calming breath.

Melody looked both ways as they left the building and pursed her lips. "I'm not sure. It's been a crazy day, and I think the stress is getting to me. It's just, when I thought about not seeing him again...I kind of lost it," she said, and checked down both streets again, straining to see farther into the darkness. "Damn, which way did he go?" she muttered, more to herself than to Ryan. The latter gave Melody a sympathetic look.

"Maybe you should wait 'til tomorrow to look, Mel," he said softly, trying not to upset the witch. "I know you're worried, but running around the city unprepared might not be a great idea. If you wait, we can set up a scrying tool and find him that way, okay?" Ryan asked, hoping to appeal to the girl's logic. Melody sighed and hung her head, fighting back a new wave of tears. Still, she nodded and let Ryan lead her back into the apartment building. "Don't worry, Mel, we'll find him. The world isn't ending yet," Ryan said in a joking manner, but it didn't cheer her up in the least.

'Please be okay,' she thought, looking to the city one last time before going back inside.
He walked towards a huge building, standing under the roof to cover from the rain. He sighed his hands in his pockets. "by now that counter spell must of worked" he said out loud.

"The spell?" A male cop walked towards him slowly, his eyes squinting. "what are you doing out here son?" He said softly, a smirk on his face as he approached. Belial gasped a bit and looked up. "N-no sir.." he gulped "I was just walking around is all.. to get away from the rain" Belial stepped back a bit. Holy hell, maybe he wont notice. He gulped.

The cop studied him a bit, "
You have quiet a few Tattoos on ya boy" He said a bit pulling out his stick, pushing it up against his collar bone. "where do ya live, kid?" He asked, pushing him back against the wall.

Sir i-" he was cut off by the beggining of his tattoo's glowing.

The officer's eyes widened, "
You're a creature!!!" he pushed him back against the wall, the stick against his throat.

Belial gritted his teeth and put his hands up. "
S-sirr.. please dont.." he grabbed the cops arm and heard him yell, his hands breaking the cops arms. "God im sorry!" Belial let go as the cop fell to the floor.

AHHHH!" the cop yelled again, his arms bend forward a bit, the bone portruding through his skin at the wrists. "GET AWAY!" he yelled again backing up ont he floor away from Belial.

Belial whimpered a bit and ran the other way down into an alley, hitting a brick wall at the end. No escape. "
Shi*" he sighed and began to breathe heavily. He hit the wall, banging hard the brick breaking under his strength, scratching his skin, making it bleed. He finnally broke through to the otherside, he ran quickly to the road, no one in sight. It was too late. He breathed out, bending over grabbing his knees.

What do i do now?" he spoke out loud again and stood straight looking around. "Damn..." He walked over to one side and took a seat on someones stoop. He lowered his head into his lap and wrapped his arms around it. "What do i do..?" he cried.
Melody was pacing in her living room, waiting for Ryan to return with Sibyl. When the pair had returned to Melody's apartment, the female witch had almost immediately tried to head back out to look for Belial, regardless of the fact that she had agreed to wait until the morning. Realizing that he would either have to help her now or watch her all night to make sure she didn't sneak out, Ryan agreed to go fetch Sibyl who was the best seer among the witches living in the building and bring her back to Melody's apartment. "What's taking him so long?" she muttered to herself right before someone knocked on the door. At a near sprint, Melody ran to the door and pulled it open, ushering in the two witches who stood outside.

"Hey, what's this about, Melody? I was in the middle of a bath when Ryan busted down my door and demanded that I come see you," Sibyl stated as she crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the other woman.

Ryan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I did not break down your door, Sibyl, stop exaggerating," he said, irritation seeping into his voice. Sibyl huffed and was about to respond, but Melody beat her to it.

"Sibyl, I'm sorry that Ryan broke down your door or whatever, but I really, really need your help," Melody said, her tone almost desperate. Sibyl hesitated for a second before sighing and turning to Melody. The Green Witch smiled gratefully and continued. "My...friend ran away a little while ago, and I just want to make sure he's okay, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to set up a scrying tool for me," she explained. Friend...the word sounded to bland, not at all the title she wanted to give Belial. Sibyl gave her a skeptical look. "Please, Sibyl. I suck at scrying, and I need to make sure he's okay," she pleaded, and the seer sighed again.

"Alright fine," she said and pulled a mirror from the pocket of her robe. At Ryan's inquisitive gaze, she shrugged. "I like to be prepared. Anyway, Melody, who is this 'friend' I'm looking for?" Sibyl asked, putting finger quotations marks around the word.

"His name's Belial, and he's a demon. He's got white hair and a bunch of tattooes," Melody listed, thinking of some of Belial's more unique features. Sibyl nodded and laid her mirror on the coffee table. Holding a hand above the mirror, she began to murmur, her eyes rolling back into her head as she did so, so that the whites of her eyes showed. After a second, an image began appearing in the mirror, foggy at first but soon clearing so that two defined figures showed in the glass. "Belial," Melody breathed, her heart almost stopping when she caught sight of the other man's uniform. "Oh, shit," she cursed.

"Shhh, I'm trying to pinpoint his location. See if you can see any street signs or something," Sibyl ordered and continued her chanting. Melody and Ryan watched the scene play out, and Melody felt her heart squeeze painfully as Belial came to a stop with his head in his lap. "I've got it," Sibyl blurted, and Melody's head shot up from the image portrayed in the glass, instead looking to Sibyl expectantly. "He's right by the corner of Main and Second street," she informed with a lazy stretch. "Should I go get Wanda?" she asked, inspecting her nails with a knowing smirk.

"No, I'll go find her," Melody replied, rushing from the room and towards the elevator. She brushed the tears from her eyes as she rode the elevator to the top floor. Belial didn't deserve to be treated like he had been by that cop; he hadn't done a damned thing to the man, and it was only when the cop started bothering him that things got messy. Melody rushed from the elevator and to Wanda's room, pounding on the door when she reached it. A moment later, a voluptuous woman came to the door, a confused frown on her face as she regarded her tenant.

"Melody? What's wrong, dear?" the middle-aged woman asked and Melody shook her head.

"I don't have time to explain right now," she stated and looked at the older witch with pleading eyes. "I just really need to get to the corner Main and Second Street as fast as possible," she explained and Wanda nodded after regarding the young witch for a moment.

"Okay, but this is a one time thing. I'm not going to open a portal for you without an explanation whenever you feel it's necessary," Wanda replied and Melody flashed her a grateful - and relieved - smile. "Alright, get ready, hun," she said and made a few hand signs before drawing a circle in the air. A string of purple energy followed her finger, and soon a circle of purple was floating in the air. In the next second, the circle filled in and was crackling with energy. "Step through this, and you'll be transported to your specified destination. It's a one-way ticket, though. I'm afraid it would be too dangerous to keep the portal open," Wanda said apologetically, but Melody shook her head.

"No, this is perfect. Thank you so much," Melody said and hugged the older witch before stepping through the portal. 'Please let me arrive in one piece,' she thought as the portal closed around her. She held her breath and focused on where she wanted to go, and when she opened her eyes next she was looking down at Belial. So many things ran through her head at that moment, so many things she wanted to say and do, but she just stood there. "Why'd you leave?" she asked, her voice strained again.
His head shot up at her voice, he quickly looked around whiping his eyes quickly with his wet shirt. "H-how did you get here?" he asked standing up and backing away a bit. He didn't want to seem rude or look like an idiot. He sighed and looked down a bit, "I don't belong there with you, Melody.." he finally said, trying to sound as calm as possible his lower lip quivering from the cold. They where slightly blue.

I'm a monster..I hurt people.." he looked at his hands. "Besides all this time it was just glamour and.. " he sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't want to hurt you..Or anyone." he finished.

He looked up at her, his eyes locked on her own. He paused and looked down again trying not to make eye contact. "
Everything i've ever cared about has either gone missing or left me.." he touched his face trying to cover his eyes. "My parents abandoned me you could say..Helena trained me like her dog..I can't evwen control my powers.. Girls are only attracted to me by magic... and i cant do anything right.." He put his hands in his pockets.

You have a lot of things working for you..." He looked into her eyes, trying to glamour her this time, his eyes narrowing a bit. "You will go back home, and forget i even exist.. Get some sleep wake up the next morning and be yourself.." He said to her, trying to glamour her with his stare. He figured if he couldn't beat it to just let it take over. He didn't want to mess with her life, or make her like him because he could. So if it was glamour he tried to glamour her into going home. He stopped talking and looked at her, waiting for her to turn on her heels and go home like he had ordered.
She couldn't help the tears that flowed in rivulets down her face. She wanted to hold them back, to not look so weak in front of him, but the tears couldn't be willed back anymore. So instead, she rushed at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burrowing her face in his neck so he wouldn't be able to see them. "I won't forget you, Belial, I don't want to. I want to stay with you, and I want you to want to stay with me," she cried, her breaths coming in quick, strangled gasps. She looked up at him, the rain that still drizzled on the pair mixing with her tear tracks.

"I completed the spell, you know? The anti-glamour... I'm wearing the charm right now, and I'm still here. Still with you, and not going anywhere. I can't promise it wasn't the glamour before; I just don't know. But I know it's not the glamour now, it's not magic that's drawing me to you; it's just you," she whispered, hoping, needing him to believe her. She raised a hand and placed it against his cheek, sliding it up into his hair and keeping it there. "I'm sorry about your parents, about Helena, and about everything else. I'm sorry you think of yourself as a monster, and I'm sorry you don't see what I see, but you aren't a monster, Belial. You told me you don't like hurting people, and I believe you. I believe that you're the nice guy I thought you were who's in to music and romance novels, and it's that guy who's keeping me here now, not a spell, and not a monster," she continued, holding his gaze with her own.

"Do you believe me?" she asked, biting her lower lip nervously. 'Please, please say yes,' she thought, never once looking away from Belial.
His eyes danced between her own, listening to every word she said. He couldn't help it. He leaned in and paused his lips inches from her own. "Yes...I believe you.." he whispered and pulled back, his hands placing themselves on her hips.

I'm still...Worried.." He confessed. He felt so weird, as he pulled his hands back into his pockets. "I'm worried that something will happen that shouldn't.." He looked into her eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, or anyone.. I don't want to.. hurt YOU.." He had no way of explaining the need he felt to protect her. He felt like the war against their kind would get worse and the tolerence would go down more than it already was. He was afraid that his presence and inability to use his powers would cause her to get found out or killed.

His stomach growled quiet loud and he blushed touching it. "
sorry.." He rubbed the back of his neck. For some reason he felt like he apologized more than anything else. It had always been that way. Always apologizing to people. For helena, for himself.. Even for things that had nothing to do with him. But that's how he was.
She pulled away as he stuck his hands in his pockets, using this time to wipe the remainder of her tears away. She smiled at him, feeling a little better now that she knew he understood. She shook her head at him at his next words. "You won't hurt me. I know you won't," she said simply. It was a truth she accepted with no hesitation, that he wouldn't hurt her, not physically, at least. She let out a laugh as his stomach rumbled, her voice brighter and happier now, no longer strained or punctuated with strangled breaths. "You should've eaten more than an apple," she remarked, and stepped on to the sidewalk. Looking back up at Belial, she motioned for him to join her, smiling a little nervously as she did so. She didn't know how convincing her declaration had been, and so was unsure of how much faith he put behind her words.

"Let's go back to my place. We can get you something to eat, and you can finally get into some dry clothes," she said, shoving her hands in her own pockets as she spoke. 'And I can apologize to everyone for acting like a crazed maniac,' she added silently to herself with a slight wince. She barely understood what she was feeling herself; there was no way she would be able to explain her emotions to her coven. Putting off the thought for now, she looked back up at Belial, waiting for his response.
Drake walked along the roads of the city, his wings concealed into his back, and an energy umbrella of sorts keeping him dry from rain. He huffed, annoyed, ‘Even though this world can be so interesting, right now it is incredibly dull.’ He wondered what trouble he could cause. With his black trench-coat on and his black hair with white streaks in it, he sure looked like a trouble maker, but that was the way he liked it.

Drake spotted a cop searching for non-humans, ‘Oh, this is too tempting’ he thought, a sly grin appearing on his face. He lifted a hand and threw a ball of energy at the cop. The ball, invisible to humans, hit the officer square in the chest and sent him reeling. Drake chuckled to himself and kept moving, looking for someone to bother. Anyone, though hopefully not just a boring human.

Drake sighed loudly, looking around. He wasn’t entirely sure where he was. He saw a few people here and there, but the majority of them just shuddered when he passed by. It didn’t bother him much; it was just an affect he had on people.

Looking at a porch step of someone he spotted two people about ready to leave to go somewhere it seemed. Drake looked at them for a while, he was within their field of view if they looked around, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to approach. He noticed some tattoos on the male, and decided they might be interesting enough to talk to.

“Hey,” Drake said, walking a bit closer. “Staying there sopping wet could get you sick you know, right?”


Akira looked around at all the normal people through her sunglasses, envious of them. They didn’t have to hide, to fear, and to wonder. Akira on the other hand, she, being a dhampir, had everything to wonder about. Like, would anyone see her red eyes through her sunglasses?

She simply sighed and stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets, not really caring who ran into her or who she ran into. She didn’t know anyone in this city anyways. Kiki, her black cat purred on her shoulder as she walked, and Akira absentmindedly petted her with one hand, keeping the other in her jacket.
"Yeah let's go.." He said to her softly taking her hand, a smile on his face. He laced their fingers together in a loving lock. They where interupted by someones voice. He looked back and squeezed her had tightly bringing her to him instinctively. He studied the male up and down before saying anything.

Yeah..It was raining pretty hard.."He responded, his eyes still studying every feature as the male approached. This was quiet interesting it seemed because he could sense something about this boy that was different. He could smell the aura coming from him, not human. "What are you..?" His voice was a bit firm, as he tried to figure out if he would be a threat to Melody. For some reason his instincts wouldn't let him put his guard down. He knew he had to keep her safe no matter what. But he could tell this kid wasn't human. He was one of them.

I'm Belial.." He felt too formal introducing himself. He felt like there should of been something else he should of said but couldn't pin point it. He paused, "And we were just leaving..."
"Hmph," Drake said, a slight smirk on his face, "I tried to be all nice and concerned about your well-being and this is the reception I get? Not very nice." He looked at the girl, and then back to Belial, "Belial huh? Nice name. Mine's Drake, Drake Sevik. Demon. And you might want to be careful about how tight you hold her, she doesn't look like a demon. Hell, she seems like almost a human. But you know demons, stronger than normal people. Wouldn't want to hurt her." Drake looked directly at the girl and studied her for a moment, "Say, what is your name? You're kinda cute." Drake smiled slyly.
Belial's jaw tightened, his hand making a fist at his 'cute' comment. He was agitated. This was the first time someone had pissed him off right off the bat. He sighed a bit and closed his eyes for a second, then narrowed them at him.

She's mine" his words came out plane and simple, to the point. He realised she wasn't an object to be had, but he wanted the unknown man to know that her heart already belonged to him. He felt his strength returning to him, somewhat sharper than he had ever felt. He let go of her softly as to not hurt her but stayed next to her.

We will be leaving now, sir.." He said coldly, taking her hand as softly as possible and beginning to walk the other way, not really caring for the kid one bit. He knew he was up to no good, and the way he presented himself made him more of an enemy than a friend. He gritted his teeth together trying to stay calm. For the first time in his whole life his carnivores began to elongate and sharpen, the tips protruding out from his top lip as he walked. What the hell is going on, Belial? Are you turning full demon. his mind seemed to wonder on it's own like it was someone else speaking to him. He shook his head a bit confused, the voice was different. Was he different? His tattoos weren't lighting up or anything, but his heart was racing pounding against the cavity of his chest. Everything around him seemed more crisp and clear, and felt like it was running in slow motion. He paused his walking a bit looking around.

He saw the rain droplets slow down for a slip second before falling down at it's original speed. His eyes widened a bit and he breathed out, his chest rising and falling with every breath.

I.." he stopped. "Are you ok?" he turned over to look at Melody, to make sure she was ok, she was standing beside him. His eyes graced over her delicate features. He felt his body calm down. His fangs dissappeared again. He touched her shoulder. So did his strength. It was gone. He was confused. Was his anger making him change? That feeling was new. He looked at the boy. Studied his features and white hair. Was white hair common for demons?

He tilted his head a bit. His body had reacted to the comment from the boy towards the girl he had feelings for. It made him so angry. It had been the angriest he had ever felt. His form changed slightly. Was that a cause from anger? He parted his lips. "
I don't want any trouble..." He looked him over once. "But she is mine.." He placed his hand over his heart on his chest feeling it accelerate. "She.. Is mine.." he looked over at her.
"Fine, geez," Drake said, a small smile on his face still, "Don't bite my head off. All I said was she is cute. And she is. I can't be honest?" Drake came up close to them, his hands in his pockets. "What are you anyways? I assume a demon, but I guess it is more polite or something to ask." He took his hands out of his pockets and made a small energy ball, tossing it back and forth between his hands, wondering slightly if they could see it, they both weren't normal, so they might. "If you are a demon, how old?" Drake said, pausing for a moment then getting a big smile on his face, "I am 999 and a half. An arch-demon technically. Demon is so much easier to say." Drake held out the ball of energy to the girl with one hand, running the other through his black hair and through one of the strips of white, offering the energy to her, "Can you see it? What's more, I don't know a thing about you yet. Not even a name, how sad. Could you perhaps fix that for me?"

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