In The Shadows...

Inside of the building he didn't feel safe. He had begun to feel the regret of not listening to Helena when she told him to stay put. He sighed knowing he acted more like a human than the monster he really was. No one liked him anyway what was the point, right? In everyone's eyes he was just this cold hearted killer. Not some kid who watched movies and loved books and music and art, No. He was just some beast with powers he couldn't even control. He looked at the other two standing next to him and tightened his jaw trying to stay as mellow as possible. Think, I know you can do this. Don't be weak. Don't. His brain pushed him on to move and do something for them.

I'm not sure what to do.. But there has to be some type of fire escape somewhere.." he said softly keeping his gaze down, trying to get things rolling. "Helena.. She told me there is always an extra exit in big warehouses like these.." He cleared his throat and reached back, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. When he got nervouse he had a tendancy to act weird, and rub his neck.

He walked passed them into the big empty room and looked around, spotting a huge ladder heading to the rooftop. "
there.." he pointed, walking towards it. It was a huge metalic ladder heading up into a huge inside balcony with a door leading outside. He looked over at the witch and smiled a bit crookedly. He thought she was cute, and even under the circumstances he didn't mind taking his time to look at her. It had been the first time any girl had been around him without acting under his spell.

His heart began to speed up as red rushed to his cheeks.
I-is this what Liking someone feels like? his mind began to ask him No. I've only just met her.. He gulped and looked down again waiting for them to say something about his finding.


Helena sighed, as the girl smiled at her, her claws retracting. "
Oh, child.." she touched her head and moved slowly around her in a cirlce studying her slithe features. "You should probably leave.." she hissed, her tongue slinking out of her mouth like a skinny wet string momentarily licking her lips and sighing. "you better be glad i have already eaten.." she growled with a bit of a smirk. She looked around, still missing Belial. "That stupid boy already sneaking out again..." she tapped her foot on the ground inpatiently. She looked at her, and smiled, her demon teeth protruding out of her mouth from underneath her lips, as she took one long wiff of her, "You smell....horribly nice.." she sighed, rolling her eyes and proceeding to climb back into her tree, knowing the new creature would cause no harm "And by the way..Don't EVER f*cking say you are like me..." She hissed, turning around in her tree and laid there Waiting for Belial's return.
Melody watched Belial as he walked away to inspect their surroundings. 'There's that name again. He couldn't be connected to the Helena I'm thinking about. She's too cruel, and he's too...great, nice, interesting, sweet, attractive?' her mind shot off adjectives, and her face flushed red. 'Ah, hell, this isn't just the glamour, is it. Jeez, Melody, get a grip and focus; your life is kind of on the line,' she berated herself, snapping back into reality when Belial called out. Her eyes passed over him slowly before following the direction Belial was pointing. Her eyes sparkled excitedly when the noticed the ladder climbing towards the roof. "That could work," Melody replied with a hopeful tone. Her gaze dropped back down to Belial who she saw was smiling at her, watching her, and her heart nearly stopped before slamming rapidly against her ribcage as if to break free of her chest.

She switched her line of sight over to Lucas and said in a strange, almost choked voice, "W-we should head over there, too." She looked back in Belial's direction, but dropped her gaze to the floor and hurried over to him. 'So we can get out of here faster,' she added silently, just to reassure herself. "Where will we go after we get out?" Melody asked, still favoring the idea of staring at her shoes instead of at Belial.
He moved away slowl so she would go up the ladder and heard her speak. "Well i-i should go home, to Helena.. She will be so angry at me.." he winced a bit remmbering the whipping marks she had left on his back for letting one of her human lunches go. he sighed and re-foccussed. "I-if she realises i'm gone.." he paused afraid to continue. "W-we have to go.." he was nervous. He enclosed his hand on the bar of the ladder, his grip squeezing the metal in to a thin sheet of metal, his fingers molded into it. He quickly pulled away.

I-im sorry i.." he sighed and put his hands in his pockets trying to not sound like an idiot. He wasn't even sure if he would be able to climb the ladder with his powers being out of wack. He looked down at the girl's feet, a bit of a blush on his face. He felt embarrassed looking like a fool in front of her, breaking things and tripping over his own feet. What kind of monster was he? He wasn't a monster at all but some stupid kid who couldn't control his powers. He shut his eyes for a second trying to calm down, his tattoos finnaly dimming down to a faint glow before finnaly dissappearing.

Hurry, please.." he said softly again, trying not to stare to much, his eyes lingering on the curves of her body. In reality, he hadn't studied a girl this close before, Or any person before. He hadn't been allowed to interact with anyone but Helena, or unless she told him to. He was her toy, her weapon to bring women in so she could feast on. Even men. He shivered a bit.

Helena.. She.. she might kill me if she finds me gone.." he touched his forehead. "I should of never left in the first place..." he breathed out heavily, trying not to look too nervous.
Melody frowned when he said he'd have to go home after they escaped. Part of her wanted to laugh at the thought - it reminded her of friends saying goodbye after a play date - but another part of her wanted to reach out and grab him, to force him to stay with her for a little longer. But she resisted both inclinations and instead looked up at the ladder that would lead the three of them to safety. The height looked daunting, even from down below where things looked more grounded and stable, and she worried that she'd slip on the metal, but she steeled herself for the climb. She was about to reach for the first bar when he crushed it in what appeared to be a fairly loose grasp. Melody's eyes widened at the sight, and she wondered just what kind of powers Belial possessed. Whatever they were, they all seemed to have an extra kick to them; the glamour and now his super strength.

"It's alright," she said softly and smiled slightly, almost shyly. The smile turned into a nervous one when he asked her to hurry, and so she turned back to the ladder and grabbed the second bar, skipping the first one as the metal stuck out from where it was bent by Belial. She watched him watch her from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but smile a little. When she got passed her awkward nervousness, and the fact that the police could storm the building and kill them all any second, she was kind of liking the attention, though she wouldn't admit it to herself or anyone else just yet. She reached for the next bar, but stopped mid reach when Helena's name was mentioned again.

Melody inhaled sharply and held her breath. 'You can't be serious,' she thought, a mix of apprehension and anger welling up inside of her. The apprehension was born from uncertainty. Just why was Belial hanging out with someone who A) might kill him, and B) killed people for food? The anger was born from part A. Melody wasn't sure why Belial was associated with that she-demon, heart-eating, monster of a woman, but she could hear the fear in his voice and tell how rattled he was by how labored his breathing seemed. For reasons still unfathomable, it pissed her off that he felt he had to go back to that, go back to a place that scared him, where he feared for his safety. 'And to that Helena of all creatures,' she silently fumed, but tried her hardest not to portray the emotion. Instead, she continued climbing.

"I'm glad you left," she called over her shoulder as she made her way up the ladder. "I might not have gotten the chance to meet you otherwise," she finished, and for once that night she didn't blush. Maybe it was the unadulterated rage that was flowing through her veins, but she wasn't embarrassed by the statement any more than she would have been embarrassed to say, "the sky's blue today."
Carla noticed the confidence burning in his eyes, and she couldn't help but let a small grin appear on her face. The grin quickly vanished when the siren suddenly blared just outside the alleyway. A cop car was driving straight towards them.

Quickly transforming into her Snow Panther form, she used every last bit of her strength as she leaped on top of the police cars hood. Like she had done before, the police car swerved out of control, making the man inside hit his head on the window and fall unconscious.

She panted heavily, leaping off the car and shifting back. She gripped her stomach, new blood beginning to flow out of the severe wound.

"Seeing that I have no strength left.. You probably should carry me. But you don't have to." She reassured, even though she knew he had to if she wanted her to survive. She took in a sharp breath, the pain intensifying from when she leaped on the hood of the car. She heard more sirens, and she winced.

"No more delaying. Let's go."
Belial looked up as she climbed, he right after. Every step he took and piece of metal he grabbed would bend and twist. He looked below as the boy followed. "I-im sorry for breaking them.. i should of probably gone last" he sighed and looked back up.

Suddenly his foot broke through one of the bars making him lose balance, falling back. His heart thudded hard against his chest as he reached forward grabbing onto the step above him, his strength not breaking it this time. He breathed out as he pulled himself up reaching the balcony after the girl. He tried to open the door but broke the handle. "
Oh for fu*k sakes.." he was beginning to get irritated. Maybe his powers were over reacting because he was nervous being around people. He cleared his throat and broke it open with the sole of his shoe. He stepped out and looked down. There was a huge staircase leading down to the back of the room. He ran down the stairs, not waiting for anyone. You looked like an idiot to that girl. Way to go. he thought sighing reaching the bottom. Everything was calm. He had heard a gunshot before but didn't pay much mind to it. He breathed in deeply, trying to smell if anyone was close by. He walked out of the alley into the street looking both ways.

I should get home..." He looked back at the girl. He lowered his eyes to her lips again and smiled a bit. "W-will i see you again..Or...?" he paused and rubbed teh back of his neck. Why would she? You made a fool of yourself.
Melody chuckled as Belial broke through the door that led outside and followed him through it at a more sedated pace. She was a only a few feet away by the time he had checked the street to make sure no one was coming. She smiled when he asked if they'd meet again, and nodded. "I hope so," she replied. "Ah, hang on a second," she added and slid the guitar case she was carrying off her shoulder, laying it down gently on the street. Opening it quickly, she pulled a blank page of sheet music and a pen from an inside pocket and stood, balancing on one foot as she used the other as a table. She scribbled something down and handed the paper to Belial, smiling a little shyly. "This is my address and my home phone. If you ever need anything, or just want someone to talk to, don't hesitate to drop by or give me a call," she instructed and bit her lip, looking back down at her shoes.

She didn't really want to leave yet; they had only met a few minutes ago, but he seemed insistent that he got home, and so Melody didn't push him. Still, she felt weird about just saying goodbye and leaving. It felt...too formal, she supposed. She glanced back up at Belial, looking into his eyes, though his were on her lips. Her heart fluttered at the revelation, and she wondered if maybe the glamour was affecting her more than she had realized, after all. 'I don't really care,' she decided. 'I'll cast a counter spell tonight...and if it was just his glamour then I can regret this later,' she mused. The demon on her shoulder was telling her to kiss him, and she was inclined to listen to the little beast and deal with the angel's berating later.

Melody stepped a little closer and said, "It was really nice meeting you Belial." And in one swift motion, she leaned up and kissed him briefly on the lips - nothing more than the shortest of pecks - and backed off, bending down to zip up her guitar. Sliding the instrument back over her shoulder, Melody stood and gave Belial a nervous smile, a light blush painted across her face. "Right, so I'm gonna go now. I'll see you around!" Melody called as she strolled away briskly. She stopped to look both ways just to double check that they were safe, and hurried around the corner, heading towards home at a near run.


Waltz nodded once and picked Carla up bridal style. He'd admit it was awkward, but it was only a temporary situation, and they had to get out of there quickly. He was about to jump up to the roof when he realized he didn't know where they were headed. He turned his head around to look at Hazel, his gaze imploring. "Where to, Hazel?"
(Sorry Its taken me so long guys! My PC is messed up, luckily Im getting a new laptop for Christmas!)

Hazel nodded at the both of them. She wouldn't leave them behind. She needed them, and they needed her help now. She closed her eyes, trying to remember where exactly it was. She had camped in the warehouse for a while before relocating to the streets. She wished she hadn't left, but his time, it wouldn't be as.. Lonely. She sighed a bit, recalling the last piece of the memory. "Head down that street, about two an a... half blocks," She said, pointing in the direction she was meant for them to go. "We will come up on a large, but old, road. The pavement is uneven and broken, no one uses it," She continued, starting to lead them down. "Then we follow that and about a sixth of a mile down is a huge warehouse. It says: MARCUS CO. On it in big, white, faded letters. You'll know it when ya' see it." She smiled. She stood at the edge of a building that was at the enterance to the dirt road. "We'll be safe there, at least for a bit," She sighed, the rain starting to come down.
Carla blushed a little bit when Waltz picked her up, and she quickly looked the other direction so he wouldn't notice. She let out a sigh of relief, feeling better that she didn't have to walk. The pain was super intense, but it's just a throbbing feeling now.

Her icy eyes looked towards the sky, seeing it was beginning to rain. She must of been so weak that she could no longer make it snow anymore.

She looked up to Waltz, than to Hazel, listening to her directions.

"The warehouse will have to do for now. It's better than staying out here anyways." She mumbled, feeling the cold droplets of rain fall onto her.

The sirens blared louder and louder, and Carla's eyes grew urgent.
His eyes where focused on her lips. He noticed how plump and pink they where, as his eyes outlined them softly taking notice of every small curve and angle of her face. When she handed him the piece of paper with her information, he couldn't help but blush intensely. There where so many things going through his head at that very moment when their fingers slightly touched with the transaction of the note. He sighed in a soft relief. His eyes slowly shifted up, staring a bit further up at her face and he noticed she had her eyes set on his. Is..Is she glamoured? Damn. Is that why she's acting like she likes you? He paused for a moment. And then the strangest thing happened. Something he wasn't expecting at all. He felt her lips slightly touch his own in a small peck.

In an instant his face became red and flushed almost at the same time. He didn't know weather she was acting like that because she had been glamoured or because it was true and maybe he did give someone in the world these types of feelings. He had received many kissed before hers, Passionate. And needless to say he was an alright kissed because of it.. But never like this. Maybe voluntarily? Could that be possible for someone who could force love on others ACTUALLY be loved with no strings or magic attached? He let out a soft breath as she walked away. He watched her, his eyes taking in every curve of her disappearing body into the distance. His knees where weak and his heart pounded against the cavity of his chest like some form of foreign object in his body he had only just discovered.

He breathed out hard, noticing he was holding his breath for a bit. He put the paper in his pocket tapping the outside of his pants to make sure it wasn't just his imagination playing tricks. He touched the side of his head, his white locks clinging to his fingertips like small wet grass. He had been sweating from all the excitement and confusion it seemed. But not too much, It was more of a glistening type thing. He breathed out again, turning on his heel and walking off waving back at the gargoyle who had made LITTLE interaction with him. He looked down the whole way home, looking at his shoes, his hands in his pockets caressing the wonderful note he had received today.

As he walked into his home he found a stranger standing in the middle of the room, watching Helena as she sat on the tree. "
H-Helena?!" He yelled running towards them. Helena looked up from her comfortable position and lazily jumped down from the tree passing the kid in the middle of the room. "Goodness you are still here?" she hissed and sucked her teeth, walking up the rest of the way to Belial. She sighed and touched her forehead caressing her temples.

Belial is it so FU*KING hard to tell me when you are leaving?" she was agitated.

I-im sorry i know if i would of told you, you wouldn-" he was cut off by her jumping up, the soles of her feet against his chest. She yanked his collar towards her, grabbing his jaw with her small bony hands pressing hard against his jaw bone. "What the hell have i told you about leaving?!" He sniffed him. "You smell like.. like.. GREEN WITCH!" her eyes lit up as she sunk her nails into his jaw. He winced. a slight drop of blood seeping out onto her nail.

I just.. i hate being cooped up in here.. and only going out.. when your hungry!" he yelled suddenly, she smiled. She let go of his face and jumped off of him with a rough push, landing on the ground. "well well, look who has grown some balls, huh?" she licked her bloody nail and sighed. "Get this stupid thing.. out of my sight" she was reffering to the intruder who was watching them. He frowned a bit and rubbed his jaw, whiping away the blood and fixing his shirt.

I don't want to Helena.." he backed away against the door and walked out, closing it behind him.

Helena smirked and clawed her way back up to her tree, laying there. "
You will be back Belial...And when you do.. It will only be harder on you.." she frowned a bit. Was she having these feelings for him because she cared? Or because he did all the work she no longer had to do to get food? Either way her chest felt tight.

Belial sighed walking back out into the street, the cold nipping at his nose. He breathed out a small ball of air, that dissapeared again as he continued to walk.
She is going to kill you. she will hunt you down and kill you. His mind betrayed him, yelling cussing and torturing him for his 'wreckless' decision.! you are stupid! IDIOT! now what?! where will you go? HUH?! WHERE?! FU*K He touched his head. What had he done?

After walking for a few hours around the city he stopped, and sat down on a bench at the park. He figured as long as his tattoos didn't light up he looked like a normal person. Besides, he had his hoodie on, so no one could see his face. He leaned back against the bench and tucked his hands in his pockets. Where would he go? What would he do? He closed his eyes thinking back to the mere hours he had met the girl, as his fingers touched the note again.

What where you thinking, Belial.." he said softly into the air.

(@ShizukaAyame I would like to talk to you if you wouldn't mind PMing me in Shoutbox or.. sending me a message? =] You inbox is full. If not it is fine)
"Alright, then let's go," Waltz said and turned to start down the road Hazel had pointed towards, his pace quick. The more distance they put between the cops and them, the longer they had before the police found them, and the longer they had to find the witch and heal Carla. He was still clueless as to how they would find the Green Witch, but he would deal with that problem later. The first order of business was getting to the warehouse.

Glancing down at Carla, Waltz exhaled slowly, turning his gaze away from the blood. 'Focus. One thing at a time, one foot in front of the other,' he instructed himself, breathing through his mouth instead of his nose. Waltz kept close to the walls of the buildings lining the otherwise deserted street, hoping there weren't any humans lurking in the alley ways that would alert the cops to their presence.

Melody's flushed features were slowly returning to their normal color, her embarrassment slowly fading and her heart returning to its normal speed. Now that she was away from all the chaos that had erupted a little while ago - though it already felt like years had gone by - her pace was much more sedated, as it normally was. And now that Belial was out of sight, she could finally think clearly. "Bloody hell...," she groaned aloud and shook her head in disbelief, but a wide smile played across her lips. She still feel those lips pressed against her own, despite the fact that the kiss had lasted only a second, if that. "You have had one crazy day, girl," she whispered to herself, and sighed, but it was one of contentment. Some shitty things had transpired, sure, but she was glad she got to meet Belial, and the gargoyle, though she hadn't technically met him. "I hope he's okay," she murmured, remembering that she never really got a chance to inspect him. She was too busy staring at his demon companion.

Chuckling to herself, Melody looked up towards the sky as the first few raindrops fell and splashed the earth below. She could still hear sirens blaring in the distance, but on this calm, soulless road she felt at ease. At this point, her biggest worry was that the now heavier rainfall would penetrate her guitar case and ruin her instrument and sheet music, though she knew the chances of that happening were one in a million. Ryan, a fellow witch that lived in the apartment next to hers, specialized in water magic and had assured her that the waterproofing spell he had placed on the case was foolproof.

Overall, everything was right with the world at that moment. The rain was refreshing, she wasn't about to die or in danger, and her pulse was no longer threatening her with the prospect of cardiac arrest. And then she saw the three bloodied figures walking towards her from the other end of the street.

Melody stiffened immediately and darted into the nearest alleyway, hoping that if they were foe they were hadn't seen her.

Waltz blinked once, twice, and then a third time to make sure there wasn't anything obstructing his vision. The very person he had been agonizing over just a second ago was walking towards them, but she had disappeared in the next second. 'Was I seeing things?' he wondered, but doubted the possibility. "I think I just saw that witch I was talking about," he announced loudly enough for both girls to hear. His heart rate skyrocketed, and he took off down the street, not wanting to waist a second. 'If she was really there, then she must've turned into one of the side streets,' he realized, and looked down each one as he neared the location where he had seen her. After the third checked and cleared alley, Waltz found her pressed against the brick of the building that stretched upwards on one side of the alley.

"You! Holy hell, what happened to her?" Melody blurted as she examined Carla's bleeding stomach.

"Long story. Can you help her?" he asked, apprehension clear in his voice. Melody pushed off the wall she was leaning on and walked over to the two to get a closer look at Carla's wound. She closed her eyes briefly, muttered an incantation, and reopened her eyes which were now glowing a dull green. She scanned over Carla's abdomen and smiled, relief showing in her eyes.

"Yeah. Nothing major is damaged. I'll need a place to work, though," Melody informed, shifting her guitar case so it rested more comfortably on her shoulder. "Did you get shot or what?" she added as an after thought, directing her question to Carla.
Carla vision became blurry as Waltz followed the Green Witch he was talking about before. She thought just a moment ago.. That they were heading to the warehouse? She groaned quietly in confusion, turning her blurred gaze to Melody, who know stood in front of them.

The pain from her wound was beginning to get to her head, making it hard to think. Black dots appeared in her vision when Melody walked over to her and Waltz and inspected her wound. She saw relief on Melody's face, and knew she was was going to be okay.

When Melody asked her a question, Carla slightly nodded as her vision grew blurrier.

"Yes..." She said it so quietly that it was almost a whisper. She suddenly closed her eyes and fell into unconsciousness in Waltz's arms.

A man stood in front of Carla, a long knife in his hand. She touched her abdomen, surprised to see that it had healed. Where was she?

"Carla Reynolds." The man said in a familiar voice, making her narrow her eyes at him.

"Who are you?" She demanded, trying to shift into her Snow Panther, but couldn't.

What is this? She asked herself, staring around the dark clearing. The only things she saw were her and the man. Everything else was pitch black.

"How could you not remember me?.. Does the name Lucas Ospen sound familiar?"

Almost as soon Carla heard that name, her fists clenched.

"YOU! Get the hell away from me! Murderer!" She suddenly snarled, throwing a strong punch at him, but it just went right through him. Her eyes widened when his fingers wrapped around her neck and hoisted her upwards. A grin spread across his face as she struggled, clawing at his arms.

"You killed.. My Grandmother.." She growled, squirming twice as more. The grip on her neck tightened out of nowhere, making her gasp for air. The man suddenly took out a gun, and pressed it against the side of her head.

"NO!" She screamed, suddenly waking up about an hour later. She breathed heavily, realizing she had screamed that out in real life as well.

Her icy eyes glanced around her at Waltz and Melody. She blushed and scratched the back of her head embarrassingly.

"Sorry.. Just a bad dream.." She muttered, touching her neck, but gasped in shock when she felt nail indents in her skin. The man had somehow managed to grab her in real life too..

"But how?.." She randomly whispered to herself, staring at her feet.
"Carla? Carla!" Waltz repeated her name, shaking her lightly the second time. "Shit, she passed out," he cursed, and looked up at Melody with panic in his eyes. He didn't know if he should be reassured or pissed by the calm expression the witch was wearing. "What do we do?" he asked, his voice strained.

"I need a place to work. Somewhere we won't be interrupted," Melody repeated and explained. The distant wail of sirens blaring reminded Waltz that it wasn't just the gunshot wound that they needed to worry about right now.

"Right, sorry. Follow us," he mumbled and turned out of the alley. "To the warehouse," he instructed and started back down the street in the direction of the warehouse. Remembering Hazel's instructions, Waltz quickly reached the warehouse with the words Marcus CO printed on its walls. He rushed inside with Melody right on his heels, and laid Carla down on the floor, wishing that me had something softer to lay her on. "Please hurry," he mumbled, turning towards Melody.

Melody nodded and knelt in front of Carla. She held her hands directly above Carla's wound and muttered an incantation under her breath. When she finished her spell, her hands glowed a bright blue, and a swirl of energy spiraled down to the bullet hole. The energy seeped into the wound and Carla's skin around the bullet hole began to glow the same blue as Melody's hands. After a moment, all of the energy slipped off Melody's hands and flowed into Carla, and then slowly rose from the snow panther's body, pulling the bullet with it. As the last of the energy left Carla's body, it sealed the wound, whisking away the blood that had dried around the wound. Melody smiled and turned towards Waltz. "She's all fixed up. She'll be fine once she wakes up, but she'll have to take it easy for a while. She lost a lot of blood," she informed and Waltz sighed in relief.

"Alright, thanks," Waltz replied, returning Melody's smile with his own.

"Of course, I'm glad to help," she said, and began to stand up when Carla screamed. Melody jumped and tripped, falling on her ass. "Holy shit," she breathed out, chest heaving as her pulse began to slow down. "You okay?" Melody asked as Carla felt her neck.
(Haha xD Melody's reaction to Carla's random scream was priceless:D)

Carla took her hands off her neck, and nodded slightly.

"Yeah.. I-I'm fine.." She said, her voice becoming strong and confident like before. Her icy eyes drifted down back to her stomach, where she expected her wound to still be. But she was surprised to see that it was no longer there.

"My wound is gone! Thank god.." She said the last of her sentence in a relieved tone, letting out a sigh. She felt way better now that she was all healed. Before, she felt weak and vulnerable, which were feelings she was not used to. But now, she was back to her old self.

She leaped to her feet, and smiled kindly at Melody.

"Thank you for healing me! I don't know what would of happened if it wasn't for you."

Her icy eyes looked very troubled as she stared down at the floor for a minute. She was still trying to figure out how Lucas had even gotten a hold on her neck it was just a dream.. Or was it real all along?

After thanking Melody, she padded slowly towards a window, and looked outside. Sure enough, large flakes of snow were falling from the sky once again. She grinned to herself, turning back towards the others.

"The sirens are gone. Do you think it would be safe if we headed out in the morning?" She asked, shifting into her Snow Panther and padding slowly towards the door. She stopped and awaited an answer from one of them before stepping outside into the freezing weather.
Melody chuckled and grinned at the girl's energetic behavior. "You're welcome. If any of you ever need anything, just ask," she said, looking at Hazel, Waltz, and Carla in turn. "I'm usually hanging out around here somewhere, or at the park," she added and started heading towards the door they had entered through. When Carla next spoke, Melody turned to face her and smiled sheepishly. "Actually, I was gonna head out now. I have an apartment about a block from the park, and people are expecting me home...," she said, trailing off awkwardly. She didn't want them to feel like she was abandoning them, but she didn't want to worry those back in her apartment building. She normally wasn't out for this long when the police started showing up; it was a rule among the other witches she lived with to draw as little attention to themselves as possible and to get back to the apartment building where they could properly defend themselves if the government happened to come knocking.

Earlier, she had forgotten all about her coven, but now that she was no longer running or hiding from the cops - and now that a particular demon was no longer taking up her full attention - she could think a little more clearly and remembered her fellow witches. 'They're gonna freak out when I get back,' she thought with a slight wince. 'I hope they're not too worried.'

"Don't worry about it. We can take care of ourselves from here," Waltz said, and Melody smiled at him. She nodded and continued to the back door. Stopping, she turned around and waved at the three.

"It was nice seeing you again... Waltz, right?" Melody asked and Waltz nodded. "And it was nice to meet you two," Melody called to Carla and Hazel. With a final wave, she turned on her heel and pushed through the back door. She hurried down the street and back towards her home. Now that Carla had been healed, it had started to snow again, and Melody felt her muse returning. She remembered the song she had begun to write earlier in the day and started humming it again, trying to come up with words to put with the notes.

Deciding to stop by the park on her way home to see if being closer to nature would give her an easier time coming up with words, Melody changed her course slightly so that the park was between her and home. By the time she had reached the park, she had figured out the first verse of the song, but she was completely stumped as to what to do for the chorus.

Entering the park, Melody found herself at ease with the smell of grass and dirt finding its way to her nose. She closed her eyes as she walked, letting memory guide her towards the middle of the park, opening her eyes here and there when she heard someone approaching before closing them again. When she reached the center of the park, Melody reopened her eyes again and blinked in surprise. "Belial?" she blurted, shocked at the reappearance of her new acquaintance. Her face heated up as the memory of how she had last left him returned to her.
"I kind of have a bad feeling that the police are going to look here. Besides, this is the most obvious place for a couple of supernaturals to hide." She said after Melody had left, shifting back into her human form and thinking for a minute. Carla was about to say something, when she heard loud voices outside.

"Let's check in here, Daniel!" She heard a man call out. She froze when she saw a flashlight shoot past the window multiple times, casting an eerie yellow light into the warehouse.

Without thinking, she pinned Waltz to the wall behind him and fell silent. She grabbed his hand, and immediately both of them became invisible.

"I have the power to blend in with the color white. When I touch another person, they blend in too." She whispered to him, not realizing her face was extremely close to his.

"Now.. Don't move." She whispered to him quietly. The door swung open, and two policeman walked in, scanning the area with there flashlights. Carla grew completely still when the flashlight suddenly turned towards her and Waltz, staying there for a second. The policeman suddenly moved away, and continued to check out the place. Carla let out a small breath, since she had been holding her breath the whole time the policeman had been standing there.

"Look's like there's no one in here. Let's go." One of them said, heading outside of the warehouse. The other soon followed, but he looked hesitant.

When Carla knew they had both gone, she let go of Waltz's hand and immediately the two of them became visible. She took a few steps back, grinning sheepishly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to be that close."
(Sorry It took meh so long.. I was sleeping over with someone haha)

Hazel looked frightened as the men walked in. She looked at the witch, Waltz and Carla. She sighed, thinking to herself. Wow dumbass, nice place to hide... A WAREHOUSE? Man, you are so STUPID! She thought while hitting herself in the head. She sighed and ducked behind some boxes. She crowded them around her so no one would notice. As soon as they came, they were gone. "I'm sorry guys.. My fault." She said quietly to them when the men had left. "Melody, Thanks for healing her.." She smiled and looked at the 3 others, wondering what to do.
[[[MENTION=3277]Sprinkles228[/MENTION] ...Melody wasn't in the building when the police came in, or any time thereafter. And, don't worry 'bout late responses; they're better than no response at all. ;) ]]

Waltz's face turned scarlet as Carla came in close, pressing him against the wall and standing directly in front of him, mere inches separating the two. 'Too close, too close, too close,' his mind was screaming, but he remained stock still as Carla had instructed. He breathed out a sigh of relief as the police left and the snow panther backed up, and leaned more naturally against the wall, his body relaxing now. "It's alright," he said, speaking to both girls. "I think we'll be okay now. I don't know why they'd check this place again after clearing it," he elaborated and slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

He ran a hand through his messy locks. Waltz had thought simply talking to the other two creatures was an adventure in and of itself; their date with the police was a little too much for him to handle. "So...what are we gonna do now?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Carla, for some odd reason, was not paying attention. Her icy eyes were directed out the window, as if looking for something. She listened carefully and surely enough heard the softest crunches of feet about a mile away. Than it suddenly stopped.

Her gaze looked troubled for a moment, and she slowly stepped towards the door, opening it wide. The snowy clearing in front of her was empty, as she had suspected. But she could smell someone. And it was strong.

"I think someone's outside.." She said finally after suspiciously scanning around the area. She walked out into the cold snow, standing in the middle of the clearing. She heard a twig snap, and immediately turned her head in that direction.

Someone was definitely here.

Before she had time to say anything, she felt someone push her to the ground from the back and aim a knife at her throat.

"Do you work for the police?" Was all the person said, pressing the knife against her neck harder.

"Hell no. Does it look like I do?" She growled, surprised that the person had removed the knife from her neck and had taken a step back. She leaped to her feet, dusting off the snow that covered her knees, than glanced towards the person. He was a tall, handsome boy with light brown hair. She also could sense he was a Vampire.

"Who are you?" Carla asked quietly, surprisingly not mad for him putting a knife to her neck. The boy looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Names' Aaron. What about you?"

"Carla." She said, not really wanting to present herself fully. She didn't know if she trusted Aaron or not yet. He grinned when he heard her name, and he put both hands behind his head.

"Carla, huh? That's a pretty name." He said and chuckled.

Carla blushed a little bit and than turned towards the warehouse.

"You can stay with us if you want. Just don't cause any trouble." She said, walking towards the warehouse with him following closely behind.
He felt the droplets of rain hit his head and then heard the girl speak. He quickly turned in suprise a bit of a smile on his face, which he quickly took notice of and put on a straight face. "H-hello.." he breathed out softly, trying not to look her in the eyes. "Miss green witch" he put a slight emphasis on 'green' like she had when they had first met, just to lighten up the situation.

I-I'm not stalking you i swear i ..I've just been walking all night..." he sighed again in frustration because he felt nervous around her like he couldn't really speak. "Helena was mad at me... And.. I actually ran away" he shrugged it off and kicked the dirt in front of him a bit, his eyes tracing the lines of her lips again.

I'm honestly afraid to go back.." he gulped, "B-but ill be fine though!" he said right after to make it seem like it would be okay, as he began remembering the conversation and the scratch Helena had put on his face. While sitting on the bench he had contemplated glamouring a human woman to let him stay at her home for the night so he could get some rest and figure himself out in the morning, but in all honesty he didn't know if he should now. He didn't want this girl to think he was more of a monster than he had already been. He cleared his throat.

I was honestly trying to ... get comfortable and think things through" he began to get nervous again his fingers fidgeting with the note in his pocket. He felt a slight sting as it cut his pointer finger. He bit his lip but tried not to show her any indication it had happened. He was thinking to himself that he should go through with his glamouring plan when she had left. That way it would be easier for him to do it and not feel as bad. He felt guilty around her for some reason; Guilty that he was how he was and he couldn't help do the things he had done. He felt guilty that he had been such a bad person and did those things for helena. He sighed waiting for her to speak, his lips still remembering their soft encounter with her own earlier that night.

As the rain began to fall even harder he looked into her eyes for a moment, and took off his hoodie draping it over her head. It was sort of big on her, really baggy and long. He smiled a bit and lowered his eyes.

You should be careful miss green witch, You might catch a cold..." he placed his hands in his pockets again not realizing he had left a small bloody dot on the sleeve of the hoodie when he draped it over her. He placed his finger in his mouth and sucked on it.

You should get home..." he stepped aside, so she could walk past him. "It's dangerous out here..."
"Uh..hey," Melody replied with a nervous smile. She wasn't sure what his reaction to the kiss had been, really, as she had taken off right after it had happened. But the apprehension growing inside of her melted away as Belial continued to speak. A delighted grin pulled at her lips. "You really ran away? Wow, that must've taken some guts. I'm impressed," Melody exclaimed, feeling relieved that he wouldn't have to go back to Helena - if she was, in fact, the Helena she had been thinking of, that is. He didn't seem to be as thrilled about running away as she was, though, and so she tried to reassure him. "Do you...need a place to stay?" she asked timidly.

In the next second, the skies really opened up and he gave her his hoodie. "Thanks," she said lamely and looked up, noticing he was sucking on his finger. "No more dangerous for me than it is for you," she responded and remained where she was. Letting her eyes trail up from his lips to the rest of his face, Melody noticed the angry red marks that stood out on the skin there. "I can fix that if you want," she declared as she tightened her hold on the hoodie to keep her hands from instinctively reaching for his face.

((Meh, sorry for the lame post. :/ ))
He looked up at her and gave her a goofy smile. "I really do need a place to stay..." he admitted. "And.. it's okay.. cuts and bruises only remind you that your still alive.." he chuckled a bit reaching over, his fingertips caressing her hand softly. "you are cold.." He said, his breathe seeping out into bits of smoke.

He took ahold of her hand softly and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her as the rain began to pour down a bit harder on their heads.
Don't squeeze too tight, Belial. His head demanded as he loosened his grip on her and moved back again, his face flushed red. "I'm sorry.. I just.." he paused for a moment debating on weather to tell her the truth about how he felt. He had never felt this way before, it was the first time he felt so attracted to anyone. but it wasn't just an attraction it was a need to be beside her, a force that was pushing him to want to protect her. He felt like she was made to be with him. For a moment he felt so silly thinking that because they had only just met, But who was he to say anything? He was a demon who loved all things and humans. He was supposed to be the bringer of death and yet he loved music and poetry and books. He was all types of backwards.

Truth is.. I feel the need to protect you.." he opted for the truth, Or at least half of it. Leaving out that he felt like the were meant to be together. That would of just sounded Silly.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead softly, the water dripping down his face at this point. "
You never gave me a chance to kiss you back.."
"I suppose that's true," Melody said, returning his smile with a crooked smile of her own. Her skin tingled where he brushed his fingers against her, sending tendrils of warmth shooting through her. Was she cold? It was hard to tell standing so close to him, feeling nothing but the heat generated between them.

She willingly stepped into his arms as he pulled her to him, but he moved away from her before she could wrap her own arms around him. "You don't have anything to apologize for," she murmured as she stepped closer to him again. Her heart fluttered at his next words, the organ doing a happy dance as he said he wanted to protect her. She wouldn't mind that one bit, she decided, already feeling safe and comfortable with the demon. It was so hard to believe they had met only a few hours ago; it felt like so much longer, closer to a lifetime than less then a day.

Melody looked up at Belial after he kissed her and smiled, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "What's stopping you now?" she asked coyly, wrapping her arms around his neck.
His heart began to beat hard against the cavity of his chest. He breathed out, feeling her breath on his lips as she came closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked down at her a bit, his eyes locked on to hers. He didn't know if he was glamouring her or not, damn his weird powers. All he knew was that she was there in the rain with him. This was one of those scenes you only see in romantic movies when the male lifts the girl up in some awkward twirl and they kiss passionately. the only problem was; he didn't really think he could twirl her, not because hw couldn't but because he was afraid of killing her. And the next dilemna was that this wasn't a movie, it was real life and he was too much of a little puss to know what to do next. Women had always taken a liking to him but because he had that appealing glamouring effect on them. Having a girl this close who could be something real for once made his arms and legs feel like spaggheti.

He breathed out again a smile curving his lips softly as he closed his eyes tilting his head slightly and moving in to kiss her. Only to stop Centimeters away.

I-.." he stopped. He didn't know what was happening. was this real? or was this whole thing melting into surrealness like a painting he had seen in a book once. He didn't care. He pushed his lips against her own feeling the water seep through them and he pulled back biting her bottom lip and pulling it back a bit. He kissed her again, this time her bottom lip between his, his tongue playing with her own. He didn't want to stop. What was happening? He stopped long enough to take a breath and kiss her again, sucking on them slightly pulling back.

You taste.. Amazing.." he said softly, opening his eyes, his hands on her hips. Out of all the women he had kissed under his spell none had tasted this sweet. He could taste her aura, her goodness. He could taste the pureness of her soul. He loved it. His cheeks reddened instantly, as he looked into her eyes. "It's raining.." he breathed out trying not to sound like a complete idiot.

I had forgotten.." he admitted, a small smile on his face, his tattoo's beginning to glow again.
Melody's heart was racing. She had kissed other guys before, but this was different. It was...stronger, she almost wanted to say. It was sweet, but hot, and comfortable, but exciting. She pressed herself closer to him as their lips melded together, and she panted as he pulled away slightly. She slid her hands into Belial's hair as he spoke and she caught her breath, her exhalations manifesting as white puffs of air. " you," she drawled, smiling contently.

She chuckled at his comment, and she glanced up at the sky, letting the droplets splash her before looking back to Belial. "I had, too," she said with a breathy laugh. "We're completely drenched," she noted, grinning despite herself. "Do you want to go inside? My apartment is just outside of the park," she informed, and immediately turned red. "J-just to get out of the rain and all," she added, smiling sheepishly.

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