In The Shadows...

Kaleo entered a warehouse building with a tree in the middle of it.

She sat against the wall closest to the tree. She sighed and smelled

the sent of a creature who was sitting here not to long ago. She sighed

again and relaxed some until she heard noises coming from the tree.

She stood and walked up to the tree looking up in it. "Is anyone there?"

she whispered.
The racing pace of Waltz's heart slowed down just a little as Hazel accepted his apology. He was bothered by her words, though. Nice to see more of their kind? Not really, not if they were like him, just a tool that was meant to cause death and destruction. Honestly, Waltz still wasn't used to creatures, having originated as a human himself. His parents never had anything bad to say about anyone, but even they were wary of any sentient being who wasn't a human, and, as a result, so was Waltz. But he decided that the Aswang was nice enough, and so he attempted to be civil.

"I'm from-" Waltz cut himself off. Was it alright to say that he was from the neighborhood just down the street, or were vampires supposed to originate elsewhere? Would these two care if they knew he was originally mortal, human, different? "...around here," he finished his previous sentence, eying the girls warily. He supposed that it was a safe enough answer. To the second question, he answered with, "I'm a vampire." It wasn't a lie; it simply wasn't the full truth. He was a vampire, just not a particularly strong or immortal one.

A little ways away...

Melody flattened herself against the wall as several police cars zoomed by. A few humans stopped and looked at here curiously, wondering why this normal looking girl seemed so agitated by the government's dogs. She let out a nervous laugh and announced to the crowd in a shaky voice, "I was worried that they were chasing a creature or something." The bystanders immediately relaxed and nodded at her sympathetically.

"Understandable, dear, but try to relax. If the police were chasing a freak then the monster would be too concerned with saving their sorry ass to bother with any of us," an older woman said emphatically and Melody nodded, giving the woman a small smile.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better," Melody replied with a relieved laugh and the woman smiled before walking away. The other onlookers dispersed as well, and Melody applauded her acting skills internally. She was pleased that she could both fit in with the humans and trick them so well, but a part of her was a little upset as well. She wondered if a day would come when she wouldn't have to lie to humans about why she shied away from police cars every time they passed.

Melody sighed and resumed walking, but she caught sight of two figures lurking in the alleyway across the street 'So that's who they were after,' Melody realized and bit her lower lip with uncertainty. It was possible that one of them had been injured while they ran away, and Melody couldn't just leave an injured creature when she could do so something to help.

With a determined look plastered on her face, Melody looked both ways before crossing the street quickly. She wasn't so worried about cars; she wanted to make sure no one was still watching her. She reached the other side of the street quickly and darted into the alley, stopping before the two guys who already occupied the space. She knew with certainty that the two were creatures; she could feel that the auras surrounding them were charged with super-human powers. It was a handy Green Witch skill her mother had taunt her, reading people's auras.

"Um, hey. I saw the cop cars. Are you two alright?" she asked, peering at the two as she searched for any possible injuries.
He paused as someone else came into the picture, his breath caught in his throat. "I-i'm fine" he said softly, not looking into her eyes, and moved away slowly to the shadow by the trash bin. He still hadn't heard an answer from the other guy, but didn't bother to care. A-are they all monsters like me? he thought, pushing back against the wall, his hands in his pockets.

He eyes the girl being sure not to look her in the eyes and cleared his throat. "
We weren't doing anything.." he said, trying to make sure she wasn't authority. Though she didn't look it. He breathed out sharply. Maybe this is why Helena doesn't like me going out.

Helena awoke, the smell of an intruder in her building. She looked down from her tree. "BELIAL!" she yelled out finding he was gone. He eyes became blood red as she jumped down before the person. "Who the hell are you?! and where is belial?" he growled, her claws sharpening. She wasn't very friendly and she sure as hell didn't want to be.

Alexiana watched as a girl walked into the warehouse, catching her breath as she sat near it. Evan quickly hid hi,self deeper into the foliage of the tree, trying not to make a sound. Alexiana let out a gasp as the girl called out, surprising herself enough that she fell out of the tree with a loud thud. She quickly got up and brushed herself off then hid from the girl behind the tree.
Melody blinked in surprise as the creature moved away from her and towards the shadows. Was he...yep, he was hiding from her. She let out a soft, melodic laugh and smiled at the boy. "I'm glad you're alright, then," she said with a warm smile directed at him. There was something about him that seemed so..appealing. It made her want to move closer to him, to touch him, but she refrained knowing somewhere in the back of her mind that these weren't her true feelings, that they were being planted there by someone or something else. With that thought, she realized to some degree what was happening.

"Glamour," Melody blurted out before she realized what she was saying. A blush rose to her cheeks and she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly as she let out a nervous laugh. "Right. Ignore that," she declared and turned to the other boy to give herself a destraction from the awkwardness bubbling up in her stomach. " aren't hurt, are you?" she asked, willing away the remaineder of her blush.
Hazel took a sharp intake of the cold air aroun her. She looked at the others. How did she get here? How did she get in this state? In the past Hazel was sure not everyone was treated like this, even beings like them! But now since the president ha turned the world into a dictatorship, her walls crumbled down. None of the humans seemed to notice how bad things really were, unless they were living in the depths of poverty, and not a crumb to eat. The boy, Waltz, seemed interesting. Although a vampire he was still a bit nervous around them. He should feel safe, in a way, but Hazel was feeling the exact same way, so she couldn't blame him for anything. "Aswang..." She said, not exactly liking to use the term, but she had to, and it was what she was anyways. She looked at him. "Born in the outskirts if town... Roamed the streets of this wretched place since I was 9." She sighed. Her Aswang age would be well over 100 of he was pure blooded, but she was half human, and that considered her a "Mutant" on both sides if the family. "All we need now is a place to relax freely, and we would be in business." She smiled as her cold breath became visible in the winter air.

Lucas let go of the boy. He wasn't usually this aggressive, but with the police after his hide, he couldn't be nice. He sighed. "I'm sorry for the.. Misunderstanding. Can't trust a soul these days.." He turned his head toward the girl, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "Let's try this again.... I'm Lucas.. Gargoyle" he said, a small jokin tone in his soft, clear voice. "I just want to apologize again for my aggressive behavior.." He said. As the girl came out he backed against the wall, blendinbin with the stone. His gaze turned toward the boy, then the demon girl. Hopefully, he wouldn't be seen, and if he was, maybe he would be safe.
"I-its okay.." he said as he turned to stone against the wall. When the girl spoke to him he could feel his heart wanting to pop out of his chest. I-is she talking to me? Why? ​He thought. He paused and came out of the shadow slightly as she turned her attention to the other boy. I should leave. He had been taken by suprize by her sudden realization of Glamour. He momentarily paused to stare at her as she spoke with the other boy and with the same quickness walked back into the light. He didn't feel like he should be there, he could already be in trouble with Helena for being out so late. He just wanted to go for a walk and here he was stuck between something he knew nothing about. Who was that guy and who was that girl? She seemed so knowing about him and the boy. He could sense her aura just like she sensed the boy's aura, But he wasn't too skilled at using his powers. He didn't know what to think. He felt his heart begin to race as he walked backwards trying his attempt at getting out of the alley way.

He stumbled over a trashcan, falling back on his ass. "
Ouch.." he said, his voice echoing a bit. He looked at the palm of his hands. Scratched them. He quickly stood up brushing off his bottom with his hand. It stung a bit. You are so clumsy! that's why no one likes you! he shook the thought from his head and picked up the trash can and set it back where it had been.

I-I'm sorry, I really am...I didn't mean to.." he stopped and breathed out softly, trying to remember what his Helena had taught him ; Not to be such a pansy and just take care of himself. He looked at the ground, there was a huge rupture in the cement where his body had landed. Now that; he couldn't fix. He put his hands in his pockets again and turned his back on them trying to leave before things got complicated.
Melody blinked in surprise as Lucas seemed to vanish from sight. 'Wait...what?' she wondered, amazed at the boy's ability. Not knowing if he was gone or just in hiding now, she continued on like she knew what was happening. "My name is Emily, by the way, but I go by Melody," she explained with a small wave. "I'm a Green Witch," she added and smiled slightly, but her eyes weren't trying to find Lucas any longer. She had noticed that the other boy had been backing away from the two of them, and she was following him with her eyes until he was completely out of her line of vision.

Melody had decided not to follow him, thinking that she had made him uncomfortable and that he really just wanted to get away from the situation, but the crashing sound coming from behind her made her turn to look at him. The small, pleasant smile she had been maintaining slipped off her face and a worried frown took its place as she noticed the scratches on the boy's hands, and the crack in the ground where he landed.

"Hey, wait!" she demanded as the boy turned to walk away. She darted towards him and grabbed at his arm to stop him from leaving. "Are you alright?! That fall looked pretty bad," she added, glancing back at the fissure in the cement. "I can fix you up if you're hurt," she announced, hoping that he would accept her offer and let her heal any wounds he had, even if they were just scratches.

That was one thing she had learned after years of living in the shadows of society; you helped those who suffered the same kind of pains that you had to deal with. Melody knew that she was a little different from a lot of the other creatures that inhabited Otaria. She wasn't upset about what she was, and she didn't harbor a hatred for humans - she abhorred the government, but that didn't make all humans bad, right? Still, her heart went out to the creatures that had to hide from the rest of the world, and she would do anything she could to make their lives a little easier. And if healing little flesh wounds was the only thing she could do to help, she would make damned sure she achieved such a task.
He felt her hand on his arm and turned around, his eyes focusing on hers. He wanted to look away but couldn't. He didn't want to glamour her, but he didn't know what to do, It was the first time a girl had touched him without being under his spell first. He swallowed hard and quickly looked down noticing he had looked directly into her eyes.

I'm okay.. My body.. It;s strong.." he said softly, trying to pull away from her without hurting her. "I-im okay i swear.." he said again, his hands out of his pockets. He looked up a bit, his eyes catching the streetlight a bit making them shine some, he tried not to look her in the eyes again, so they lingered on her lips.

Dont be such a baby, Belial.
His mind scolded him. Say something Idiot! Anything! your name! For goodness sakes, talk! he shook his head a bit and separated his lips, Speaking.

I am Belial.." he cleared his throat. "I apologize if i scared you in any way.. It's the first time ive been out on my own.." he admitted, his cheeks reddening from embarrassment. They probably thought he was some weirdo. "You are a witch? And he is a gargoyle..?" He repeated with a sort of soft tone, his lips revieling a white teeth as he smiled, his green orbs still focused on her lips.

I have never met... Or, well spoken to someone like me before.." he stepped forward towards her a bit. "usually.. just human women..." he looked up into her eyes again, this time not looking away. He had completely forgotten again, with all the excitement of meeting them.
"A-alright. If you're...sure," Melody squeaked, finding it difficult to form a coherent thought around Belial's glamour. 'Wow, that's strong magic,' she thought, her heart racing involuntarily. A fresh blush blossomed across her face as Belial looked down and broke eye contact. 'I'm definitely going to have to find a counter spell for that later if I'm going to keep hanging around this guy,' Melody noted and let out a shaky breath.

It was easy enough for Melody to regain herself now that Belial's eyes weren't looking into hers, and Melody's warm smile returned tenfold. "It's nice to meet you, Belial, and no, you didn't scare me," she tried to reassure him. It amazed her, really, that he hadn't been scared if this was really his first time out on his own. Melody remembered how panicked and overwhelmed she had been when she had first entered the streets by herself, and she felt a wave of sympathy crash over her. Melody let out a little chuckle at Belial's comment. "A Green Witch, specifically. I'm not just any wart wearing, long nosed, old bat that curses people," she elaborated jokingly, hoping to get a smile of sorts out of him. She was a little unnerved by the last thing Belial had said, though - the comment about only talking to human women, that is.

'With a glamour like that, I'd be surprised if many creature girls didn't fall under his spell. What in the world would he be doing with human women?' she wondered, but crushed the wary feeling that was bubbling up in her stomach. Belial was simply too sweet to be causing any harm, and those eyes were connecting with hers again, and he was just the slightest bit closer than before. Her head swam with mixed emotions, and she felt herself leaning ever-so-slightly closer to him, but a little, nagging voice in the back of her mind reminded her that these weren't really her feelings, and that even if they were the two of them might not be alone. Whoever she had seen before might still be in the alley.

Melody dropped her gaze slightly so she was looking right below Belial's eyes, hoping that this would be enough to cancel out most of the glamour. " you like music?" she blurted out randomly, hoping the sudden topic change wasn't too weird.
He smiled a bit and looked away from her some. "I love music, I love reading too..." he said enthusiastically. It was the first time anyone had asked him about what he liked without being mad at him when it wasn't evil. "I really like learning about new things and people..." he smirked a bit and looked at his hands, remembering the book he hand been holding not even an hour ago that was in his bag.

Do you read?" he asked, looking into her eyes again. He loved looking into her eyes for some reason, he was happier than he had been ever. "Helena doesn't like my books..." he frowned a bit and looked down again. "she hates it when i read.. She says i look human when i read.." he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck softly, his tattoo's lighting up a slight neon blue. He gasped a bit and pulled his shirt up over the tattoo on his chin to cover it, But it was futile, It was glowing through his clothing. Big lines and tribal designs on his chest, along with angel wings on his back. He looked at his hands "I-i should go..." he said softly.

Suddenly a human woman shrieked from across the street seeing the glowing figure in the alley. "
MONSTERRR!" she yelled "SOMEONE CALL THE AUTHORITY!" She yelled running off to find others.

W-what?! NO!" he turned but it was too late. A small crowd began to form across the street coming towards them.
((Just now realized Waltz never responded, and that Lucas was hiding from Melody. Wow, I feel like an idiot. Let me just go back and edit out that brain fart.. >_>''))

Waltz calmed down as Hazel gave a little of her history, feeling a little less nervous and more comfortable with the situation. Hazel, if not both of the girls, wasn't particularly wary of him, so he felt that he needn't be wary of her, either. He could feel his typical facade falling back into place a little now, and the feeling comforted him. He realized, with a note of irritation, that he had overreacted to the situation, and that it was only a matter of time before a creature realized they were being watched.

Sighing through his nose, Waltz gave Hazel a small half-smile as she suggested they found a place to hang out. "I suppose a back alley really isn't the ideal place to socialize," he mumbled. He then turned to Carla, wanting to see if she would give a bit of her back story, as well, when he picked up on a woman screaming a little ways away. His shoulders drooped as he discerned what the yells were saying. 'Someone's been found,' he realized. He turned his gaze away from Carla and towards the ground, smiling bitterly. 'Of course. What a lovely reminder to our situation, right when things were calm and...nice.'


Melody felt like her heart would implode if Belial didn't stop looking back at her. In all her years as a trained Green Witch, she had never encountered a glamour before, and she was currently having a monstrous battle with the enchantment. Every magic spark in her body was screaming at her to fight back against the glamour or to get out of that alley and away from Belial, but he seemed so...happy that she was talking with him. He had made a nearly complete 180 from the shy, reserved boy she had met a minute ago. Energetic and lively; that's how he was acting now, and Melody didn't want to risk taking such feelings away from him if she was, in fact, part of what caused them to occur.

'Don't I feel self-centered,' she added silently after that last thought. She just met the guy and she was acting like a chick from a romance novel at the part where the star crossed lovers met and changed each others world forever. Melody shook off the thought and returned to reality, realizing that she had been spacing out a bit, though she still caught most of what Belial had said. "Yeah? I love music, too. I write and play music more than I read, but I still like it," she replied, absently watching her fingers pull at a loose string attached to her sleeve. She hated that she was avoiding eye contact, but she refused to get caught in the glamour.

However, the mention of Helena made Melody look up at Belial in surprise. 'Too human? He can't be talking about that Helena...right?' she wondered. The thought quickly disappeared as a more pressing issue occurred. Melody inhaled sharply as Belial's tattoos began to glow. "What-" she began to ask about his marks, but was cut off by a woman's wailing.

Melody gasped as a crowd started heading towards the entrance of the alleyway. She knew she looked normal enough to be passed off as human, but she was standing next to a glowing demon, and she recognized some of the incoming humans as part of the crowd who had stopped to look at her earlier. A nervous laugh escaped her lips before she could stomp it down. "Well, this ship has sunk," she commented almost calmly, but her hands had begun to shake, and the tremors were slowly climbing up her arms and encasing her entire form.

Spinning around on her heels, she looked around for an escape route. Melody spotted a metallic door by the dumpster just a few feet away and darted towards it. The door was locked, but that didn't stop Melody for long. She muttered a short incantation under her breath and yanked the heavy door open. She darted back to Belial and grabbed his arm for the second time in the first few minutes of knowing each other, and motioned towards the opened door. "Let's get out of here," she urged as she eyed the crowd that was closing in on the alley's entrance. Fortunately for the two of them, several cars had passed through the street between the time of the woman's scream and then which gave the duo an extra moment to collect themselves, but the humans were only a few feet away at this point.

Melody gave Belial's arm a gentle, but hopefully urgent tug. "Let's go."
(It's totally fine... I seriously forgot all about Lucas haha...)

Lucas sighed heavily as a woman ran, screaming. He turned and faced the both of them. "We need to move." He whispered coming out of the shadows. "No time for explanations" he whispered, following her through the door. He led Belial inside and then shut the door behind him, and locked it. The place was abandoned. Tables and chairs overturned, pair on the walls crumbling off. He took some furniture and shoved it against the main door, locking it also. "Don't know how long it'll hold.." He said quietly.

Hazel cringed as she heard the scream. "No, not now..." She said with an urgent, frightened tone. She didnt want this to happen, but it did. Happened quite often too. She looked frantically at the both of them. She looked on the roof where Waltz had just come from. A ladder Led to the top, one or two broken steps, but useable. From there they could escape from the rooftops, but where would they go? "You seemed to know the roof tops? Could we escape up there?" She said pointing to the ladder and then rooftop. She gave Him a small, nervous smile.

(Sorry Writers Blok. Ugh!)
Carla, about to introduce herself, suddenly shifted into her Snow Panther form, and whipped around towards the scream. The fur on her back rose as she grew wary. She could smell it in the air, that a human had discovered one of the supernaturals. She glanced behind her at Waltz, an apologetic look in her icy eyes.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself properly, but it seems the humans have found one of our kind. If we don't hide in time, the government will find us." Her voice was grave, and a stern look spread across her face. A police siren made her eyes perk up. A deep growl formed in her throat.

"I'll hold them off. You two run." Was all she said before bolting out of the alleyway in a few steps.

The police car swerved around the corner, heading towards where the woman had shrieked. The policeman inside was speaking into his walkie-talkie, when all of a sudden, a huge white feline leaped onto the hood of his car. He yelled out in surprise, causing him to drop his walkie-talkie, and let go of the wheel. The car spun out of control, making the feline dig its claws into the hood so it wouldn't fling off. With a strong swipe, the cat shot its paw through the glass, grabbing the mans shirt and yanking him out.

The feline pinned him against the hood, baring it's long teeth.

"You damn humans. Leave the supernaturals alone." The feline snarled. His eyes widened. It was a woman's voice. Another supernatural?

Carla continued to bare her fangs at the policeman, but stopped when she heard multiple other sirens echoing through the air. As they got closer, her breath quickened. She leaped away from the policeman, standing in the middle of the snowy road.

As the police cars turned around the corner and headed straight for her, she made a line of thick ice along the road with her breath. The ice would cause the cars to swerve out of control, and crash. When the cars were directly in front of her, she leaped up, running along the top of the car and leaping off the back.

She looked behind her, just in time to see each car skid out and slam into each other. A wild grin formed on her face as she leaped away, trying to get back to Hazel and Waltz.

(( LOL I just realized how freaking insane Carla is xD ))

(Anyways, for people who have no idea what a Snow Panther is, here ya go:
((Totally. Awesome. Go cats. \m/(>_<)\m/))

Even now that there was a barrier between the humans and the three of them, Melody couldn't stop shaking. Throughout the years of living in the shadows, she had managed to avoid confrontation with the police except once, and she had lost a good friend that night. Ever since then, Melody had been trying to stay away from any public displays of magic, and she had shied away from other creatures, except when she thought they were hurt. She tried her best to keep a distance from humans as well, because she knew that the government wouldn't just kill creatures; they would kill any human involved with a creature, too.

She glanced at Lucas and then Belial and felt her gut twist painfully. It was an odd feeling, really, as she had just met the two and shouldn't have felt anything more for them than she did any other creature, but she really didn't want them to get hurt. All three of them were sad reflections of how far too many creatures lived: in fear of everyone, even each other, to some extent. Both of them had tried to hide from her when she first approached, and she had been hiding from people - humans and creatures alike - for years. And she felt like she could understand a bit of the burden they had to carry because of it, but perhaps that was just because she was under high stress and her life was on the line.

She bit down on her lip at that last thought and unconsciously tightened her grip on Belial's arm which she had forgotten to release after they entered the abandoned building, and she was too panicked now to really notice. "We can't stay here," she mumbled, trying to keep her voice steady, strong. "They'll check this building first. We have to run," she continued and flinched as the sound of sirens found her ears. More sirens, squealing tires, and loud crashes soon ensued, each sound making Melody's heart beat a little faster from fear. 'What the hell are we gonna do?'


"We could probably get away up there, but we might attract some...attention," Waltz finished, pausing before the last word as Carla transformed into her Snow Panther form. "Though I think that last bit has already been achieved," he muttered with a worried frown darkening his features. 'You two run, huh?' Waltz repeated silently and cursed under his breath. "Well we can't just leave you to face them all by yourself," he said. Waltz turned to Hazel with worry sketched into his face, but the determination in his eyes overpowered his doubt. "We've got to make sure she's okay, but we need a place to hide afterwards after we outrun the cops," Waltz exclaimed, changing the "if" in his mind to "after" in his spoken sentence. "Do you know a place?" he inquired, hoping that Hazel had better hiding places than he.
Carla ran down the sidewalk, skidding a little bit on the snow underneath her. Multiple voices called out, and than she heard heavy footsteps running after her.

Stupid humans. She thought silently in her head. Sharply, she bolted into a dark alleyway. But than she stopped when a wall stood in front of her. This was a dead end.

Her icy eyes looked frustrated, knowing this was going to be tricky. The pounding of the footsteps grew louder, and a deep growl formed in her throat. In order to get away, she was going to have to leap out at the right timing.

The familiar blue uniform of a policeman stood in front of the alleyway, blocking it. But that was exactly what Carla had wanted.

With a huge leap, she flew straight over the policeman, landing on the other side and running away at full speed. The policeman stumbled onto his back in surprise, thinking he had trapped the feline. Of course, he was wrong.

Multiple gunshots rang out, and she heard the bullets hit the concrete behind her. But they missed. Confidence shown in the cat's eyes as she ran around the corner, heading to where the police cars had crashed. She leaped into the alleyway Waltz and Hazel were, and shifted back into her human form.

"We don't have much time." She said, but froze when she heard the click of a gun being loaded. She turned around, and backed up. Surprisingly, her fingers wrapped around Waltz's wrist, and she squeezed it gently. Two policeman stood at the entrance of the alleyway, aiming pistols at them. Carla grimaced. She hated guns.

"You're coming with us." One of them said, gripping the gun tighter.

"No." Was all Carla said. Her icy eyes showed nothing but fierceness as she took a threatening step towards them. Her hand was still wrapped tightly around Waltz's wrist.

Even though she was about to get shot, she felt relived it was going to be her, instead of Waltz or Hazel. What a good person Carla was. About to risk her life for two people she hardly knew.

One of the policeman looked hesitant, and he put his finger on the trigger.

"You have no choice. Come with us, or I shoot." He said, his voice becoming slightly impatient. But Carla did nothing but shake her head. And in that instance, the policeman shot.

Carla winced, her eyes widening a little bit as she felt unbearable pain shoot through her body. The bullet had lodged itself deep in her stomach, almost piercing an organ. She collapsed to her knees, gripping her stomach with her hand. Blood droplets dripped down to the concrete, making her eyes widen even more. She hasn't seen her own blood in a very long time. It felt unusual to her.

(( Ah, the suspense. I love it :3 ))
Hazel watched in fright as Carla was shot. "No" she whispered. "NO" she was once more before the darkness crept into her vision,mind becoming blurry, unable to think. She made an awful noise as her shirt fire and her skin became a paper shade, her eyes empty, dark and soulless. It was taking over. No longer could she think of what she was doing. She chocked out an odd sound as the last of her senses bit the dust. She was a lifeless thing now, no longer able to control anything. She could kill eat h and every one of them, without a doubt.

It darted toward the police officer, teeth thrashing, claws hacking. It brought him to the ground, the amazing thing being she left Carla... Untouched. Same with Waltz. She jumped on top of the Officer, screeching as she tore his throat out, a pool of blood surrounding him. She took off another, and as she headed for the next she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Her conscious returned, vision slowly returning to normal. She held her head as she stood up, knees wobbly. She took in the damage done. She was a bit relived Carla or Waltz weren't hurt in her rant, but she couldn't believe she had killed the officers.

"I'm sorry.." She murmured...
"No need.. To apologize.. You did.. The right thing." Carla managed to say before coughing violently. Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth, and she groaned as the pain increased. She was not used to this pain. Usually, she was able to escape before getting hurt. But not this time..

She coughed again, gripping her stomach harder as more blood flowed out of the wound. More sirens echoed in the distance, and she looked up.

"We need to leave." She said, struggling to stand up. She had a put a hand on the wall to keep herself from falling over. Her icy eyes looked down to the ground.

I'm not going to make it. She thought to herself. Her usual fierce gaze, became filled with sorrow. Realizing she still had a grip on Waltz's wrist, she let go.

The snow around them suddenly became thick and heavy. It quickly coated everything around them with the color white in seconds. When this usually happened, it meant that Carla was growing weaker and weaker. Her knees began shaking, no longer able to hold herself up anymore. She fell to her knees, and took in a sharp breath as pain shot through her once again.
In an instant, Carla had returned to the alley with two policemen hot on her trail. What surprised Waltz more than the cops was that Carla had taken hold of his wrist, holding it tightly as she faced the police. It confused the hell out of him. His head was swimming with so many conflicting emotions; fear, hate, confusion, panic, and a underlying tone of joy swirled together, dulling his senses and making his head throb painfully. And then the gun went off.

For a moment, everything seemed to freeze as shocked bafflement became the predominant emotion to take hold of Waltz's mind. Even as he turned to Carla and locked his eyes with the bullet wound that was leaking red and dying her skin and clothes, time seemed to be at a standstill. It was only when he caught the scent of her blood - rich, thick, and mouth-watering - did he snap back into reality as his fangs instinctively elongated, and with them came a searing pain. He nearly gave into thirst there and then, but something - perhaps that part of him that wanted desperately to be normal and have bonds with people - kept him from biting into Carla's neck. Instead, he sunk his fangs into his lower lip and gulped down the blood that filled his mouth. It was a trick he had learned in order to curb his thirst, and he was thankful for it right now. He was finished by the time Hazel had dispatched the cops, and he dropped to his knees in front of Carla as she fell after letting go of his wrist.

The only reason he noticed the snow around them had increased in volume was because the blood flowing from Carla's wound stained it a dark, deathly looking scarlet. "We have to fix you up," he muttered, opting to look at her eyes instead of the growing puddle of hideous, disgusting, enticing, delicious- Waltz shook his head slightly, clearing himself of the thought. A memory dawned on him as he did so, one of a similar situation in which he had been cornered by the police. A witch had healed him then, and he was beat up worse than Carla at the time. "But how do we find her?" he wondered aloud, only vaguely aware that he was speaking.
Carla sensed Waltz's struggle to sink his fangs into her neck. She must of forgotten that he was a vampire. Truthfully, she didn't care if he drank her blood of not. Her blood would always be pure, and vampire found that her blood was rather tasty. She's encountered a vampire before, but she was a little different than Waltz. More crazy I guess you could say.

The blood lust had gotten to her head, and she could no longer stop herself from sucking the life out of every human she saw. Carla came across the girl, who quickly had grabbed a hold of her neck, and was drinking heavily. So Carla understood why Waltz had such a hard time controlling himself.

Her icy eyes looked up to his, sensing he was having some sort of flashback. He suddenly asked a question, and Carla blinked her eyes in confusion.

"Do you.. Know someone who could help me?" She asked, groaning in pain again. It caused her more pain to talk than anything. She gritted her teeth, closing her eyes and looking towards the blood covered snow.
Waltz nodded, but his face was grim. "I do, but I don't know where she is, and I don't know how to find her," he said, clearly distressed. It was no wonder, really, that all super heroes were also super human, or not human at all. In times like these, normal humans just didn't cut it; their talents weren't great enough to be useful. Even if they were, Carla was a creature, and Waltz doubted that there were many human doctors out there that would be willing to treat her if there were any at all. In situations like this, Waltz wondered if he shouldn't have followed the path of other vampires and just given in to drinking blood. Humans would hate him regardless of if he was immortal or not, and the extra sensory abilities that came with being a full-blown vampire would really help right now.

But Waltz had no interest what-so-ever to live in this damned world for an eternity, and even if he only indulged in the blood of humans once he would be doomed to a life of immortality, or so a vampire he had met had told him. Though the vampire hadn't said anything about immortality being linked to the blood of creatures... Waltz growled in frustration. Of course he wouldn't drink from Carla, or Hazel, or anyone else. He didn't even like drinking from animals, and only preformed the act when he was nearly immobile from the pain that his hunger caused.

He was in a bind, though. Without any way of finding that witch, Carla could very well be dead in a little while. He and Hazel could be dead in a little while, too, he realized as he heard the sirens of more police vehicles draw nearer. 'Damn, damn, and damn!' he cursed silently and looked between Hazel and Carla. "Can either of you track people?" he asked, a sense of urgency in his voice. Regardless of whether they could find the witch or not, it was just as Carla had said; they needed to leave, and quickly.
Carla stood up, but it took a lot of her energy away.

"I can only track people when there in the snow.. But in this state, I don't think I can" She murmured, scolding herself silently for getting hurt. She would of been a lot more help if she hadn't got shot. Her hatred for humans suddenly grew stronger, and she looked up when the sirens grew louder and louder. If they didn't move right away, the police would kill them all. But one question was on her mind.

How was she going to get away if she was to weak to even stand up?

Her eyes became urgent, and she let out a long, sad sigh.

"Maybe it would be better if you left me behind. I'm only holding you two back." All the hope in her eyes, suddenly vanished. She seemed to have given up on herself, which she never did. She usually had all the confidence in the world.

The last thing she wanted was Waltz and Hazel to get hurt because of her. She would not let that happen.
Kaleo looked up at the small girl in the tree

watching her claws grow. "I...Im sorry

I didn't mean to disturb you. I wont hurt you

Im one of you." she flashes the girl her white

fangs. "Are you alone?" she watches the girl

backing up a bit.

Jacobi woke up Kaleo was gone and there was

a note on his lap. He read it cussing at himself.

Jumping up he darted out of the building out into

the street looking for his sister. She wouldn't last

2 days with out him.

Hazel on her knees and looked at Carla. "Carla no. We can't leave you. Leave me I you need, I.. I'm to dangerous. You say what I did, an I can't control what or when it happens. Waltz, take my blood if you need. Take Carla. Find a place to stay. There are a few large abandoned warehouse buildings aroun town. I would show you, if you want but then you will have to leave me here." She explained, a small tear in her eye. She had no friends, no family and even though she had only met these people, she felt like they all needed to be... Together.
Waltz looked between the two girls with awe shining in his eyes. They were absolutely amazing. Both were willing to sacrifice themselves to save the other two and the three had just met each other a little while ago. Waltz stood slowly, and he felt something new budding up inside him. He had always viewed it as a corny emotion that was overrated and meaningless, but the courage welling inside of him now was none of these things. He felt stronger and lighter as the feeling spread, and he made up his mind. He refused to let either of the girls die, he refused to let himself die, and he would find that witch somehow. "No one's leaving anyone behind," he declared and met both girls' eyes. "Hazel, take us to the closest warehouse. The cops will probably search them soon if the creature they were originally after has escaped, but it will give us a place to regroup that isn't so out in the open. Carla, do you think you'll be able to make it, or do you need me to carry you?" he asked, looking at the girl intently, his will burning brightly behind black eyes.

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