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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Kat got up, brushing the dirt of her hood, fixing it back onto her head, "a castle?", she said with a grin, "how fun...". She took her katana, putting it back into the sheath on her back. "Where the fuck do I find this son of a fucking castle", she mumbled. She decided to start in the direct in which that "asshole" went. She proceeded into the forest, soon a castle became clear in the distance. It was getting late, as the night sky started to form and the moon began to rise. She teleported to the forest opening, where then you could see the castle clearly in front. She pondered for a moment, gazing at the size of the structure.
((GOD can you guys ever listen stop doing posts with strickly ((Out Of Character Chat)) it's getting annoying to keep telling people. If you write your reply to a RP in same post I don't care but I just posted this warning yesterday as well, this includes asking what is going on and what'd I miss, read the RP or message someone @Xena))

Izumi walked through the forest she was headed back to the waterfall in the forest. She wanted a place to relax and practice some magic. She wasn't paying too much attention to where she was going or her surroundings she was too busy with everything on her mind.
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Riku finally made it to his ninja ' clan. He walked up to his Sense I'm office. He kneeled down " Sensei I'm ready for more training and missions. " his Sensei would smile and nod. He handed him a scroll and he would " Riku this is your last mission until you become a master of Ninjutsu.

Riku smiled happily and nodded but knew he had to train more to get stronger especially with monster out there like Jason, Michael and Scar
"I don't sleep and that did happen, have I ever lied to you?" Grov was dead serious. "I even made a joke about how you smelled like you got swallowed by a giant slug."

"Well.." Dirk stuttered "I mean, maybe you're not lying, but, what you're saying doesn't make sense. As far as I recall, none of that ever happened, something is happened. Maybe you fell for some hallucinations of some sort? I honestly can't think of any better way to explain this phenomenon"

"did you want to walk or teleport back?"  she did one last look at the room and turned around to face him. He did well with the last teleport so maybe he'd do it again, but she understood if he just wanted to walk. 


"I want to teleport" Dirk said, though he was rather clearly disapointed that he had been unable to find any answers "It doesn't mess with my stomach anymore. At this point, I'm not sure what the next step is"
(good morning all) 

Will followed Grov and Dirk curiously, holding his hand out to see if the spider would crawl onto it, he imitated the meows playfully like barking at a dog.
The spider woke up and climbed on to wills arm. Grov looked at dirk and said. "I saw what I saw, you can ask October about it and she'll back me up." Grov looked at will and said. "Well it seems the spider found a friend."
Dirk folded his arms "I'm going to ask her, because none of this is making sense. One of us is trippin', but perhaps She will have the answer" he watched the spider interact with Will
(good morning all) 

Will followed Grov and Dirk curiously, holding his hand out to see if the spider would crawl onto it, he imitated the meows playfully like barking at a dog.

Grov looked at Dirk and shrugged. "Well she should be here if you are seeing as you left togather."

(idk just jump in. @Xena)
Grov looked at Dirk and shrugged. "Well she should be here if you are seeing as you left togather."

(idk just jump in. @Xena)

"But we Didn't leave together, I havn't seen her all Day" Dirk stated "So now I'm worried about what she's doing, lets hope she returns soon"
Grov shrugged. "I wouldn't worry, shes strong enough to handle herself." Grov looked at will. "So what do you want to learn first."
Grov shrugged. "I wouldn't worry, shes strong enough to handle herself." Grov looked at will. "So what do you want to learn first."

"Maybe so, but I need to get answers, and I'm going to get them now" Dirk stated, heading towards the forest "I don't like it when trippy shit like this happens"
((Hm... Ima guess it's about night time :b...))

Kat saw someone walking towards the forest, quickly she teleported to the top of the tree, right at the entrance of the forest. "Shit", she mumbled, "how many people are staying around here?!".
Dirk adjusted his trench coat tighter around himself as he moved into the forest, moving quickly as he was feeling anxious to figure everything out. He paused for a moment to light his cigarette, then he glanced around cautiously. The place was empty, but he had a feeling that he was being watched, but figured that he was just being paranoid "You never know,," he muttered to himself, then proceeded along his way
October smiled and grabbed Dirk, holding him around the waist, and teleported them back to the castle just outside in the courtyard. "I'm sorry you didn't get the answers you were looking for."

October smiled and grabbed Dirk, holding him around the waist, and teleported them back to the castle just outside in the courtyard. "I'm sorry you didn't get the answers you were looking for."


Dirk nodded, but didn't say anything. Covering his mouth, he pulled away and stumbled towards a random tree. His cheeks filled up, then he leaned over and puked violently "Ugh!"
((Omfg I forgot how flexible Kat is XD))

Being used to the cool fall weather she slid her hoodie off, leaving only a tanktop that was underneath, and tied it to the branch, just then she stared down, watching this guy light up his cigarette. She hooked her legs around the branch, hanging down but still able to maneuver like a boa in the rainforest. Small branch cracks filled the area. She managed a smile, deciding to maybe have her fun. Her eyes lit up dimly, a cold golden light shone in the darkness, then going out, as if she was taughting him. "Hello there", she said. Her pale skin slightly shone in the moonlight, along with her green hair.
((Omfg I forgot how flexible Kat is XD))

Being used to the cool fall weather she slid her hoodie off, leaving only a tanktop that was underneath, and tied it to the branch, just then she stared down, watching this guy light up his cigarette. She hooked her legs around the branch, hanging down but still able to maneuver like a boa in the rainforest. Small branch cracks filled the area. She managed a smile, deciding to maybe have her fun. Her eyes lit up dimly, a cold golden light shone in the darkness, then going out, as if she was taughting him. "Hello there", she said. Her pale skin slightly shone in the moonlight, along with her green hair.

Dirk tossed the match aside, then turned suddenly when he heard a voice speak up out of nowhere. His eyes narrowed as he was barely able to make out the pale figure in the tree, then he took a cautious step back "You ought not be sneaking up on people like that" he warned "Some people wouldn't take it too kindly!"

"Dirk are you okay?" she watched him Puke and turned away, he didn't get sick last time. What did they do to him first he can't smoke now teleport? 


Dirk leaned against the tree as he caught his breath, feeling slightly better now that he had emptied his stomach. "I don't know,,," he muttered quietly, then wiped his mouth slowly. "October, they messed with me somehow, I just don't get it!"
October walked closer to him and felt the presence of people in the forest nearby. One of them felt familiar, she looked into the forest but there was too many trees. 

((can we make them run into each other??)) 
October walked closer to him and felt the presence of people in the forest nearby. One of them felt familiar, she looked into the forest but there was too many trees. 

((can we make them run into each other??)) 

Dirk wiped some sweat from his forehead, then he paused and stared at his hand. A single gray hair, Dirk blinked in disbelief. Shaking his head, he wiped his hands, then turned towards October "You look distracted"

(We can do that)
She weaved her body down onto the lower branch. "Sneaking up on people is my specialty". She tilted her head at him. "What are you doing out here in the forest at this time of night?". 
She weaved her body down onto the lower branch. "Sneaking up on people is my specialty". She tilted her head at him. "What are you doing out here in the forest at this time of night?". 

Dirk watched her carefully, then he reached his hand over and pulled his trench coat open slightly, revealing the pistol in his belt "I've got a Alot of shit going on right now, but I don't know you, and I don't need to tell you a Goddamn thing! Now how about you go and mind your own business"
Amber had finished unbounding her wrist and ripped out the gag, breathing at a heavy pace. "I think so", she choked out, "but I have no idea who that was! She looked like she was apart of some gang but", she paused to catch her breath, "why would she be separate from the others if she was in a gang?!  "Another question is, "why exactly would I be a 'target'? And where is my pistol at?..." . She trailed of, looking at her palm that was once against the side of her cheak, covered in blood.

(Welp, how do I manage to have trouble with only 2 characters? X,D)
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