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In the Days of Spring {P}

Ursa Minor

Junior Member
His day starts off as normally as he would have liked it. His back is propped against the library chair already feeling the ridges of it against his back as he leans into it. A book is propped casually against his hands the soft texture is a calm and steady source of reality as he buries himself in the book forgetting everything else. The page he's on captures him with it's words making him tear it apart word by word playing the scene out second by second in his head. He doesn't hear the thrumming of the others in his ears and time passes by quickly for him. He remembers looking at his phone only a few seconds ago and doesn't know why it seems like so long ago that he grabbed the cheaply made phone.

It's quiet and it's nice. Nobody says a word and nobody bothers anyone except for the librarian who goes by the name of Mrs. Heart. She changed it after her husband died a few months back and Luke can recall the school hosting it's farewell for the late man. He licks his lips silently turning the page wondering if he should go and eat lunch. He suspects that's it's only been about twenty minutes, and it could be gone at anytime, but he doesn't want to finish now. He's almost at the end and if Sophia doesn't find her lover and the bell rings he doesn't know what's going to happe--

He jumps as the bell catches him. A collective sigh flows across the room as everyone packs up and Luke closes the book with a fitful shut and makes a note to finish it on the bus. He has friends--well a friend actually--and she doesn't like to be cooped up in the stuffy library with nothing, but the dust on the selves to keep her company and she doesn't want to bother Luke who isn't going to pay her much attention. he feels a pickle of guilt, but pushes it away....he'll see her in class and then they'll talk. Standing up he packs his bags quietly not drawing attention from the clump of boys near him and walks out with a quick wave to Mrs. Heart. her eyes follow him and he hears her chastise a young man behind him for dropping a book.

He walks out tucking in his shoulders to make himself look even more smaller than normal as he tries not to see the glares that are sent his way. he sighs inwardly and looked down at his shoes not focusing on where's he's placing them or where he's going though he does a good job of avoiding people. he smiles shyly at a smaller first year and wonders if she knows him, but he looks away as he whispers something to her friend. he shrugs to himself and doesn't think much about it. Besides it's all a days work for him as a social outcast if that's what they call it.
Pippa sat in between her friends who bickered back and fourth, debating which party they would attend on Saturday night. They had been at this for a good twenty minutes, after the first five she had already developed a headache and had become achingly annoyed at her friends for not just picking one. Never the less she sat there and smiled, occasionally glancing down at her phone for any source of entertainment to keep her at ease.

To say it was a relief when the bell rung was an understatement. As quickly as she could Pip collected her things, hugging them to her chest."Pippa, wait for us!" They called, but the blonde was already half way down the hall. Usually she adored the attention she got from her fellow classmates. But all day it had been non stop talk about the boys they had met at a party. She also knew that later they would be talking about a new guy they met on 'Hot or not'. To be frank the teenager was just fed up with the constant topic of boys. If she never had to hear about it again, it would be too soon.

The girl speedily walked down the corridor, not even needing to slide and turn, since most people moved for her instead. It was one of those perks of being well known. People made walkways for you. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and instantly jerked her hand to grab it, looking down she scrolled through what seemed to be the never ending amount of texts she had received, Twitter, Instagram likes, Snapchats. She usually replied to most of them when she got home, unless they were one of her closer friends. As she continued to scroll she found herself colliding face first into someone's chest.

The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, seeing as this was an extremely odd occurrence to her. She drifted her green orbs up to the culprit. But the minute their eyes had met, she felt a twinge in her heart. Almost as if it would erupt at any second!
He jumped back and opened his mouth to apologize. He swallowed back a prickle of embarrassment and looked away only to find his eyes drifting back towards her. He tried to smile only to feel as though he couldn't feel his face. It was as if he were drifting in a cloud of haze knowing nothing--seeing nothing--except for the green eyes that peered back at him. He heart pounded in his chest, but he couldn't feel it. His mind was numb and his heart was hard and fast within him. He floated softly in her eyes and didn't looked away--he couldn't look away even if he tried. He opened his mouth once more to say something, anything to her if only to ease something in his mind. Slowly they were the only people in the room and he found himself knowing on her and her emotions and everything about her. He knew she felt the same from his abusive father to his absent mother and he knew that she felt his pain. Or at least he hoped and wondered if she could feel the things he was feeling know.

They were one. They were one another and he felt as though he hadn't felt anything like this in his life. As quick as if happened he was brought back down to Earth. He was shivering from head to toe wondering if the people watching him knew what he had experienced. He licked his lips and looked down feeling his heart thrumming hard in his chest and felt a moment of peace before panic settled in. What was this? Was it--was it what he thought it was? he shook his head or at least tried to as he felt frozen to the spot.

"H-Hey...Look I'm sorry about that....I-I'll be going." Gaining back the use of his legs he tried to pause looking back at her. He closed his mouth and felt the dryness of it and pushed past her and felt a prickle of fear residing within him. What if she had a boyfriend? He felt sick to his stomach and felt as if he were going to vomit. He needed to go home, no, he wanted to go home. He didn't want to deal with this, but he felt happy. He smiled weakly as he put a hand to his chest. Yes, he felt happy. Maybe it was weak, but yes he was happy. This was a rare occurrence and for it to happen to him? He smiled stronger now and turned the corner making sure he was invisible to others people eyes. He put his back to the wall and slid down trying to gain his focus back....he needed help.
Just as quickly as the blissful moment had started it began to end, a sudden wretched pain taking its place. She didn't know what it was, but it broke her heart. How did she have this feeling?? How did she know how much pain this sudden stranger had endured? What was happening to her? Could he feel the pain of her father and mother's constant nights of bickering, how much it had ache'd her every time she heard her father come home with a new woman?

Pippa felt the sudden need to shut her emotions off, afraid he'd see right through her. But when she did, the enticing moment ended. Only to leave her with goosebumps scattered across her skin, her eyebrows pulled together as she looked up at the boy. Not understanding a thing that had just happened, but to say in the least..it was incredible. Was there something more to this???

"Oh-" She watched him leave and suddenly felt like the prince when Cinderella ran away, leaving only but a glass slipper. Which was in this case the odd moment they had shared. Pippa turned around to call out for the stranger, but he had become lost in the crowds of students everywhere. Without a slipper to find him again.

How had it happened so quickly and he was gone the next. Pip stood in the center of the crowd for what felt like hours, completely blank and uncaring to the world around her. Her hand sneaked up to feel her heart, the familiar rhythmic beat pumping against her hand. But it was much faster now, even as she stood there to calm down it had vibrated quickly, pounding.Was she shaking? She looked down, She definitely was. Is that what she thought it was?

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