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Fantasy Imperial Night Army

Rory: A fellow king. -tries to bow but is holding something close to him- my respects go to you, sir.
Rory: been aimlessly wandering for years, since I’m not from Earth. Was in the area when I found her.. -reveals he is holding a small dragon with familiar pink wings- she wasn’t originally like this when I found her though...
Rory: Her name is Evie... shes my daughters. She was in her human form when I found her, before... someone else took over her body before seemingly vanishing and releasing her. Then she’d turned into this, happens sometimes when she’s extremely weak.
Rory: -smiles a little- good to see she’s found her way around with good people... -looks down at me- heh, hello princess

-weakly makes a growling sound from the pain-
Looks back at Rory My Lord, forgive me. I do wrong to keep you standing there. Let's go back to my castle so we may talk.
Well, I try to disguise the best I can. The world is changing, so I am making sure no one is getting too suspicious.
Rory: try disguising a whole planet.

-tries to fight way out of my dad’s grasp-

Rory: -tightens grip- you’re not going anywhere
I always love a challenge. Shall we go in? I like snow as the next person, but the cold is no place for a weak dragon.
-eyes widen and seems happy-

Rory: -chuckles- if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were expecting us.
Rory: how so?

-fights way out of my dad’s arms and tries to flap wings but flops to the ground-

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