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Fantasy I'm new, this is a practice RP (few rules)

Kenzie smiled she didn't know anything about this girl history" nice to meet you Mckenzie call me Kenzie" she say (wooooow lol i was putting down kenzie and my auto correct say cheese lol)
Kenzie looked at him" so i'm not scared i seen worse" she say to him" you seem nice" she say to him as she smiled
Sebastian sits in the back of the bus looking out window with a gloomy look on his face with music blasting in his ears.
Kio looks back at Sebastian in the back and sees he is upset. "hey guys I will bee back" she says as she moves to the back of the bus to sit next to sebastian
"Someone saw me... That's a first" he says before adding, "I'm Sebastian Pittman."
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"Just soccer... For now." he says before noticing his sleeve slightly rolled up. He then proceeds to pull sleeve all the way down to cover "marks". "So um... What grade are you in?" he says to draw attention away from arm.
Jonathan put his hand on his pocket and pull out a pendant, he put it on his neck and quickly look around once, before hiding it under his shirt. "So..um..Kenzie...how did you ended in this school?" He suddenly ask, looking around, then back at her.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/61nzKq1dThL._UY395_.jpg.7bd63ff6c569793692377964d5f8a4c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/61nzKq1dThL._UY395_.jpg.7bd63ff6c569793692377964d5f8a4c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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*Lore saw the bus waiting for the last of it's students to bored for school. He only hoped he would blend in well enough to seem human. Lore walked into the bus and found an empty seat near by some very chattery people. Lore settled in to his seat and closed his eyes as if sleeping. He usually did this to repel conversation.*
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