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Fantasy I'm new, this is a practice RP (few rules)

"Hey call me Lore not lad, I don't like lad. Nice buddy by the way he seems ... interesting." *Lore grinned mischievously at the pair.* "Would you like to go out to eat some time and have a friendly chat." *Lore snatched the girl careful to look as nice as possible.*
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Kenzie looked at the boy" sure la i mean Lore sorry i'm a piarate arr" she say teasing herself about being a piarate she giggled a little
*Lore blushed and quickly turned back to his food. He hated feeling helpless to control his emotions.* "Ya cool just whenever you are free we can go some place nice. You have a pretty laugh I like it." *Lore said quietly in a sheepish way. He was being his usual up front self.*

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*Lore laughed to him self at the guys attitude it was entertaing. What a good thing to be in the presence of one of his kind. It kept them alive most of the time.* " Well I'll be off to first period bye."
"Im not in any really.... but i will be busy with Cheerleader buisness" she said "But if i was going to choose.... I would do that Pirate club.... "

Zeldafangirl said:
Kenzie looked at her as she bite her lip" what clubs do you like Kio" shse asked wondering what was the wink for as she just blushed @The Unamed Character
Kenzie just smiled" oh sweet they have piarte club thats awesome so do you have a roommate" she asked lazy
((I just finished mine.... I made loaded potatoes))


Zeldafangirl said:
Kenzie just smiled" oh sweet they have piarte club thats awesome so do you have a roommate" she asked lazy
"I thought it was you" she said laughing "Even if it wasnt.... she isnt here so you can be my roomate"
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Kenzie just smiled" sure" she say as she smiled looking at her" i like to be in a dance club or something i think i like dancing" she say

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