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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP


Peace smiled as she jumped off his back and ran to her room to get her exploration suit on. She came out in the black boots, white buttoned shirt, her satchel, leather gloves, blue pants and goggles. Her hair was in a messy bun as she went up to Django "Another day, another adventure. You know you've been a wimp right, still haven't took me out for a date or even married me, I'm 32 goddamn years," she said with a chuckle, ruffling his hair.

Django laughed. "Good point. Who needs to get married to say we love each other huh? I'll show you just how much love you," and begins to have fun with Peace.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace shoved him away "Now, now after the are done exploring. We'll have fun later, don't want to waist a day to something that we could do another time. So are we going to Lithium," she asked getting the carrier go to there destination. "Ready cap'n," she asked chuckling at the name she gave him.

(@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock on a serious note, Peace Threat Django and Kirsty are too overpowered to be real characters in Lithium. Maybe they can just be popping up once in a while, but they can't interfere with the plot. Besides, that's a little crazy. I mean, for fuck's sake if TEST stirs up trouble Kirsty could literally walk through the gunfire and kill all the guards, rip out Sabertooth, Harmony, Chaos, Tristin, and everybody's heart, and then and destroy the building with heat vision. Just a thought xD )
JPax42 said:
(@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock on a serious note, Peace Threat Django and Kirsty are too overpowered to be real characters in Lithium. Maybe they can just be popping up once in a while, but they can't interfere with the plot. Besides, that's a little crazy. I mean, for fuck's sake if TEST stirs up trouble Kirsty could literally walk through the gunfire and kill all the guards, rip out Sabertooth, Harmony, Chaos, Tristin, and everybody's heart, and then and destroy the building with heat vision. Just a thought xD )
(Yah, that's why Threat isn't interfering with his daughter. He'll watch from afar but I won't say he is or if he's doing something. Maybe here or there but never anything to mess with the plot. Peace wouldn't help, she doesn't give a single fuck about anyone besides her friends and Django)

(Just for the lolz)

Down in the Internet cafe, the business was strong as ever. People flooded in to see their... Main feature. Yes... The level 120 Warlock that supposedly belonged to the Plague Doctor. That one computer remained turned on and would remain that way...
JPax42 said:
(@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock on a serious note, Peace Threat Django and Kirsty are too overpowered to be real characters in Lithium. Maybe they can just be popping up once in a while, but they can't interfere with the plot. Besides, that's a little crazy. I mean, for fuck's sake if TEST stirs up trouble Kirsty could literally walk through the gunfire and kill all the guards, rip out Sabertooth, Harmony, Chaos, Tristin, and everybody's heart, and then and destroy the building with heat vision. Just a thought xD )
(That or release Yorg'Sarren xD )
Owen did eventually manage to find Darkmore and bring him justice. For a time Owen kept leading his double life, tracking down criminals as a detective and bring swift justice to those who would escape the law as a vigilante. Owen even manged to adopt Anella, and for a while he was happy. That time couldn't last, because time is ever marching. Owen thought it was like a panther, stalking him waiting for the right time to strike. As Owen grew older his skills kept getting worse and the injures he suffered over the years, well they didn't get any better. It came to ahead when one day he was beaten so bad stumbled home nearly dying. He wasn't sure if it was Anella or someone or even something else but he lived. "I can't keep on living like this" Owen muttered in his beaten form.

The Spectre was no more. For a while Owen tried to just be detective Wright. It was fine he still like the job but he was getting older still. Time was now a mocking figure, laughing as struck everything from Owen. Detective Wright became a desk chief. Sitting there he felt the years take there toil. Then there was Anella. Sweet Anella she was getting older, soon she wouldn't need him. Then Owen remembered who he was. Not a detective, or a vigilante, but a survivor. After all he survived he wasn't going to roll over now. He quit the force. That was surprising as he left he saw how he had made a influence. The force now was well a force to be reckoned with, and hey even the chief looked sad. Then Anella. That was alot more difficult, but she had grown up. Owen explained that to here he said "I'm proud of you, proud to call to daughter and while I maybe going now I will always love you and always be ready to help you if you need it. Now go forth in whatever you will and the spectre will always watch-over you". Finally it was time to leave Sanfield. That was like leaving an old friend who while it may change, it heart is forever the same. Still were Owen was going, that was home. Tibet.

Arriving he felt it in his bones, the sense of belonging of welcoming. Of home. The old places were still there form when he was a young man but some new had come and some old ones had left. He went to the temple. His master was there ever the same. He welcomed Owen back. Owen was made as his successor. Owen's days were that of self training and training overs who need it. That is when it came to him. Time was no opponent no tormentor . It is a companion. It teaches one that life can not stay the same and to treasure it, that there are always new wonders and experiences, and that there is always a place for you. Owen in the temple one day mutters "To times gone by and those yet to come, to my friends who I've meet Kristen, Hibiki, Grey, Harmony, Django, Threat, Peace I thank you for the honour of knowing you. My daughter, Anella, I thank you or the gift for privilege of being able to call you such. To all those I fought for there crimes and there evil I thank you for letting me show the world how wrong you were" Owen stood up and looked outside. "I thank you all for my world is less clouded then is was, the smoke has cleared" he says before creating a small ball of smoke which is swiftly blown away.

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