Other If you could date any person in the world, who would it be?

If we're talking celebrities, that's a tough one. For hypothetical purposes, let's say none of them are married. I've always had a crush on Tom Cruise since I saw him as Lestat as a young child, and before that I was completely enamored with Johnny Depp. Still like JD to be honest. Even now he looks amazing.

As pathetic as this sounds, I've known the cast of SPN longer than any of my friends. So creepily I think of the cast and the fandom as family, even though I can admit Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, and Mark Sheppard are absolutely attractive. Though I have a soft spot for Jensen and Misha personality-wise.

Tom Felton was another celebrity I adored, simply because of the way he put himself out to the public. Honestly, out of all of these guys, the only one I am attracted to simply because of their looks is Tom Cruise. The rest hold themselves up as caring, funny, sincere people. But my number one, oddly enough, is Liam Payne. There is nothing more attractive than a guy who finds the humour in everything and is just always smiling. He is the reason I even gave 1d a chance, after I randomly saw an interview with them on Chatty Man and he just stood out. I imagine if I hadn't found myself in adoration of the person he is/has become, I wouldn't even have ever become a fan of 1d. Which would've actually been a shame, since I probably never would've been introduced to Zayn and followed him in his solo career. Because his solo music is everything.

This was a bunch of rambling. So excuse any mistakes in grammar or anything.
I'd date someone who knows how to make bitchin' rad hotwings right now, such as myself. I'd be such a cute couple with myself.
To be honest, if could date anyone (even the people I drool over on TV), I'd still choose the girl I like right now. She's a classmate and friend of mine, and I only met her 6-7 months ago and I already really really like her. She's kind of chubby and short and we hug sometimes and it's a nice feeling. We also have long talks/rant/discussions about our respective fandoms, and we read each others' fanfictions despite not being in each others' fandoms. We also listen to each others' playlists (though sometimes we don't like the music, lol), and we play this game where she wears one of my earphones and I wear one of hers and we play two different songs at the same time.

Okay, I said too much. I'm trash.

As pathetic as this sounds, I've known the cast of SPN longer than any of my friends. So creepily I think of the cast and the fandom as family, even though I can admit Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, and Mark Sheppard are absolutely attractive. Though I have a soft spot for Jensen and Misha personality-wise.

My people. ^

Myself 2 : "Oh my god I didn't knew".

Myself 1 : "I was shy. I hope you won't hate me now."

Myself 2 : "Myself 1, I... I.. I love you too !"

Myself 1 : "You do Myself 2 ? Oh ! I am so happy"

*romantic sock puppet kiss*
To be honest, if could date anyone (even the people I drool over on TV), I'd still choose the girl I like right now. She's a classmate and friend of mine, and I only met her 6-7 months ago and I already really really like her. She's kind of chubby and short and we hug sometimes and it's a nice feeling. We also have long talks/rant/discussions about our respective fandoms, and we read each others' fanfictions despite not being in each others' fandoms. We also listen to each others' playlists (though sometimes we don't like the music, lol), and we play this game where she wears one of my earphones and I wear one of hers and we play two different songs at the same time.

Okay, I said too much. I'm trash.

My people. ^

This for real though. Like even if I could make anime real and date a waifu. In the end, I'd still want to go out with the girl I like irl.
I would date the woman who wouldn't be bent out of shape when she received what she asked for in a gift.
this guy from my math class UwU 

i sit next to him and he's super cool & edgy, but he is also very nice for someone labeled as "popular" 

i laughed to all his jokes and i help him with the math problems sometimes ughh i love him okay!! 

he probs does know i have crush on him because im fucking crazy like that but i know a girl like myself will forever stay in the friend zone and im completely fine with that 

i'll just adore him from my seat until our seating arrangement changes and that day will be death for me ☹️ 

but like i have his number though because he gave it to me!!! maybe if i poision him, i could have him?? 

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