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Realistic or Modern (If Anime Characters Were Real In Our World) Blank's Promise

The Explorer

Philippians 4:13
My Main OC is Blank, and the whole idea behind him is that he is WAY too OP, and has no limit and one day he decides to bring anime characters to life in their own realities.


1. You must double OC and An Anime Character of your Choice(First Come First Serve, And you must stay true to their Character.)

2. NOT JUMP FORCE! The focus is mainly on story and fighting will be done as part of the story.

3. The Characters will retain their powers and abilities from the Manga/Anime they are from.

4. No One Liners. We need STORY.

5. Character Arcs! NO BLAND OCS, you can have an overpowered OC but no Mary Sues/Marty Stues.

Post your Character Teams in reply to this message. I will use Blank, and no Anime Character because it would not be fair to not give others a chance to choose the one I wanted.

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