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New Member
I'm looking for people to RP with longterm. I have a few different ideas that I think would be fun and would really like to see happen and be developed further.

I would prefer to play a female character just because that's what I'm comfortable with and frankly am not that good with male characters. Also, I don't have a certain amount that you have to type, a few sentences is fine, considering that's what I usually type. And please don't just disappear, I would like it if you could reply at least once a day unless like we notify each other otherwise.

Ideas (They're all basically romance because that's what I seem to be into right now.)(Also I'm not very good with coming up with titles, so, sorry about that ahah)

1. Halloween

- We were best friends since the day we met when we were two. Inseparable. So while walking around with our friends one Halloween I witnessed you getting hit by a car and learning later that night while I sat in the hospital that you died I was devastated. I finished high school alone, secluding myself, and only keeping in contact with a few of our friends. Throughout the years I've been able to push you to the back of my mind and live my life, like you would have wanted. But then you move into the apartment next to mine. (Not a vampire. I was thinking more like he had to fake his death for some reason or another.)

2. (don't have a title for this one yet)

-Jackie and (your character) were inseparable since they met in second grade. Their parents always joked that they would get married and have ten kids and live the perfect life. They were best friends, almost lovers even.

But that was before (YC) died.

Now Jackie is all alone. She's pushed everyone away, her friends, her family, and definitely the therapist that she see's three times a week. Then one night while a taking one of her late night walks, that have somehow become a routine since she rarely sleeps, she see's (YC).

At first she thinks she's crazy and going through some sort of post traumatic stress but convinces herself to follow him.

(This one is a vampire one haha)

Obviously if you like any of these plots and would like to do one and have ideas for it, share! I'm open to small plot changes and what not.
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Ooh ooh, I very much like both of these ideas... so hard to choose which one though... I think I'll go with Halloween!

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