The connection was lost.  Lieke had been standing in James' apartment with the others; all worried, concerned about his well being, then everything was gone and she was standing along in an emptying bar.  Friends gone.  She'd know Coen had left but when had the others?  Had they bothered to even tell her they were leaving?  Would she have heard?  It didn't matter.  Losing touch with the rest made her feel... empty.

Cash was left on the bar top to pay for her drinks, though she wasn't certain if they were drinks she'd purchased here, or a bar is Cairo; she doubted she'd ever know.  Staggering from the bar she'd hail a cab and head for her loft.  The trip was short, cut shorter as she winked in and out of consciousness, but when the car stopped and the dome light came on she sat up and leaned between the driver and passenger seat to see the sign.  21.58€ whether or not the price was correct she was paying it plus tip and stumbling into her apartment.

Door was opened, lights were out; Coen had not come here.  She was slightly disappointed by this, it would have been nice to arrive home to a warm bed and loving company.  She'd close the door behind her and lock it, taking a step inwards and kicking off one too high high heel followed by the other.  A familiar feeling was coming over her, warm and soothing.  She then heard Andreea's voice. "You lost him too?"  She would turn to see the other woman standing in her kitchen, where she and Coen had been just hours before.  "I couldn't feel anyone, how did you get back?"

James was struggling. It's like his mind was suddenly molasses and he could no longer think. Time moved as if every second was a century. In his mind's eye he was running through the all too familiar house of his uncle. His own childish laughing and footsteps on the wooden floors. Unknowingly under the phantom feel of Awi's hand, James began to giggle like a child might and thrashed slightly. His head was so full of confusion and jumbled, messy thoughts he couldn't hear his secondary 'family' calling out for him. James didn't feel himself unconsciously wriggling to the edge of the bed. He felt as though he was strapped down to a hospital bed and couldn't escape. 

"Rodney! Alice!" James yelled out in his half consciousness. "RODNEY! ALICE!" He could feel anxiety and hopeless crawling up his back like spiders with the weight of fear. James could feel one more glimmer of hope. There were others he could call. But how? He couldn't. He couldn't think of how he could. James reached for the answer but it was too far away. He began to mutter it like a chant. "..ddy... wi.. eea.. eke.." James didn't know what it meant but he kept chanting the sounds over and over. Maybe they would start to make sense. Maybe reach someone. Maybe reach them. "..H..e..l..p..m..e.." He muttered thrashing a little harder. 

@Seraph Darkfire @Iskolde @Knockoff Cleopatra @Rueinn @NanLia


Andreea started to feel stressed, confused, panicked and in her mind, she could tell it was because of James. She felt the tears prickle at the edge of her eyes, threating to spill with all the pain James was transmitting to her and most likely the others.

She tough about him one last time, her hands gripping the roped off the swing so tightly she could almost feel a burn coming up, she didn't care, she only cared about her... friend? Andreea was unsure what to call these new found people, they felt like family to her, like they had a bond, but at the same time were nothing more than strangers who inexplicably knew everything about each other. Friend would have to do for now.

She found herself back the apartment with James and thought about everything she had learned about human medicine. "Shit, okay." She needed someone else here to help her and she needed to touch things in his apartment. "Screw this..." She muttered taking off into his bathroom.

Andreea felt something weighing her down, she was tired and her body felt heavy. She grabbed a cloth from the bathroom and wet it with cold water. She flinched at the contact with the cold but ignored it. She ran back and put the towel on James' head, who was thrashing around on the floor. she leaned over to the side and grabbed his trashcan, but knowing it was injected into his bloodstream, puking probably wouldn't do much. She tried looking for a phone but she felt that wave of panic wash over her again and she sat down next to James.

"If call from my country to his, do you think they'll go?" Andreea asked no one in particular.

Maddy was still. She didn't know what the hell do do and it was bothering her immensely. Because of this, she resorted to pacing again. She just hoped something good would happen. Blue eyes glared at the floor as she paced. Maddy had never felt this concerned for anyone. Ever. 


"I doubt it. Even if you could speak English because of him. I don't think they take out of country calls." Maddy answered Andreea's question, momentarily stopping her pacing. "But he can call. He needs to." Maddy figured James had a phone on him somewhere, he had to. 


"Do you think...what I mean is...do you think we can like...control each other? Like, physically?" Maddy needed anything to work right now and it seemed this was her last resort. 


James: @Eagleye415

Andreea: @Rueinn




Andreea stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh my..." She realised, how had she grabbed the towel and wet it? It was out of impulse sure, but she couldn't have possibly teleported in there, and she did feel suddenly tired like she was carrying so much on her shoulders....

"Maddy what if we can? I mean how did I get the towel for him? I didn't teleport here we've established that we see through each others eyes in a sense right?" Andreea felt tired but she pushed herself up, looking at Maddy. "I think you're onto something really smart right now. But we have to be quick he's gonna pass out any moment, he has to have a phone right?" Andreea tried to connect with James' mind, anything that could help her figure out where it might be but it felt dizzy and it made her dizzy.

The young vet could feel her newly found companion slipping away, and she wasn't gonna let that happen. She vowed to help however she could, especially if they were telepathically and supernaturally connected to her.  "If we had hs number we could call him..."
Lieke was disoriented.  Was she not in her own home now?  The world was constantly shifting, people coming and going.  She could hear them speaking, but couldn't see them. Then see but couldn't hear.  Only one thing remained constant.  James.

.ddy... wi... eea... eke...


The visions were making her feel sick to her stomach, panic and confusing winning over.  The noise, the chant he was saying over and over making her dizzy.

.ddy... wi... eea... eke...


Finally she had enough, she would drop to her knees, hands rising to curl into her blond tresses, eyes squeezing shut, she couldn't stop it all, she didn't want to share what ever James was experiencing.  "Enough!"

Silence.  She waiting for the onslaught, waiting for more, but when she opened her eyes she was no longer in her kitchen, but back within James's apartment.  He was there, on his bed, suffering; confused and panicked.  Others were with them, Maddy, Andreaa, Awi; she didn't need to look around to know this.  She knew nothing of medicine, it seemed Andreaa had a handle on that, but she knew a great deal about dealing with a bad high.

"Shhh, James."  She would whisper softly, hand reaching out to touch his shoulders, always surprised that she could feel him.  "Breath, James."  He needed to calm down; staying in this state would only make his high worse, adrenaline was not his friend.  "We're here.  You called us, we came."  She would slowly stroke her hands long his upper arms, doing what she knew worked for her.
Awi rested on the floor, thinking "I was able to drink the shot Lieke gave me before" he paused when he heard Andreea talk about knowing James' number "His number? Shouldn't we know it as well as he does?" he frowned "Of course, if he doesn't know his own number than neither will we" he frowned. He felt a little useless. If they needed to get in somewhere they weren't supposed to be, he could do that. Not only that, his body felt sluggish, possibly a side effect of his connection to James.

At the same time, he had managed to reach his home and went to bed. Being in two places at once was a bit jarring so it was nice to rest his body and focus entirely on James' situation.

@Eagleye415 @Iskolde @Knockoff Cleopatra @Rueinn @NanLia
James tried to reign himself in, his mind slowly becoming clear. But, it was as if he was trapped in the a riptide. James fell from his bed and slammed into the floor. The pain of it brought him some focus. He squinted ahead and could see a cycle of blurry faces in front of him. James reached a hand out for them only to meet the air. He tried to make his muddled mind think of what he could do. Phone? Where though? Kitchen..? Maybe. The ugh.. the hallway..? The jacket..? Where did he put his jacket? James struggled to drag and crawl his way to the door. His vision was blurry with tears and he continued to shift his weight moving along. His hand grasped for the door knob, but he felt too weak. God there had to be something he could. Anything? If he could just somehow manage to get a moment to calm down from his muddle brain..

@Iskolde @Rueinn @Seraph Darkfire @NanLia


Jacket. Jacket. Jacket.

That's all Andreea could think about whilst feeling the excruciating pain that shot through Jame' body. They had to do something and fast. She kept going in and out of her vision, assuming James' unconsciousness was pushing her out. She could feel all the others, but at the same time, she couldn't really feel anyone. 

he could feel tears threating to spill and then she saw it, laying just behind the kitchen door, sprawled on the floor. The jacket. She moved so quick towards it she feared it was going to worsen her symptoms.

It was a fairly a different experience, Andreea had always loved the thrill, yes, but she had never been a fan of drugs or the feeling of not being in control. She really hoped Jame would kick this Yusef's ass for all this pain.

She searched every pocket until came close to a solid, cold, smooth surface. The phone.

She grabbed the phone and suddenly;y realised, what was the emergency number for his country? She tried to search hi brain but it was all a jumbled mess.

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