Madalyn Steed

Place: Docks of Acton

Feeling: Bored/Trapped




Some things were becoming routine and Maddy did not like routine. The thought of repeating the same thing over and over and over until she lay quiet and broken on her death bed. That may be sort of exaggerating a bit, but that didn't mean it wasn't going to happen. So that is the reason the dark haired girl was currently sitting on the dock of the lake on the edge of Acton, her booted feet swinging back and forth idly as she stared at the horizon. She was supposed to be working. Gordon would probably kill her later, but she lived in the now so that thought never even crossed her mind in the quite moment she had wrapped herself in.


There was a boat floating slowly across the shining blue waters. It wasn't very far from Maddy and she could just make out the outline of a tall, lanky, broad shouldered man, fishing pile in hand, dark brown hair whipped in the wind. She couldn't see his eyes, but she knew they gleamed with content. He was happy here, happy in the silence of mid morning. Maddy would like to say she didn't know this man, she would like to imagine that he was some distant wanderer writing his own story, controlling his own fate, but she did know him and he was far from a wanderer.


DeGan caught her staring and raised his hand in a very fast wave, a broad smile spread across baby soft features. He almost fell off the boat with the momentum from his wave. Maddy shook her head, laughter bubbling in her chest at the sight. Again, he was far from a wanderer. Not that it was a bad thing, Maddy liked DeGan Holl just the way he was, a goofy fisherman's son who could be the sweetest thing on the face of this planet. But, as much as she hated to admit it, he was routine too. 


DeGan threw his pole across the boat and scrambled to paddle back over to the dock where Maddy sat. When he was close enough he jumped off his boat, his rubber boots hitting the wooden dock with a thump. He spoke as he tied the small fishing boat to the dock.


"Whatcha doin' out here, Mad Dog? Aren't yous supposed to be at work?" 


One might be surprised by just how deep DeGan's voice was, his baby face and lanky figure didn't do much to make you think macho. His voice was one of those voices that sounded like soft silk felt against your fingers, smooth and with a soft Irish lilt. DeGan turned to Maddy and placed his hands on brown trouser clad hips, only bringing one up to brush strands of curly brown hair from green eyes. 


"I didn't want to go. I'm bored and stacking books does not help." 


Maddy's voice was deep for a female, some might say, but nowhere near the basey tone of Degan's. It also wasn't as smooth as his. Maddy's voice held a scratchy sort of tone, like some have when they're sick. It did have a more heavy Irish accent to it though. DeGan nodded in understanding, plopping down next to his best friend, knees pulled up to his chest in a very child like manner. Maddy punched him in the shoulder lightly causing him to gasp in fake pain before laughing and sighing. 


"Yea. I bet. Gordon doesn't help either, he's mean."


Maddy rolled her eyes. 


"He's just mean to you. You're a big old baby and he thinks it's funny."


DeGan frowned and shot a hand out to push Maddy's head. Maddy ducked to avoid it a stuck her tongue out at him. The two of them fell into a comfortable silence. Maddy trying to figure out some of the odd and seemingly random emotions running through her head and DeGan simply enjoying his best friends company. Silence seemed to have taken over once again and for a moment Maddy wondered if even silence was routine too.


(Maddy and DeGan are both speaking Irish, put it in English for the sake of ease.)
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Lieke van der Hoff


Place: Prinsengracht Apartment


Feeling: Tired/Hungover






Light, blinding and warm filtered through the clear glass skylight above her soft plush bed.  Lieke would groan quietly at the disturbance, her head still pounding with the sounds of last night's music; far too loud for her hears, but the perfect decibel to feel the beat pulse through her body.  She did remember that, Ecstasy coursing through her veins, every touch, every sound sending ripples of delight through her being.  What she didn't remember was how, or when she got home.

The night had been young, she and Coen and several of their friends had been drinking here, downstairs, when a friend of a friend had come over, to deliver promised drugs.  She'd been disappointed by the acquaintances lack of pot, her much preferred drug of choice, but Coen had convinced her Ecstasy would be just as good, it not better.  She wasn't new to the drug, and with resignation signed over the night to it's temptations.

From there they'd gone out, first to eat, then to drink, then to dance.  Food had been.... she couldn't remember, something ethnic, Indian? She did remembered it had been spicy.  Drinking was always at their preferred bar; permanently reserved tables for her and Coen, they were regulars and big spenders.  Dancing had occurred when someone said some American DJ was hosting in a club nearby for one night only.  But the rest was a blur, and it bothered her.

Body would shift, turning her over from her back to her side, hoping to find some sort of far more reasonable position; one away from the light when she would pause: she wasn't alone.  Hand would slide between the sheets towards the warm body next to hers; arm, shoulder, neck.  The body would groan.  "Lee," a distinct male voice would grumble in protest and a weight was lifted from her chest.  Coen. "What do you want." A statement, he didn't actually care what she was doing, like her he just wanted more sleep.  She knew with Coen here it meant she'd been kept safe for the evening, even if she couldn't recall parts of it, Coen was her best friend, had been at her side for more years than she cared to remember and would never let harm befall her.

Instead of answering she'd would move closer to him, and was welcomed by his arm falling over her bare-back drawing her into his embrace, against his warm body.  She would sigh quietly and being to drift once more, the place between sleep and awake, dozing as many would call it.  Still aware of her surroundings but the mind would wander and dream.
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James stared blankly at the low ceiling above him. He'd woken up not too long ago and had laid still since. A lot was on his mind at that moment. What day was it? What month? How long had it been since he gave his uncle a call? Was the light bill due? So many questions. Too many. Always the same. James heard the telltale signs of his roommates waking up. Rodney was already up and about as far as he could tell. The faint sound of light strums on a guitar could be heard. The strokes were short and soft yet skillful, indicative of someone with years of training. James had inquired on Rodney's past, but only received an "I was in a band once.." as a response. He suspected it was much more than that, but didn't push it. Then, there came the near silent pads of Alice across the floor. Her steps were light and almost dainty at points. James knew she was a former dancer seeing as he had actually seen her once in concert. As for himself, James was a sort of unofficial PI. He did take cases and charge money, but it was mostly under the table. It would be safe to say he was the actor of the trio. A triple threat of drug addicts living in one apartment. It was like something off of tv.

James listened to his door crack open and could tell it was Alice. She poked her head into his and Rodney's (if they weren't up already) rooms to see if they were up.

"James." Alice said softly. "Are you up?"

"Of course I am." James said with a deep yawn and sat up. He spotted Alice's slightly disheveled appearance. "You alright?"

Alice ran a hand through her hair and let out a low noise in her throat. "Yeah. Just got some bad stuff yesterday."

"Not from Yusef, right?" James said even more awake now. 

Alice looked away slightly ashamed. 

"Oh damn it, Ally." James said standing up. "You can't that shit from him. It's dangerous."

"I know. I- I just needed some. Just to take away the pain." Alice said with watery eyes. 

James felt bad for upsetting her and walked towards her. "Hey. It's okay, Ally." He put his hands on her shoulders. "Rodney. Alice needs a family hug."

Rodney appeared in the room only a moment later and both men wrapped Alice in a tight hug. They always did this when Alice or Rodney needed comfort. Both liked to be enveloped in the presence of people they trusted.

"It's alright man. But, you have to tell us if Yusef if is still hanging around." James said. "He sells bad stuff on purpose and we need to get him off of the street."

"I know, I know. There was just no one else around." Alice said somberly.

"It's cool. We're square, Alice." Rodney said as they all began to release the hug.

James felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his phone. It was Mistral.

"Shit. Guys Mistral's calling. I need to take this." James said stepping to the side.

"I thought you said you would find someone else to supply you?" Rodney said in annoyance.

"I said I would look around and no one can get me Epi as consistently as she can." James said wearily,

"Still it might be better than having her supply you." Alice said.

""I don't know how you think you can trust her.." Rodney scoffed.

"Trust her? I don't. But, I do trust that she has something that I need and that I have services she wants to use." James said in response.

"So what? You continue to be her whipping boy?" Rodney said aggravated.

"I'm sorry, Rod. But, its what I have to do." James said and walked out to the kitchen to get some privacy.

"Hello?" James said neutrally into the phone.                                                
It was getting late. Awi sighed softly as the last of the tourists left. He'd have to start turning off the lights soon, though he still had to wait for the night guard to show up. He wasn't the only curator of the Cairo Museum, so he wasn't here this late every day. This relieved him. While he loved working at the museum, staying this late made him worry about how his brother was doing.

He often wondered if his family's bad luck was related to his night life. He wasn't religious, but if he had been, he'd have been more likely to choose a polytheistic religion, like the Ancient Egyptians. However, it was unfortunate that there were no Thievery gods and goddess in the old Egyptian pantheon. He walked along the halls of the museum before he ended up at a corpse.

"I wonder if any of our world leaders will be important enough to be displayed like this" he looked at the dead body of Ramses III "You treated a cunning and clever thief right...reportedly" he chuckled. He'd never thought that story was any good. The man stole from the Pharaoh and lost his brother, but instead of being punished, the Pharaoh rewarded him with his daughter "A thief never reveals himself" he said softly and turned away from the dead Pharaoh.

He gave a nod to the night guard who had arrived and headed out. As he stepped out of the building and into the night air, he gave a soft hum as he took a deep breath. He enjoyed the night, not only was it much livelier than during the day, the air felt fresh, freed from the oppressive rays of the sun. It hadn't started getting too cold just yet, so he night was just right for the moment. 

Awi's footsteps were lively as he headed home, though they were oddly silent, a habit of his. Eventually, he arrived home. His house was neither big or small, just about average, but it suited his and his brother's needs. He patted his pockets, looking for keys. For a second, he was afraid he'd left them at the museum, but found them in his back pocket.

When he entered the house, he saw a figure flash from the living room and down the hall. He frowned and closed the door, following the figure. He sighed when he stopped at the door, looking into his brother's room "You were supposed to be asleep" he said smiling a little. His brother didn't say anything as he was clearly trying to pretend that he was asleep "You also left the TV on again" his brother often did this when he was working late. He stayed up late and then he was exhausted the next day. 

He leaned down and picked up one of his brother's shoes and lightly tossed it at him "Hey, did you brush your teeth?"

A hand came from under the blanket and gave him a thumbs up.

Awi chuckled "Good, don't whine at me in the morning, you being tired is your own fault" he closed the door and stretched slightly as he headed back to the living room to turn off the TV "At least he's clean" he said softly, seeing that his little brother hadn't made too much of a mess. He straightened up a little before heading down the hall to his own room. He sighed as he sat on his bed and pulled off his shoes. He laid back and relaxed "Feel like a headache is coming on" he mumbled to himself and he closed his eyes.

Francis Gabriel Martin

Location: Writing Room Floorboards

Feeling: Hungry and hungover


Darkness greeted Francis as he opened his eyes. The fleeting memories of a dream flirted with his thoughts before he became more aware of where he was. The stale softness of a pillow against his face and his numb right arm brought him some more clarity as his body began to wake up with him. He pulled himself up on his elbows and adjusted his crooked glasses. Francis, in his drunken-writing stupor, had fallen to the floor of his writing room and fell unconscious. The pain in his ribs and the little man with a jackhammer in his skull told him he must've kicked some ass. Nevertheless, he rose to his knees, as he did so a small presence of warmth against his back fell to the floor with a panicked scatter. To Frank's surprise, his much-smaller fur ball had taken to sleeping on his back. Naturally, the cat had scrambled in a panic when his bed got up and slid him onto the floor.

Slivers of radiance cut through the gaps in Frank's curtains. The light blinded Frank, and he screwed his eyes shut. Per routine, he covered his face and fell to one side with a thump against the floorboards. He let out a quiet, "noooo," and rejected the sun's great life giving gift. The weight against his eyelids was gone. Sleep wouldn't find him now.

Lo Mein meowed in protest as he poked his head out from under Frank's desk.

"I don't wanna," he groaned in reply as though he understood what the cat had to say. In reality, because who really knows what animals say, Frank merely assumed Lo Mein had been meowing for food as he often would. Breakfast? Lunch? Really, Frank didn't know what time it was. When he was hungry, he ate. Typically he fed his furry family around that time too.

None of that mattered right now. Frank, pathetic and hungover, rose to his knees. He was shaky, but stood up with some minor assistance from a nearby wall. With one eye open, he withstood the blinding light long enough to see what a mess he'd made of his office. Though it was merely a repurposed guest room, labeling it an "office" or "writing room" made him feel more important. As if his musings and writing might have some greater influence other than appeasing voracious readers. Naming the room such didn't change the fact a number of empty glass bottles littered the floor, and were accompanied by a few carry-out containers of various origin. He shrugged it off, deciding that it'd be easier cleaning the damn room on a clear head and a full stomach. 

Frank's staggered footsteps mumbled down a short hallway and into his living space. A cold, now quiet fireplace occupied one side with the rest of his amenities. To his surprise, a black and brown mass of fur had been at his feet. He'd almost kicked the dog by accident as he remembered the dog's namesake. Bucket. Kicked twice daily on accident. A small chuckle escaped Frank's dry throat as he stepped over the dog and found his way to his kitchen. The pursuing minutes were filled with glass after glass of water, and a bag of corn chips. Though not the most firm starting point of his day... It subdued his hunger, and after some generic headache pills, the little jackhammer man was hogtied too.

Food for himself came first. As he recovered, a slow process that it was, he began preparing his family their meals for whatever time it was. The passing minutes blurred into an hour, and Frank had managed to serve Bucket a bowl of boiled beef cubes and Lo Mein some faintly fish-smelling gunk from a can. It was a disgusting thing, but his cat loved it. Bucket on the other hand... At least he had the dignity to eat real food. 

 Time was a lost sentiment as Frank sat himself down in a puffy recliner that was about as old as he was. The errant squeak and whine of the wood and metal there within made a solid testament to it too. Nonetheless, he reached to the small table to his immediate right and clicked a button on the receiver of his home phone.

"You have two - new - messages," the vaguely woman-esque voice of the recorder said in its static tone.

Frank hovered a finger over the button to play the message. He'd started grinning in the possible happenings of the message. It was like opening a wrapped gift to him. Excitement rose, and he clicked the button down. 

The machine beeped again before the message began to play. 

"Francis?" The voice from the message what he was expecting. He'd been hoping for the rough-but-warm tone of his publisher Rep. Instead, he was greeted with the sloshed feminine voice he recognized as his neighbor. "Fran- Francis... I- I uhm... You're pro'ly still ash'eep or somthin', but I wanted to shay thankshh..." The message rambled on for a moment incoherently. Francis have another laugh, though it was more of shrill giggle. He didn't know why Rhonda had called him to say thanks, but she did. Certainly he didn't have a Hangover-inspired frenzy of adultery with his neighbor in the passing of the night.

Certainly not...

But... The thought of such a thing did appeal to Frank. His quiet life on the outskirts of a little riverside town didn't quite redeem an eventful adventure in place of life. He shrugged it off and skipped through the message. The following message was just as predictable, though the caller was different. His publisher had called. Hope fluttered in Frank's chest for a moment as the rough-but-warm voice of his representative spoke. It was mostly business jargon that Frank didn't care for. Eventually the talk of money in the Rep's voice made way into the recording. Frank's newest book had been published and would strike the shelves the following Tuesday! Of course, Francis would get his fifteen percent share of sales, which to say the least, made him a very happy man.

More money for more cheap beer!

The message ended and Frank let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He slumped backwards in his recliner and muffled his growing excitement by thrusting his arms in the air and pumping him. He settled after his brief celebration and scooped up his now-curious cat that had began stalking around his chair. 

"Guess what?" He said with beer still on his breath. Lo Mein recoiled and made a feeble attempt to escape Frank's grasp. "Daddy's getting paaaaaid!" With his excitement uncorked, he whooped in joy and set the feline free. The scraggly mutt across the room soon joined the noise with a howl before laying his head on his pays.

Today, Francis was a born-again man with new life to live. His heart thumped against his ribs and he felt the urge to go out and do something. Maybe stretch out his list interesting things to do. Maybe he'd throw a party, or go skiing. Maybe go do some number of unknown drugs in a blimp and skydive out of it... Of course these passing ideas were pitiful jeers towards Frank's boring life. He chuckled and reached for the reclining lever on the side of his chair.

It squeaked and whined, before crying out with a snap! Without warning, the chair broke inwards with Frank atop it. He lay on the mess of wood and cloth, staring at the ceiling. He considered cursing aloud and damning the maker of the chair... Instead, he just laid there, wondering if he could call a furniture store and have one delivered to his house, or if he'd have to go get one himself.

The ruckus had stirred Bucket, who cautiously investigated the crime scene with a careful nose.

Not long after, Frank was wiping dog slobber off his face and putting on a coat to brave the cool wind beyond the safety of his home.




Place: Vets/Work

Feeling: Stressed/tired



Andreea looked at the clock, waiting for it to finally hit 5pm so she could leave, but alas, she still had about half an hour to go until she could go home, shower and then leave again to go met Alexander (more commonly known as Alex). Every Wednesday, Alex and Andreea would meet to decide on what adventure they would tackle over the weekend, and then drag Ruth with them.

Andreea was currently stuck in the operating room, helping her boss, Mr.Ivanov, operate on a kitten named Poo. The poor fellow fell out a window after the owner's 5-year-old daughter gave him a fright by trying to grab his tail. Thankfully, they didn't live that far up so the damage was minimal.

"Alright we're almost finished here, why don't you go check on the rest of the animals and then you can start washing up. I'm leaving as soon as finish this so I trust you to close up." Mr.Ivanov pointed the scalpel at her, his glasses hanging off the bridge of his nose and then moved back towards the tiny feline.

Andreea took the hint and quickly left the operating room, throwing her bloody gloves and her mouthguard into the designated trash can. She walked back towards the animal shelter, ensuring all animals had food and water. As she walked through the, fairly small, maze of animal cages she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. Looking around and seeing no one around, she opted to pick it up. She read 'Alex' on her screen and picked up.

"I'm at work be quick." She whispered into her phone, backing into the corner near the fish. 

"I can't make it to our meeting today, sorry butterfly." Andreea inwardly groaned at the nickname, something given by Alex to her as an ironic statement to how reserved she was. They had been about 13 and Alex had made it his mission to make friends with the designated shy girl, however Andreea wasn't really that into the idea of making new friends so she stayed quiet and ignored him.  Alex being Alex decided to call her 'social butterfly' until Andreea finally gave in her vow of silence and told him her name.

"What? Why? We've barely missed any meetings let's not start now." She whispered louder, causing one of the parrots to start chirping.

"I was invited to got to this bar and it's kind of exclusive." Alex said back, sounding upset. "Look I wish I could do both but we can just meet on Thursday or something..." He trailed off.

"You know I can't do Thursdays or Fridays." She said back, pinching the bridge of her nose. Andreea valued schedule and habits and routines, sure she liked to live the wild life but having some things set-in-stone gave her comfort, like every Monday after class seeing her dad, or every Tuesday morning going to the shooting ring.

"Oh no no no I do not want to be dragged to a bar. And neither does Ruth!" Her voice picked up volume, and some animals started looking at her. She could feel their judgmental stares.

"Please? For me? Come on Dea, you know Ruth goes if we all go." At the end of the corridor, Andreea could her hear boss calling her name, probably to go pick up the equipment.

"Look Mr.Ivanov needs me, talk to Ruth then we'll see." She pinched the bridge of her nose, again, and started making her way down the corridor.

"Is that a yes?" Alex said, a hopeful tone in his voice.

"It's a shut up." Andreea mumbled back, lifting the phone from her ear, ready to hang up. Andreea pressed the 'end call' button, she heard a small 'yes' from her phone.
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James stood across the street from the 'Mystery Machine' a tattoo and piercing parlor. It was mostly a front for Mistral's drug dealing, but there were enough real customers for revenue to come in, in addition to the drug money. James looked at his phone again, Mistral had summoned him here, but he never liked this place. He swallowed his usual uneasiness and walked into the alley next to the parlor. There were two doors in the side of the building one which served as a side entrance to the parlor and the second which led to the back of the building. The second door was obscured and hard to find even if you knew what you were looking for. James ran his hand over the wall of the alley and felt the slight disturbance that told him that he'd found the door. He gave two sharp knocks and stepped back. It was only a moment later that the door was swung open.

Mistral was 5'10 with an athletic build. She had shoulder length hair that was mostly black, but had vibrant streaks of the colors of rainbow intermixed. Her eyes were a scarily radiant green eyes. Mistral wore a long black trench coat, a black tank top, short black gloves with spikes on the gloves, black jeans, and black strap sandals. 

"My dear, James." Mistral drawled grasping his hand and pulling him inside the building. "I've missed you."

James scoffed. "Missed me? Yeah right. You missed having me around to scout out your customers and enemies." 

Mistral lead him by hand into her office before releasing him and gliding behind her desk. She sat in her chair and swung her legs up on top of the table. 

"That's not completely true." Mistral said with a 'tsk'. "I truly do miss your company sometimes. You're more intelligent than most I must deal with on a daily basis."

"That I can believe." James said. "So, what do you want me to do this time?"

"Ugh.. always straight to business. Can't we do small talk?" Mistral said teasingly. 

"With you, small talk is never small." James had seen Mistral start small talk with too many people and it more often than not ends up as a long winded conversation.

"Fine." Mistral pouted. 'You're target is Samuel Ellington. He thinks himself a businessman and wants a piece of my pie. You know how I don't like to share."

"I sure do." James said remembering several times that someone tried to sell in Mistral's 'territory'. It had never gone well. "Do you have my usual supply?"

Mistral gave him an appraising look and took her feet off of the desk. She straightened up and took the full visage of a business woman.

"I have a single dose for you." Mistral said like it was nothing.

"What!" James said angrily. "One shot? Don't try to screw me over, Misty."

"Trust me, James. I'm not trying to 'screw you over'." Mistral said. "But, as I said, I do appreciate your company. So, for now, you will only get one shot of your precious Epi from me per investigation."

"You have to be kidding. Who knows how long it'll take?" James said standing up.

"Better get on it then. If you want your fix, you'll find yourself working much faster. I need results fast and there are more names to come." Mistral said standing as well unaffected by his anger. "Do we have a deal?"

James stared in anger at Mistral. She literally was his only supply of Epi and without her he would have to go cold turkey, something he didn't want. Mistral had him in her pocket and she knew it. James forced himself to swallow his anger and put on a neutral expression.

"We have a deal." James said tightly.

"Good." Mistral said reaching into one of the drawers on her desk and pulled out a syringe. 

James took the syringe from her hand and pocketed it. "Sam Ellington, I'm on it."


Some time later, James was stepping through the door of his apartment building. He had done some basic investigating into Sammy which to him involved getting his address, any information Mistral's runners or informants had picked up, and deciding how to approach it. James put the case to the back of his mind and clicked the button for the elevator.

"James." A voice with a Middle Eastern accent suddenly came from behind him.

James turned around to face Yusef, only to feel a needle enter his neck. He quickly tried to grasp it, but liquid was already entering his body. It was only a moment later that the needle was pulled free and Yusef stood triumphantly. It was only then that James got a good look at the man. Yusef looked like he had been well worked over by someone and his skin was covered in a mixture of bruises.

"Your boy, Rodney paid me a visit." Yusef said mockingly. "Thought I would return the favor."

"Yusef.." James drawled before punching him square in the face. He could feel the effects of whatever drug this was taking over. "I'll find you."

James stumbled back into the elevator and with blurred vision hit the number for the 3rd floor. He slumped down against the wall and looked around. The world was flashing black and white. James could only hear the sound of his own breath and the elevator. It seemed like forever before there was ding signalling that he was on his floor. James struggled to his feet and stepped out into the hallway. He tried to focus on his hand and suddenly saw miniature holes appearing throughout it. James yelled as sharp pains spread through his hand. He shook his hand and looked at it again. There were no holes..
Valentina Espinosa


"Come out with us, just this once?" Valentina pouted at Enzo over her macchiato.

"You know he won't." Her two best friends Enzo and Julien sat beside her around the little table on the sidewalk of their favourite café.

"I just don't like parties." Enzo defended himself.

"It's not even really a party." He gave her a skeptical look. "Really! Margot said it was just gonna be thirty, cool people maximum."

"Margot DiLaurentis?" Valentina nodded confirmation. "The last time you went to one of Margot's not-parties you called me at 3am from the roof of a hotel in Saint Tropez because you'd taken acid."

"That was an entirely different situation."

"Regardless, I'm not going. I don't even like Margot."

"Nobody actually likes Margot. Her dad just owns Le Fauve." Julien put in casually. Le Fauve was one of Julien and Valentina's favourite spots and as such they'd made friends with Margot early on. She was the kind of person who surrounded herself with colourful, captivating people to mask the fact that she, herself, was shallow and unoriginal.

"Was that supposed to convince me to go?"

"It's fine, don't go even though you're my oldest and best friend. I'll just surround myself with sycophants and enablers until I die, tragically young and in the prime of my life, of a drug overdose." She tossed her hair dramatically as she averted her eyes from Enzo, for effect, and from Julien, because the look on his face would undoubtedly cause her to burst out laughing. Enzo heaved that heavy, world-weary sigh and she knew he had caved.

"Fine. But don't expect me to have fun, and you pay for my coffee for the week."

"Done." Valentina grinned at him across the table.

"Now that that's settled..." Julien began dryly, "am I a sycophant or an enabler?"
"Sycophant."Valentina  assured him at the same time Enzo said: "Enabler."

"Honestly! Why do I even like you guys?"Julien pouted dramatically. "I'm so much cooler than both of you."

That afternoon as she sped around the track in her familiar Ferrari, Valentina thought about her two best friends. Julien, who hyped her up and took her out and checked out guys with her, and Enzo, who cooled her down and fixed her cars and occasionally her life. She'd grown up around Enzo, racers' kids who travelled all the time and breathed the smell of petroleum and exhaust. They hadn't really become friends until her dad tried to ship her off to boarding school. Over the summers she'd hang out with Enzo every day as he was the only person close to her age and not bad looking either. Now he was both her head mechanic and her closest friend. They'd kissed once, right after her dad had died, but nothing had ever come of it. Enzo held her up when she thought she would fall and pushed her when she needed it. She'd met Julien when she'd moved to Monto Carlo. When she needed to vent and rant and let off steam he was there to listen and loudly sympathise and scheme ill-fated revenge plots. When she needed to celebrate and drink and dance until she dropped he was in. Valentina had always been popular. Invites to the coolest parties, friends with the coolest people. In high school her approval, along with that of her friends, had meant you were "in." She was over that level of pettiness now but she'd kept her charisma and her subtle charm. She liked to think that she'd mellowed with age, an idea Enzo would no doubt scoff at. All these thoughts floated through her as she handled the powerful car expertly around curves and bends, the hum of the engine vibrating through her. This was when she was calmest, if she wanted to she could switch off every though while driving. The driver's seat was her home.


Madalyn Steed


Maddy was beginning to think this hadn't been the absolute best idea. She needed to go visit her father, he'd probably wonder why she hadn't come by that night. She always came by.  Maddy's steps faltered as they approached the entrance of the pub and her blue eyes creased, causing thone wrinkles to form in the middle of her forehead. DeGan was practically jumping for joy in front of her, almost to the door now. This was his first time at a pub. Sure he'd drank before, but those times had either been at his house or hers, always under her watchful eye. But this time...this time he'd told she wasn't allowed to be sober and they'd recruited the help Val, who was walking next to her, or had been, being her ever hyper self. 


"Come on slow poke! You can't have fun outside!" 


Val grinned and ran back after Maddy to take hold off her hand and begin dragging her off into the pub. Maddy opened her mouth to complain but was promptly shut down by Maddy shouting "la la la, I can't hear you!" In the loudest possible pitch of her voice, which seemed to be naturally high pitched and more British than it was Irish. She was from London after all, but her father was from around here. There wasn't a pub in Acton, so yhe trio had been forced to go to the next town over where this pub sat on the very edge of town. The drive back was empty and dark over a guard rail lacking mountain path. 


Yep, it had totally been a good idea to let Val be their designated driver. 


Maddy was considering changing that as they walked into the pub and DeGan approached them, practically shoving a cup of whatever alcohol he'd snagged into her face. The cool liquid seeped down her face and she sighed, glaring coldly at the boy in front of her who just squeaked and ran off I'm another direction. It was then that she gave up and brought the plastic solo cup to her lips. Val had released her hand and was currently hanging off her arm at the moment, hazel eyes looking almost electric green in the light. Val didn't need alcohol to act drunk. That woman was always drunk. 


"Yay! I love pubs, don't you, Mads?" 


Maddy nodded at the petite woman at her side, almost spilling her drink everywhere when she was yanked off in some random direction or another. Maddy was beginning to question her choice in friends. The next thing she knew, she and Val were stretched out across a booth watching DeGan dance with himself. It was quite amusing really. By this point, everything was amusing to Maddy. Her words were slurred and a state of giddiness was beginning to set in. The recklessness was taking over.


Val was swirling her finger around in the water she'd ordered, a thousand watt smile spread across her features as she watched DeGan. At some point Val had ended up practically on Maddy's lap, head resting on her shoulder. Now, sober Maddy might have pushed Val off of her xdue to the fact she wasn't really the touchy feely type, but to his wasn't sober Maddy this was slammed Maddy. Slammed Maddy was extremely touchy feely. Muscle corded arms found their way snaking around the body next to her and a chin found its way to the top of a red head of hair. 


"You know, *hic*, you're m-my favourite pershin eveeeeerrrr!" 


She sounded like a two year old. God damnit. 


But, Val just laughed and reached up to pat Maddy's cheek and laughed, telling Maddy that she knew. Maddy released her bear hold on the smaller girl and sighed contentedly. Val didn't move her head so Maddy didn't make an attempt to lean forward but she did catch sight of a man slumped against the wall next to the booth. A feeling of intense anger and pain shot through her momentarily. He looked distressed. But when she blinked he was gone. 


Mentions: James @Eagleye415
James was slumped against the wall, slowly dragging his way to the apartment. He was starting to see things and he wasn't feeling much better. James tried to stand tall, but fell against the wall. He looked down at his left arm and his skin began to raise up. The lump in his skin began to move around up and down his arm. James was petrified as it started to hiss and wriggle. He screamed in terror and fell down next to his apartment door. James breathed heavily for a few long moments scared to look at his arm again. Then, he slowly dragged his eyes to his arm, but there was nothing there. James let out a short yell of anger and pounded his fist against the wall. He would get Yusef for this.

James managed to drag himself to his feet and stuck the key in the lock. He unlocked the door and pushed into the apartment. James turned around, pushing the door closed, then recoiled as the wood suddenly warped before his eyes. He slammed into the ground and crawled backwards in a hurry. James tried to shake the image out of his head, but they wouldn't leave. He crawled into the living room and over to the black armchair. James dragged himself into the seat and closed his eyes resting his head for a moment. When he opened them, he was in a bar..? James spotted a beautiful brunette holding a red head in her lap. He was confused and rubbed his eyes quickly. James was back in his apartment. Just another hallucination..


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A voice, distant.  Male.


Again it disturbed her.  She groaned quietly, turning over onto her back, one grey colored eye opening to peer at the skylight above her.  No more light, the sky was painted in hues for umber and violet.  She'd slept the day away, night was calling.


No, not night.  Coen.  She forced herself to sit up, eyes closed once more, her body wanted nothing to do with leaving the warm soft plush bed beneath her, but she could hear Coen heavy footfalls up the stairs leading to the loft and her sanctuary.  "You're still in bed."  A statement, a displeased one at that, and she could only groan in response.  "Get up, you're going to make us late."

Lieke was frowning, eyes finally opening to see the man, who last time she was aware of, was nude asleep next to her, fully dressed.  Sporting a pair of dark jeans, collared shirt and blazer, Coen looked like he'd fallen out of the nineties.  "Late for what?"  Voice a whisper, harsh, scratchy.  Coen was already at her closet, doors thrown open, he was digging through the mass of clothing.  "Don't you own anything black?"

"No.  What am I late for?"  She finally resigned herself to getting out of bed, swinging her legs over the edge, bare feet touching the cold hardwood floor.  She stretched her arms above her head, the motion making her dizzy and instead of righting herself she simply flopped back into the pillows and blankets, eyes closing once more.  She couldn't help but smile hearing Coen's aggravated growl from the closet, she didn't need to see him to know he'd turned to talk to her and was annoyed she was still in bed.  

"It's Aleid's birthday," he'd state, almost casually but she knew him too well, he wanted to shout at her.  "Remember, you promised you'd take her out.  She has been begging you for months."  This information was not new or forgotten, only wishful thinking it had been canceled.  She hated going out with Aleid and her friends, vapid as they were.  She was surprised to feel Coen's weight atop of her, his lips carefully kissing her.  "You promised."  He'd whisper.

She smiled, grey eyes opening, a carefully shaped eyebrow arching, "You are trying to convince me to leave bed, yes?"  They would both laugh, Coen dragging her to her feet, handing over articles of clothing he'd selected. "Dress, meet me down stairs, I'll make drinks."  And he was off, loudly clambering down the stairs out of sight.  Lieke would do as directly, eventually, first taking her time showering, washing and drying her hair, mostly to annoy Coen and his impatience.

Refreshed she would dress in what he'd chosen; a long sleeved, short hemmed dress in a caramel color that complimented her completion.  She had to say Coen did have a great sense of fashion, and certainly when it came to dressing her up.  She would leave the top of the knit sweater like dress open, exposing one shoulder and add only a simple bronze chain with a tiny cross clasped to it.  The man had gone as far as to select her shoes, and, being who he was, he'd selected the tallest pair she owned.

Dressed and ready she'd find Coen in the small kitchenette to her loft, a place that's only use was to house alcohol and take out containers.  She'd accept the small shot glass of multi-colored and layered liquid. "Gezondheid." He'd raise his glass to hers then both would drink back the prepared shot.  It was fire!  Burnt down her throat, singed her lips and felt like something with her core was melting.  She coughed, and set the shot glass down, glaring at the laughing man before her.  

An hour later Lieke found herself at a different bar than where she typically went, much to her displeasure, surrounded by people whom claimed to be her friends, drinking the night away.  Aleid has arrived blasted, insisting on drinking more, and, in Lieke's opinion, looked like she was about to pass out in the booth next to her.  

Coen had abandoned her, now flirting with a nice looking man at the bar, she was left to her own devices for the time being.  With a smile and false excuse she would remove herself from the airhead party and make her way to the bar herself.  Catching the bar tenders eye she'd order two shots of vodka and a dirty martini. 

There was only going to be one way to salvage this night...



Andreea hugged her slick black jacket closer to her body, the cold gusts of wind causing her to shiver slightly. Andreea currently stood outside a bar named 'Лаки Лень', or Lucky Sloth, waiting for Ruth and Alex to finally show up.

Being that Andreea spent most her time working, it was only natural she got her own apartment, instead of living on campus, however, Ruth and Alex both took up the full-time students so they shared a dorm in the university they attended. That being so, Andreea was always left to find a ride to where it was they were meeting, alone. This was usually fine by her, of course, she didn't depend on anyone to take her anywhere, but now, standing on the side of a shady building with people looking her up and down and cold chilling her spine, she wished they would just hurry up.

A few more minutes passed by until the ridiculous red car parked on the other side of the street, and Andreea shook her head slightly, moving her hair away from her face and forming a small smile. She watched as Ruth stumbled out of the car, doing a run in high-heels to hug Andreea, and Alex was left to close up the car.

"Dea!" Ruth hugged Andreea with strength and the brunette smiled. Ruth was a sweet girl, the sweetest actually. She was the kind of girl who would give you her homework plus how to make it look like you did it. She was the kind of girl who sat with the lonely girl at lunch simply because no one should be alone. She was the kind of girl you just couldn't hate because she was so god damn lovable. A lot of people found it strange when they realised Ruth and Andreea were best friends, being that both girls couldn't be more different, but soon realised that hey, opposites attract in every situation (not just dating).

"Hey, Ruth." Andreea took her companions appearance in and did a double take. Ruth's personality leaked onto her clothing, simple black skirts with pink blouses, white cardigans and mum jeans... But today she looked different, she had black ripped jeans, black stilettos, a light pink sweater (with the front tucked into her jeans) and a black bomber jacket. Andreea raised her eyebrow, feeling a little undressed. 

"Where did you even find those clothes?" She laughed lightly. Andreea had opted for something a little more comfortable, her timber boots, black navy jeans, a black sweater with a lace-up front and the simple black jacket.

"I stole most of them from my sister." She nudged her as Alex did a mini-run towards the girls. Ruth had a twin sister, named Reina, who was significantly more badass, so it explained why this whole outfit belonged to her.

"Alright ladies, who's ready to get their groove on?" Alex did a mini twirl and Andreea had to force herself not to facepalm, while Ruth just giggled.

"Just get us in there, I'm freezing." Andreea said with a small smirk on her face, approaching the bouncer, with Alex and Rith trailing right behind her.


Compared to the outside of the club, the inside was significantly hotter, a mix of lights, bodies and drinks would probably do that. As soon as the three of them entered through the doors, they separated. Ruth tried to drag Andreea to the dance floor (Andreea of course declined but made sure to keep an eye on her friend) and Alex requested that Andreea tried to find him a hot girl to hook up with (while he tried to find one too).

Andreea rolled her eyes and sat at the bar, deciding to help her friend. She did a scout of the place, looking for anyone who might be drunk and have low-standards (Ok, Alex wasn't that ugly (or ugly at all) but also, she didn't want to have to sweet talk the girl much). She noticed a brown-haired girl sitting by the bar, with her red-haired friends head resting on her lap and considered approaching her. 

Andreea felt uncomfortable, but she hoped no one else noticed that so, to fit in with the scenario she asked the bartender for some Vodka. She knew she could handle it (after all her dad had always treated her as an adult) and she wouldn't look so awkward without a cup in hand. After gulping down the drink, feeling the familiar burn on her throat she turned back towards the girl.

Mustering up the courage and putting on a fake smile she approached the girl. "Hey I love your shoes where did you get them?" Ruth had taught her a thing or two about small-talk and girls, and if she wanted to work as a vet she had to learn how to deal with people, so what better time to practice than now?

[mentions: Madalyn @Iskolde]
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Madalyn Steed



Maddy stared at the spot where the man had disappeared from, dark eyebrows creased. She was pretty positive Val had fallen asleeplease. Naturally, the person who was supposed to be watching them had fallen asleep. Maddy had been so busy staring at that spot in fact that she hadn't noticed the brunette girl approaching her. 


The girls words and accent startled her, causing her to jump and Val to groan at the annoying movement. She'd never heard someone with that accent speaking Irish. When she looked up at the approaching brunette her eyes widened. When had the music got so loud? Her eyes darted across the place. She was pretty positive that this wasn't what The Wanderer looked like. She had to be hallucinating. Yup, it was definitely the alcohol. 


"U-uh, *hic* they're just boots. They were my dad's. Now, there's a reason you came over here, and it wasn't to compliment my work boots." She raised an eyebrow at the brunette, a smirk appearing on her face. Just because she was hallucinating didn't mean she couldn't be a smart ass. "Also, where are you from? I've never heard someone with your accent speaking Irish." Val stirred in Maddy's lap, looking up at the girl in confusion. The table was just high enough for her to see under and she was confused as to who Maddy was talking to. But passed it off as just her being drunk and went back to sleep.


Interacting with: Andreea @Rueinn
Adjo Awi
AwiLocation: Cairo Bar || Scenario: Girl at the bar. || With: Lieke van der Hoff @NanLia|| Mentions: N/A

 Awi was sitting in a relatively high class bar. Egypt wasn't known for it's alcoholic bars due to certain religions, but it still had certain places, especially for the wealthy who liked to spend their money on women and booze. He'd gotten a little sleep before he woke up and found that he couldn't sleep. He'd figured it was best to get out and do some scouting to find his next mark. He was particularly fond of picking darker people, people who abused their money. They certainly didn't need it. Sometimes he returned what he stole, other times he kept it, it all depended on the person's attitude.

However, his thoughts were distracted by a particularly lonely looking young woman, about his age actually. It was strange though, the way she dressed was quite different from the other patrons and she didn't look like she came from money. These strange facts brought him to sit beside her "You look like you are having a difficult time" he said chuckling "It was my understanding that people went to bars to have somewhat of a good time"

It was interesting to see a blonde haired woman like her. It wasn't an unusual sight, but there were quite a few men in society that didn't approve of less than conservative women. The high class people had their own strange ways as well. It was actually quite strange that she wasn't being hassled at all, it was like no one else had noticed her. She was pretty enough that the men should have been all over her.



With: Adjo Awi @Seraph Darkfire


Lieke's first shot was drank back rather smoothly, the woman certainly was a professional drinker, not an alcoholic, however.  She simply choose to spend her recreational time a little more inebriated than the general population.  She would slide the empty shot glass across the bar back towards the bar tender, second glass lifted to her lips when she spied a man approaching here. This was common place, Lieke often attracted the attention of men and women alike, and she was quiet adept at sending them packing.   Second shot was drank back, smoother than the first, she could already feel the effects of the vodka on her lips, numbing them.

She would offer a polite smile to the man as he arrived in the seat next to her, ready with her oh so common.  My boyfriend will be back in just a minute. When he spoke, and surprised her.

"You look like you are having a difficult time.  It was my understanding that people went to bars to have somewhat of a good time."

She would stare at him, eyes wide, shot glass pressed to her lips, for several seconds before she was able regain her thoughts, she hadn't realized she'd been that transparent, she must be slipping.  "Yes, typically they do."  She'd reply, smile returning to her lips, she'd set the shot glass down near the first, before returning her attention to the man beside her.  "They also come to bars with their friends," Grey eyes would glance behind him, from where he'd come from, she didn't see anyone from where he'd come from.
James sat in the armchair desperately trying to stay calm by taking slow and steady breaths. It worked for a few moments until the feeling of spiders rubbing against his skin began to spread through his body. He tried to hold himself back from lunging out of the chair to no avail. James ran to the opposite wall and bang loudly on it, yelling. He was shaking now and sweating somewhat profusely. 

"Stop." James begged leaning his head against the wall. "Stop." He began to chant the word in a mad, repetitive cycle. "Stop. Stop! STOP!" James yelled punching the wall and recoiled when a high pitch scream came from it. He backed away in terror as the wall began to slowly crack and fall away. James could only stare as it continuously chipped away and fell apart. "You're not real." He closed his eyes tight willing the image away. "You're not real." James said firmly. "You are not real!" He didn't feel himself backing away until it was too late. Suddenly, James tumbling through the air and hit his head off of the edge of the armchair. He crashed into the floor and laid there staring at the ceiling.

James let out a deep sigh and tried to focus. He needed to fight this. He needed to separate himself from the drug. And for some damn reason he really needed a drink. James opened his eyes and he was in a bar..? Well it was a welcome change from the shit he had seen thus far. He pulled himself to his feet and held the back of his head with one hand. This was actually pretty cool. James gripped his head as several different bars flashed briefly through his head and leaned against the wall. He needed to take a seat and did so in a booth next to a brunette. and red head. They looked familiar..


Adjo AwiAwiLocation: Cairo Bar || Scenario: Girl at the bar. || With: Lieke van der Hoff @NanLia|| Mentions: N/A

 He chuckled softly at her expression, she seemed surprised that he was able to tell that she was having problems. Her face was like a block of marble when she wanted it, but her body spoke more than enough. He'd spent enough time reading people's body languages to know how someone was feeling by the slightest change in their shoulders, the movement of their fingers, how many drinks they had in a small amount of time.

"Friends huh?" he asked looking around "Seems neither of us has the pleasure of good friends" not that he had any to begin with, but that was more of a lifestyle choice than anything "I suppose that explains why you are drinking alone"

He looked thoughtful "I've never been one to drink excessively, but I imagine being abandoned by your friends would make it necessary" he paused in his thoughts as he wondered how he knew such a thing. It was as if the information had just popped into his head.

Andreea raised her eyebrow at the girl, not expecting her to catch on so quickly, but at the same time confused, had she really said irish?

"Irish? I think you've had a little too much to drink, why would I be speaking Irish in a Russian club? " Andreea casually pushed away the shot glass the was near the girl, her protective nature taking over.

Although Andreea did notice what the girl was talking about, she also had a very strange accent for someone speaking Russian, she had a strange drawl and heavynes that Andreea had not encountered before, and she had meet a lot of different people.

Andreea glanced over at her friend, who looked lost, he had approached various girls, even danced with a few but he just couldn't find the right one. So, naturally, Andreea ignored how drunk the girl must have been and continued. 

"You're right, look my friends lonely and he wants some company, I swear he's a nice guy if that helps." Andreea shrugged, suddenly feeling distressed. She looked around and she wasn't at Lucky Sloth, she looked around again finding she was back at her bar.

'If someone put something in my drink I'm going to hurt them.' She thought to herself.

Andreea watched as a man made his way towards them, he was shaking and he had to move always close to the walls... Now, Andreea didn't know much about being drunk, but as a vet she did now the effects of some drugs and whatever he had taken, must have been very strong (and probably unwilling too, those are the kinds of symptoms you only get from the strongest stuff, only someone really stupid would take it alone, and he didn't look that stupid).

Andreea kept her fists closed at her side, in case he tried anything on her or the two girls sitting next to her, but Andreea couldn't help but feel... Nervous? Stressed? She couldn't quite place a finger on it, but it had hit her out of nowhere, like it didn't quite come from her.
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Okay, now Maddy was confused. Alcohol did not make you hallucinate like this, there was no way. Either she had gone crazy or the girl standing in front if her was. Maddy stayed silent for a moment, simply staring at the brunette in front of her. She pointed off to the middle of the bar talking about how her friend was lonely. The only person on the floor was DeGan. Yea, this was definitely crazy. Just as she was opening a her mouth to respond the room flashed from the wood walls of The Wanderer to the flashing of somewhere....different. That's it, what the hell is happening. 


"I...uh...why would I be speaking Russian in an Irish pub." Maddy asked the strangely accented woman as a man approached and sat down next to her, the same man from before. Maddy's attention left the other woman momentarily as she reached out to touch the mysterious man. A gasp escaped er mouth as her hand came into contact with his shoulder and a shock of pain ran through her head. Maddy groaned there loudly and laced her hands on the side for her head. 


Someone had given him drugs. 


She didn't know how she knew that. It just popped into her head.


"What...what did someone g-give you?" The pain in her head was residing now and she removed her hands to look up at the dark skinned an with concerned eyes. Val shot up at the sound of Maddy's groan and narrowed red eyebrows. 


"Who the bloody hell are you talking to?" Maddy ignored her, too busy worrying about whoever this man was.


With: Andreea  @Rueinn

 and James @Eagleye415


(Sorly about the lack of formatting. My phone's being dumb. I'll try and fix it later.)
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With: Adjo Awi @Seraph Darkfire



Lieke would smile rather ruefully towards her newly found friend. Yes, friend, what else would you call someone that you were instinctive drawn to?  The bar tender would return and she would tap the shot glass near her raising two fingers before turning her attention back to the man beside her, though this time she would shift atop the bar stool to face him directly.  One long leg would cross over the other at the knee and she would come to rest her elbow on the bar top, fingers sliding into her hair.  She'd consider his statement.  Lips parted with a retort, she hadn't  really been abandoned but she was interrupted by the sudden arms felt wrapping around her from behind.

She yelped in surprise, head turning to face the assaulter only to find Coen's wolf-like grin.  Instinctively she swung to give him a slap, but it was easily avoided.  Instead Coen was leaning into  whisper into her year, Lieke's eyes would turn back to Adjo, listening to Coen's whispers, smile crossing her lips.  The invitation was devious, when Coen backed from her she turned to face him and the man he'd been flirting with, she was seriously considering the offer made, but would slowly shake her head. "No, Coen.  Have your fun I will find you later.  I will stay with new friends made."

At this Coen would frown, and look to either side of Lieke, shaking his head, he said nothing about the fact that she was alone and simply shrug, walking off with his friend for the night.  Lieke was returning her attention to her neighbor, happy to find the bar tender had returned with her requested shots.  She would slide one along the bar top towards Adjo; an offering. "You were saying?"  She didn't know why she wanted to stay behind, it was unlike her to refuse Coen's invitations.

Adjo AwiAwiLocation: Cairo Bar || Scenario: Weak tasting. || With: Lieke van der Hoff @NanLia|| Mentions: N/A

 "One of your friends I suppose" Awi said catching the shot and looking at it. He didn't normally drink, it wasn't his type of thing really. He looked thoughtful before he picked it up and drank it down quickly. It didn't taste as he expected, like it was watered down. To him, it was a little like a soft imitation of what alcohol should be "A bit weak, but not bad" he mumbled.

He turned his attention back to his conversation partner "Sounds like he was giving you a good proposition, though he could have been quieter about it" Awi believed that the other man had just had too much to drink and his volume was too loud. He could hear the entire whispered invite to her.

"I'm not sure whether I should be flattered that you'd rather continue speaking with me, or feel bad for him for being rejected" he chuckled softly. It was interesting, he didn't normally get into conversations with women, but he felt drawn to her, like he was supposed to know her as well as he knew his own brother. It was an interesting feeling, one he didn't mind exploring.

"I was saying?" he responded to her question "Friends aren't something I've had the time to explore, and the friends I used to have...aren't the friends I should have had in the first place" he'd gotten into trouble quite a bit in his younger days and more often than not, his so called friends would have left him to get caught, or he would have done the same thing.


With Adjo Awi @Seraph Darkfire




She found it odd that he had been able to hear what Coen had offered it, she hadn't thought he'd been speaking all that loud, and given the general noise within the bar already, perhaps she was getting too drunk?  With that thought she would raise the shot glass and drink it's contents back, smoother than it had before.  Glass was returned to the table top and the martini she hadn't even started with was retrieved, a sip taken.  A slow smile would cross her lips, "Maybe you should feel both?"  She offered as an alternative to choosing one option only.

"I wouldn't call people you would abandon so easily and who would abandon you just as, friends."  A curious thought, she wasn't quiet sure where it had come from, but something spoke to her, told her that that was what he was referring to, or at least those types of people.  She would shake the thought away and instead smile to him.  "My name is Lee, by the way, and maybe we're not quiet friends, yet, I wouldn't abandon you so easily."
James sat holding the back of his head with his eyes closed. He felt a hand touch his arm and looked at the brunette. She was the most normal thing he'd seen since whatever this was was administered. 

James muttered incoherently for a moment as his vision blurred once more, but the word Yusef occurred several times in his speech. "..that son of a bitch.. I'm gonna get him for this." He heard the woman's inquiry and for some strange reason felt like answering even though she was a vision in his head. "Fucking Yusef.. that bastard injected me with something. I'm tripping bad. Seeing even worse. I can't stop shaking." James lifted his hand into the air and the constant, seemingly unstoppable shaking was evident. "I don't know what's happening.. what's real right now. I was in my apartment, but now I'm here. Did I ever even leave the elevator..?" He gripped his head trying to focus once more. "Rod and Ally won't be home for hours.."

James shifted in his seat and noticed a woman of seeming Russian descent standing with clenched fists. "Friend of yours?" He questioned the brunette finding the slightest humor in the situation.


Adjo AwiAwiLocation: Cairo Bar || Scenario: Weak tasting. || With: Lieke van der Hoff @NanLia|| Mentions: N/A

 "Maybe" he said thoughtfully at her question "It is a odd combination" he chuckled. He found it strange that she seemed to know what he'd been thinking about but passed it off as her having her own experiences with those types of people. 

When she offered his name, he smiled "Call me Awi" he said. He paused at what she said "Oddly enough, I feel the same way about you" he knew that she meant it. For a person like him, it wasn't easy to trust other people. He grinned "It is very strange that two strangers can meet and find a quick friendship" he said. He'd definitely heard it in books and on tv, but he'd never imagined he would have easily connected with another person so quickly.

He'd never been good at making friends to begin with. On the other hand, his brother was quite good at making friends with anyone he ran into. The kid was as friendly as could be, which made Awi happy.

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