"Just saying your wasting your breath princess. I know how people like him are, You'll be sooner to talk a bull into reconsidering then Mister 'I am so honorable' over there." Cross was becoming slightly annoyed. He hates it when people act all high and mighty. And this princess was a perfect reminder of what made him leave the kingdom. "And this is why Nobles annoy me."

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow thetasfiasco thetasfiasco H HeckingHeck ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

Inir was about to choke her until left cold corpse, but he could not. He knew the necklace's power yet of course he did not need magic to bring her to a stop. The servant would raise, with him, another two guards would come to Inir's aid. Vorch soldiers bring her down into submission as Inir began to choke Arkady instead, "I believe otherwise, Lady Azaela. Yield..."

Inir showed once more his superiority as he commanded once more, "Lord Commander Huge, as new Lord of Arlan; I command you to kill Lord Robert if Lady Azaela does not obeys." Huge's axe raised ready to cut Robert's head while other guards held him down. Meanwhile, Arkady would start raising the same way Azaela did moments ago, only that this grip was not measured thus would be dead in a couple of moment.

Once the display achieved it's purpose, Inir would remove by force the former lord of the land from his way and destroy the throne behind him. Once that was complete, he would let go the vassals of Legion that were already assigned their task. Robert, Cross and Azaela would be thrown to the room inside the tower with nothing else to be said and Arkady would be thrown out of the city with the only promise that Azaela would continue to be alive *if* he achieves his purpose.

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Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea paced in the tower room anxiously, two torches lit the stone room, making the room dim and dark. Thrown in the tower by Inirs command along with Robert, and Cross. Arkady was supposedly released into the city everything was going to hell. Two guards stood outside the locked door, Azalea formulated in a plan, but it was hard to do so while she was completely freaking out.

"He's ruined everything," Azalea seethed, her nails digging into her palms as she paced anxiously. "I need to get to Erisdar, my plans.." Azalea cut herself off, breathing out a heavy sigh.

She had to escape. They had to escape.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi ShadowBroker ShadowBroker thetasfiasco thetasfiasco H HeckingHeck
Cross Auscent

Cross yawned as he was laying down with his back leaning against the wall. "Calm down lady. You can't just formulate a plan in the mood your in. And boss maybe we should think of one together. He's obviously going to keep us here. As much as I want to question you about how you know about our enemy this plan of yours sounds more important."

Emilia Auscent
Emilia was stuck healing so many people and now she had to deal with 3 prisoners. "Hello gentlemen I'm here to treat the 3 prisoners of any wounds. May I pass?" She had a good amount of her healing equipment sticking from her pouch but she had no time to get it in order. And already she looked ragged with multiple hairs standing up on her head. "Lord Inir sent me of course."

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow ShadowBroker ShadowBroker H HeckingHeck
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Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea turn and looked at Cross, her eyes narrowed. "I'm trying to figure out why your in here with us." She turned away, still pacing, she looked up. Why were there separate rooms in a tower? Azalea looked up, looking for some hatch in the tall ceiling, while she did this she spoke in a worried tone, "I have a plan that solely relies on me being in Erisdar tomorrow night. I'm going to free Vauzuhm's slaves. All fifty thousand of them. If I'm not there, innocent people will die," Azalea paused, looking at an odd placement of stones in a particular patch in the ceiling. "I haven't just been recruiting, I have some men, loyal to me. Small, but at least I know there loyal." Azalea said with a hint of anger, peering up at the ceiling. She couldn't help but wonder what became of Arkady when he was released into the city.

The guards stared at Emilia for a moment, with sharp and suspicious eyes, after a moment, one unlocked the door and quickly waved her into the room, shutting it behind Emilia and locking it once more.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi H HeckingHeck thetasfiasco thetasfiasco

At last he became what he had always seek for, a solution. His armor has become even more darker, his helmet has darken it's own glance and his voice shallower and heavy. The skin beneath him has gone dark grey, mixing itself with armor although it would be hard to tell for the skin was impossible to see through. Yet that was not the only thing that changed but his own duty and judgement. There is still conflict inside him, the hesitation, the doubt - but it wouldn't be enough to turn him over his brother.

He, from time to time, heard voices from the inner him - though the voice came with the authority tone of his father, enhancing his hatred. "The son of my second - The one who fell so far from the tree." Inir shifted his attention towards the endless void that was his blind madness, standing still on the spot, "Not far enough." he responded with his mind, shaking away his presence, "Inir - there is still hope for you."

"Too late - You have always been there too late." he responded as he made a step forward into the now empty hall, almost full of rubble and holes in the walls. His gaze would slowly turn to each side, waiting for an answer, "What happened to your mother, to your brother - to you. I should had been me." The illusion of Jorah appeared right before him - an old man, bald with a long beard. A bit fat, perhaps but as strong as a bear himself. Cunning blue eyes with the wriggles of a kind man that smiled too much on his life, yet not this time. He did not look disappointing, only filled with sorrow, "You were weak!" made a pause as he recovered power, "You banished me when I was nothing but a boy... you left me alone-" on his fist, he began to fill rage, "Why? -" he asked without a clear respond. But then, like waking up from a dream, he gestures forward with his hand, letting go a blast of power, "Why!?" he yelled out loud as he made a bigger hole in the hall.

He recovered from his lost of temper and walks away from the hall, now seem a bit less concern of such irrelevant question. Following suit with Emilia Auscent, Inir stood idle though also away from the presence of the guards and the healer. Once she went inside, Inir followed her towards the door, the guard were about to salute him but then he dismissed their attempt with his hand, whispering, "Double the guard in each corridor, window and what is left of the roof. I want men in every meter of the wall." they nod as they walk away. Inir, however, remains there - using his magic to hear what they were plotting about.

Emilia walked through seeing Inir for a split second. She smiled nervously at him hoping if she got attacked by these prisoners he or someone else would get her out. "Uh hello no need to fret I'm a doctor. Lord Inir has requested that I take care of you all. So- Wait Cross?"

Cross looked up in utter shock to see his wife, as a healer for that Bastard Inir. "Emilia!? What in the hell are you doing here? And they sent you to heal prisoners? I fail to see the point in healing us."

ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow H HeckingHeck
Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea turned as a woman entered, her eyes narrowed on suspicion, moving to a hidden knife st her waist, how easily it'd be to end her, just for serving Inir. "Lord Inir," Azalea scoffed, "Rotter, and what a rot of Inir, maybe if were lucky, he'll leave us to rot in here and die." Azalea said sharply, her tone calmer in with her last words, though held a bit of anger. She turned to the group. "Can we discuss the irony here for a second? Inir nearly kills Arkady for leaving, and we name HIM the traitor, and then Inir hands us over to a Demon Lord. Because that makes sense." Azalea finished sarcastically. She looked at the woman and Cross, she to, wondered why they needed a healer. Unless Robert was hurt that was. In her mind, she quietly thought of plans for escape, she looked for a loose stone in the wall, one she could climb, not caring at the moment who the woman was.

It dawned on her that her plan involved literally, walking into the lions den, but without her necklace for protection, it'd make things much more dangerous. However, she had to escape first, Azalea looked up and studied the ceiling once more.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi H HeckingHeck ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

"Gee who shouted traitor first. Oh yeah I did. Just took you a hundred years to figure it out."

Emilia spoke up "Cross don't be so mean. I'm sure Lord Inir just isn't telling you something. His Brother saved my life and he told me there was a way to stop this. All I had to do was help him and he promised that everyone would be safe!"

Cross shot back. "He's tricking you Emilia. And if I recall I said don't get involved with anything- Agh!" Cross leaned over to reveal a bad burn on his back. Probably from him sealing off the tunnel. "anything that could put you in harms way. Now he has something on both of us. Wait you didn't tell him your last name did you?"

Emilia nervously responded "No I didn't. But Cross we have to do something about that burn."

ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow H HeckingHeck
Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea rolled her eyes at Cross's statement, annoyed. She looked at him with arched eyebrows. "I already knew something was up with Inir," Azalea retorted, folding her arms, "What was I supposed to say, 'Hulloa, Inir, this has been ripping, seeing you after leaving you behind to get napped by Legion, but your acting a little dark, can we throw you in a cell? The moment we think your mentally stable we’ll nip on back. We know where to find you!' Now he's toddling about as Lord of the Keep." Azalea said sarcastically, she measured the burn mark on Cross's back. She looked at the oblivious woman, who was loyal to a Demon Lord disguising to be Inirs brother. "Can it wait? Or can you hurry? We can't stay in here for long." Azalea said sharply, feeling around on the wall, she needed to get out of here, fast. To Erisdar.

To Arkady.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi ShadowBroker ShadowBroker H HeckingHeck thetasfiasco thetasfiasco
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Once the guards had come with more forces, checking at every corner. Four soldiers would reach Inir and remained at bay, ready to do their bidding. Finally, he found no reason to stop them now, as he knew well their main objective. He doesn't need to make much deliberation to know that Azaela was blinded by Arkady's disappearance, though not enough to make it sound as desperation. She sounded confident, not worry of his fate. There is a reason behind it, and Inir will find it.

He then knocked twice on the door, just before entering the room. Obviously mocking them and their sense of privacy was clearly overrated. The door remained open for them to try and pass, though the four guards at the other side would kill them at sight, "I fear it can not wait. Our comrade, Emilia has a duty and she will see to it. Regardless of your plots." he commanded as he gave a quick nod towards her, just quick enough to shift his attention to Cross, "Thank you, Sir Cross - the information of your status may be used in time. However, I must inform you that your crimes against our kin will only remain yours, for they are not shareable."

He then directed his attention to both, Robert and Azaela. He crossed his arms behind him, not carrying his sword for he did no longer needed of it. Beside, he left it on the middle of the hall, stuck on the ground as if he tried to cut the ground itself - it seem he has gone deep enough for the blade would hardly move, "Are you both ready to parlay? Or do I have to *persuade* you two again?" obviously he did not meant to say normal bargain persuasion much as he was talking about torture - although he had another card on his sleeve, "Legion will free Erisdar with your help, then - we shall strike The Master. Together - or us alone."

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi H HeckingHeck
Emilia turned around "Lord Inir I know my husband is a Mercenary but you must know he has never killed an innocent person. Sure he may not seem it but sometimes he goes to me for comfort regarding his job." Cross stepped forward "Emilia don't try it. I refuse to let you become an enemy. Stop defending me! And you don't call me Sir. You called me a dirty Merc at least stick to that."

ShadowBroker ShadowBroker H HeckingHeck Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea couldn't stop herself, Legion and Inir would everything if they attacked Erisdar. She knew what they'd do, and it definitely wasn't what Azalea planned. She'd spent weeks making sure this went down as planned.

She had to get to Erisdar first.

"No. No you don't understand you can't just arrive with an army it-you'll kill them..." Azalea trailed off, remembering she wasn't talking to Inir, but a Demon himself. One without love and feelings. The closer he drew to magic, the father his emotions would fade until he was a soulless nothing.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi ShadowBroker ShadowBroker H HeckingHeck

Shakes his head towards Emilia as he address the matter from above rather than rambling insults with Cross, "Comrade Emilia's opinion is as valuable as any other, Sir Cross - yet, those behind you have done nothing but to discard each word you have spoke. Since you showed to be loyal for the cause rather than for the money, now that you have seen your wife standing by our cause - you can redeem yourself, join us." he nodded as he then faced Azaela.

Inir was far too gone, but that did not disarmed him from emotions. The demon like Inir made a step around her, as if examining her from bottom to the top of her head, she had the posture of someone holding a lie - someone that tried to hide from anyone else, or maybe hiding something from him, "Your lack of details does not helps you, Lady Azaela." he responded without care of her change of words, "Once Arkady has destroy The Demon of Erisdar, Legion will free the slaves and show them the only way. To unite our kinds. Magic is part of this world, it has always been - your denial must end here and now." he gestured towards her, offering his hand, "Let me show you, what you have been persistent to refuse."
Cross froze at what Inir said. There was anger but there was also a side they never saw. There was fear in his eyes. His own wife pleaded for his innocence even if it meant her being seen as a traitor. "You know I hail from Zael, Nation of cowards. How fitting the one thing I tried to escape catches up to me. I'm a coward if I pick the person my wife trusts, and I'm a coward if I pick the princess and Robert." Cross was silent for a moment than said" Sorry you two my wife comes above anything else." Cross took a step towards Inir without looking back at the other royals.

Emilia was surprised at how Cross was taking things. He never brought up Zael with his friends before this. So why did he mention it now?

ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow H HeckingHeck

Inir nods towards Cross as he rest the back of his hand over his shoulder, the essence of the dark power embracing him although not enhancing him in any way, just present like a hovering steam. The demon then responds, "Then raise as one of our own, Sir Cross. Knight of the Bear." Then whispers on his ear, "Take the darkest path, to deepest hell - but. Protect your own." nods towards him as he gestures him towards his wife out of there. The four guards, bowing their heads towards Cross and Emilia, presenting their shields forward.

Then, Inir would be left standing between the door and Azaela, "Lady Azaela - there is still time, you can save us all." he gestures back towards her, "Join me - I beg you. Together, there will be no one that stops us."
Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea stepped back from Inir, mortified. "You-you sent Arkady after Vauzuhm? He will die!" Azalea shouted angrily, knowing Inir would hardly acknowledge her, her fingers dug into the blade of her small knife, drawing blood, but she didn't even feel it. "Keep your magic away from me, Demon." Azalea spat, backing away from Inir till her back almost touched the wall, at the opposite end of the door. She eyed the door longingly. She raised her eyebrows as Cross spoke up, before narrowing them angrily, but her tone came out as cold as ice.

"We we're not the cowards of the kingdoms," She said quietly with a blank expression. "We were the enemies."

Azalea clenched her fist and gritted in teeth. In her mind, he was gone. This was someone else possessing Inir. But it was not him. "Inir." She said in a dead tone, keeping a straight face to keep herself from going berzerk on him.

"I sincerely. Hope. You. Die."

Suddenly, a commotion interrupted the halls, the sounds of soldiers running down the hall erupted from behind Inir, yelling about the prisoners. Azalea furrowed her brows confused, what was going on?

Azalea got her answer, a soft boom, followed by another erupted behind her, Azalea spun around and let out a cry.


Stones went flying into the room, morning light brightened the room so brightly Azalea had to cover her eyes before a hand wrapped around her waist, and she was yanked out of the tower. A new, large hole in the side of it, followed by eight empty ropes, which had previously held eight people wearing uniforms almost identical to Azalea's, light leather, and corseted. The group dropped unto the roof and ran, a heaping crowd of guards after them, especially on the roof, where there were double the guards. A girl fell next to her, an arrow in her throat, Azalea choked, but she didn't stop. She followed her group, even as they leapt of the Keep rooftop, her body slammed into a tree as she jumped into it, her calloused hands scraped along the rough bark and wood of the tree, she jumped to the ground, and allowed Cal to pul her up into his horse.

The group took off running, splintering into separate directions, for now, they had to lose Inir and his guards, a whootl of earthly greens and browns rushed past in her in a blur as she clung to Cal's waist. She knew where they'd meet up, as they had for the past month. Her only worry was the girl they had no choice but to leave behind, the wounded one, and Robert, she hoped he took to opportunity to escape the rest she hoped burned in hell. Cal temporarily released the reins of the black stallion and handed Azalea a bow and quivers, before taking off at a blinding speed, the morning light just beginning to rise above the clouds, morning dew made the trees leaves wet as they brushed her hair, she enjoyed the feeling of sharp wind hitting her face. She notched an arrow and looked behind her to see if they were being followed through the woods, the horses hoofs kicking up dirt and mud.

Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi ShadowBroker ShadowBroker H HeckingHeck thetasfiasco thetasfiasco

(Please don't catch her. You can have them purseued, or something, just don't catch them please.

I have big plans. Hehehe)
Arkady Arsenyev
@Rip_Am_Loner Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

Arkady had, when given the choice by the demon lord Legion, chosen a set of basic guard armor- sans the helmet, and some of the bulkier armor plates- leaving him with a chest-plate, shoulder-guards, and forearm braces. He still felt a little bulkier than he liked, but the guards wouldn't give him the time he needed to modify it. He left his legs wide open, as well as his stomach, so he could run and dodge like normal, for the most part. As for the weapon he chose, he went with a simple sword-dagger combination. The dagger was primarily for thrusting and deflecting- the edge of the blade dull and thick, but the tip tempered to perfection. There was nothing real special about the sword- it had a hilt, a crossguard, and a blade. That was about it.

It was only a few minutes after Arkady had left the keep, and he was already pushing his horse to it's limit, dashing through the city at break-neck speeds. He had no idea where he was off to, nor did he have a map to tell him, but hell, he was having a good bit of fun, and for once in the last couple months, no one was there to bring him down for it. He did have his mind set on the mission at hand, though. Get Azalea out.

Az would have a much better idea of what to do than he ever would. Getting her out prematurely was priority number one. She could decide what to do from there.

Once he was out of the city, Arkady pulled on the horse's ear, pissing it off enough to make it stop, and try to attack him. While it was doing so, he held on, looking back at the castle just in time to see an explosion at the keep- in the tower he'd found Azalea by. The tower that Robert and Inir used as a prison. Arkady smirked, and grabbed the reigns of the horse, snapping them and guiding the horse in the direction of the keep, their pace quickening by the second.

At the intense movement, Inir was about to grab Azaela from the shoulder when he felt a great danger. Instead, he used his magic to protect everyone who was behind him. Among them, Cross and Emilia. Though Robert was out of his reach. Then the ropes and Azaela - everything happened so fast he hardly had time to think of a better plan. He walked forward as the guards united with him, "Lord Hunter - should we chase them."

Then, he felt someone choking on it's own blood. A woman who had a very unlucky day dodging an arrow, "No -" he commanded as aimed to the one injured, "Use magic on that one." Then Inir moved as swift as a shadow being projected by the light of the stars, reappearing close enough to use his powers and take one of her guards away from the group. They wouldn't have time to rescue her, for the archers were already coming in numbers, ready to kill them all. Then, the guard tried to defend herself, pitifully. A single swing of his hand and the guard rested down, out of combat. Then he whispered towards Azaela, in the voice of Inir himself - not his new self, "This is what *you* made of me.."

Then, with the message sent - he turns around to meet everyone on the hall for the next plan.
Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea heard the whisper, she nearly slid off the horse with a choked cry until Cal's arm slid around her waist, they rode harder, and all Azalea could feel was grief and guilt as the greens whirled past her, they rode father from Keep. All she could think was what she was supposed to tell Matt. They emerged into a small clearing after a while, the Keep behind them. The rest of them already gathered. A large oak tree marked the middle of the clearing, Matt jumped off his horse as did everyone else.

"Where's Sophie?" He asked them, looking around for his sister.

"Matt.." Azalea looked away, looking to Cal for help.

"Where is she?!" He yelled, clenching his fist, his blue eyes piercing into her solemn expression.

"She's gone Matt, I'm sorry..." Azalea looked, up blinking at the sky. Matt slid against the tree, his mouth open, staring off into the distance, all of them a safe ways away from the keep.

Azalea sighed heavily, she couldn't do this now, she couldn't face grief now. She turned to Dana, "You have the gear?" Azalea asked her, she paced, thinking the plans over. "Yup, Damon and Lily have everything you need to get into the party, where's your necklace? I thought tha-" Dana was cut off as Azalea raised a hand to silence her.

"It's gone. Inir snatched it." Azalea snapped with the usual edge in her tone that said to leave it alone, a tone that usually came with the subject of Arkady, which brought Cal to attention.

"Az," he said, turning her and grabbing both her hands gently, as if she were fragile enough to break. "We don't need to do this, let me go into the party, your walking into a lions den." He pleaded, pulling her a little too close.

The sound of heavy horse galloping against the earth, Azalea drew her bow, everyone pulled out there weapons, cloaks masking there identities except for Cal, Matt, and Dana, Azalea sheathed her bow as she saw the face of Arkady.

"Arkady. Wonderful. Have I mentioned how inconvenient your timing is?" Azalea joked, Cal narrowed his bright green eyes at Arkady with a hint of jealousy, Cal had a tall, handsome figure, with tan skin, black hair and bright green eyes, handsome nonetheless. He moved in inch closer to Azalea.

"That's Arkady?" He gave Arkady a once over. "He can't even ride. He doesn't look so impressive. More like a disgusting-"

"Don't be such an ass, Cal." Azalea snapped sharply, Cal glared at Arkady with jealously, his arms folded over his chest Strapped the bow back to her back before turning to the group. "Get ready, I'll give you a couple minutes Matt, but we're heading for Erisdar soon, get saddled up." She ordered, the group obeyed, except for Cal, who reminded stand next to Azalea and stare at Arkady with narrowed eyes full of jealousy and suspicion. She glanced between the two.

That's rum, Dana was right, Cal does have a thing for me.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco
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Arkady Arsenyev
Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

Arkady whipped through the woods, his horse bolting between trees all on its own. He was a firm believer in the intelligence of horses- so doubted that he could push the thing past its limits. If it felt like it was going to run into a tree, it would slow down. It was best to just let the horse do it's job. It knows how to run.

After a few minutes, a small group began coming into sight between trees. Arkady thought nothing of it, until he started going closer. Azalea. His eyes widened a little, and he ushered the horse in their direction. When he got closer, he saw that Az's hands were being held by some... Indian Casanova. He wasn't very happy about that.

Once he was close enough, he yanked on the horse's ear again, making it angrily spin in circles like a dog, trying to kick him off. After a few moments of a childish smile, Arkady got a little annoyed. He looked down at the horse, letting go of it's ear. It had lost all forward momentum, so he was just sitting in front of the small group, spinning in circles. He huffed. "Stop. Stop. Stop. Bad horse. Stop. Stop. Stop it." He looked over to the group, hearing Azalea say something directed at him; something about his timing.

The horse reluctantly stopped its frustrated spinning, leaving Arkady to glare at the tanned man next to Azalea. His glare faded when he made a comment about his riding skills. "I know you are, but what am I?" He stuck his tongue out like a child, before dismounting his horse.

He crossed his arms and tried leaning against the horse, which stumbled back, making Arkady stumble a little. Once he caught himself, he smiled, inspecting the small group. "So, Az, for someone so hellbent on saving Robert, you sure were quick to leave him behind, huh?" He mocked, smirking a little at her.
Cross had walked out with Emilia but when Crap had hit the fan he ran back to figure out what ever just happened only to see a part of the room gone. "What on earth happened? Are we under attack?"

Emilia on the other hand ran down to find any injured people. Her nature wasn't about to leave people injured or dying. "Anyone need some help? Don't be afraid to ask I'm more than willing to help any injured!"

ShadowBroker ShadowBroker H HeckingHeck
Azalea Dilaurentis
Azalea felt a surge of guilt at leaving Robert, but if she hadn't left him, fifty thousand lives would be left to die and rot instead. She'd killed enough people. Her grin faltered a moment, Azalea peered up at the sky. "If I didn't, fifty thousand slaves would've died. Besides, I hadn't planned on being rescued." Azalea retorted, shooting Cal a glare, able to catch Cal dragging his hand across his throat and looking at Arkady, sticking out his tongue. She swatted his hand down. "Aye! Keep acting like that and you won't be going into the ball at all, I can easily play a young widowed wife." She said indignantly, walking over and stroking Arkady's horse, soothing it under her touch, she ran its hand along its neck, petting it. She looked at Arkady.

"I'm going to Erisdar, attending a ball Vauzuhm has been planning to show off his Demons, and Slaves. There will be other Demon Lords there, including the nobles and lords that turned there backs on us the moment we lost power. I'm freeing all of Vauzuhm's slaves, and attempting to kill him. You in, or do you want to wait for Inir or Legion to find you, and figure out you didn't go on a suicide mission to kill Vauzuhm?" Azalea asked in a sickly sweet voice, cocking her head and looking at Arkady with a sweet smile that was obviously full of amusement and cockiness.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco
Arkady Arsenyev
Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

Arkady covered his mouth, holding down a laugh when the tan man dragged his finger across his throat. He didn't think about the man threatening him, he only thought about how Az would react. Once she turned around, scolding him, Arkady hunched over, letting out a silent laugh.

He slowly straightened his back with a red face, still smiling like a child when he looked over to Azalea. His face fell a little bit after he listened for a while, but his smile didn't waiver. "Well, it sounds like I'm going on a suicide mission either way..." He crossed his arms, smirking. "You're just counting down the days till I die, aren't you, Az?"

From the same hole, the demon lord that Inir is arrived. Hovering like a distant darkness carrying the two bodies with him. One choking on it's own blood while the other knocked out unconscious. The wound on her throat fixed but she was no longer capable to talk, even though she has seen dead so close and so fast - she did managed to survive.

He then gasped as he felt his power required to be recharged like a battery. Although his magic essence quickly recovered, Inir hardly made it obvious for the rest to notice, "Sir Cross - bring the hostages to the great hall. Chain them and search for hidden weapons." then shifted his direction towards Emilia, "Follow him in order to see to their wounds if any -" he commanded, making them leave the room where Robert was the last prisoner to take care of. Inir folded his hands behind him as he spoke, "It seems you were deceived into believe you had Azaela as your ally." he commented as he made a step back, towards the hole on the tower, "Mankind has always deceived itself into believe do not change - that everything remains static. Yet they are wrong." he gestures forward through the hole, breaking the ropes with his mind, "Lady Azaela is blinded by anger - Yet you are capable of changing. Together, we will never need of mercenaries or thugs that act upon the name of nobility. Only together - all of us - we will stop both The Master and Lady Azaela." gestures towards him, offering a hand, "I will show you - the future both sides are only looking forward to."


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