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Realistic or Modern I need you like fire needs water

Nyx realxes agaisnt his touch. “Yeah of course. Not gonna miss the chance to see the cast of one of my favorite shows.” She giggles and smiles at him. “And of course support my amazing husband.”
He chuckled quietly and nodded "Well I'm glad I'm at least part of the reason." He murmured and kissed her cheek. "I got another audition though soon cause this is my only season I think." He murmured tiredly struggling to keep his eyes open but not wanting to miss a moment with her.
He smiled and pulled her in closer, "I love you." He murmured kissing her head before drifting off and falling into a deep sleep with her by his side
He slept the best he had in a long time knowing there was going to be no rude interruptions and they were free to do whatever now they lived on their own.
He was already up and dressed not having the patience to have a proper lie in “Come on sleepyhead... come on. Up you get.” He coaxed and gently poked her.
He grinned. “We were... But I got bored and I don’t want to lie in anymore.” He chuckled quietly. “Please.” Hewhined pouting at her and spreading across the bed and sighed overdramaticaly. “You never pay attention to me.” He said giving her his best puppy dog eyes.
Nyx laughs softly and sighs. She kisses his cheek and sits up. “And you’re a drama queen.” She teases and smirks at him. “What do you wanna do?”
“Let’s go for a walk. Go get a coffee. Go explore the city a bit more. Do whatever cause we can.” He murmured pulling her into his arms. “And how dare you... I’m not a queen... im the white rabbit.” He chuckled and kissed her cheek.
Nyx laughs softly and kisses his head. “I thought you were the mad hatter?” She murmurs and gets up. She goes to get clothes and heads into the bathroom to take a quick shower.
He frowned then nodded. “Yeah... yeah you’re right. I don’t know why I got that wrong. Only been working this job for ages now.” He chuckled and got up going downstairs to get his jacket and shoes.
Nyx laughs softly. She takes a quick shower and gets ready, heading down to him. She wraps her arms around him from behind and buryes her face in his back.
He smiled some and turned around so he had his arms around her gently. “I love you.” He murmured, kissing her nose. “You ready?” He asked smiling at her.
He smiled and got in driving them into the city and parking then got out taking her hand and started a walk to find a Starbucks.
Nyx smiles and swings their hands a little. She looks over at him and smiles at him. “You know you’re amazing right?” She murmurs softly.
He smiled watching her. “I do know... you can keep telling me though.” He winked at her and opened the door to the Starbucks for her. “You wanna get us a table?” He asked her quietly smiling at her.
He nodded and got in line running a hand through his hair and shifting from foot to foot impatiently wanting coffee. He looked over when he heard a couple people approaching him though and frowned as they came closer and started asking him if he was the guy they’d seen playing the mad hatter on tv and he just nodded.
Nyx glances over at him and smiles when she sees the people wanting photos with him. She would have to get used to that now. She runs a hand through her hair. At least people liked him.
He eventually got their coffees and headed over to their table. “Sorry... I’ve been in one freaking episode.” He frowned “Time and place yknow... what are you thinking about?” He asked smiling at her.
Nyx shakes her head. “You don’t have to apologize about that. It’s good they like you already.” She murmurs and takes his hand. “I’m just so proud of you.”

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