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Realistic or Modern I need you like fire needs water

He smiled tiredly watching her. “I love you too.” He murmured “So what did you get?” He asked her quietly while they waited.
“Same.” He murmured just watching her. “What are we gonna do if we end up with ginger children? We might have to hide them away from the world.” He teased gently.
He smiled and watched her some. “You know how much I love you?” He asked her quietly and gave her hand a squeeze gently.
He gaped at her then smirked, "Te iubesc mai mult decât marea iubește ploaia." He murmured in her ear. "How about that huh?" He murmured kissing her head again
Nyx shivers a little and bites her. She still didn’t know much Romanian but she love the way he sounded when he spoke it. She smiles at him and shakes her head.
He smirked some and winked at her. “Now you believe me?” He chuckled quietly and sat up a bit more once their food arrived. “I got a couple more days of filming then I get paid.” He explained to her.
Nyx giggles and nods. “Now I believe you.” She murmurs softly and kisses his cheek. She smiles when the food comes and starts eating.
He smiled and are happily. “We’re gonna have to come here again.” He mumbled wiping his chin before anything dropped onto his shirt.
He had chucked his in the trunk and did the same with hers getting a couple extra bits then got back in the car and headed off to their new place grinning the whole way there. “Just you and me gorgeous.”
He parked in the drive and got out with her going up and unlocking the door so she can go and look around while he sorted out their bags carrying them into the house.
Nyx walks in and starts looking around. It was amazing and all there’s. She smiles and heads up to the bedroom. She plops down on the bed and giggles.
He met her up there a little later and walked over to her, "This is our furniture too by the way, I got this stuff all out of storage and had Mike and Laura help me come set it up a couple days ago," He told her, sitting next to her after kicking his shoes off
He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her “You can say that again.” He chuckled and kissed her softly holding her to him contentedly. “You are my everything.” He murmured.
Nyx smiles and kisses him softly. “And you’re my everything.” She murmurs softly and nuzzles into him. She lays her head on his chest and realxes.
He sighed happily and kept her close kissing her head gently and stared at the ceiling not saying anything but not needing to either.
He smiled and kissed her head. “I got a lie in tomorrow morning and work in the afternoon... you coming to the wrap party with me on Friday night?” He asked her, slipping his hand up the back of her shirt and lightly tracing patterns on her back.

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