Advice/Help I need help with a plot idea...

Winter Kakyoin

"I could've saved them... I really could've..."
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Hello everyone! So, tonight, I had this idea that hit me, and I'd love to use it! Only problem is, I can't think of a full plot to go with it. Literally, all I have is that a group of goths, metalheads, or K-pop friends go on vacation together and have fun. It can be a camping trip, beach trip, literally anything. Angst and other genres could be added too, but... I just can't piece a plot together.
(insert subculture type) friends go on vacation to south america where they have their passports and other belongings stolen while out at a beach party. They then get led on a darker and darker journey as one of them gets kidnapped for organ harvesting. They must try to track down their missing friend whilst combating the various criminal elements of human trafficking, drug trade, and desperately impoverished in a country where none of them are familiar with the customs or culture.

I would do a blend of Blair Witch Project, Final Destination, Dead by Daylight, and Until Dawn. A group of friends from varied backgrounds decide to vacation/have a party somewhere remote only to find themselves treading on restricted territory. One of the characters has a vision that saves the group, but now killers, supernatural creatures, and even death are on their tail. Whatever cheesy horror tropes you wanna fit in there honestly.
I mean… honestly that’s quite enough I think. It’s certainly not the most developed of plots but a wholesome slice of life kind of thing can work just fine and be fun. I think letting the partner choose the type of vacation can counterbalance not thinking of it yourself by giving them room for customization in the kind of plot they might like too.

Of course, you probably still want to flesh this out a little more, in which case I would probably tackle some specifics such as for example the kind of friends they are, how they met. Are we talking about two people who met at a concert and just got along? Members of a school club? Maybe they met online and this is their IRL meeting or maybe they were friends already before they discovered a shared interest in that music genre. They could also be band members rather than just fans. If you wanted to add a romance element (which you definitely don’t need to, just throwing stuff at a wall here) you could say they are people with a crush on each other, or even already a couple, heck even married could be possible since the focus is primarily the trip. Context behind the cause of the trip could also be a plot point to address. Is this just a regular ol’ vacation or is there some special occasion, like winning a raffle or maybe there are specific places or events that they might miss out on if they don’t go now? Even if it really is just a regular vacation it could still be flavored by the previous answer on the kind of friends, such as a the school club specifically having a school vacation, perhaps flavoring it as a club activity to go together on the trip.

Said context could also inform the kind of trip it is if you’d prefer that over letting the customization go to your partner, say for instance an event-based trip could be that the characters are doing a country tour following a certain band’s concerts.

These are all just some thoughts and suggestions though. In any case, I wish you the best of luck and happy RPing!
My friend always said that if you don't know how to proceed a story, just throw a dragon in!

Have the plane they boarded get chomped to pieces by a random dragon. After that they wake up in fantasyland and now they need to use the power of friendship and their music to create a famous band as they search for a way back to their home.

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