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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Horso was once one of the most truly unique settlements on all of Aerth. Overseen by a council of the most powerful and influential captains. Horso was free land where laws and taxes had no meaning, ones word and barter was similar to currency and the economy of Horso was one of give an take for goods or services.

Present times the town of Horso is in a state of emergency. Ruin, death and debris scatter what was once "decent living"
The riots ended as each captain of worth was killed in action or taken hostage to be murdered in public display later. One of the Demon twins, the one named Bo was unlucky enough to be in this battle.
Fortunate or skilled enough this man stands alive today burning with rage for what happened...
He and his brother had tracked the Green Dragon to Horso, only to find a island at a boiling point enraged at injustices.

The councils forces soon fell upon Horso resulting in death and casualties for all.
When the riots simmered down many buried their family's or attempted to heal the wounded, rebuild homes or at the very least put out fires.
Bo had lost his brother during the fighting, not killed mind you, physically lost was Jay.
Though easy to spot Bo hadnt seen his brother as he walked Horso spreading a call to action to any who looked strong enough to fight or pissed off enough to try...

"meet at the ragga patch outside town. Revenge and rewards is our goal"

Those finding themselves there would be met with a man ready to avenge those who fell and worse.
He wasn't asking for legends, just able bodies looking to even the score if only a little...
Bo waited by the ragga, the horrid green and red flowers with thick bushes large enough one could hide in it. That is of course if one had a death wish. Ragga was a terrible poison capable of killing when ingested and able to cause terrifying hallucinations from contact.
Not to Bo's surprise, but Jay was taking a small nap in the ragga patch...
"brother Bo! I done resupply all my pouches and ground up flowers and roots"
Jay jumped up to his feet with the pollen blowing off into the breeze to fuck up any unlucky enough to breathe it.

Bo glared but took a moment to settle down before telling his brother the plan. "The council has gone to far, the people of Horso will want revenge and I believe we can utilize that revenge."
"you want Greenies ship yea? Why don't we go challenge him?"
"I don't think the Green Dragon will honor one on one combat. Xiao only did so with his crew because he knew it was the slaves who would fight, and lose..."
Bo fumed as he remembered his past as a Blue Dragon slave. Sitting crosslegged a safe distance away from jay frolicking, some people came into view...

Men and women looking for revenge had taken heed of Bo's words. Rumours of the Demon twins looking for a crew spread fast... it wasn't even lunch time and the twins had eight people before them!
Eight isn't enough to start a riot, more would surely come yes? Yes. Surely....
Bo and those early to his meeting began discussing plans.

Jay was sure all he needed was maybe four different people and he could take out the council with a sneaky assassination. He just needed...
Himself, a lizardman, a skyracer, a elf, a member of the shadowhand and a chef to cook the minotaur.
Jays plans are nonsense, only follow him if your character is nonsense as well.

Bo and the eight Npcs talk shit but ultimately numbers will decide the plan!
Feel free to have a npc or two join your character when answering the call to action.
Kabboom Kabboom Dovinique Dovinique Xcelgamer Xcelgamer EldridSmith EldridSmith
As I will most likely say you are followed by them etc But this is the chance to have a named npc or two of your own! Give them a name and a single trait they can reference whenever they speak! Have fun or just leave it to me idc
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1593479393096.png Galen watched as his captain was shot with... apathy. He had seen several captains come and go, but he had stayed long enough to survive and thrive in this cutthroat world, staying in second place meant you didn't have as big a target on your back and less work for you to do, which was just what he was happy with. He sank beneath the waters with a few lackeys who could also breathe underwater and he waited out the fight, good thing too as the poison swept over the port. He swam off away from town and waited it out before returning with the four men he had with him. He surfaced to find the port in utter ruins and poison everywhere. He frowned and took a hankerchief from those nearby and put them over his gills to keep the effects of any poison down. After securing his backup gear and other provisions and looting what was left of the town he headed towards the gathering of people one of the men told him about. With rum in hand and a gin on his face he approached the demon twins. "Long time no see Bo, Jay." He says offering each of them a bottle of rum from the rubble of the city. "Not much left in the town, but we did find some good stuff." He says with a sly glint in his eye. "Let me guess, hunting the dragons? Ah your faces already tell me so. I'm afraid I only have as much dirt on them as you do Bo. I'll gladly give you a hand but I'm going to avoid the poison bitch... for personal reasons."
NeonFlow NeonFlow


The Port » Ragga Patch

NeonFlow NeonFlow EldridSmith EldridSmith


Ael woke up with slight pain tormenting her left eye. Even though she was finally recovered from most of her wounds, thanks to her healing ability, her left eye as of now was already lost its function forever. The girl took a deep breath, trying to recall what just happened for the past few days. Everything happened like a blink of an eye. The riot, the slaughter, the deaths, and the fact that... Captain Egarr was her father the entire time. It was too much for her. She didn't believe that entirely, of course, but she just couldn't ignore it all the way. But right now, she had a more important issue to take care of.

News about the twins leading group of people for revenge spread just like bushfire. After the incident, pretty sure a lot of people would love to draw blood from the council, including Ael. The main problem was could Ael work out with those people. In time like this, it's hard to determine which one were allies or foes. Still and all, Ael stood up and headed to the meeting point. She would make up her decision later after meeting them in person.

The port was not as hectic as it should be, most of it destroyed during the riot. Normally it would be packed with folks busy with their own businesses, chatters could be heard here and there, basically it used to be a lively place to mingle. But now, all Ael could see were grieving and wounded souls. As she made her away out of the town, her eyes caught some people from different races already there to meet the twins. Not only that, she also noticed some just laying still on the ground, dead... perhaps, Ael didn't bother to check. However, if there were corpse around here, it could only mean the ragga's pollens were taken out by somebody who seemly not bright enough to do that. She quickly covered her nose and mouth to avoid the same unfortunate destiny.

As she walked closer to the twins, they were already in the middle of discussion and since Ael was not the brainy type, she didn't bother to give input. Yet, her attention wasn't on the discussion itself, rather to the fact that the twins were four people, "Four? So not twins, but quads?" she mumbled to herself. Her blue eyes shifted to the tall beardy guy who turned out to be twins in her sight, "Wait, wait... so who are the twins?" she asked more to herself. Not long after that, she witnessed the men's skins slowly turning into scales before evolved into dragons, "Hold on! Hold on! Oh god... this is a trap!" she screamed while readying her arrows. It seemed that somehow, the poor girl was in contact with the poison.

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A small smile formed on Bo's face as Galen and some more people approached.
"a sight for sore eyes Gale, glad you survived"
"Ah that's Gale?!"
Jay had staggered out of the patch to recieve a bottle himself, getting a few curses thrown his way for the stupidity.
"dammit go clean yourself you get no drink today"
Bo scolded loud enough for his brother to hear. Opening his gift and deciding to thank Galen instead of berate him for giving Jay fuel. With a large swig and cough Bo stood to elaborate a bit further "I feel my brother is the best to take on The snake lady. Doubt her venom can melt the mind of a man who has none"

Jay walked away further as he shook his hair and splashed his own mystery bottle of something over his face and hands.
It was as Aeldris and another unlucky enough to catch a whiff of ragga on the breeze started screaming that those arriving and those by the patch noticed.

"restrain them!!"
Bo immediately shouted with a finger pointing at the woman and man getting weapons ready. It was like someone had fired a gun in the air to signal the start of a race with how fast Jay moved, a devastating leaping tackle took down the man holding a club up.
A man from behind was lucky enough to approach Ael from the left, with a swift movement forcing her down.
"It's no trap! You need to trust me" this man states again and again to Ael

Jay got up when he realised his target was unconscious.
"splash water in their faces! Its the pollen!"
Bo grabbed Galen with urgency
"you might need to flush their nose and mouth, make them cough it up"
Realising Jay has fucked up his plan before it could begin he ran to help the effected whilst shouting in rage
Jay beamed like a child unaware of his shortcomings.
He left for the port.

Some npcs held down Ael and the unconscious club man as people scrambled for water.
EldridSmith EldridSmith save the day!
Dovinique Dovinique you basically hit the nail on the head with ragga,
Kabboom Kabboom Xcelgamer Xcelgamer I'd like to imagine the pollen has been blown away by now and you are unaffected lol
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1593479393096.png Galen chuckled some at the familiar pair and their antics. "Glad to see you both as well. Was a right nasty affair, I was lucky to swim off near the beginning with a few pals." He said with a sly grin. Pals was a very loose term in this instance, they were totally expendable workers he would use as pawns for whatever was required. "Luckily these events make for easy loot once they're over. I found some hidden coin we can use to help deal with the tyrants." He says before looking at Jay who was stumbling away. "Seems about right, a few grunts can help but nothing will really work against her except someone resistant to poison like Jay." However at this time Jay decides to be shake off the pollen on others like the usual fool he was.As Bo grabbed him to assist with Jay's mess Galen sighed and approached the mayhem, he knew to expect this sort of thing but it was still annoying to have to deal with. "I got it." He declares as he snaps his fingers causing water to surround the heads of the unfortunate victims before seeping into the nose and mouth before flooding their insides with water. He then withdrew the water and sent it seaward along with all traces of the pollen. He frowned as the little maneuver took a decent chunk of his mana. "They will be fine now, at least they won't have to cough it up while unconscious. Anne, get the smelling salts and wake them up." He ordered one of his lackeys who proceeded to follow orders swiftly. "So we send Jay to deal with the one, what plans do you have for the other 3?"
Dovinique Dovinique NeonFlow NeonFlow
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Ragga Patch (Meeting Point)
NeonFlow NeonFlow EldridSmith EldridSmith

It was a crazy start for her supposed-to-be long journey. Ael was careless enough to let the pollens affected her which made her acting like a madwoman. She created chaos right after she screamed and drew weapon, triggering people around her who also affected by the hallucination. Fortunately, someone able to knock her down before she had the chance to pierce others with her razor-sharp arrows. When she was pushed down onto the ground, she could feel water rushed into her nose and mouth, making her felt like she was drowning then everything went black.

A moment later...."Cough! Cough! Cough!"

As the water cleansed her head from poison, Ael slowly regained her consciousness when a woman put some smelling salt on her nose, "Thank you...," the half-elf said as the woman smiled back then went to other victims. She felt dumb for believing what she saw and not aware that she was under the influence.

Ael fixed herself before she dragged her legs back to the twins and the beardy man. It seemed like they back into talking about plans and whatsoever. She remained silent, either because she didn't understand or too embarrassed to talk after the pollen incident. While in her silence, Ael took her time to observe her soon-to-be crews, judging whether she could count on them or not. She didn't want to lose her head along the way just because she trusted the wrong person.

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Krak'yun Seascale

Krak'yun is stone. Stone is tough, hard, very strong like Krak'yun. Stone found in sea, can sink ships of uncareful man-kin, just like Krak'yun will sink ship of Council-men. But most of all, stone moves not much, just like Krak'yun right now. He had been observing the group at the ragga patch, without moving a single muscle. When one of the members of the group had a bad-bad reaction to the ragga, Krak'yun realized he should know-introduce himself to the group, instead of standing a bit further away.

"Is this group against Council-men? Krak'yun wants to join." Was all the lizardman said before getting distracted by the recovering elf-man-kin - she was quiet in front of this group. Taking a closer look, Seascale lays his eyes on the twins, and the big blue man with followers. "What are we plan-planning to do?" He asked to no one in particular. Krak'yun is stone, yes-yes.

Dovinique Dovinique NeonFlow NeonFlow EldridSmith EldridSmith
Bo gave little details but was overall vague until more numbers showed up. His plan in a nutshell was to hijack Rockhold’s warship and use the entire Portside of that large beastly ship to shoot the fort and any who oppose.
The plan potentially works with any of the captains ships as long as numbers are with them.
The largest ship being rockhold’s warship
The smallest being the green dragon’s main schooner. “The Snake’s tail”
(bo hated the name of said ship)

Put bluntly the plan was for a small group to take control and hold the ships hostage while a force of skilled fighters kill the council during the noise.
If everyone willing to fight launched a surprise attack on those ships while the council’s crews were disposed putting out fires and stocking goods... then a resistance of fighters should be able to take out the skeleton crews and commandeer the main ships. With the cannons firing as needed the rebels can defend the ships safely as no captain would want to destroy their own ship. A lizard man named Krak'yun and nine others approached by the time Bo was speaking...
"aye, we be against the council. Krak is welcome to join"
Bo took a deep breath and steadied himself before speaking. Looking at the faces of each person here, the same anger and despair all in Horso felt... It is easier to fight and sneak then it is to give a speech or lead. Public speaking made the man nervous, but Rage ablaze inside his soul was enough to light courage on fire. With confidence Bo spoke to the people gathered

“the main problem is Ibil’s men. They have the largest force on the island, taking out their commanders and then the whelp who orders them will most likely send the rest of the bandits to cower... Rockhold and the green dragon is our biggest threat, I feel throwing Jay at the snake woman would solve that. But fighting a man who can turn to stone, and a man who turns into a dragon seems difficult to me. My idea would be lure them to the docks for cannon fire... have ragga bombs ready to poison them, or stab them in their sleep... I haven’t met rockhold but I know for sure Jing can become a dragon.. eight feet tall with the strength of ten men able to breathe fire and fly.”
Bo talked loud enough for all to hear, even the two being revived by Galen’s minions.
EldridSmith EldridSmith Dovinique Dovinique Kabboom Kabboom Xcelgamer Xcelgamer

the other demon twin by this point had walked through the shit show that was Horso, reached the docks where some assholes attempted to claim the shit Jay had was theirs!... A quick burst of smoke and the sound of steel sliding in and out of flesh happened in repetition before Jay got naked to swim in the water. A good ten minutes of playtime before Climbing back onto the destroyed dock where eight bandits of the Ibil clan lay dead ‘guarding’ jays shit.

That is to say jay had killed and propped the corpses into positions before stripping for his swim.

As he got dressed and strapped the various holsters to himself Jay sang a little song
We put on undergarments so the private’s don’t chafe
We put on clothes an armor for when death gives chase
Two sword catchers, boomerang and Staff
And jay the demon twin is ready to laugh
Got Pouches of ragga and bottles of grog
Anyone before me will get squashed like a frog
Bo be out look-ing for drag-ins
Jay Wants something that rhymes with dragons...
And that makes my getting ready song....

jay beamed with pride as he stood dressed, the staff in his hand whispered in a language long forgotten.
Jay laughed like he was flirting with a attractive friend from the past
“No staff, Bo only said go swim.”
Jay then strolled off towards his destiny...
May the gods forgive him and have mercy on those he faces.
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1593479393096.png Galen excused himself to offer the one pretty girl of the entire lot a hand up with a charming smile as she awoke as Bo followed after explaining the basics of the plan as a Lizardman came over offering his service. The plan was super risky. "This plan hinges on the fact they won't destroy their own ships, and quite frankly we're dealing with the most cutthroat lot in the Sea. I know at least one would willingly blow up their ship to secure their position as they have the gold to build another." He interjects once Vo finished speaking. "I currently see two courses of action: either we strike fast and furious with a major gamble relying on morale and adrenaline to survive by attacking them while they're hopefully low on mana, or we risk losing morale for a long drawn out slow and methodical precise dissection of their forces in a war of attrition that hinges on making sure the 4 bastards don't catch our forces. Either way it's a large gamble. I currently favor the latter but I don't know everyone present and those who will arrive so my preference doesn't mean much as we need to see which of the two those who join favor."
NeonFlow NeonFlow Dovinique Dovinique Kabboom Kabboom

Ragga Patch (Meeting Point)
NeonFlow NeonFlow EldridSmith EldridSmith Kabboom Kabboom

Ael continued listening to Bo's explanation. In her head, she quietly judging each of the members just like what she always did whenever she met new people. Bo and Jay, the twins, Bo seemed more rational and dependable than the other one who looked like he was high all the time. Letting Bo led the party was the best choice she had now... maybe? She moved her eyes to the other two members.

Galen, not sure what he was exactly, but he surely looked adept with water and things. Owning his own people indicated somewhere behind his eye-catching beard laid leadership and courage. Though there was no strong evidence, she could sense he was a little bit womanizer? Or just trying to be a gentleman, she wasn't sure yet. If he hadn't saved her life from the stupid poison, she might not take his helping hands previously.

Move to the only physically non-human member, Krak'yun. While his name might sound strange and unpronounceable, Ael sensed sincerity coming from the lizard. He was just as plain as what he wanted people to see. It was quite safe to say he wouldn't aim for her neck while she was sleeping.

Back to the discussion, as Bo and Galen explained various choices of plans they could have. None of them, honestly, was solid and safe enough to try. Seeing how the council wiped everyone in just 2 days, they were totally not ordinary men. They too must have expected revenge was coming their way sooner or later, "They are smart I assume. Probably already know we're coming for their heads. Attacking them now might lead us right into their trap," she crossed her arms before continuing, "I'm pretty sure those cunning people already prepare something up their sleeves after the chaos they made."

The girl, however, couldn't suggest a better plan. What she knew was if they acted carelessly like prey, the council would act like predators. Instead of facing the prey head-on, predators would be waiting insidiously until the appropriate moment for attacking when the poor prey was not aware of their presence. On the other hand, seeing how the situation was, drawing time was barely possible as well. She sighed, "Either way, we're on the disadvantaged side at the moment. But, whatever, I'm ready to do anything."

"It's Ael by the way,"
she said as she witnessed what Jay been doing and muttered, "Well that one surely an amusing sight."

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Krak'yun Seascale

Elf-man-kin made sense with her speak-words, as did sea-man-kin and twin-man-kin. A lot of people made sense here! Unlike his last company. But that's good, yes-yes! Very smart-good means high chance of success in killing Council-men. Krak'yun suddenly felt a liking towards this new group of his. But he digressed - something he didn't do often - and went back on track. Ael made a lot of sense in her word-speaks, especially that anecdote about predator and prey; Krak'yun had hunted plenty of things before, be it the pesky skinks and rats near his farmstead as a child, or the many rivals of his gang when he was criminal-gang-lizard. He completely agreed: if they bit into the beast without thought or planning, they would be thrashed and torn apart like a gull surrounded by sharks - if they wasted too much time stalking the prey and discussing mere plans without action, then their quarry will flee to heights unreachable.

This is a very tough-bad situation they've found themselves in, and Krak'yun found himself making an effort to- was it thenk? thonk? wait, it's- think, yes-yes. In this state of 'thinking', Krak'yun did not pay attention to anything going on around him, preferring the solitude of his own mind. Some thoughts whizzed back and forth, given what he knew about the four Council-man-kin. Some more thoughts ran up and down his mind, as assassination plans hatched and withered at the same time.

Opening his attention span again, Krak'yun entered the conversation bluntly. "Krak'yun have thought-idea. Jing can turn into dragon, bad for fighting-killing. If we kill Ibil, other Council-men will be alert, which make killing harder. Krak'yun suggest we kill dragon first, then worry about Ibil later; Krak'yun like fighting man-kin more anyway, easier than dragon."

Dovinique Dovinique NeonFlow NeonFlow EldridSmith EldridSmith
Bo listens as others bring up their own thoughts and ideas. It brought a small smirk to his lips knowing it wasn't just Jay and himself willing to walk a dangerous path. But each person who brought up something convinced Bo further on his idea, he tried to explain it in a better way then he would his brother... forgetting that not everyone follows orders and plans blindly.

"It's not so bad if the council destroys their own ships... see, I know these dragons. My brother and I have unfortunately fought with them, but for many years we have hunted them as best we can. If we give the Green Dragon any reason to believe he is being turned against... what I mean is... I imagine if we attack the Green Dragon with the council ships, he and his forces would turn in retaliation. If the Chief and Snake lady both happened to be dead when this happened I doubt Rockhold and big green will settle the differences."

Krak suggesting everyone target Jing first might be a good way to look at it, however each member of the council would be hard to kill.

Chief Ibil is no physical threat but his fire magic is dangerous, his forces outnumber any faction on Horso.

Captain Allie and her first mate Sazl would probably have the highest kill count from the riots, her poison bombs mixed with Sazl's wind kept the streets filled with smoke.

Rockhold being a big mountain of a man who turns to stone Is obviously a hard target, and Jing the Green Dragon didn't turn into a Dragon during those riots... so he could transform at any given moment potentially.

"we need to find out more..."
Bo scratched at the shabby beard beginning to grow on his face.
"..If the captains are just holed up in that fort resting easy or if they are out amongst Horso helping their minions loot the people... I know the Dragon usually sails with two scout ships. I can't say how many ships the other captains have, If the council's fleet is all accounted for or if they are out conducting raids"
A man spoke up.

"Ey, my names Mugi. I can uhh.. control birds you know? Like... If you watch my body, my mind can enter the bird... I can uh, fly about.. maybe tell you if I see shit?"
Mugi was a thin tired looking man with grey hair despite looking so young. His pants sport rope for a belt with a decent dagger tucked between it.

"I think that'd be a good start."
Bo confirmed.
"Ah, rite... well uhh. When I. Um, see a bird... I'll do what I do.. If I urgh look asleep that means I'm birdwatching"
Bo answered unsure how to get back on topic
Dovinique Dovinique Kabboom Kabboom EldridSmith EldridSmith Xcelgamer Xcelgamer

With a tune being hummed Jay wanders about Horso looking for something to eat. The docks had no one fishing, Horso square had no market set up, the brothel was destroyed and the taverns owner was dead.
When Jay swaggered into Drunken Taur to demand "drinks and eats!"
with his usual dopey non concerned smile he was met with a grieving family...
A woman consoling a teenage boy on the floor, no one behind the counter "Bo said I can't steal from here, gotta give back something for eats yea?"
"We have nothing!!" The woman shrieked, standing up with a unsteady wobble over towards Jay to attack him in a flail. Moving from the spot ignoring the obvious signs of murder and pillaging Jay continued his line of questions "then where all your shit go?"
Jay noticed no barrels or bottles behind the bar, peering into what looked a empty kitchen, blood stains and scorch marks in the entrance way and floor.
"They took it to the fort! Killed father for all we had!" The boy answered, now trying to help his mother get rid of the dumbass in their home.
"Ah I'll go to the fort then, I can steal from the fort"
Jay left with the same smile he entered with. The family stopped crying wondering just who that soon to be dead man was.
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1593839333745.png Galen turned to the girl who had been affected by the Ragga as she spoke up about how she viewed the options. He nodded in agreement, they likely laid a trap for the survivors who wanted them dead. "Even knowing this it does little to help our situation, at some point we have to take the risk and act." He states very manner of factly as he looks towards Bo and Krak as Krak spoke up... and he didn't make much sense... yet he did. Galen wasn't entirely sure how to respond to the lizard person but thankfully Bo spoke up first. He talked of a potential way to handle it before saying they needed more info causing Galen to get an idea. "We need to bribe a guard and get some inside information, and perhaps get a spy inside their ranks. If we can do that we'll be able to coordinate against the 4 more easily, it will also help minimize causalities on our side and maximize the damage to our enemies, otherwise we're taking blind risks that could easily get us all killed in one swift move. Unless anyone else can think of a safer idea to help secure victory I think this is our best course of action."
NeonFlow NeonFlow Kabboom Kabboom Dovinique Dovinique
Krak'yun Seascale

Think. Think! Think? Think... Think, yes-yes. Krak'yun did much thinking - right now, they weren't doing much good standing in a ragga field. Blue-man-kin said they needed know-information, maybe from a guard or someone inside the Council-place. The brain Krak'yun had inside him had just enough neurons to patch together this objective, and his past with his brother being a grog stockpile guard. Krak'ram may be gone, but the secret path known to the Seascale warrior was out of the way, and most likely left undiscovered in the chaos of the riots.

"Krak'yun knows a way in. Krak'yun's brother work-worked at Council-men grog stockpile - Krak'yun sneak inside, steal drink-grog lots of times. Secret way-path is likely still intact, yes-yes. Krak'yun can go in and grab guards, get know-information."

"But what will Krak'yun ask guard?"

EldridSmith EldridSmith
Bo couldn't help but grin as Galen and Krak made the next step obvious.
"I think Krak should take this guard somewhere safe and quiet.. so we can all ask him questions. If we can catch a commander we could force the information from him...
If they have a initiation process for recruiting...
where they keep the goods,
the stolen necessities or where the weapons are,
if they are being guarded and by who,
If they know where members of the council sleep..."

Enphusiam was building up inside Bo as patted Krak on the back
"how many can fit in this secret path? Shall a few of us go or shall you retrieve a our target? It might be worth drawing the council towards the farms... ambush them in the forrests when they think their crops have been raided and their workers slaughtered"

Mugi had kept a eye on the sky looking through his hands for a flying creature. It was as Krak was finishing his question when Mugi fell lifeless to the sand. The odd twitch and mouth opening being the only sign of him being alive. A lady closed his still open eyes as it was creepy.
Mugi however was falling in the air... A seagull seemed to barrel roll while plummeting to the Aerth, it swooped up and flew towards the fort.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Kabboom Kabboom Dovinique Dovinique

Ragga Patch (Meeting Point)
NeonFlow NeonFlow Kabboom Kabboom EldridSmith EldridSmith

The plan to split up and launch an ambush seemed like a better idea for Ael. Instead of coming in droves, splitting the group would draw less attention. It would reduce the enemy's numbers a bit without sacrificing too much of their limited men. The girl tapped her chin lightly as she started to process information in her head, calculating which group she should take. She needed to speculate the risk and likelihood of success. Even though they all had the same goal to wipe the council out, her life was still the first priority.

"I'll take the ambush team," she said, breaking the silence surrounding them.

"Give me some archers and at least 3 good fighters, then I'll massacre the council in the forest," confidence led every single word she uttered, "Archers will make them go into panic mode then they will scatter around trying to find the attack source. That's when the fighters come in to slay the rest who trying to escape. Any council that coming to the forest will be fully protected, I will try my best targeting his exposed weakness."

The other group who gonna sneak in through the secret path was not her concern at all, so she didn't give any opinion about that. Ael just left it with Bo, that guy seemed like have everything under his control anyway.

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1593479393096.png Krak didn't seem to be the type for a cloak and dagger mission but he did know where to go, and that was important. Bo soon spoke up with a few important questions for Krak before proposing an ambush that Aeldris quickly volunteered for. "While I would prefer going with her on the ambush I think it's best I stay with Krak'Yun to help sort out this mess and get some information. He waited for Krak to tell him the rest of the information on the location, but he was ready to set out.
NeonFlow NeonFlow Kabboom Kabboom Dovinique Dovinique
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And thus, a few hours pass, with a plan set in motion...


Sneaking through this way is still good-easy; sneaking through tall-grass and forestland, concealing Krak'yun and Gale-man from patrolling guards. They do not know about this passage, even after the riot and loud-noise ruckus Krak'yun's gang made. He and Gale-man had set out as soon as the plan was formalized-made, and Krak'yun was eager to get this know-information. The stockpile was much bad-damaged by the riots, with burned wood and gunshot marks on every building-house Krak'yun passed. Some of the grog-drink was still inside the stockpile, but now it is guarded very heavily by the guards. Some men are dispatched on patrols around the town, looking for crime-minals to kill or villagers to take money from; this is prime target.

Hidden in the bushes just outside the stockpiles and buildings, Krak'yun used his senses like true lizardman of Seascale family. Even if outside the bush, they were just far enough to stay unseen, as they were also behind a house-place. Looking down a trail to the left, Krak'yun sees and smells two man-kin, one lightly armored and one heavily-armored; they must be guards patrolling down the trail. An undefended pair, walking down a vacant path that no other guards can see-sight, one that conveniently leads past Krak'yun's current position...

This is prime target for the hunt.

Whispering silently, Krak'yun signaled to Gale-man to get ready. "Gale-man. Two coming here, down this trail-path. When they pass us, we take them silently. You take one out, Krak'yun will take the other." Krak'yun licked his teeth in anticipation. They only need one, right?

EldridSmith EldridSmith
1593479393096.png Galen spent an hour recovering his mana before heading out with Krak'Yun, he wanted to be at full strength in case the worst came to worst. As they traversed the rubble Galrn begrudgingly ignored all of the loot that could be had from the stockpile to focus on capturing some... unfortunate informants. He drew his pistol in case a brawl occurred as he sat next to Krak'Yun. The lizard man seemed extremely excited for the endeavor, and he soon noticed why as they began licking their lips. "No eating them now... you'll get both when I'm done." He quietly whispered to his companion. He readed a tendril of water to shove down his victim's throat, silencing them and making capture more quick and efficient. He nodded to the lizardfolk to show he was ready.
Kabboom Kabboom NeonFlow NeonFlow

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