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Dice [Hunter] Messageboard Chronicle

Looks like we are all finished and ready to go. Are we the Messageboard Chronicle, or the Dark Web Chronicle?
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Vaneheart said:
Looks like we are all finished and ready to go. Are we the Messageboard Chronicle, or the Dark Web Chronicle?
Dark Web is the name I chose, I changed it from one to the other.

Right now I would like everyone to set up an introduction post for their character and post it. You are free to determine where you begin in the world and what you are doing at the start. If you do not want to make an introduction, you MUST let me know so that I can set one up.


Introduction Deadline (11/9)

I'm really surprised that it took us a whole month to get this set up. I'm not going to tolerate that kinda speed now that we're getting started. I'd say that anyone who can't post within two weeks from now is probably going to be removed...just making that clear. I'm not interested in waiting around 2 months for the others to post unless there are excuses or we work something out. Normally my rule is 1 post a week once we get started too, but I could extend that.

I don't have any minimums on post length besides maybe using at least a paragraph, but I'll even lower that requirement if you post frequently (multiple posts per week).

@Vaneheart @Javabee @Dwerth @Delphina @Antba @Fazb Ark @Skerz1

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I'll waive any kind of Larceny roll to break in since this is your introduction and I really liked your post. More good news comes your way though, you've earned a beat for burgling a home (Aspiration). You have the option of changing that aspiration or keeping that though, because you could easily do it again (perhaps making a roll next time?). I'm adding the beat into your post using the magic of moderator editing.

Bad news is, you have no idea how much the ring you stole is actually worth (Intelligence + Crafts = -2 Dice. Chance roll if you want to try it or spend Willpower to concentrate on it). You think it's probably real, or at least you hope it is. That's all you can assume for now.

One of the good things about the new God Machine Breaking Points system is that in 1st Edition NWoD I would have said:

"This is a Morality violation, roll X dice for committing burglary"

[which I was about to do until I remembered this]

Breaking Points version:

"You're a fucking thief, you feel GOOD about this kinda stuff. Keep at it."

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NovaPheonix said:


I'll waive any kind of Larceny roll to break in since this is your introduction and I really liked your post. More good news comes your way though, you've earned a beat for burgling a home (Aspiration). You have the option of changing that aspiration or keeping that though, because you could easily do it again (perhaps making a roll next time?). I'm adding the beat into your post using the magic of moderator editing.

Bad news is, you have no idea how much the ring you stole is actually worth (Intelligence + Crafts = -2 Dice. Chance roll if you want to try it or spend Willpower to concentrate on it). You think it's probably real, or at least you hope it is. That's all you can assume for now.

One of the good things about the new God Machine Breaking Points system is that in 1st Edition NWoD I would have said:

"This is a Morality violation, roll X dice for committing burglary"

[which I was about to do until I remembered this]

Breaking Points version:

"You're a fucking thief, you feel GOOD about this kinda stuff. Keep at it."

I'm going to keep the aspiration. It wasn't my intention to set myself up for a beat and honestly never considered I would get one, I just wanted to introduce my character in her forte.

I'll figure the ring issue out later.

Thank god for breaking points (B')
Javabee said:
Ok, I think I'm getting the hang of this online method. Pretty trippy to be honest.
Is there something wrong with it? I want to do anything I can to make you more comfortable.

On my end, it's going to take me a few days to read through these, but after I finish each one...I'll post OOC stuff in here like above.
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@Antba @Dwerth @Fazb Ark

Some of my friends here are brand new to this medium, although they've all played the WoD tabletop.

I know Antba and Fazb Ark are working on their intros, but I haven't heard anything from Dwerth in a while, either here or in real life. I know he was in the process of moving out of state last I checked. We might have to consider moving forward without him, and maybe toss him in later.
Vaneheart said:
I haven't heard anything from Dwerth in a while, either here or in real life. I know he was in the process of moving out of state last I checked. We might have to consider moving forward without him, and maybe toss him in later.
Alright, thanks for confirming something I was worried about. I'll keep that in mind.
I apologize for my lack of posting. I have been exceptionally busy in real life working and getting ready to move in to our new house (hopefully this weekend.) I should have some more time once I get settled in.
NovaPheonix said:
Is there something wrong with it? I want to do anything I can to make you more comfortable.
On my end, it's going to take me a few days to read through these, but after I finish each one...I'll post OOC stuff in here like above.
Oh no you're doing wonderfully. I just have a "break-in period" when I have to learn a new forum site. Lucky for me, the posting is similar to my online college courses, and since I'm a child of the technology era, I'll pick up the ways of this forum soon enough. I'm just not used to not rp'ing in the same room where I can see everyone's face, and every action is simply orally described instead of written out and then read by everyone else. The creative writing part will be a fun change. :)
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Forum question: Can I add "private posts" to keep my character chart pdf's on this site?
NovaPheonix said:
I don't really understand what you're trying to say, sorry.
Like, if you have a pdf of your character's information chart, and you wanted to keep it on this forum but you don't want anyone to read it, so you have your own "dropbox" storage for characters and other information you can pull up quickly. It's all good if there isn't, because I can just use actual DropBox for that.
Javabee said:
Like, if you have a pdf of your character's information chart, and you wanted to keep it on this forum but you don't want anyone to read it, so you have your own "dropbox" storage for characters and other information you can pull up quickly. It's all good if there isn't, because I can just use actual DropBox for that.
I use Google Drive to store and edit character sheets, but at the moment I haven't bothered to organize the sheets I got because they're already in PDF form.

Alright. Introductions are complete. I'll reply to each of you individually using tabs, as well as add anything I think I should in the OOC.

I should be done by next week, but I can't be sure, because I have a paper due this week and I'm already busy with my original group.

I'll do my best though.


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