Hunt for the Full Moon

Alice was back in her room. It was chilly, so she put on a hoodie and looked outside, pulling back the curtain just far enough to see if it was still daylight. The sun was down now, and the sky was the vibrant orange color of dusk. She waited until it was just a bit darker and opened her window. She wanted to go out into the nearby town for awhile, she needed a break from training, and from the weird things and people at this school. She stepped out onto the ledge and looked down. She was only 3 stories up. She put her purse over her shoulder, making sure she had all of her stuff with her. She stepped off the ledge and a few seconds later landed softly on the ground, not making any noise as she walked across the grounds, out the front gate, and down the street.
Nick looked around as he looked at his brother. He walked over and then his brother followed him and he sighed. They both leaned on a wall not doing anything at the moment. They both were bored. Nick was looking down the hall just waiting for a girl to walk down, but none did. He sighed deeply.
Alice was almost to town. The night air was cool on her legs since she hadn't changed out of her shorts, but she didn't mind. She saw a few buildings, the majority of which were still open and would be until late at night. She walked past a few guys, one of which whistled at her from across the street. She ignored them and went into the mall. ~Guess you can't escape that no matter where you go...~ She thought. She shopped around for a bit, got some pizza, and left the mall, continuing down the street. She stopped when two people stepped in front of her. One of them pushed her to the side and pulled out a knife, and the other took her purse and started rummaging through it. "Hey!" She said. "Give that back!" She showed her fangs, pushing the guy with the knife and grabbing her purse back.
Name: Erebus Dark

Age: 25

Race: incubus

Power: amaterasu (black fire)

Weapon: ninjato


Personality: Dark Brooding (treats Akira better than other students)

Crush: Akira

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none

History: Uknown
Cora was done and had changed into something casual.mShe now walked down the hall her eyes a soft blue-green which meant she was cool and collected. Her eyes darkened to a cast-over grey as she saw Nick.

Her Outfit-

Erebus strolls down the hall the heels of his shoes clicking softly with each step. Not really paying attention to where he was going he reads his role book for his first class of Dark Arts 101. His eyes light up when he reads a certain werewolf's name on the list.
(You do know akira is a guy right? We should add a gender thing to the form. lol)

Flower walks down the hall and looked down as she rubs her long white hair. Her light green eyes straight down at the floor. Her hands at her sides as she walks. She blinks and then stopped and looked behind her. She blinked and then leaned on a wall. She looked around.

Nick looked as he saw cora and then smirked. He leaned against a wall his hair partly over his eyes as he stared at her. He winked at her and chuckled.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Deathwish saw alice and then walked over. He hissed and then looked at the two men. "SOmething wrong here?" His voice was dead serrious and he looked at them with cold deadly eyes and a gave off a murderous like vibe. He hissed again and then showed his fangs.
Alice was surprised that Deathwish was suddenly there. The two guys took a step back, obviously confused as to where he came from. Alice was actually really relieved; she hated fighting. Honestly, she wasn't a very good vampire. She didn't like taking blood or any sort of conflict. It was one trait that even fangs and pasty white skin couldn't take away from her. "How did you-?" She was interrupted by the guy with the knife pulling her back against him. "Get out of here, man." the guy said to Deathwish. "This ain't none of your business!"
Deathwish suddenly got a creepy smile on his face. "Oh now isn't it?" He took a step forward suddenly surrounded in shadow. He lifts one hand and then a coffin pulls up from the ground. "Listen let me give you a warning...This is blood coffin...and if you don't leave now, I will kill you." He said the coffin opening and blood starts to drop down from it. A shadow like being came from out of it. it screached and Deathwish laughed. "You should leave now." He said with a twisted smile.
The two men stepped back. "What the hell are you?!" They asked. "Come on she isn't worth this! Freaks!!" The guy pushed Alice to the ground, throwing her stuff down beside her as they took off running.
Deathwish set he creature after them and once he was sure they wouldn't return he snapped his fingures and it all goes back into the ground. He looked at Alice and then rubbed his head. He didn't have his smile on anymore and he simply turned around and started walking off.
Alice stood up and brushed herself off, picking up her things. "Um... thank you..." She said quietly. She didn't even know if he could hear her at this point, since he had left so quickly. She waited a few moments then started walking back to the academy.
Deathwish looked around and then sighed. He headed back to the academy and then looked down as he wasn't sure he could see Alice. He was scared that she would be afraid of him. He rubbed his head and then looked up as he saw alice he stopped and stared and then looked off to the side. He rubbed his head and then glanced at her hoping she wouldn't see him.
Alice felt like someone was watching her. Hoping it wasn't the guys from earlier, she picked up her pace and left the outskirts of the town to get back to the academy. She hadn't noticed Deathwish; she was too preoccupied with thinking about what she had seen earlier. What the heck was that he had pulled out of the ground? The first time she had ever seen Deathwish smile, and it was a maniacal grin that showed the guys that he was actually willing to kill them. She still wondered how he had even found her in the first place. It's not like she had told anyone else where she was going. Once she was a few minutes from the school, she slowed her pace, realizing there was no one else out here following her from the city. As she approached the school, she saw that the sky was getting lighter; it was almost dawn already? "Guess I got back just in time..." She looked up to see her still-open window, and floated up and into it, closing it behind her and drawing the blinds to keep the sun out. Exhausted, she dropped her things, curled up in bed and immediately fell asleep
Deathwish watched the sun, but as it hit his skin it did not burn him. He entered the school and then sighed as he clenched his fists. He looked around. He knew this school could never know of his terrible power, or what it does to him. He walked down the hallway his head hung almost in shame. He put a hand to his head. His arm bent and his shoulder hit the wall he slid down it and then moved so his back was against the wall.
Alice sat up, suddenly woken up. Her breathing was shallow as it always is when she has nightmares. She shivered and put her legs over the side of the bed. She rested her head on her hands, calming her breathing. She stood up and walked around the room for a little bit. It had only been a few hours since she had fallen asleep. She could see sunlight peeking in around the corners of her curtain. Her eyes hurt from lack of sleep, and she was feeling weak all over, but there was no way she could immediately fall back into sleep after THAT. She decided to go to the dining hall and see if she could find something to drink.

Alice left her room and was surprised to see how few people there were in the halls. She felt dizzy as she made her way to the food area. At one point she held the wall for support. "What's wrong with me?" She asked. She glanced at her reflection in a glass case. Her eyes were almost completely drained of color. "Has it really been that long?" She asked herself aloud. She continued walking down the hallway, practically stumbling over her own feet. She said she wouldn't take any more blood after the last time she had done it, realizing that she could have easily killed the person she had taken it from. She had gone so long without it that soon it would start affecting her health. Alice dropped to her knees and leaned against a wall, so dizzy she couldn't stand. A few moments later, she passed out.
Deathwish saw alice and then slowly picked her up. He took her to his room and then searched for something. He grabbed a bottle of blood, although it wasn't his own, it was that of an animal. It should help her at least. He gently held up her head and then gave her a small sip. He looked to see the reaction first. Would she need more? Just incase he gave her a bit more and then set the bottle down. He looked at her.
Alice opened her eyes a little. They were a crimson red. She grumbled a little. "What happened?" She opened her eyes a little more and looked around. "Wait, wasn't I just going to get something to drink?" She asked, disoriented. "How did I get here?"
Deathwish looked at her and then sighed. "You passed i took you here, you were suffering from lack of blood, I gave you animal blood." He explained and looked at her. "Now if you're feeling better, I'd bet you'd like to get out of my room?" He asked and crossed his arms looking for a fearful reaction from her. He sighed and rubbed his head.
"Oh..." She said. She wasn't happy that something had to die for her to live, but then she figured that animals die for people every day, and she could just hope that it was killed in some humane way. Deathwish asked her to get out of his room, and instead of freaking out about being there in the first place, she sat up, then stood, waiting to make sure she wasn't going to be dizzy again. She looked at Deathwish, who seemed to be aggravated that he had to help her again. "Thank you, again. This is twice in only a few hours that I wasn't even able to help myself... I'm sorry I'm so.... bothersome..." She said, and looked away. She turned around and opened the door to leave, closing it behind her and starting down the hall.
Deathwish walked out of his room and followed her. "Alice...I don't mind....I just...don't want you to fear me." He said and then looked down. He looked at her and then held u the bottle of blood. "Hey maybe you should keep this." He said holding it out to her.
Alice took the bottle, then looked back at Deathwish. "Why would I be afraid of you?" She asked. "You've saved my sorry butt twice now." She smiled.
Deathwish sighed and looked at her. " power?" He asked and then looked away. "I can get a bit crazy with it....It does something to my mind I tell you." He said and then turned to walk away. "Anytime..." He said and then sighed again.
Alice watched as he turned and left. "It's not... all that scary..." She said quietly, although on the inside she was thinking the opposite. The way he had looked last night was scary. Scary enough to wake her up this morning from nightmares. When he left, she sipped some more of the blood and then took it to her room and set it on her bedside table. She looked back, seeing something else there, and saw the rose she had left there. She picked them both up and put them on a shelf before heading out to get a drink like she originally intended.

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