Hunt for the Full Moon

Flower looked at the boy and gently set her foot down. She smiled and grabbed his hand shaking it. "I'm Flower moon, and that's my sister Alicia killer. She was adopted." she let go of his hand and looked at Alicia who was sniffing the air. "He's a werewolf, like me." she said with a smiled, she hasn't been around another werewolf in a long while.
Alicia nodded and then looked at flower. "Yeah...flower here is a shapeshifter, so I haven't been around wolves that much." she said looking back at him and then at the ground. She was thinking about her real family.

he went outside, running to his car. he jumped in his red convertible and drove off. he needed to go to the grocery store, badly. he had no food at all. not even milk. he put on his sunglasses and started his car. *VROOOM!!!* his car said. he smiled and drove off to the store.


she folded her hands, walking into the building. she sighed and closed her eyes. she pushed the doors open and walked inside. she looked around. she saw some boys starring at her. she rolled her eyes and started walking faster.
Akira felt her pain. He too hasn't been around wolves from what he can remember. "So you're a shifter? What can you shift into?" he asked.

his car's engine made a loud sound as he drove off. he smiled, keeping his eyes on the rode.


"hello?" she said, walking down the hallway "anyone here?" she whispered, peeking behind the corner. "ahh!" she said, seeing a huge bug "AHHH!!!" she screamed running down the hallways.
Name: Danielle Marie Kingston

Age: 18

Race: She is a werewolf.

Power: Invisibility.

Weapon: She has two hot pink rifles that she only uses in a time of need.

Looks: View attachment 2174

Personality: She is a very sweet girl and loves to make new friends. She has a very lovable personality and can sometimes be super reckless, meaning she will try to help others, but ends up hurting herself and others too. She rarely gets mad and mostly is a bit of an idiot. She loves to mess around and make people laugh, so she ends up doing really stupid stuff.

Crush: She doesn't have one yet :)

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None.

History: Shortly, after she was bitten by a werewolf, her memory was erased so she can't remember anything.
Flower looked at him and chuckled. "Anything, mostly animals though." SHe said shifting into a wolf and then shifting back, her clothes had shifted with her. She smiled and looked at Alicia who chuckled.
Danielle walked happily along the forest, gazing after the fall leaves like a little kid about to learn how to ride there bicycle. She giggled and did a smooth handspring backwards, than she landed back on her feet with a swift push with her hand. She stretched and than lied down in the grass, putting both hands behind her head and relaxing.

"I can't believe it's fall already.." She mumbled to herself quietly. It's already been a few years since she had been bitten by the werewolf. She sighed and caught a bright orange leaf in her hand, twirling it in her fingers.
"That's really cool." he said. "Well I am late to class so I'll see you guys later." he smiled and winked at Alicia and walked to gym class.
Flower chuckled and nudged alicia and smiled as she continued to her class, she stretched out she giggled as Alicia followed. "It...probably ment nothing!" "RIIIIIIIght Alicia a guy winks at a girl for nothing." Alicia and Flower both laugh as they get to class.
Akira walked into gym. He transformed into his wolf form and started to attack the training dummy. Akira was very powerful.
Flower and Alicia were at a sword fighting trainer. Flower was kicking his butt anzd he seemed distressed. She turned inot a lion growling loudly. He tried to run but Flower was to fast, she shifted again and kicked him down.
Akira ripped the dummy apart. He transformed back and left the class. He sarted to walk to his sword trainer. He hurd a loud lion roar. He transformed into a werewolf and attacked the lion but stopped smelling the sent of flower. He transformed back. "Oh god I am so sorry!!" he said.
Flower was knocked onto her back and she shifted back human and glared at him. "Ouch." She said and then sighed. "No that's ok." She said getting up. She dusted off her clothes and rubbed her head a bit.

Alicia ran up laughing a bit. "Either you act before you think or you really think a lion could have gotten in here? I don't even think Lions live here wild." She was laughing so hard she way crying. She stopped and wipped her eyes. "Oh man the look on flower's face!"
"Well this place does have lions for when we train in our survival skills. So I thought one got out." he said rubbing the back of his head.
Flower crossed her arms and nodded. "I see...well I'll avoid being a lion then." SHe chuckled and then smiled. She bowed to the tired out trainer. Alicia smiled and then picked up Flower's sword and gave it to her. Flower put it back in its sheath.
Danielle suddenly walked down the hallway, her hips swinging just a little. A few guys noticed and tried to catch her eye, but she just raised an eyebrow and walked on. She sighed, flicking her blonde hair to the side as she walked toward the training room in a hurry. She padded in and looked around curiously. There were a few people in there, but she didn't really know them. She caught the trainer's eye and he smiled and gave her a small wave, but she just giggled in response and looked for a good area to train.
Alice peeked into the room where she had heard the noise earlier, but when she got there, there was no lion in sight. She saw a few of the other students of the school, and a few trainers. She stood in the doorway, confused. She tilted her head to the side and blinked, puzzled. Where had the noise come from if not here? She coughed, her body beginning to develop a constant shiver. She hadn't had blood in over two weeks, and it was really starting to get to her. But she wouldn't take any, no matter how sick she got. Even if she died from it. She walked into the room, finally deciding to talk to people and find out what all there was to do around here. She didn't know which of these people to ask, so she stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, shyly glancing from person to person.
Nick and deathwish came into the room. They both smirked and walked up to Flower, Being twins they offten teased together. Nick puts an arm around Flower and leans on her. "Hey Flower, about our fight....I forgive you." Flower started growling loudly. Deathwish puts an arm around Flower and leans as well. "Dude I was the one fighting with her." They both laugh and look around at the girls. FLower was really annoyed and grabbed them both by the arm and flipped them over onto their backs. "Don't touch me." SHe said as she walked to a different spot.
Cora watched the boys and the girl as she continued to beat the dummy. She felt her toe crack and she cursed as she fell to the floor. She looked down at her right foot to see a swelling toe.
Nick and Deathwish turn to the girl and then walked over, while Deathwish took a quick look at the toe, Nick was busy looking her over. Nick looked at Deathwish. "She going to be ok?" Deathwish shrugged and then looked at the girl. "It seems broken, maybe we should take her to the office?" Nick nodded at his brother. "WHat's your name mis?" He asked before Deathwish rolled his eyes at his brother. Nick held out a hand to her to help her up.
Alice walked quickly to where the girl had fallen. "Are you ok??" she asked. "I heard your foot crack from the doorway!"
Cora's usually blue eyes darkened to a crimson red as people crowded around her. She spoke loud enough for the people in the hall to hear "Damn it! Back off! I'll be fine." She stood up and bit back and whimper. It was broken alright but she'd be fine. She just needed to get it in place to heal.

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