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HP The Year Grew Cold


*Internal Screaming*
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A Rp between:

vamp prince------------------------------>I you wish to join

And me.----------------------------------->Take it up with vamp prince


Years after the end of the Harry Potter series ended the new head master is leading yet another year of students in the re-built halls of the colossal castle. Just like in the books there are classes, dorms, rules etc.



Standard Rp rules apply

Tell in advance when you will be gone for extended times


If I have forgotten inform me and I will add.
The air stopped rushing past as the train pulled itself to a stop, the breaks huffing and puffing with the amount of steam it took to control the iron beast. Younger children flooded from the depths of the blackened beast to meet and mingle with people before they were sorted into their category, older where mingling with their old firends. After the majority of kids exited the snarling beast following a ghastly man, a slight girl who seemed just a bit top heavy, with beastly hair attempted to make the leap to the platform. Miscalculating her leap she ended on her hands an knees, hoping that her embarrassment wasn't witnessed by too too many.

Gida flopped to the ground skinning her small hands almost immediately, her eyes filling with tears as she brushed off the torn skin. Sighing she attempted to stand, though her robe was persistent in its snare that kept her cocooned like a caterpillar.
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Regulus walked through the wall wondering where this adventure would take him seeing what looked like a normal train pull up he took his things to be boarded on the before walking to where he was meant to be In till he saw a small girl fall over walked over to her and helped her to her feet.

a…are you okay miss? That looked like it hurt Regulus smiled softly looking at her with his big blue eyes.
Gida brushed off her robe, glancing up at the boy- man. He was so tall she just kept looking until she met his eyes, "Ah- Thank you." She blushed grabbing her hair and a scrunchie she pulled it all behind her in a dubbed bun. "Sorry to trouble you.." She murmured not knowing who he was. "Oh! I'm Gida by the way. Gida Demidove" She stuck out one of her small hands to shake.
Regulus smiled "it is no trouble I could not stand by and watch" Regulus slides his hand to her's shaking it " my name is Regulus.... Regulus Clagg I am a first year student" rubbing the back of his head he smiles sheepishly "a few months ago I was a normal human being then i was told I had the ability to do magic and now i am here sorry i am babbling I will be quiet now."
Gida giggled lightly at his babble, wrapping her arms around her torso to keep warm she responded, "I'm also a first year, well my grandfather worked here so I would spend most of my time in the castle. But this is my first real year." She concluded nodding. "Do you think... we should follow the others? We might get lost" she stammered awkwardly.
Regulus nodded "I don't think being late on our first day would be a good thing!!" Regulus walked beside Gida as we were shown to our carrige I took a seat on the left side of the carrige staring out the window before looking back outside the carrige watching kids and older children wander by "you said your grandfather works at the castle is he a teacher?."
Nodding Gida coughed, "He did, yes" she scratched her arm not wanting to expand her speech
Feeling Gida's edgeness about his questioning he decided to not continue his question changing the subject "so you obvously know more about the world of wizidary then me how about some interesting facts about this school?"
"The war" she claims, "The famous war that ended decade's of evil"

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