Howlin' at the moon (OOC thread) [Lunar Fury]

OK, a question - the fae that hit for 5L. Is that before or after my soak? If it's before, then I soak it down to whatever its essence is, right?
If you're talking to me, the fae attacked Amina, not Najya :) But extra dice are fun.


Bah, rolled a 2 and a 4. Oh well, 8 successes are still good; no need to get spoiled.
It doesn't matter, if you make any attacks then DV's are reduced to everyone, not just the person you attack. So when I made two horn attacks and 4 sword attacks my PDV went from 8 to 2... :(

Onslaught penalties are tracked seperately though.
Yeah, for every action in a flurry.

So if I drew both swords (-1 per), dashed towards the enemy (-2) and then made 6 attacks (-6), I'd have -9 to my DV.

There are charms that eliminated the DV penalty for attacks though. I could look them up for you if you plan on making a bunch of attacks. But really the best defense is a good soak (which I don't have), ox bodies, and regen. Though theories differ depending on the player.

Also, if you use a multi-attack charm your DV doesn't go down one per attack either.
Sorry it's taken so long. The post gives the idea of what I want to do. If it's possible, just indicate when that can go off. If not, *gulp*. That's the move I pretty much intended prior to reading Amina's and Najya's actions, so the only adjustment I made was to have the fae move back towards the wreckage enough to work it in.

Hope it works, inactive fae= full flurries without worries from my compadres.
Did 14 health levels not kill the fey, or is it's armor higher than 12? Just trying to guage my strategy.
Yakumo said:
Sorry it's taken so long. The post gives the idea of what I want to do. If it's possible, just indicate when that can go off. If not, *gulp*. That's the move I pretty much intended prior to reading Amina's and Najya's actions, so the only adjustment I made was to have the fae move back towards the wreckage enough to work it in.
Hope it works, inactive fae= full flurries without worries from my compadres.
I was going to grapple her for the same reason, actually.
Well, that was the mechanical reason.

I also thought it would be a great stunt as soon as she knocked that door down. :D

Also, I don't think I have quite the damage dealing capability you two have, so best I'm the one to hold her.
Sweet, Fey captives. And potential loot....

I really need to get armor, a soak of 2L doesn't cut it in human form. And moonsilver armor looks kind of silly for my concept of a native warrior.

Can I get some heavy leather sandals and a thong and call it a buff jacket? There is no called shots in Exalted to avoid armor! :)
Are you going for the King Leonidas look from 300?

This is not Sparta!
If you are looking for armor, you have a couple of sets of superheavy plate armor made from Gossamar available. Since it is made from woven dreams, it is weightless and has no encumberance.

I'll ready a list of loot that you got from the Fae, and once you go thur the wreckage, what you can salvage from it.
No, I don't think I'd seriously go for that look. Although some type of non-clothing armor would be pretty cool. As long as it's not magitech.

Like a hearthstone in the sword or something that gives 5L/5B. I guess I'll have to design a manse (Intel 1, craft/lore/occult 0)
You could always paint it up with blood/leftover bits of griffon. :wink:

And Sherwood, it's "gossamer," isn't it?
I was thinking along the lines of something like this type of setup giving a soak rating.

That's what Tattoo Artifacts are for. I'm sure you could convince One Tusk to hook you up with a Tattoo Artifact Breastplate or something.
Yeah, I dunno how a loincloth could give you soak, unless it came with a cup and you were getting hit in the junk a lot.
It's a silly part of the rule for Exalted. Since any armor is assumed to cover the entire body you can get a solid steel nutcup for 12L soak or whatever... technically... Though it's dumb if taken to the extreme.

Though in a previous game I had he-man armor that counted as articulated plate with the proper mobility/fatigue penalties. Even though it looked much different it was mechanically identical. Maybe slightly better in jungle environments.

It's basically the chainmail bikini concept for women, only for men!

The simplest explination that will fit with your concept is an artifact or hearthstone that provides additional soak. Would a shield fit with your character? They don't give extra soak, but increase your DV, which is always good.
A shield would be cool, but I kind of like multi-weapon fighting. It's not a huge concern. I can get armor forming technique and other charms for some pretty hefty soak boosts. Or more ox-bodies.

One I wanted to get was the counter-attack charm, that's pretty good defensively.
Investigating the ruins already? You mean we don't get a week of downtime to learn charms! :)

I've always hated systems with training times... :(

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