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Fandom How to train your dragon descendants

"I bow to avoid conflict, but I am deadly in a fight. I didn't get my name for nothing. And I'm glad am glad to here that." Claw then turned to the rider "and who might you be he said." Claw knew he couldn't understand him, but his tone could still get a basic point across.
Star had heard the Skrill and was walking around worried, the village never had good experience with one, she flies of and towards the village, her white color hiding her in the clouds and she lands near Claw growling slightly at the newcomer. Rose had heard her dragon and she runs over "Sorry about her, we don't have any good experience with Skrills" she says, Star looks at Rose and then sits down, but her look showed that if they made one wrong move that she would shoot "Star go" she says and the Night Fury growls one last time before leaving "You certainly don't look friendly" Rose comments bluntly looking at the stranger and his dragon.
The arrival of a growling Night Fury that was all but ready too blast the two of them didn't even make Stian blink. "...I merely reflect the world around me." he said evenly when she commented on his appearance. "My name is Stian, this is Killstorm, I'm simply here to trade a few supplies." He avoided looking Rose in her eyes, even though he was telling the truth

@Flame Demon
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Stian noticed the Dragon that had approached them staring at him, without thinking about it Stian's eyes met Claw's and confirmed the dragon's fears about Stian. Whatever past this boy had, even if he didn't mean to, his eyes constantly have off a hint of the rage and killing intent he was capable of producing. It felt like the boy had his sword under Claw's throat even though he made no movements towards any weapon he had or even remotely looked like he planned to.

Stian realized his mistake and broke off eye contact with the young dragon, looking at the ground again. Killstorm, in an attempt to make herself less menacing, laid on the ground and gave off a small yawn.

@Flame Demon @Latios @iSurvivor
Rose sighs "The dragons are afraid of you, not really a good sign" she says looking at the stranger, she wasn't scared of him, but also preferred it if he stayed as far away as possible, she didn't like it, and Star was ready to roast the two and the dragon was a little more then overprotective of her "You say you're here to trade, but I don't see anything you can trade, it's way smarter to have a boat like trader Johan"
"....A boat...would imply that I have somewhere to return to." he said still looking at the ground. "Unfortunately I do not. A boat would serve me no purpose." Stian held his left hand up while his right slowly reached down and undid the holster that kept his knives around his waist, he didn't remove his short sword though, no use being weaponless in a place that might try to kill him. Stian put the knives in a pack on Killstorm's back and picked up the one he had pulled off before. "Well, at any rate it's mostly things I've found in my journeys...rare pelts and furs, different contraptions and the like..."

@Flame Demon
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Lilly finished her bread, why was Rose just running out the door, then she heard the familiar sound of a nightfury and new why. She stood up and charged through, slamming the door against the wall as she did so. "What the..." she said, seeing the glaring skrill, "And the like what?" Lilly said, her small pocket knife ready.

@Latios @Flame Demon @LucianGrey7971
Claw kept a close eye on every move Stain made. The entire time haveing fire ready in his gullet. Then he removed his wepons, most of them. His tension toward him lessd but he still kept his guard
Rose sighs "Right... we have a genius for a chief, don't think we need contraptions" she says crossing her arms, still not liking the stranger very much, but her father would have to decide, but he was nowhere to be found.
Stian furrowed his brow at the new person brandishing a knife...maybe he SHOULDN'T have put his on the dragon "....You're holding that blade wrong." he said before digging through the pack "Someone could kick the knife out of your hand like that..." he said and kept digging through his rather large pack. "Ah!" The straw haired boy pulled out a statue made of solid gold.

@Flame Demon @iSurvivor @Latios
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A gold statue, were did he get that. Probably stole it off of someone I bet. Claw took a look at the object. It certainly was well crafted.
Rose sighs "Not interested in something gold" she says and yawns, she wanted to get some more sleep "Anyway Lilly, I'll be going" she says and walks of.

(@iSurvivor did you see my second character)
"Hmm? No not this thing...I'm pretty sure it's cursed...I was looking for...this" Stian pulled out the fur of an animal that clearly wasn't from the area, the fur was orange and white with black stripes across it. He held it up and it was clear that the creature it came from was quite massive. "I also have something called...silk?"
"I do need a new blanket..." Rose mumbles, hers was pretty old and with the extreme winter around the corner she needed a thicker one "Suppose I wanted that fur... what do you want in return?" she asks looking at the stranger and sge tilts her head "Why would you carry a cursed item anyway?"
"....Why would I leave a cursed item lying around so someone who cannot defend themselves could find it?" he responded as though she were the weird one. "Hmmm, I guess supplies? I don't think I'll be able to go much further with winter about to set in so I'll probably hole up somewhere around here....
"You'll need dad's permission for that" Rose says and she looks through her bag "I got fush..." she says, she had to bring it since she wanted to visit her dragon and probably stay there the entire day as well.
Lilly quickly picked it up sheepishly, "Then how do I hold it? Like this?" she asked, mockingly balancing it on her nose. Then it fell. What had been a simple stunt had easily turned around. Lilly cried out in agony as the blade dropped into her toe. Thick, red blood oozed from the wound, dampening her boot. "*&€%, *&€%, *&€%, *&€%, *&€%, *&€%!" she exclaimed, hopping wildly on her good foot whilst holding her impaled one tightly, using rather... creative... language while doing so. Some parents coved their children's ears whilst other onlookers gasped in shock.

Meanwhile, Blaze, who had witnessed Stars escape from The Cove, already had been motivated to leap out and hearing her saviour's cry made her even more frantic and if that wasn't bad enough, she had seen the skrill descending down over Berk so knew something was up. Then, with a final burst of suppressed strength, the purple night fury rocketed skywards, only to fall back down onto the dry, sandy earth. But it was enough. She was out. Blaze ran, charging through tall pines and smashing through boulders to Lilly's aid. She reached her and her nostrils flared with a purple blaze.

Eyes raging, she in-took the breath of all breaths, the master breath, the one that could finish it all off.... Only to hear Lilly's voice echoing round her head. "No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the girl screamed, which, made Blaze shake her head, pupils dilating and diluting, dilating and diluting until the dragon couldn't take it anymore. Blaze ran, springing off houses, scampering over rooftops and leaping over various obstacles.

Then Lilly collapsed.

Blaze felt the tug of reconnaissance as she realised her friend needed her. She stopped. Standing stock still for what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds. Then, Blaze whipped around, charging back the way she came and finally coming to a rest at Lilly's side. She nosed up the fallen girl, reaching her before an others could due to the crowds, which parted in fear of the beast which was Blaze. Lilly opened her eyes slowly. Everything was so blurry.... Then she fainted again.

@Flame Demon @Latios @LucianGrey7971
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Rose runs over and she kneels downs, not sure what to do since this never happened before. A black titan Wooly Howl lands on berk, with full saddlebags, she wasn't a stranger to the people there, she always had rare treasures "Rose where's Hiccup?" she asks and Rose says "Don't know, I'll bring Lilly home first", she tries picking up her sister, but fails since she's not that strong.
Claw saw the girl try and pick up but fail. He then take her in his claws and carfully places her on his back. "Where do we need to go." He asked rose. Lilly may have done something stupid but she still needed help.
For the first time, Stian showed emotion when Lilly impaled herself, his eyes grew even wider when Lilly somehow managed to impale her other foot as well. There was no time to react though as another Dragon came down ready to blast him. The Skrill everyone had feared so much that hadn't made a noise or any kind of movement shot up and stepped in front of it's rider, summoning it's own breath for the sake of protecting Stian...but things didn't get that far and Killstorm let the breath subside.

Stian didn't seem to know if he should help or leave before someone else came running at him weapons at the ready...three was enough. He looked over at the gold statue near him and stared at it as though it really were cursed...which was quite unfair to the statue for even if it were cursed it couldn't have come up with something like that.
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"We'll take her to Gothi" Rose says and she sighs "I wish she would be more careful sometimes" she mumbles, she was really worried abouther sister.
Claw began walking to the elders house. He didn't risk flying for Lilly might fall of. They soon came to the large spiral mountain at which she resides at the top.
Stian grabbed his knives off of Killstorm and fastened the belt around his waist...three times was enough. "Stay here storm...they're a bit sensitive about Skrills" he said before following Rose and the others
Even unconscious Lilly seemed to have a firm hold of Claw. Not to tight or he might get hurt. Not too Loose or she might fall off. Blaze followed tentatively. She was worried for Lilly and wanted to check she was OK. It was a sight to behold, a purple night fury with a stormcutter and three (pretty much) teenagers, one of which was knocked out.

@Latios @LucianGrey7971 @Flame Demon
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Star is watching them and she flies over, grabbing Rose and tossing the girl up so she land on her back "Guess I'll see you there" she says, the notice Star is actually a white Night Fury, she hadn't noticed before since she was only visited during the night "That's a surprise" she mumbles as Star flies up to Gothi's hut and lands there before the others arrive.

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