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Fandom How to train your dragon descendants

Erin considered the odds "We would have to race around the island where the water is deep enough for Grayscale to swim freely" He finally said. Grayscale stood up on his hind legs to see his surroundings, he was trying to find a good route along the island. When the giant dragon finally finished he fell backwards into the water a peered back up with nothing but his face showing, Erin jumped onto the back of his dragon. He had to scale up his spines to reach the crown where his saddle was.

@Altaynna (I was grounded sorry)
Rose is already up finishing her sketch, once she's done she grabs her jacket and heads to Lilly's room where she goes in without knocking "Want to go and get some breakfast?" she says while putting the sketch in a pocket, she was still a bit tired, but she'd manage that day.

iSurvivor said:
(yay! 100th post above!)
~Time Skip to Morning~

Lilly clambered out of bed and and sat on her chair, sketching Blaze.
Claw was up on the house. He watched as the boat pulled away. His rider had to go on an important trip and couldn't take him. It was alright, he could now eat anything he wanted. Looking out the town was busy as always.
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[QUOTE="Flame Demon]Rose is already up finishing her sketch, once she's done she grabs her jacket and heads to Lilly's room where she goes in without knocking "Want to go and get some breakfast?" she says while putting the sketch in a pocket, she was still a bit tired, but she'd manage that day.

"Yep. I'm feeling half starved!" Lilly said, her tummy growling. She put away her book and pencil and looked at Rose. "What do you want to eat?" she asked
"Hmmm..." Ástrós smiled, nodding. "Betcha we win." Marwolaeth screeched, and Ástrós laughed as she hopped onto the dragon, swinging herself into the electricity proof saddle to prevent her from being electrocuted. "Alright, you count down!"

Rose smiles "Now you know how I feel each morning" she says and thinks for a while "Maybe something simple, I wanna see how our new friends are doing" she says and shows Lilly the drawing she made "Look, I finished my sketch of Star af Blaze this morning" she saus with a bright smile.

Claw wandered the town looking to find something to do. Maybe he could find those kids again. They were interesting enough.
iSurvivor said:
"Cool! I have pretty much done mine too. I just need to add the spines..." Lilly said, finishing her drawing, "Done! Now, I heard Mum made yak-nog!" Lilly said, strangely liking the disgusting substance.
Rose sweatdrops "I'll pass" she says, she didn't like it one bit, she nearly threw up when she tried it the first time. "Well let's head downstairs" she says with a smile.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]Rose sweatdrops "I'll pass" she says, she didn't like it one bit, she nearly threw up when she tried it the first time. "Well let's head downstairs" she says with a smile.

"Then what about some bread and fish?" she asked, licking her lips. Unfortunately, there wasn't a huge variety in food.
"Guess some bread will do" Rose says and she puts the drawing away "Do you think out buddies will they there?", she was worried about them coming to the village and causing trouble.

iSurvivor said:
"Then what about some bread and fish?" she asked, licking her lips. Unfortunately, there wasn't a huge variety in food.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]"Guess some bread will do" Rose says and she puts the drawing away "Do you think out buddies will they there?", she was worried about them coming to the village and causing trouble.

"They'll be where we left them, or at least Blaze will be. She is hurt, remember, so she can't fly. She will be able to in the futre though. I hope what would happen if..." Lilly pondered, lifting out the bread and chopping it up, handing it out.
iSurvivor said:
"They'll be where we left them, or at least Blaze will be. She is hurt, remember, so she can't fly. She will be able to in the futre though. I hope what would happen if..." Lilly pondered, lifting out the bread and chopping it up, handing it out.
Rose nods "I haven't actually seen Star during the day, so I don't know if she has injuries" she says and shrugs "But she can fly good enough", she takes some bread and takes a bite.
The sound of an unfamiliar Skrill filled the air above the village and the beast flew over head before landing on the outskirts of the village. Stian slid off his saddle and lowered his hood. "...Hey, Hey! Killstorm...behave." The dragon turned its head towards the straw haired boy and looked him in the eyes "...Alright, don't do anything I wouldn't do, I don't want to have to fight a village full of Dragon Riders....AGAIN."
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]Rose nods "I haven't actually seen Star during the day, so I don't know if she has injuries" she says and shrugs "But she can fly good enough", she takes some bread and takes a bite.

"Really? How did you see her then? Blaze was being scorched by that typhoomerang, so it was easy to see her." Lilly questioned, stroking her chin sarcastically.
Claw herd the Skrill come into town. He and his rider were definitely not from here. As he approached Claw asked the Skill what his rider was doing. There was something strange about him. The atmosphere around them seemed... Dark.
"Well she ran into me when she was chasing a Terrible Terror who stole her fish, as an apology she roasted some fish" Rose says smiling slightly "That's why I came back with small cuts and bruises that day, I've been hiding her for a few months, maybe five or six" she says and stretches, before hearing the Skrill and she asks "Should we check it out?"

iSurvivor said:
"Really? How did you see her then? Blaze was being scorched by that typhoomerang, so it was easy to see her." Lilly questioned, stroking her chin sarcastically.
Killstorm turned towards Claw and growled a bit at first, then just as quickly decided against hostile actions and simply told Claw that the boy was looking to trade the goods he had caught, they were nomadic.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]"Well she ran into me when she was chasing a Terrible Terror who stole her fish, as an apology she roasted some fish" Rose says smiling slightly "That's why I came back with small cuts and bruises that day, I've been hiding her for a few months, maybe five or six" she says and stretches, before hearing the Skrill and she asks "Should we check it out?"

"Yeah.. let's cha- follow them." Lilly said, giving a 'you thinking what I'm thinking' look.
"Whoa, no need to get aggressive." Claw said. Why was this dragon acting like this. This only put Claw more on edge. 'Oh please don't let things go to hell.' He thought to himself.
Stian started pulling a pack off of Killstorm who had not moved since they landed, apparently her idea of behaving was not moving anywhere, but she didn't take her eyes off of Claw. "Killstorm....behave." This got a derisive snort from the dragon who clearly took offense to having been told to behave twice.
'Form the sound of things it seems that Killstorm here is a trouble maker. But with a name like that I don't think he's the kind I like.' He decided to ease the mood. "Killstorm is it, allow me to introduce myself. My name is WindClaw." He said bowing to the other dragon in hopes of making a compromise.
"Follow them? Sure, but how?" Rose asks tilting her head slightly, she didn't like it when new people came there and she didn't know why "Do you think dad's already nearby to check it out?" she asks as she walks to the door and she opens it.

"You young ones bow your heads too quickly! Where is your fight? Where is your pride!" Killstorm replied before looking at Stian who was preparing for the arrival of the villagers...first impressions and all that. "Er...I mean....honored to meet you WindClaw...we mean this village no trouble"

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