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Fandom How to train your dragon descendants


Dragon trainer

The only upsides are the pets. While other places have ponies or parrots we have... Dragons

The six original riders are now fully grown and have their own jobs to take care of. So are the dragons they rode. Now it is up to their children to continue their legacy.

Chief of Berk: Hiccup

Dragon Alpha: Toothless

Event: none

Place of RP: Gothi's cottage

Time: Mid Day

~Set after the second movie. No events from the third will happen~
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Rose plops down next to Lilly and she yawns, she had been up most of the night, luckily she could sneak in and out of her room "So who do you think will win this?" she asks looking at her sister, she could go home to take a nap, but rather watches the dragon race then do that.

WindClaw ruffed his wings 4 large in anticipation for the race to begin. He loved to win. He glanced up at his rider to make sure she was ready
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iSurvivor said:
Lilly thought for a second then she answered, "Well, Dad has a nightfury, they have a speed factor of 20 but Nova rides a stormcutter, which has four wings, so it should be pretty close.
((i have not been pinged for this at all so I was unaware that anything was happening, sorry :U))
Latios said:
WindClaw ruffed his wings 4 large in anticipation for the race to begin. He loved to win. He glanced up at his rider to make sure she was ready
Nova reached over to lightly pat WindClaw's head, showing she was ready for this race. "Fly us to victory, Claw. I'm right here with you."
He turned his head back around and let out a roar, flaring out his wings as he did this. This made some of the other dragons uneasy.

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Latios said:
He turned his head back around and let out a roar, flaring out his wings as he did this. This made some of the other dragons uneasy.
@Flame Demon @Noivian

Lilly was shocked, she didn't even know a dragon could have such a roar! Then she looked at Windclaw and new why.
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"I wish I could join in" Rose mumbles, she wanted to race, but then the point of keeping her dragon a secret was in the way. She didn't kmow what her father would say if he found out about it "Well maybe another time" she says and smiles slightly.

"What kind of dragon would you have?" Lily asks looking at Lilly curiously, it was either Nova or her father who would win the race "I kinda hope dad wins, but who can tell" she says and holds back a yawn, she'd have to stop sneaking of at night, she knew someone would find out soon enough.

"Well, a Nightfury would be cool but I've always had a thing for nadders, you know, so I would probably wait until the dragon came to me. I wouldn't want to be like Snotlout!" Lilly sighed, then she pointed to Hiccup, "Look at him go! He's gonna win this!" Toothless was winning by a landslide, then, whilst taunting the others, he crashed!

"You're out!" the whistle-blower said, pointing at the fallen pair.
iSurvivor said:
"Well, a Nightfury would be cool but I've always had a thing for nadders, you know, so I would probably wait until the dragon came to me. I wouldn't want to be like Snotlout!" Lilly sighed, then she pointed to Hiccup, "Look at him go! He's gonna win this!" Toothless was winning by a landslide, then, whilst taunting the others, he crashed!
"You're out!" the whistle-blower said, pointing at the fallen pair.
(i didnt know the race started, i thought we were waiting at the starting line)
At the whistle blow for the start of the race, Nova gave the command to start flying, a yell and a press on the back of the neck.
Claw jump down, simply falling for a time to pick up speed. Then unfolded his wings at the last second, sweeping just over the houses at blinding speed.
Nova was used to his speed, this not being the first time they've flow, and held on tightly.
"Night Furies are my favorite, but they're rare" Rose says and she she asks "How would dad react if he found out one of us is hiding a dragon?", she was curious and since she thought Lilly knew him better she thought she'd ask it.


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