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Realistic or Modern ~ how the tide rushes in ~ {historical • outlander}


How the tide rushes in
and covers footprints in the sand
As my hopes erased and carried
out of my hands.
Yet though the ocean
with waves unending
Covers the Earth
Yet, is there loss after all?
For what e'er drifts from
one place.
Is with the tide to another brought

And there's naught lost beyond recall
Which cannot be found
If sought.’

~ Poldark.



If you’ve clicked here, then I’m presuming you are as much of a history nut as myself. However, being as ever curious as I am, I would like anyone intrigued— or whose interest is mildly piqued— or simply anyone, uninterested, who simply fancies sharing their point of view — to give me some insight into why they particularly enjoy history. Feel free to make it as detailed or as simple as you wish, i’d love to hear what your favourite era is too, how you came upon learning about it— all the like! For those simple folk, I simply want to know what it is about the past that makes your brain tick.

For me, I’ve always loved the art of storytelling, the unknown, the mystery, the peculiar allure. The past was a time of uncertainty, where so much, perhaps even anything, was possible. I love the openness, the free nature, and yet the intriguing social confines, the gossip. I love the tales of those who fought both for the law and against the law. Freedom fighters. Fighters for justice. Adventure. Mystery. Hope. And, whilst the future may hold uncertainties, there’s no picture (for me) quite so quaintly beautiful as the past.


Nonetheless, rambling aside, I’m looking for a writing partner who isn’t scared to really dig into out world. Plot with me. Fangirl with me. Let’s prompt each other with little spin-offs: “CHARACTER A would definitely do this...” or “could you imagine CHARACTER Y if this happened?”

Writing isn’t a chore. And, it shouldn’t ever be. I’ve waited for some responses for as long as a year. I don’t expect people to be able to recite posts like they have piles of Dickensian novels awaited to be published. Life happens. Writers block happens. Sometimes... sometimes inspiration just isn’t there. And, that’s okay.

However, I am looking for someone who can write rather literate. Like I said, writing is to be enjoyed, and when you enjoy something, it isn’t hard to put a bit of effort in. I usually do a minimum of four paragraphs, and I do tend to double just to help further establish wider plot and move things along. That means I usually like to take both a female and male character and would appreciate someone who could do the same!

The particular eras of history that I am looking for (but I am open to suggestions) are:

- anytime between 1400-1800 England
(give me Austen, Poldark, the Tudors, the Wars of The Roses, court drama, conspiracies, what isn’t to love?)

- the roaring twenties
(i’m a sucker for the cliche of rival families, and a bit of Gatsby / Peaky Blinders)

- ancient civilisations
(Rome, Greece, Egypt)

- the Cold War era
(50s-90s: an American road trip? two unlikely strangers whose journeys collide on one single highway?)

- World War 2
(enemies, nurses, soldiers, Nazi Germany, revolutions, spies, etc etc)
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Hey! I like the Cold War era American road trip prompt. It'd be interesting to have a Russian and American collide. One or both of them may be working for their respective governments.
Hey I would love to do a Nazi Germany era where a secret American Spy seeks the help of a German turned Spy.
Hi there! I'd be definitely in for ancient civilisations, mainly Rome and ancient Egypt, and do have some ideas for both.

To answer your question you asked-
I love history, especially ancient civilisations, because they fascinate me, especially their social norms as well as their beliefs in multiple deities.
Take ancient Egypt, for example. These people didn't just look up at the sky and see a burning ball of gas shining on them, they saw Ra riding across the sky, blessing them with light and warmth. They saw the world so very differently than we do now, and even though there hasn't been any magic involved, their world has been full of it, for them :3
I would absolutely adore to write something to do with the Romans. I’m thoroughly intrigued by the Roman Emperors and am forever researching into the emperors, the people and the customs. I actually kind of fell in love with the biography of Marcus Brutus when reading about him, and how much more there is than what people think.

However, the Egyptians are so underrated. I’ve never really done anything to do with them before, so that would certainly be interesting.

I definitely, most certainly agree with your view of history as magical without magic, I feel like you captured exactly what I mean. There was just so much unknown to them, that anything seemed possible. The sun was not a ball of gas but fire that Apollo carried throughout the sky. The earthquakes were not the slipping of tectonic plates, it was the wrath and fury of the Gods, a sign that they were displeased or wanted vengeance. It was certainly an intriguing time!

PM me whenever you get a chance. I would love to talk more!
Too new to send you a PM, but interested in your passion for historical based rp's. I'm most familiar with England and Rome time periods, but if you're still craving something, let me know. I would love to chat.
Ooh, I’d love to try an English / Scottish plot, something to do with the Catholics and Protestants, the Clans, and the Auld alliance. Would you be interested in something like that? xOnyx xOnyx

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