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Fandom House of Cards|Durarara [CS]


S n o w

Roleplay Type(s)

Nickname (optional):
Sexual Orientation:

Weight (optional):

Likes (3+):
Dislikes (3+):
Strengths (3+):
Weaknesses (3+):

Moral Alignment (optional):
Greatest Fear:

Outfits (optional):

History (1 paragraph minimum):
Theme Song:
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Name: Ikeda Tachibana
Alias: Jack/Monsoon
Age: 21
Birthday: December 3rd
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 5'11"

Affiliation: Co-leader of the Spades ♤
Occupation: University Student/Co-Owner of the music store, No Strings Attached
Likes: barbecue, neon signs, foreign dishes, secrets
Dislikes: spicy foods, impoliteness, crowds, video games

●Guitar - A skill he picked up after moving to Ikebukuro. He still makes mistakes occasionally, but not a beginner.
●Blackjack - The only one he's ever lost to is his mother.
●Swordplay - As the host of saika and having previous training with a short-sword, he can wield a sword as natural as breathing.

Strengths: driven, cunning, agile, enhanced durability and reflexes
Weaknesses: impulsive, saika's influence, long-distance combat, hand-to-hand combat

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Greatest Fear: Losing Control And Hurting Natsumi, Arachnophobia
Weapons: The demon blade Saika

Personality: Ikeda, above all else, is an extremely loyal person. Loyal to a fault, even. His trust is hard-earned and rarely given, but once one has it, it's hard to lose. He only allows those he trusts to see the 'real' version of himself, the one not hidden behind lies, manipulation and being constantly on guard against deception. The Ikeda that the public is presented with changes personas depending on the situation he's in. He can be friendly, happy and conversational one second, then abandon his 'friends' the next. He likes to unsettle people, sometimes acting oddly to see how the other person would react. He can and will manipulate those around him to further his ambitions. The persona he likes to use the most is one in which he's playful and exuberant, to the point of being obnoxious.

The 'real' Ikeda is much quieter and serious, tackling his problems much more carefully than he would otherwise. He considers his real self boring, but his public self exhausts him after a while. In either, he doesn't like to talk about himself and is very protective of Natsumi. The fastest way to get on his bad side is to hurt his sister.

To keep Saika's influence over him to a minimum, over several years Ikeda convinced himself he doesn't love anyone, at least not on a level that can be used against him. He would sooner die than admit it, but this mental isolation made him quite lonely.

History: Ikeda was the first born of Katashi and Masuyo Tachibana. From the moment of his birth, his fate was decided for him. He would inherit the Tachibana Corporation (the parent company of a chain of casinos located around the world) when he came of age, he would learn to be a leader, someone with the charisma to force even the most stubborn of their business partners to follow what he wanted. His mother, Matsuyo, opened a bank account with his inheritance before his first birthday.

As soon as he could understand it, Ikeda was taught to bend the truth to get his way. His father forbade him from playing video games and joining a sports team, with the idea that both were a waste of his time. Even when he was older, he couldn't shake that mentality. When Natsumi was born, his parents lost some of their strictness. He was allowed to take sword-fighting lessons, as long as it was done on their property. His mother even taught him to play blackjack.

Eventually, Ikeda rebelled against the rigid lifestyle his parents locked him into. He did small things at first like refusing to do his homework, intentionally missing meetings with regional managers from overseas, sneaking out. His was punished for his defiance by being forced to recite passages from his textbook, and after a while, his father stopped his lessons. This was a 'last straw' of sorts for a sixteen-year-old Ikeda and he decided to run away from home. The only one he told about his plan was Natsumi. He left in the middle of the night.

Ikeda never wanted to go back to a life where he had no control over his future. He lived on his own for a month when he was attacked by a woman who called herself his 'Mother'. Later, in a hospital, he would learn that she had been targeting the homeless in the area for a long time, but got away because the police were unable to find the identities of the victims. Ikeda was the first to survive. His attacker was pronounced dead at the scene, and her weapon was never found. She died of asphyxiation. Ikeda was stabbed twice in the chest.

His parents took his life-threatening injury as a sign that they were right to decide his life for him. Ikeda made it his goal to prove them wrong. Years after, when he stumbled on a news channel showcasing the destruction Ikebukuro's gangs had caused and lack of strong leadership to do something about it, an idea started to form. He convinced his parents postpone his inheritance of the family company so he could study in Ikebukuro for a year.

He and Natsumi opened No Strings Attached with the intent of having their own mean of income, separate from their parents' fortune.

○As leader of the Spades, he's known as Jack.
○Hates the texture of sticky foods like bananas and honey.
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Name: Natsumi Tachibana
Nickname: Nat
Alias: Ace
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5'3" ft.
Affiliation: Co-Leader of The Spades
Occupation: College Student/Co-Owner of No Strings Attached​

-Cooking (Trying At Least)
-Playing Games
-Spicy Food
-Big Dogs
-Reckless Behaviour
-Goodie Two Shoes
-Playing Piano
-Tossing Knives (A hobby she picked up while learning to cook)
-Throwing Knives
-Getting Information
-Agile; Quick on Her Feet
-Not Very Strong
-Assumes Things
-When caught in a lie, she'll keep with it in the end until she knows there is nothing left to do but tell the truth.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Greatest Fear: Large breeds of dogs freak her out, she can't help but imagine getting attacked by them.

Weapons: N/A

Personality: Natsumi is relatively calm and peaceful, she isn't quick to lash out only to figure people out. Nat has a rather nasty habit of being judgy. Natsumi is often judging people by appearances or the first thing they say which can lead her to cut communication off from someone that just looks like the type of person she wants to avoid. Though when she does judge a person she often has a very good perception of the person just by the look in there eye or the style of clothing. She even watches how they act before making a final judgment, which usually happens quickly. Natsumi has discovered in a one on one conversation she can find out their mannerisms, so in an odd way she is overly perceptive and she uses that knowledge. Natsumi is prideful, she dislikes bowing down, she finds that her pride is one of the very few things she prizes over some special people within her life such as a very close relative. Even though she has pride, she can change the way she sees things. So, say if she were put in a situation where she might have to befriend someone who crossed her, she would gladly change her point of view of the situation saying she was winning so she can forgo her pride by twisting her view of things. That leads into the fact that she hates being crossed, once her favor is lost she can turn twisted, never caving to the other like she might have once done. She can hold a grudge for a long time, as she also believes in karma in some sense. Another thing she heavily believes in is an eye for an eye, either whoever crossed gets the same thing to happen to them or she makes it happen. Of course, Nat can always overlook that rule and hold the grudge even after her 'debt' was paid just in spite. On a positive note, Natsumi can be playful. She enjoys the interaction with people she likes, often throwing out an occasional inside joke or comment. Nat, at her most comfortable, can be very insightful. She can be great at giving advice due to a rather vast knowledge of how things work in the world after all the internet never lies to her. When she is comfortable and aside from being insightful she can be kind in her own way, but only a few see this side as she is often serious and constantly working hard. Natsumi is a very hard worker, dedicated through and through, she is known for picking up the slack of other people when they tire of situations such as a project. Of course, it might come with a price of her name only on the project. Nat isn't talkative but she also isn't the silent type, she can get excited easily and often quietly enjoying the moment of things, but she isn't exactly going to talk someone's ear off when she is in a neutral mood. For someone who is judgy, Natsumi has big dreams, she gets her hopes upon a number of things because she can't stop her imagination from thinking about all sorts of things. Nat likes to think her dreams could come true if she worked hard enough, and because of this it is a little difficult to keep her on task for an extremely long process even if she is dedicated, it doesn't mean she doesn't give in the towel when there really is no finishing it.
Natsumi was the second born child, sister to Ikeda, daughter to Katashi and Masuyo, an only daughter but not the only child. Natsumi had freedom, more compared to how her elder brother explained it to her, she couldn't believe what the family had been like before she was born, they were suffocating enough already. Natsumi was grateful, having not faced the full force of the strict parents' attention, Nat remained rather spoiled in many ways because of that. Natsumi was restricted with many things, which is why she isn't entirely labeled as 'spoiled' aside from attending the many fancy outings the family had while growing up. From when she could remember, Natsumi was always told of how hard she had to work, how she had to make a name for herself in the world to leave her mark, her mother once told her it was how to show her parents how much she loved them, by making a mark on the world. Natsumi did not have the same pressure applied to her as her brother had to him, because of that difference she grew a deep admiration and love for him. Natsumi in some ways found that she could connect to her brother Ikeda, at some point she even started doing what he did, rebelling against their parents. Nat was easily inspired by her brother, and her parents, in turn, made sure she lost her attitude. Because of her sudden mood swing making her refuse to comply, she was given house chores and extra lessons aside from her school work. Natsumi was tutored in business by her mother, her father adding his own sense to the lessons until she stopped rebelling against her school work. It was obvious she picked up on her family's trade, though the problem was she didn't look like much when her attitude went away when her brother ran away from home, she seemed to be reformed into a mummified version of herself.

Nat had been informed by Ikeda of his leaving, she had been incredibly saddened by that, having looked up to him her entire life at that point, she wasn't sure what would happen. Natsumi seemed to go through a temporary slump, focusing on her studies and furthering her education, choosing for that week that should do whatever she could to prove a different way she didn't have to rely on her parents anymore or the strict guidelines they were once pressing into her brother. Natsumi may have had more freedom, but she still made herself work hard, developing a workaholic tactic. Around a month later, Nat and her parents discovered that Ikeda had been attacked, which caused pandemonium for her. Natsumi wasn't sure why she felt so helpless, so she did whatever she could to stop herself from feeling that way. Nat at first rebelled again, later on putting her foot down when her parents went too far, and then when she discovered there might be a way she wouldn't have to depend on her parents' income any longer, she strived for independence. Sadly, she knew she could never be truly independent, she had to rely on others no matter what, so she chose to rely on one person. Ikeda. Natsumi holds him very tightly in her heart, her brother was her first and only real friend, she never had the time to make friends during school, there was never time to interact with anyone aside from the family and work associates. Eventually, as time passed, Natsumi went along with her brother to Ikebukuro when she had opened a shop up with him, a music store which she would most likely spend most of her time handling. Nat was business oriented, having a knack for running a business for similar reasons as Ikeda had, she was taught how to do it. Nat prized herself for being a young entrepreneur in a world that would hopefully prosper because of it.
Other: Natsumi is decently organized and good at keeping things together, but when her plans get off track she gets grouchy, having to clean things up is something she is relatively accustomed to.
Theme Songs
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Masaru Shimizu

Nickname (optional):

Deva (To the gang); Minato Saitou, Daichi Nakamura



Sexual Orientation:



The Gang Leader Of The Celestials

Owner of the Popular Karaoke Bar, Utakami

Likes (3+):
- Chupa Chups
- Squirrels, specifically his Squirrel Ichigo
- Lounges/Bars/Drinking
- Sky Circus Observation deck at Sunshine 60
- Otome games, not a huge secret but not many know; definitely loves the focus on the MC
- Singing, he runs a Karaoke Bar front for a reason
- The Celestials

Dislikes (3+):
- Cats, too needy for his tastes
- Shopping and Supermarkets, because people are always in the way
- Theatres, they’re always sticky and gross or filled with couples that can’t shut up
- Matcha, and anything with Matcha
- Writing
- FPS Games
- The Dollars, because they made gangs a joke

-Mixed Martial Arts

Strengths (3+):
Used to pain cause he has moments of stupidity, Good Balance, quick on his feet, Packs a good punch

Weaknesses (3+):
Gets bored easily and becomes a Thrill Chaser, Zero shame causes lotsa fights, Picks showing off over safety, No sense of restricted access has caused him to walk into Mafia deals, Ranged combat (His ranged stuff is more a THROW STUFF SO THEY STOP FOLLOWING)

Greatest Fear:
While it’s not like a phobia which crops up randomly his greatest fear is people he trusts turning on him, and he reads far to into his interactions seeing everything as “With me or Against me”.

Hand set of Brass Knuckles

Deva is a man who likes attention and treats the world as his stage, while still pulling things together from the background. He oozes confidence to the point that it’s well past the line of cocky motherfucker. His boundaries don’t exist and he treats anywhere he goes as his own living room making himself nice and comfortable. He’s not someone to listen to the yells of others and will easily take advantage of people who dislike confrontation. Don’t expect shaming him to work either he doesn’t care for others approval nor has he ever cared for it.

He’s a rather possessive individual as well and gets rather clingy to the people he likes. He’ll drag and shove and whine to keep their attention on him. It’s rather odd to see him not acting like a spoiled child, simply because he is. He’s not used to being denied things so the feeling of others become rather trivial to him, to the point that he won’t even notice you objecting.

So why does he get away with this? Simple he’s observant and has a good head on him, he’s quick to tell when a situation is unfavorable to him and dash the fuck out of there. He’s certainly no coward, heck a sense of fear could help him live longer, but he’d rather fight on his own terms with the heavy home field advantage. After all he may have a habit of thrill chasing but parkour, and break ins are different from bloody battles. That still doesn’t stop him from rolling up in enemy territory to shit on their management though.

History (1 paragraph minimum):
Masaru grew up the youngest in a rather enabling household. His mother, well to put it lightly she didn’t quite make bonds as others would. In general she didn’t want kids or a family. His father loved the shit out of him, and even treated his elder half brother as his own. When it came to his elder brother though, easily the biggest factor in Masaru becoming this way. When the typical way he was interacting with his family was either his mother giving no attention and all the gifts to shut him up; A father that doted on him and found mischief hilarious or an older brother that half ignored him half dragged him along wherever he went well there gets to be some mixed signals.

Surprisingly enough though this worked out well in childhood. He was unruly but not bad, a kid with too much energy and passion but not enough drive. He was quick to get friends because everyone wanted to be where the party of the room was at. Exploring and playing and messing with others is only so sustainable. In reality to a good portion of the people he knew he could be considered a bully, self assured and with a streak for making all decisions on his own. He could easily silence the passive followers with a quick jab at them, a joke or a mock, so long as they knew their idea was inferior.

It also helped that his home life continued to get him points as well. His older brother, was popular in his own right and would have Masaru tagging along in most cases. Heck sometimes you’d see Masaru’s whole gang off kiddos following behind as well. His brother also taught him quite a bit about self defense and skills that he certainly doesn’t use for their intended purposes.

It was never more that he stopped being popular but once middle school started he started getting the reputation of someone people may wanna avoid. While people still knew his name it was for less favorable reasons. Still negative attention is still attention, and he started playing into the role. He’d spook new students and bother the older ones. He still led his little group of brats and enjoyed his time.

It wasn’t really up until the last year of middle school this started to change. A chance encounter with some high school delinquents. Something about his elder brother making them feel inferior. As he had trained with his older brother for years it wasn’t much of a fight until they started all attacking at once. Naturally Masaru lost against multiple opponents larger than him, but he was still good enough to impress them getting an in with them. While he’d never use that, especially after those punks got their asses handed in to them by his brother, he found himself more and more taken by the idea of making an unstoppable gang. He started getting into the shadier side of things and the rest was history. Granted he still really hopes his brother never finds out.

Deva’s Playlist
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Kaito Takahashi
BasicsFull Name: Kaito Takahashi
Nickname: Kai, Taka
Alias: Shredder
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Affiliation: Member of the Spades
Occupation: Employee at No Strings Attached; "Pro" Skateboarder
AppearanceFace Claim: Misaki Yata from K Project
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 137 lbs
Tattoos: This on Left Collarbone; This on Lower Back
Outfits: K A I T O
Do yourself and everyone around you a favor: don't mess with Kai.

Kai is pretty much a Doberman waiting for a dogfight. He's always on edge, always looking for a hidden insult that could give him a good reason to start a fight. It's a nasty habit of his, but he'll do anything to prove he's tough. No matter what, he doesn't want to give anyone any reason to accuse him of being weak--he is not weak, or so he tells himself. He'll never allow himself to be weak ever again. So he starts fights, or waits for one to start, which is usually a bad idea, since it always gets out of hand when he's around, but he usually attributes that to his incredible skill at fighting while still on his skateboard.

As a member of the Spades, Kai is perhaps the most loyal gang member that has ever existed. No one would ever accuse him of treachery, because he believes the Spades are the singular greatest thing in his life. He always talks about how he'd do anything for the gang's leaders, that he will always defend them to his dying breath--which he kinda hopes will never come to pass, but anyway. Loyalty is a blessing and a fault for Kai, and many fear it will be the death of him. But he loves the Spades, no one can deny that, and he will always love them.

For some reason, he really cannot talk to girls. It's either a fear or a general discomfort with the female species.
Likes: Fire, His Skateboard, The Spades, School
Dislikes: Other Gangs, Looking Stupid, Bars, His Family
Skills: Skateboarding, Using That Baseball Bat, Issuing Threats, Being a Thug
Strengths: Pure Brawn, Anything Involving Speed/Chasing, Trash Talk
Weaknesses: Thinking, Fighting without Use of Skateboard, Girls Dammit
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Greatest Fear: Girls. Just kidding. But no, he's always afraid he's going to be kicked out of the Spades.
Kaito was told from a young age that he was worthless.

He was not really sure what the reasoning for this was, only that both of his parents were unhappy and really shouldn't have had kids. So it was really confusing then had more kids, a set of twins named Kazuko and Kabuto. Kai was about eight years old at the time, and he took it upon himself to take care of his siblings to make up for their awful parents, who left them home alone despite how ill-advised it was.

Life went on like this for the Takahashi siblings. Kai managed to make friends at school and even manage to pull relatively decent grades, all while helping to raise his precious sister and brother. He started to learn how to skateboard, which he used more as a form of transportation than anything else, including walking.

About the time he was fifteen, he accidentally bumped into some gang member, and that's when his life became a living hell.

From then on, all members of the same gang followed him around, jeering at him, telling him to mind his own damn business. As far as he knew, it was probably the Yellow Scarves, but he mostly ignored them and kept his head down. It helped that he was faster than them. One day, however, they decided to hit him where it hurts: his siblings. On their way home from school, one of the Scarves took Kazuko and Kabuto away. Then someone called Kai while he waited at home, telling him he better come get his siblings before they got hurt.

Of course he went.

When he got there, Kazu and Kabu were scared out of their minds. They were seven years old at the time, and they clung to their brother closer than anyone else. The Scarves, rather than give them back, made Kai watch as one of them taught the twins a lesson on Kai's behalf. Kai wanted to help, but he didn't know how. He stood frozen, watching his siblings get hurt. By the time he could move again, the Scarves decided he hadn't suffered enough, and they turned on him.

He'd never felt so weak.

A few years passed, and Kai graduated high school. He took his siblings to live with him, and he struggled to support the three of them. It was then he found the Spades, and he realized he'd found a home where he never wanted to leave. By working at No Strings Attached, he could also support his siblings, which took a great load off of his shoulders. The Spades welcomed him in, more than his parents ever could, and he still considers it a huge debt he could never repay.

He has no intention of letting anyone ever harm the Spades. And with the Scarves gone, he really has nothing to fear. Right?
Theme Song: "Ride" by We the Kings
Weapons: Baseball Bat
Other: NO, he was totally not watching a marathon of rom coms that one time... he just happened to come upon that channel.
Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Kong Wenge.jpg
Jian Choi

  • Name:
    Jian Choi
    Fool (傻瓜)
    February 26th
    Sexual Orientation:
    170 Centimeters
    66.2 Kilograms
    No Gang Relations
    (Senior) Accountant
    Theme Song:
    Ping Pong: The Animation OST - 37 Peco

Name: Jun Yamasaki

Alias: Prince

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Height: 5'8 ft

Weight: 130 lbs

Affiliation: Member of the Celestials

Occupation: Student/Freelance Programmer

- Tea. Jun enjoys everything about tea. The warmth, the subtle flavors, the aroma. It's what he finds to be the perfect drink.
- Coding. Jun is very good at sitting down and doing one thing for a long time, making coding very easy and fun for him.
- Video games. His determination and competitive nature mix together in his love for video games, or more specifically, winning at video games.
- Cleanliness. He's compulsive when it comes to one thing, cleaning. He can't handle having trash or dust in his apartment, it drives him crazy.
- Biscuits. Jun is not a fan of bold flavors, especially bold sweet flavors. This is why he likes biscuits, the sweetness is toned down enough so he can enjoy them.

- Tardiness. He doesn't like being late. If he has plans at 7, he's getting ready at 3 and he'll be there by 4.
- Carrots. They're just not very good.
- Mess of any kind. As mentioned before, mess causes him to become agitated and anyone who stands in his way of cleaning said mess, will be met with a long PowerPoint presentation and a printed 40 page essay.
- Physical touch. It just makes him so uncomfortable, he could handle a little pat or maybe a hug from someone he was familiar with, but otherwise, physical affection of any kind is unacceptable.
- Overly romantic couples. It's just gross.

- Hacking. He works with software all day, so he's picked up a thing or two about how to infiltrate other people's computers.
- Fluent in multiple languages. His mother, being the academic dictator she is, required him to learn other languages, the ones he knows are: Spanish, French, Mandarin, Russian, and German.
- Deception. Jun always had a way with words, he can manipulate phrases in just the right way to convince anyone of anything.
- Making a cup of tea. He's really good at making tea.

- Determined. When he starts something, he's not gonna stop until it's done.
- Intelligent. He didn't waste 20 years of his life consistently learning whatever he could to be considered 'average'.
- Fiercely loyal. Jun doesn't have a lot of friends, when he does eventually get one, he'll go to the ends of the Earth for them.

- Combat. As a man of logic, he finds it illogical to waste his time building physical strength. This means he's weak. He's not made for combat, so don't expect him to win any fights.
- Water. He can't swim. He's tried, but he can't swim.
- Competitive. Jun has a tendency to make something he loves into a competition.
- Easily attached. He's been alone for most of his life, so he finds a lot of comfort in company. Even people who do small things matter to him. This isn't very good when he's part of a gang.

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

Greatest Fear: Drowning in the ocean or going insane.

Well, he's got a pen he always carries around with him and he can, you know, poke people really hard.

Jun is, perhaps unsurprisingly, socially inept. He likes people, he likes them a lot, but he's unsure of how to get them to like him. He's never really had time to develop these skills as a child, so when he went into college, Jun was left without any clue on how to make friends. He's googled it, he's asked online forums, he's even discussed it with a psychologist. Though, this doesn't mean he's shy. No, he's quite bold when he wants to be, and he's perfectly comfortable speaking to strangers. He just doesn't follow a lot of social rules. For example, if someone insulted him, he'd start off by calmly listing the reasons why the insult doesn't apply to him and then if the situation escalated, he'd go home and mail the person a strongly worded letter. But he's not completely helpless. If he wanted to he could easily make people's life a living hell.

He's indifferent to conflict, although he tries to stray away from the physical stuff, he isn't afraid of giving a verbal beatdown if the time calls for it. There's in fact, very little Jun is afraid of. He's not afraid of being hit or people turning on him, he's very much in the mindset of dealing with the problem, once there is one.

At a very young age, Jun's mother and father divorced, so he never saw much of his dad. From the very beginning, his mom was a tyrant. She wanted him to be what she couldn't. She made him study more, take up a physical activity, do more extracurriculars. He was constantly being pushed to perfection and when he didn't meet the standard, he was berated for his poor results. As a result, he grew up resenting his mother. Jun was no longer trying for her, he wanted to be the best, so she wouldn't be.

Because of his extremely chaotic schedule, he never got the chance to be social. He was always the top of his class and people all over the school knew his name, but he still sat alone at lunch. At the time he wasn't very concerned about his social life, but when he came into independence and started college, the loneliness caught up to him. He had his own apartment and everything, he was finally free from his mother's influence. But he still felt sad.

Then he was commissioned to design a website for a bar named Utakami. Out of curiosity, he went to the place and met the owner in person. Jun found that he quite liked the people there, so even after finishing the website, he offered to do routine maintenance. After being their unofficial IT guy for month or two, he was asked to join the Celestials. He didn't mind being a part of something like a gang, he was just happy to have people he could rely on.
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