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Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | out of character

almost done with my character this whole week was whew
at work this homeless yelled at me and threatened to hurt me had to call the cops on the dude twice and this happened yesterday
omg massika is such an innocent bean she doesnt want the elder to be disappointed in her lol
damn that's wild omg

tyt tho, no rush, i just wanna get some posts up and apply for a hosted project to make it easier to keep up with!!
logastellus logastellus i like the bio but unfortunately she would have to have been born in north america, due to the fact that the world essentially ended and there wouldn't be any way for her to get to north america otherwise
also due to the fact that the gods were being hunted there's very little chance that anubis would risk being in the mortal world to raise her, and gods are not permitted to raise their demi children unless they give up their status as gods
Can i put that she was put into foster and moved to north america or she just has to be born there from the beginning
the world ended 50 years prior to the rp, there would be no foster care or moving between continents. there aren't any like set countries either. that's why it's just north america (not canada, usa, mexico, etc).
ok im editing my characters bio rn and i have a really good idea for how she found out she was a demigod
I just finished my character, sorry if I went a little overboard with his bio. Please tell me if anything needs to be changed lmao
u k i y o u k i y o everything looks good except the mention of school as there's not really an education system back in place yet due to the world ending and whatnot bUT it's just a minor thing so peep the incoming discord invite
copy and paste from the discord server for those of you who aren't there yet.

hello Everyone Everyone you're probably wondering why i have gathered you to this channel in which you cannot send messages. here is the fact: i am sensing a growing number of people didn't read the plot. frankly, it's a bit annoying. this isn't directed at any of you in particular, more of a whole group including people who aren't in this server. i will be doing a reread of bios shortly and if i need to i will request changes to them, lest the character be axed. i have a feeling most of you ignored the fact that the world died 50 years ago, and it's frankly annoying. however, i'm not a regular gm, i'm a cool gm. so i will allow everyone one more chance should they need it. thank you in advance for understand.
furthermore, once the roleplay gets going, i can and will (as can and will my co gms) revoke permission to participate in the roleplay at any given time should we feel the need.
thank you.
alright finished her bio check it out and tell me what u think
technically hunters didn't start actively hunting demigods until about 5 years prior to rp, BUT since i figure asshole rogues would have done it anyway (and i'm doing a similar thing with rae anyway) i'm good with it! thanks for changing it up

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