• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | out of character



faerie sightings
out of character chat
initial acceptance date: june 15
start date: june 17 or 18
deadline for elite and quester applications: day 2 of rp
deadline for all other characters: n/a
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eee i'm super, super excited!!! Also good luck with getting everything together ^^ You can do it!
thank you !! i swear someday i will make myself finish an entire thing at once but

not today.
Babes this is gonna be so good I legit can't wait I'm
you are the best hype person i swear.
ok so imma need you to stop showing my child RM XD him and the rest of my babies are making me so proud rn lol
i gotta find a couple hunter kids but also i'm lazy. i try to keep myself at 2-3 kids but i have major inspo for this rp so watch me end up with 5 lmao
gAHH,, I'm so excited for this o3o,, also,, do the characters have to be in a specific age range?

oof nvm,, just checked the cs

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