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Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | character sheets



faerie sightings
title (hunter, son of __, daughter of __, etc)
age (they cannot be younger than 18!! also i'm fine with some older characters if you wanna add some experienced folks.)
gender (pronouns too please)
conditions: (mental or physical health conditions)
abilities: (only applies to the demideities)
height: (please do this in feet i'm a sad american)
weight: (pounds please i'm still a sad american)
hair: (color, texture, style, whatever)
eyes: (color)
style: (just a lil description of what they wear is enough)

favorite color: *
likes: (3+)
dislikes: (3+)
skills: (3+)
weaknesses: (3+)
one sentence description:
mbti type:
moral alignment:
positive traits: (3+)
negative traits: (3+)
theme song: *

do you want them to be sent on the quest?
do they believe the gods are dead?
do they think the earth is doomed?
what are their feelings about the hunters?

do they believe in the word of the man in red?
do they think the gods are really dead?
do they think the earth is doomed?
what are their true feelings about the hunters?

biography: (please include at least 3 paragraphs as this will be used as my writing sample from you! include as much detail as you feel is necessary, thank you!)​
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come to the water
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  • requisite.
    antaram kasabian is the daughter of anahit, the armenian goddess of fertility, healing, wisdom, and water. she is twenty-one years old, and was born on the second of march, making her a pisces. she is a cis female, using the pronouns she/her, and is sexually fluid. she suffers from depression, anxiety, and a severe case of sleep deprivation.

    persona and abilities.
    her abilities are: water manipulation, white water manipulation, enhanced intelligence, and healing.
    her favorite color is the color of the sea at dawn.
    she likes taking care of people, cooking, swimming, and sleeping.
    she dislikes being woken up, not being able to help someone, being touched, and being yelled at.
    her skills include: medicinal knowledge, apt swimmer, fast runner, and her ability to talk anyone out of anything.
    her weaknesses include: being tired all the time, being a terrible fight, very timid, and occasional panic attacks.
    in a sentence: antaram is one of the kindest people you will ever meet and genuinely just wants to make sure everyone around her is okay.
    her hobbies are: napping, swimming, and baking.
    mbti type: isfj.
    moral alignment: neutral good.
    positive traits: kind, empathetic, nurturing, and optimistic.
    negative traits: timid, too trusting, disorganized, and overly sensitive.

    antaram stands at 5'11 and weighs around one hundred and twenty pounds. her hair is medium brown and rests just past her shoulders, the texture is a bit frizzy, but mostly straight. her eyes are a soft brown, and often look very tired. her style is very laid back, as she has little to no time to prepare an outfit, not that she would if she had the time. comfort and ease are what she aims for in clothing.
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... quest?
... dead?
... doomed?
also no?
... hunters?
she feels they're scared and she can understand that.​
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✤ sorcha ✤
-daughter of the morrígan, celtic
-damn bitch i hate you.
-managed to escape getting captured one time.
-also survived the poison that one time.
-she's been benched by the elders bc she's reckless but everyone knows she's not gonna stay on the bench.
-she's seen death and she wants to make sure she never feels it.
-blood? in her hair? more likely than you think.
-is fighting a healthy coping skill? no? she disagrees.
-fc: marie avgeropoulos
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beckham hewitte
flowers & thorns - son of geb
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[class=image] background-position:150% 100%; margin-left:30%; border:1px solid none; border-radius: 100%; height:300px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px lightgrey; width:300px; background-size: 115%; background-image: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/302660814/original.jpg); [/class] [class=hidden] margin-left:12%; padding-top:10%; padding-left:.5%; position:absolute; border:1px solid white; outline-style:solid; outline-color:white; background-color:white; height:175px; width:200px; [/class] [div class=image][div class=hidden]
fynne carter
call of the wild - hunter
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[class=image] margin-left:30%; border:1px solid none; border-radius: 100%; height:300px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px lightgrey; width:300px; background-size: 70%; background-image: url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/6ce5463f5b6ef44c7ea48b22986777cc/tumblr_oq5h6pKVgM1w5bzojo2_400.png); [/class] [class=hidden] margin-left:12%; padding-top:10%; padding-left:.5%; position:absolute; border:1px solid white; outline-style:solid; outline-color:white; background-color:white; height:175px; width:200px; [/class] [div class=image][div class=hidden]
edith paet
warring flames - daughter of apolaki
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[class=image] background-position: 410% 100%; margin-left:30%; border:1px solid none; border-radius: 100%; height:300px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px lightgrey; width:300px; background-size: 82%; background-image: url(https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/d259ff1ee33c94fff87ff3a5596a7bf2/5BA6CD67/t51.2885-15/e35/13118080_1069891229749272_958437274_n.jpg); [/class] [class=hidden] margin-left:12%; padding-top:10%; padding-left:.5%; position:absolute; border:1px solid white; outline-style:solid; outline-color:white; background-color:white; height:175px; width:200px; [/class] [div class=image][div class=hidden]
camden lowe
smoking guns - son of the morrigan
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Park Minsu
yo yo its ya boi social


yo yo
Title // Son of Asclepius, Greek
Age // 18
D.O.B // December 30
Gender // Male (he/him)
Conditions // Depression & Insomnia
Abilities // Healing & teleportation
Height // 5 foot 4 (he's a short boy)
Weight // 100 pounds
Hair // Black
Eyes // Black
Style // Minsu's style varies depending on his mood. Some days he'll wear a sweater and the next he'll wear a short sleeves. One thing that is consistent though, is his love for skinny jeans. He also usually leans towards sweaters, sweatshirts, and long sleeved shirts that are a few sizes too big. He usually wears jewelry and mixed matched socks (although you wouldn't be able to tell unless you saw him without his shoes).

yo yo
Likes // Sweets, tea, coffee, flowers, bright colors, kids' shows, kids, hoodies, over sized clothing, the dark, sunsets, learning new languages, animals, strawberries, sleeping
Dislikes // Blood, gore, violence, being hunted, giving up, spicy foods, his height, chicken, summer heat, yelling, horror movies, rats, spiders, himself, having to take his medication
Skills // Learning new languages, healing others, agility, flexibility, adaptability,
Weaknesses // Physically and mentally weak, always tired
One sentence description // Minsu is a rather bubbly kid who despite being pessimistic, likes to act like he's optimistic. All of his energy comes from coffee and thus, he is either really energetic or not energetic at all. He's rather bad at socializing with those around his age or older as he's seen as "quirky" as some put it nicely. He has a strange habit of stating things that seem rather random at times and it's usually the affect of running on less than three hours of sleep a day. He can be a little moody at times when he's having a bad day and his thoughts are catching up to him. He often doesn't believe that he's capable of his ability and therefore he's not confident when it comes down to it, although he always tries his best. He's a hard working that's always trying to improve himself and values those that he can call his friends.
Hobbies // Learning new languages, reading, picking flowers
Mbti type // ISFJ
Moral alignment // Neutral good
Positive traits // Adaptable, adventurous, capable, caring, unselfish, creative, empathetic, helpful, hardworking, loyal, gentle,
Negative traits // Unwary, unconfident, sensitive, vulnerable, physically weak, self deprecating, childish, clumsy, tired, disorganized, easily discouraged, weak willed, forgetfully, gullible, insecure, naive
Theme song // Lithium - Evanescence

yo yo
Do you want them to be sent on the quest? Yes, he believes that he will be able to help since he's a healer
Do they believe the gods are dead? He does, but he wants to believe that they aren't
Do they think the earth is doomed? He believes that it depends on how things go, and how him and the other demigods fight against the hunters
What are their feelings about the hunters? He doesn't believe that they are evil, and that they have just been lead in the wrong direction

Biography // Minsu was born to a small woman in a large city. His mother was already seen as the "black sheep" of the town for her weird style of dress and quirky personality, and was only seen as even worse when she had a child with no father in sight. Minsu was small and because of his mother's status he had a hard time making friends at playgrounds and parks when he was small. He was happy with his mom, even with their financial difficulties, as she had not been ready to give birth to a child as she was hardly able to support herself. When he was seven the other kids got crueler and began to bully Minsu, who looked slightly feminine because of his hair and short status. His mom would always make him feel better, and told him that one day they'd move to a bigger and better city, where he'd make plenty of friends.

As Minsu grew older the kids grew meaner, and soon not even his mother could cheer him up. He was diagnosed with depression at the age of ten. He was left restless and unable to sleep and was diagnosed with insomnia the following year. His mother, who could only handle so much, began to collapse from the stress of everything, and began spending most of her time worrying over bills. Minsu knew he was too young to do much of anything to help, as the neighbors didn't like him enough to let him mow their lawns for a few dollars. It was also around this time that Minsu's abilities appeared, as he had fallen and scraped his knee, although when he placed his hand over it, he found that it was healed. At first, he believed that he had simply been high on antidepressants, and so he didn't tell his mom, keeping the secret to himself.

When Minsu was thirteen, his mother collapsed, and she had to be hospitalized. It had turned out that she was sick, and from then on she only grew weaker and weaker. Minsu visited her every day in the hospital, and even tried to get jobs to help her. None of them ever accepted him, and he eventually gave up. His pills were beginning to fail him and he grew exhausted, but he waited for his mom to get better, he needed her to get better. It was in that hospital that Minsu found out a lot about himself. He fought a raging current of emotions when he was told about his father, who was supposedly a god. He thought his mom might've been losing her mind, because he didn't believe they existed. Not with so much bad in the world they didn't.

Still, Minsu told her about the time he healed himself, and his mom smiled at him, before telling him more that he could do. He began wondering if he could heal her, and even though it was far fetched, he began to try. He only did it when she was sleeping at first, because he thought it was stupid, but he began to get hopeful when he slowly saw the life coming back into her cheeks. Everyday he healed her little by little so that no one (including his mom) got suspicious, and because he was still trying to improve his abilities. When he left the hospital he would go around and heal any injured animals as he wanted to improve. He wanted to go into the other rooms and try to heal them as well, but he didn't trust himself enough to.

He was upset with himself for being able to heal others and not himself, and because of this he spiraled down again when he was fourteen. He still hadn't told his mother about his pills not working anymore, and now that he needed them to, he had nothing. He struggled to get out of bed everyday, and it got to the point where he would get up, heal his mom, and go back home into his bed. His thoughts became morbid and he struggled to even appear happy. He was ashamed of himself to appear before his mom with the way he was, and stopped visiting her for a little while. When he realized he had holed himself up he felt even more ashamed and went to visit her. Despite always being thin because of a fast metabolism, he had dropped a lot of weight from lack of self care, and doing anything only became harder.

On the day he turned fifteen he went to the hospital again, and saw his mom for the last time. It had been revealed that she had committed suicide by jumping out the hospital window the night before. She had left him a note that revealed that she felt like a burden to him and wanted him to be free from her and her reputation. He was hysterical and it was that day that he found out he could teleport. In front of several nurses and doctors he teleported from the hospital to his room, and it was there he locked himself up for days. He would've died had his house not been raided by a hunter, in search of him. He was lucky that it was only one, and a new one at that. He almost let himself get killed, but at the last minute he decided not to, and tried to teleport once more. It didn't work, and he was left to crawl out through his room window, and he barely escaped with his life.

After that he began wandering and improving both of his abilities. When he needed them, he would steal the pills, food, and clothing he needed, and he only moved at night time, when most everyone was sleeping. He wasn't sure how he was able to get by, but he did, and eventually he stumbled upon Albany, and has been living there ever since.

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Albion Fulani
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Name: Albion Fulani
Daughter of Kokou - Yoruba
D.O.B: November 3rd
Age: 19

Albion Fulani is the nineteen-year-old daughter and only child of Kokou, the most feared, and vicious god in all of Nigeria. Standing at a tiny 5 feet, and 2 inches; she's a petite girl weighing around 122 pounds. Since birth, her hair has always been a long & silky snowy white color accompanying with her soul-piercing grey eyes. Currently, the poor girl suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the years of mental & emotional abuse from her father. The powers she posses is the ability to cause severe and gruesome hallucinations, eventually leaving her victims to harm themselves to make it stop. To this day she doesn't have full control over it yet, with her emotions causing it to get out of hand.

Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Movie: Logan
Favorite Genre: Romance
Likes: Quiet Areas, Colorful Flowers, Dancing, Animals, Nature, Poetry, Philosophy
Dislikes: Her Father, Blood, Violence, Loud Noises, Heights, Gore, Tradition
Skills: Voodoo, Combat, Tribal Dancing, Tactical Thinking/Observation
Weaknesses: Loud Noises, Witnessing Violence, Pressure from her Peers

Albion Fulani is a sweet but reserved girl. She tends to keep to herself and tries to remain out of trouble. Looking at both sides of a situation, she works to stay neutral and reason when it comes to decision making. Due to years and years of being tested by her father, she can't deal with too much stress or violence. Being the daughter of a savage god, you would think she would follow in his steps; but instead, she preferably does the opposite. Her outlook on life is that all are deserving, and doesn't see the thrill of observing something perish. Watching so many people tortured at the hands of her old man has left her mentally distraught so she may appear a bit off when first meeting her. As if she's uninterested or she's conceited when really it takes a minute for her to process everything.

Hobbies: Reading, Collecting Flowers, Reciting Poetry, Practicing Voodoo
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Positive Traits: Resourceful, Kindhearted, Caring, Intellectual
negative traits: Neurotic, Fearful, Stoic, Quiet
Theme Song: Falling - GABI

do you want them to be sent on the quest? - Yes
do they believe the gods are dead? - No, but she would like her father dead.
do they think the earth is doomed? - Maybe
what are their feelings about the hunters? - They're terrifying!

Albion Fulani, born through the religious Yoruba traditions was destined for great things according to her father. The fierce deity wanted a son to carry his lineage, but instead was given was a meek girl. Seeing this as some form of punishment, Kokou held some resentment towards his child. As she aged, her father wanted her to become fearless and mighty much like himself. Keeping her isolated from any form of relationship with others, Kokou wished to make Albion cold and relentless. In the end, it just made her petrified, and filled with scorn.

Through countless mental, physical, and emotional trials Albion couldn't handle it all. Whenever Albion would fail a task, her father would berate her with insults giving little care to her emotions. Even giving little consideration, he would slap her around if she talked out of line. These tests consisted of a multitude of unreasonable requests. Be tossed of a massive cliff into the raging river, slaughter numerous animals, figure out how to escape a room filling with water. The list could go on on all of the dangerous things Albion had to go through.

At one point the poor girl thought there was no hope in the world until she happened upon texts by Socrates and Plato. Philosophers who gave her a different outlook on life, and that there was still some beauty in living. Unfortunately, her father caught her one day reciting the drabbled words of dead men and burned her texts. As punishment, he made her watch as he brutally murdered a whole village, while she was forced to wear a heavy calabash upon her head. From there on the trials continued, pushing Albion closer to the edge. It was until that fateful day that her father vanished, with no traces whatsoever. Albi finally felt free from her prison and was able to live the life she always dreamed.

Though, deep within her gut, Albion can feel that her father is still out there. In some way, shape, or form, he still lingers over her having a modicum of control over her life. Now she wants to know the truth if the 'great' Kokou is indeed dead for good.
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↱ emma vanile

name. emma vanile
age. 18
gender. female (she/her)
title. daughter of hebe
conditions. n/a
date of birth. 19/01
abilities. hebekinesis and vitakinesis - as a daughter of hebe, emma has the has the ability to heal various physical injuries, such as mid-sized lesions. in more severe cases, she is able to heal large wounds and injuries, however it will tire her out quickly. she is also able to preserve and restore the youth of others by reducing scars and wrinkles to a certain extent.
daughter of hebe ↲


/coded by allure/
height. 5’6ft or 170cm
weight. 140 Lbs or 63kg
hair. light brown, wavy, shoulder length, usually kept down
eyes. blue, downturned eyes
style. casual, usually wearing a plain shirt, jeans and a hoodie

do you want them to be sent on the quest? yes (however if there are too many people, no)
do they believe the gods are dead? yes
do they think the earth is doomed? no (but she is losing hope each day)
what are their feelings about the hunters? strong disdain towards them

favorite color. yellow
favorite movie. the goonies
favorite genre. adventure
likes. history, bad jokes/puns, rain, routines
dislikes. puzzles, arrogance, failure, pressure
skills. healing (vitakinesis), good with children, cooking
weaknesses. poor self-defense skills, overexertion of powers, easily intimidated
one sentence description. emma is that girl that acts mature but really is just a huge child, although a little quiet, she’s extremely protective and will go to extreme lengths for the people she loves.
hobbies. archeology, reading, babysitting, helping out at hospitals
mbti type. istj
moral alignment. lawful neutral
positive traits. honest and direct, strong-willed, responsible, kind
negative traits. stubborn, insensitive, judgmental, overprotective
theme song. https.//02 Do You Remem8er Me


As a child, Emma lived a joyous and normal life, however her lack of a mother often led to other children to tease and make fun of her. She enjoyed spending time with her father, despite him being extremely busy working and had little time for her, and cherished the moments that they had. Emma knew little to nothing about her mother, Hebe, although she was told by her father that she was "loving, beautiful and was an embodiment of happiness".

Her father went missing when she was 9 and was assumed to be dead, and Emma was taken in by her aunt. When Emma’s powers finally manifested, her aunt was horrified but promised to keep her safe. Despite her aunt’s efforts to take care of her, Emma thought that she wasn’t loved and ran away from home in order to find her father as she believed that he was still alive.

Emma spent months travelling upstate, sleeping in alleyways and digged through dumpsters for food, before eventually ending up in Albany where she safe. When Emma found out that she was a demigod, she started to resent her mother and blamed her for not protecting her father.

Emma has now been in the city for a couple years, and since then, she has developed a new theory that her father has been taken by the hunters and the man in red. She has trained with other demigods with similar powers, and has greatly developed her own abilities so that she can help others. Emma often looks after and babysits newly arrived children and orphans, as she believes that they deserve a better life.

name. emma vanile
title. daughter of hebe
age. 18
dob. 19th january
gender. female (her/she)
conditions. N/A
limited hebekinesis and vitakinesis - as a daughter of hebe, emma has the has the ability to heal various physical injuries, such as mid-sized lesions. In more severe cases, she is able to heal large wounds and injuries, however it will tire her out quickly. she is also able to preserve and restore the youth of others by reducing scars and wrinkles to a certain extent.

height. 5’6ft or 170cm
weight. 140 Lbs or 63kg
hair. light brown, wavy, shoulder length, usually kept down
eyes. blue, downturned eyes
style. casual, usually wearing a plain shirt, jeans and a hoodie

favorite color. yellow
favorite movie. the goonies
favorite genre. adventure
likes. history, bad jokes/puns, rain, routines
dislikes. puzzles, arrogance, failure, pressure
skills. healing (vitakinesis), good with children, cooking
weaknesses. poor self-defense skills, overexertion of powers, easily intimidated
one sentence description. emma is that girl that acts mature but really is just a huge child, although a little quiet, she’s extremely protective and will go to extreme lengths for the people she loves.
hobbies. archeology, reading, babysitting, helping out at hospitals
mbti type. istj
moral alignment. lawful neutral
positive traits. honest and direct, strong-willed, responsible, kind
negative traits. stubborn, insensitive, judgmental, overprotective
theme song. https.//www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQyr0eYN7hI

do you want them to be sent on the quest? yes (however if there are too many people, no)
do they believe the gods are dead? yes
do they think the earth is doomed? no (but she is losing hope each day)
what are their feelings about the hunters? strong disdain towards them

As a child, Emma lived a joyous and normal life, however her lack of a mother often led to other children to tease and make fun of her. She enjoyed spending time with her father, despite him being extremely busy working and had little time for her, and cherished the moments that they had. Emma knew little to nothing about her mother, Hebe, although she was told by her father that she was "loving, beautiful and was an embodiment of happiness".

Her father went missing when she was 9 and was assumed to be dead, and Emma was taken in by her aunt. When Emma’s powers finally manifested, her aunt was horrified but promised to keep her safe. Despite her aunt’s efforts to take care of her, Emma thought that she wasn’t loved and ran away from home in order to find her father as she believed that he was still alive.

Emma spent months travelling upstate, sleeping in alleyways and digged through dumpsters for food, before eventually ending up in Albany where she safe. When Emma found out that she was a demigod, she started to resent her mother and blamed her for not protecting her father.

Emma has now been in the city for a couple years, and since then, she has developed a new theory that her father has been taken by the hunters and the man in red. She has trained with other demigods with similar powers, and has greatly developed her own abilities so that she can help others. Emma often looks after and babysits newly arrived children and orphans, as she believes that they deserve a better life.
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[div class=openbutton]SON OF ARES
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son of ares

elijah kovacs (ko-va-ch)

m (he/him)

sexual/romantic orientation

god-like strength, enhanced senses, flexibility and tactical intelligence in terms of battle, thanks to his father Ares, the Greek god of war. elijah also has some telekinetic connection over any and all weapons that he wields, though because he is only half god, this ability is severely limited and drains him every time he uses it.


march 6th



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suffers from chronic and behavourial anger issues

200 lbs

dirty blondish-brown

murky, mysterious blue

one // two // three


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favorite color
though stereotypically it'd be red, being the offspring of the god of war and brutality, it's actually pale blue
favorite movie
saving private ryan
favorite genre
natural tendency towards the gory, dystopian kind of genre, but unbeknownst to no one, he secretly craves classics such as leo tolstoy's anna kareina and romances to soothe his human soul...

natural tendency to crave violence // winning // gambling // being challenged // letting out all his innate anger through punching stuff (basically boxing) // dark chocolate // whiskey // dogs // the idea of complete freedom from the gods // secretly loves listening to meditation music
being humiliated // being defeated // being overpowered // cowards // overly-enthusiastic people // many (but not all) demi-gods // his anger issues that really make it hard for him to fucking maintain any relationship // being the son of ares // the gods themselves

one sentence description
they say destroy what destroys you but...

what if the thing destroying you is yourself?

what's in their bag
a little bottle of vodka maybe // a bit of dark chocolate // antidepressants to aid in his anger issues


loves binge watching 90's movies (especially anything with jim carrey in em) when he has the time // takes boxing as a way to channel his inherited anger and violence // reads leo tolstoy sometimes // walking his dog, Poncho

moral alignment
chaotic neutral//lawful evil

positive traits
humble // despite his many flaws, he's still a real softie // when he loves, he loves hard (; // unbelievably hard worker // a dreamer // a lone wolf // a deep thinker // mysterious // when he says he doesn't care, he really, really really, does // territorial // protective
negative traits
extremely aggressive when provoked // cold // distant // rubs off as arrogant // damaged // unhealthy obsession with violence // when he's angry, he's pretty stupid // brooder // judgmental // stubborn // patience is not a forte? // he just needs some love ok

do you want them to be sent on the quest?
do they believe the gods are dead?
he sure hopes they are (especially his bastard of a dad!)
do they think the earth is doomed?
maybe? idk
what are their feelings about the hunters?
he's allied to them so I mean he probably takes them in higher regard than many (but not all) demigods. elijah only joined the cause because he shared many of their ideas and values, and mostly for his own gain.

theme song


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damaged people are dangerous
they know how to make hell feel like home.
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Julius Sulla
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Name: Julius Sulla
Title: Hunter
Age: 23
D.O.B: January 10th
Gender: Male / Personal Pronouns: Him, He
Conditions: N/A
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 175 pounds
Hair: Color - Black / Texture - Soft
Eyes: Dark Brown
Style: Fancy Suits

Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Movie: Lethal Weapon
Favorite Genre: Action
Likes: Action, Guns, Pretty Woman, Fighting, Being in Charge, Loud Music
Dislikes: The Gods, Demigods, Being Ignored, Failure,
Skills: Skilled Gun User, Excellent Tracker, Good Negotiator, Competent Fighter
Weaknesses: Puzzles, The Cold, A Pretty Face, His Temper & Ego
One Sentence Description: Julius is more of brawns type of guy who rather resorts to figuring out his issues with his fists. Quick to pull the trigger on some demigod children, he doesn't hesitate to complete his quest.
Hobbies: Exercising, Judo, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Collecting Records
Moral Alignments: Chaotic Good
Positive Traits: Reliable Ally, Trustworthy, Loyal, Goal Orientated, Caring
Negative Traits: Violent, Obnoxious, Trigger Happy, Ignorant, Arrogant
Theme Song: Lil Uzi Vert - XO TOUR Lif3

do they believe in the word of the man in red? - Adamantly
do they think the gods are really dead? - Yes, now he just needs to take care of their children.
do they think the earth is doomed? - Yes
what are their true feelings about the hunters? - A necessity to cleanse the land of its issues.

Growing up in a tiny but sickly family, Julius has always believed that one-day things would look up for them. That the 'forgiving' gods, would save them from all of the death, and pain surrounding them. It wasn't until Julius mother died when he was four, followed by his two younger brothers did he come to realize that the gods were not as generous as he believed. Listening to the word of the man in red made Julius start to understand that the gods were the problem this whole time. Hatred grew in Julius' heart, as he watched people around him suffer for far too long. So, he began to practice daily to one day become a mighty hunter and end the line of the gods.

As Julius grew older, he became more experienced in hand to hand combat. He wasn't going to let some silly magic tricks or powers stop him from 'saving' humanity. To track and kill the very beings that caused so much trouble in not only his life but everyone around him. There was nothing in his way to stop him from achieving his goals to eradicate all gods. The man in red was the only thing he believed in and didn't question his judgment. Becoming the man he is now, Julius was chosen amongst many to become a hunter to track down the children of the gods.

With his gun always ready at his side, Julius is now on the move for any traces of the demigods. Encountering a few in his trails, he didn't hesitate to take them out of their misery. Feeling no remorse, he made sure their deaths were either brutal or torturess. The only ones he was looking out for was his fellow hunters. Act fast, and talk last. That's Julius' motto for getting things done.
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Name: Sage Reed
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Age: 21
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Gender: Male (He/him)
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Title: Son of Hecate
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Orientation: Homosexual/Homoromantic
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Height: 5'9
Weight:143 Pounds
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black/Curly
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style : Tight long sleeve skirts, tight ass jeans, boots, and chains.Oh and eyeliner, you gotta have eyeliner.

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one sentence description: Sage can come off as a bitch, he doesn't show much emotion but he truly is a loving, passionate, intelligent person who will protect those he loves until his last breath though can be manipulative and a flirt.

mbti type: ENFJ- A

moral alignment: Neutral Good

positive traits: Intelligent, Charismatic (when he needs to be), Adaptable

negative traits: Sarcastic, Opinionated, Shameless

Favourite colour: Lilac

Favourite Genre: Comedy/Action

Likes: Music, Dancing, Kids, Magic, Action Movies, Sparring, Flirting

Dislikes: Reptiles, Loud Noises, The Dark, Idiots, Hunters, Heat, and Fire

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do you want them to be sent on the quest? YASSSS

do they believe the gods are dead? No

do they think the earth is doomed? No

what are their feelings about the hunters? He has a rather strong dislike for them.

Skills: Gymnastics, Hand To Hand Combat, Sword Fighting

Weaknesses: Weak Endurance (he goes down easy if you manage to hit him), Impulsive (When those he loves are in danger), Weak (Physically), His magic is much weaker during the day


Mystiokinesis: Like his mother, Sage can use magic. His most used and best spell is Glyphs. These Glyphs are magic circles can repel and attract as well as be used as a platform that Sage can use to propel himself. He can also create and manipulate dark crystal.

Necromancy: Sage can only see, speak to and touch spirits. He can also sense death though he needs to be in the area it happened.​

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Sage’s father was kind man, he cared for Sage as best he could but running a business isn’t exactly a job that gives a person much free time and not being very good emotions lead to Sage and his father having limited bonding time. A large amount of his childhood was spent going to school as well as dance and gymnastics in addition to the self-defense classes his father forced him to take. Sage had always been mature for his age and because of this, he understood his father loved him but was busy but in addition to his maturity, he was also startling intelligent and observate. This was why he always noticed that look of pain in his father’s eyes whenever the man looked at him. Despite their rather awkward relationship and limited time together, there was one thing Sage’s father had thought him. While emotion can be a strength, it can also be a great weakness. Because of this, Sage learned to conceal and keep a tight lock on his emotions.

Sage’s school life was an interesting one. Up until he was 10 years old he was homeschooled and because of this, he wasn’t exactly the best in social situations. Fortunately, his good looks and wealth made it easier to make friends even though looking back on it now Sage wouldn’t even call him acquaintances. When Sage had turned 16, shit hit the fan. It’s rare for a someone to Sage as mad as this boy had. Sage had recently started dating a senior, the boy had a reputation as ‘fuck boy’ but Sage, being blinded by teenage hormones, ignored this. Needless to say when Sage walked out into the boy’s room to see his boyfriend kissing one of the girls who seemed to just love to try and get on Sage’s nerves, Sage reacted. Dark purple crystals erupted from the ground around Sage as said boy’s eyes began glowing. Needless to say, Sage was terrified and fled. Knowing he couldn’t stay, Sage ran away after leaving a voice message for his father explaining why he left. It took about a week before Sage finally arrived in Albany.

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Hobbies: Dancing

Theme Song:

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Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
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[class=background] max-width:900px; height:520px; margin:auto;center; background-color: #eee; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=imagebox] width:350px; height:450px; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/e7/31/5ae731bc6c9b1483030ac15d0cfea571.jpg'); background-size:120%; border:5px solid #222; position:relative; top:30px; left:510px; [/class] [class=overlaytext] width:330px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; font-size:25px; color:#c93030; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #222; position:relative; top:400px; left:0px; [/class] [class=maintextwrapper] width:900px; height:460px; overflow-y:auto; padding:0px; position:relative; top:-430px; left:40px; [/class] [class=textbox] width:450px; background:#fff; font-family:Roboto; font-size:12px; color:#222; padding:10px; position:relative; top:-40px; [/class] [class=titleblock] width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; font-size:25px; color:#eee; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #222; position:relative; top:-50px; [/class]
[div class=background][div class=imagebox][div class=overlaytext]Amara Richards[/div][/div][div class=maintextwrapper]
[div class=titleblock]basics.[/div][div class=textbox]
Name: Amara Richards
Title: Daughter of Hathor
Age: 22
DoB: December 15th
Gender: Female [She/Her]
[div class=titleblock]appearance.[/div][div class=textbox]
height: 5'6

weight: 115 pounds

hair: Red and Silky

eyes: Light Green

style: Amara generally goes for mini-skirts and long sleeve shirts as well as heels though on occaison she'll wear a dress.
[div class=titleblock]personality.[/div][div class=textbox]

favorite color: Silver, White and Orange

favorite genre: Horror

likes: Music, Movies, Pranks, Kids, Kicking the asses of those who hurt her babies aka friends, Flirting

dislikes: Loud Noises, Hunters, Anyone who hurts her friends, The dark

one sentence description: Amara is one of the weirdest but nicest girls you'll meet, she is kind with a strong love of pranks.

hobbies: Pranking people, Helping out at the orphanage

mbti type: ENFP-A

moral alignment: Lawful Good

positive traits: Kind, Socialable, Charismatic, Compassionate

negative traits: Mischievous, Hyper, Too Trusting, Overprotective


[div class=titleblock]history.[/div][div class=textbox]
Amara was always a happy child, she could light up a room with a simple smile and everyone who met her thought she was a little angel. As a baby she didn’t fuss much, rather she loved laughing which was something her father counted as blessing due to his status as single father. As a child, her michieveous side made its appearance in the form of pranks. Her father wasn’t rich despite the fact he did own a dojo where he taught martial arts but they got by and their house was always filled with happiness and laughter. She knew from a young age what her mother was, her father not being one to hide such things from her. Ever so often Amara would wonder what she was like but never pressed her father for answers, the way his eyes darken and his shoulders slumped making it impossible for her to try.

In school she was rather popular, being apart of large amount of extracurricular activities. Things however took a turn for the worst that one dreadful day in class. Amara was sitting in class when it happened, a girl and friends had been ranting about the gods and how pathetic they were. Amara tried to stay silent but when one of the girls insulted her mother her temper got the better of her and she snapped. Needless to say, it wasn’t hard for her classmates to figure out why she had gotten so mad. That was probably the fastest she had ever ran before. She went home and told her father about everything that had happened. Before the night had even come, Amara and her father had fled to Albany.

They were so close but it was too late, by the time that they were going to leave the city a hunter had gotten to them. She and her father had taken the hunter out but that the price of her father’s slow death due to him being stab in the lung. By the time she had gotten to Albany, she was covered in dirt, blood and was heartbroken. Over the course of two years however she healed, largely due to the help of her friend Sage.
[div class=titleblock]demigod.[/div][div class=textbox]
do you want them to be sent on the quest: YESS PLEASE

do they believe the gods are dead: Nope

do they think the earth is doomed: No, there is still hope.

what are their feelings about the hunter: She hates them with a burning passion.

skills: Martial Arts, Lock Picking, Swordsmanship.

weaknesses: Too Trusting, Impulsive, Slow [Speed wise]

Amokinesis- Amara can make anyone who she stares into the eyes of fall in love temporarily with her or someone else of her choosing.
Joy Inducement- Amara can iduce feelings of happiness and joy in anyone she touches.
[div class=titleblock]extra.[/div][div class=textbox]
Theme Song:

credits RI.a RI.a
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✵ orca ✵
-daughter of hecate, greek
-double agent, pretending to be a hunter but she's helping the demigods.
-self sacrifice? that's her middle name.
-if anyone else is unhappy she's unhappy.
-she just wants to save the rest of her people.
-magic magic.
-she was an elf princess in her first rp now she's a demigoddess i love it.
-fc: molly o'malia
✟ kane ✟
-i was going to make him a demigod at first but wow there's a lot.
-might change it for gender balance later but we'LL SEE!
-anyway i hate him.
-cold and calculated til his dying breath.
-feelings? what are tHOOOOOSSSEEEEEE?
-i ruined his life so i can't blame him but honestly it's no excuse.
-fc: suga
◬ easton ◬
-he's just chillin.
-not really sure what he believes in anymore.
-rumor has it if you say "dumb hunter" three times in the mirror he'll appear and do something stupid.
-he really does not have a brain i swear.
-reckless? check. violent? check. well prepared? uhhhhh. not checked.
-fc: xavier serrano
[class=image] background-position:40% 236%; margin-left:30%; border:1px solid none; border-radius: 100%; height:300px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px lightgrey; width:300px; background-size: 115%; background-image: url(https://www.vanityteen.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Laurence-Coke-by-Toby-Nguyen-Vanity-Teen-Magazine-9.jpg); [/class] [class=hidden] margin-left:12%; padding-top:10%; padding-left:.5%; position:absolute; border:1px solid white; outline-style:solid; outline-color:white; background-color:white; height:175px; width:200px; [/class] [div class=image][div class=hidden]
ciaran persad
broken bones & promises - hunter
[class=image] background-position:490% 420%; margin-left:30%; border:1px solid none; border-radius: 100%; height:300px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px lightgrey; width:300px; background-size: 105%; background-image: url(https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/a2635e8a64d78ee338bb0b9f95095150/5BAC9882/t51.2885-15/e35/26070633_171399096803239_4501495875079503872_n.jpg); [/class] [class=hidden] margin-left:12%; padding-top:10%; padding-left:.5%; position:absolute; border:1px solid white; outline-style:solid; outline-color:white; background-color:white; height:175px; width:200px; [/class] [div class=image][div class=hidden]
prewitte barnes
stained glass & shattered pasts - hunter
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[div class="tabName titleName"]Introduction[/div]
[div class="tabName introName"]Personal[/div]
[div class="tabName requestsName"]Past//Future[/div]
[div class="tabName bbcodeName"]Extras[/div]
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[div class="content titleContent"]
[div class=Title]Eden Alexandria[/div][/div]
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Beauty in the Water
Angel on the Beach
Ocean's Daughter

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title (hunter, son of __, daughter of __, etc)
age (they cannot be younger than 18!! also i'm fine with some older characters if you wanna add some experienced folks.)
gender (pronouns too please)
conditions: (mental or physical health conditions)
abilities: (only applies to the demideities)
height: (please do this in feet i'm a sad american)
weight: (pounds please i'm still a sad american)
hair: (color, texture, style, whatever)
eyes: (color)
style: (just a lil description of what they wear is enough)

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[div class="content requestsContent"][div class=scroll]
favorite color: *
likes: (3+)
dislikes: (3+)
skills: (3+)
weaknesses: (3+)
one sentence description:
mbti type:
moral alignment:
positive traits: (3+)
negative traits: (3+)
theme song: *
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do you want them to be sent on the quest?
do they believe the gods are dead?
do they think the earth is doomed?
what are their feelings about the hunters?

biography: (please include at least 3 paragraphs as this will be used as my writing sample from you! include as much detail as you feel is necessary, thank you!)
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yo yo its ya boi social

“Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine.
The landmine is me. After the explosion, I spend the rest
of the day putting the pieces together.” ― Ray Bradbury

yo yo
DOB: August 8th
AGE: 25
ROLE: Hunter
GENDER: Female [She/Her]
SEXUALITY: Bicurious
CONDITIONS: Depression
ONE SENTENCEDESCRIPTION: You may see me, but I'm hollow.

yo yo
EYES: Light Brown
HAIR: Lustrous & Honey Brown
STYLE: Hunter Outfits: one /// two /// three
At Home: She aims for comfort and casual. Her hair is either in a sloppy bun or just down. one /// two /// three
WEIGHT: 118lbs

yo yo
LIKES: Reading, instrumental music, photography, films, cooking, sleeping, art, & intellectual conversations
SKILLS: Quick-thinker, trained in various martial arts (specialty is taekwando and jiu jitsu), kickboxing, and combat-training. Her favorite combat knife to use.
DISLIKES: Ignorance, being underestimated, insects (especially spiders, centipedes, and whatever else that has way more legs than it should. However, she does likes bees and butterflies.), the Gods & Demigods, not figuring something out, coffee, and bananas.
HOBBIES: painting, photography, and reading.
POSITIVES: Intelligent, Determined, Observant & Reliable.
NEGATIVES: Stubborn, Vindictive, & Pushy.
THEMESONGS: Never - Terranova /// Broken Bones - Chvrches
WEAKNESSES: over-thinker, apathetic at times, & pushes herself too hard.
MORALALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral.

yo yo
do they believe in the word of the MAN IN RED? At one point, I believed in the word. It gave me a cause when my life felt bleak but now? Doubt has made a home in my mind.
do they think the gods ARE REALLY DEAD? No, it seems silly to think the Gods are truly gone. They always have a backup plan.
do they think the EARTH IS DOOMED? Hasn't it always been? Earth was doomed the minute life started.
what are their TRUE FEELINGS ABOUT THE HUNTERS? It's like we are all mindless worker bees executing the whims of another.

yo yo
BIOGRAPHY: Davina Blum was born to a teenage single mother, a woman kicked out from her home and school dropout. For as long as she could remember, her childhood was spent couch hopping Davina Blum was born to a teenage single mother, a woman kicked out from her home and school dropout and housing in run down motels, where roaches, alcohol, and drugged out strangers were all she really knew. It was as close as a constant in her life as she was going to get. Her mother was not fond of the Gods or any of their “spawns” as she would call them. Davina was raised to never have blind faith in anything and anyone.

“When shit hit the fan, where were they? I’ll tell ya, sitting on their asses, sipping fancy red wine, laughing at the meek humans,” Her mother would say one night, her breath stinking of liquor. “They look down on us as if we were ants beneath their boots. They aren’t interested in helping anyone.”

Davina suspected something must have happened for her mother to have that type of anger. Yet, her mother never told her anything else. She stayed cryptic about her life, but only with liquor did she lecture Davina about not trusting a God.

Her mother, despite her flaws, pushed Davina to excel in school, to make something of herself. No one hands you a thing in life. This was a tall order within itself as Davina was terrible in school. She stayed at consistent D’s and if she was lucky enough, a C-. Many teachers had chalked her up to a lost cause, until a school librarian in fifth grade began to help tutor her. She eventually improved her grades. Her favorite subjects became history and art.

Davina has always been a loner, her only friend being her mother or the occasional conversation with a fellow motel patron. At age thirteen, she met Mr. Felix. He was a freelance photographer, who was passing through town when his car’s engine blew out and became stuck for a few days. He was very fond of talking about art and how his photography showcases the beauty in odd things.

She liked him very much and the way his eyes lit up like Christmas trees when he felt like she understood his rambling. She would often pretend he was her father in her mind. It was not long after that he began teaching her how to use the camera. Two weeks later, Mr. Felix left her one of his older cameras for her to practice. It took her two months to actually pick up the camera due to being extremely upset at him for leaving.

By the time she was sixteen, her mother managed to get a job as a waitress in a diner. A year of saving, she was able to move them into a small apartment. It felt like a culture shock being in something close to a home after spending so much time in motels. She would be lying if she said she didn't missed it.

The Man in Red came in her life when she was at her lowest. At age 19, her mother had died and the cops were quick to say that it had been a drug overdose. It never sat well with Davina but no one cared enough to look further into the case. Not having enough money for a proper funeral, she had her mother cremated.

Depression kicked in and she lost interest in doing anything. She never attended college and was fired from her job at pet grooming for showing up late too many times. She started picking up the habit of drinking herself to sleep and that was her life for a while until The Man in Red came in her life. She felt like she was wasting away and he offered her a purpose. The Gods were a problem and she blamed them for her mother’s death. It gave her agency and she traded alcohol for training.

When she was selected to be a hunter, Davina put all her time and energy to root out any traces of the Demigods. Her determination on this task rooted out the troublesome thoughts from her mind. She would keep going until she was so exhausted that sleep came fast and suddenly. However, running away from her problems has only begun to make them resurface again, she has trouble sleeping and training doesn’t help anymore. She has resumed back to drinking alcohol again. During nights where nothing seems to work, Davina finds herself questioning her purpose and wonders if it was all worth it.


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erid long
son of apollo
elite hunter
mar. 14 - pisces
male - he/him/his
conditions: severe ptsd
ability: unknown
180 lbs.
hair: natural black/undercut
eyes: hazel
style: mostly hunter's gear

favorite color: sunset
likes: daydreaming, studying, equal footing with his peers
dislikes: intolerant values, their reality, waking up and facing his issues
skills: decisive, skillful ll, strategic
weaknesses: anarchic, over-analytical, judgemental
one sentence description: running out of time to slay the dragon.
hobbies: knot tying, knitting, sewing, martial arts, cooking, exercise, and dance-dance revolution
mbti type: INTJ
moral alignment: chaotic good
positive traits: open-minded, intellectual, empathetic
negative traits: wrathful, arrogant, broken

i don't know how you feel.

do they believe in the word of the man in red? never have words ever been so wrong
do they think the gods are really dead? my brother is gone like they are,
do they think the earth is doomed? the earth is always doomed, but it makes a way
what are their true feelings about the hunters? they're just kids...we're just kids in someone else's war.

i just wanna be free.

Erid and Jess were a pair that didn't know it until it was too late. Until he was watching his own reflection shatter into a void of a being and splatter against the cement and walls. A twin demigod that he knew nothing about. True, the man had been raised their trash leader, but it all made sense now. The countless amounts of drawn blood. The careful nurturing of Erid's mind into one of a killer. The "training" that left him less prepared to deal with real life situations and more-so to lead cults.

It was his immunity to the Divine that paved a way to their destruction. The "miracles" of his blood proved to be quite useful to the Man in Red, though they were not of his doing. Five years was all it took to for the structure of his DNA to be weaponized for use. As it turned out, it would even work on his kin.

It was undeniable...they were identical twins, save for his brother's more conservative demeanor compared to his own. He was a bit of a dick, to be honest. Headstrong, very misogynistic, and just plain pretentious. That didn't mean he had to have his brains splattered all over the movie theater steps. Erid couldn't bring himself to do it. There were so many questions, like who their father was or why one was blessed and the other was left to be mundane.

The availability of those answers was taken away by the very person who had ensnared him for all those years. Everything he could have been was destroyed by the one person he thought he could trust. That would be his own undoing. He'd trained experiment-3R1D too well. Erid could blend into society, scope out the very people they were targeting. People who would no doubt want to end the suffering like he did. He would be able to lead them straight to the highest in charge, being that he was among the Elites himself. He and whoever would join him could end the war they had no hand in creating.

For Jesse. For the Fallen. For themselves.
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░ L E A N D E R ░
❝i'm feeling afraid that i could lose you somehow❞
◇ A nerd that fights is a nerd we stan
◇ He'll trip and say he meant to
◇ Always gets back up again if there's a sword in his hand
Because he's got a girl worth fighting for
◇ Not as weak of a hunter as you'd think give him credit
◇ Save his poor soul

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