• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)

Zeph almost wished that he hadn't blurted out the whole kissing thing to Stella -- especially now that she was asking him to replay the whole disastrous night. Maybe it would have been better to just hide this awkward feelings away, although he knew that he could never do that. Zeph... Zeph wasn't good at that. At hiding. He liked to talk things out. Lay feelings and all that out on the table, so to speak.

And, well, Stella was smart and always had a level opinion on things -- so maybe telling her was a good idea. Plus, Zephyr trusted her not to go out and tell anyone else. And maybe she could help him decide what the fuck he was supposed to do. Did he talk to Ronnie or did he avoid her like she avoided him? Hell, did Ronnie even want to kiss or had Zeph misread the signals?

His head was swimming.

"So..." Zeph started, inhaling a deep breath, and then exhaling slowly. "Mike insulted her, I guess, so she ran over and was hugging me and crying and asked if I thought she was annoying and obviously I said no. Then, I took her outside to, you know, talk to her. Calm her down and all that. And then she like... She looked like she wanted me to kiss her so I kissed her and next thing I know, she's running away."

He looked over at Stella as he finished weaving his rendition of the night, his gaze troubled and confused as he looked at his friend. "I don't know what to do now, you know? Or what she's even thinking or was thinking."


TAGS: hery hery Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
code by valen t.
Gen & Eli Johannes

The weekend had been long and incredibly tiresome for the Johannes twins, though for a completely different reason than everyone else at Hollywood Arts. Instead of partying and, inevitably, fighting, the twins were hard at work. Eli spent most of his time in the studio, making up for lost practice time, while Gen was busy in west L.A. working on photoshoots for magazines.

Of course, the twins had heard all about the drama that transpired over the weekend. They watched in shock and confusion as person after person was dragged through the dirt, exposed, or actually physically beaten (this one came as a genuine surprise to Genevieve, who had otherwise been convinced that all the petty threats were empty. A long conversation was held between the two on whether or not to get involved and the answer was a resounding no. If Hollywood Arts was going to tear itself apart from the student body out, neither Elias nor Genevieve wanted anything to do with it.

Monday morning came far too quickly. After the twins went on their typical morning run, they made their way to the school. How the place was still standing after the turmoil of the days before, neither twin could figure out. There was, undoubtedly, a feeling in the air as soon as they walked through the front door, a sort of tangible tension, the sort of tension that could be cut with a knife. It was unsettling.

“I wonder what sort of middle school drama we’ll deal with today,” Gen teased as she walked with Elias to her locker.

Elias was nervous and it was written all over him. She couldn’t blame him, she was furious at what happened over the weekend. First, Nate was a dick, then Chas was a dick, then Chas got his ass served to him a la mode, then Dei slept with Evie. Gen couldn’t help but feel a pang of frustration at her best friend yet again. Something was wrong with her and she was going to find out what.

“I don’t understand why everyone can’t just chill out,” Eli groaned, leaning up against the locker beside Gen. “There really isn’t a need to be so angry. The whole Nate vs Chas dispute should have been taken to the faculty, not to Twitter. I just don’t understand why we can;t just get along.”

“They’re little boys and girls who don’t have any friends, Elias. They simply have not been trained to be decent human beings.” Gen began, pulling a tube of lipstick from her pocket, carefully applying the pigment to the corners of her plush lips. Patting her lips together carefully to even out the colour, she grabbed a gloss and applied a thin layer overtop as she dug around in her locker for her books. “They will get what is coming to them, of course. The trash gets taken out, does it not? Filth like them will be wiped away, don’t you worry your pretty little mind.”

Freeing her book from its confines in her locker, Gen finished fixing up her appearance before placing the lipgloss back into her bag. Carefully closing her locker, Gen offered a smile to Elias who, on all accounts, still looked like had lost a loved one.

“Besides, they lay one finger on you, me, or Ash and I’ll have them dropping the soap by the end of the week. They forget we have money and power too and trust me, we are far more adored in this school than them.” Genevieve promised with a wink. “Chas and Nate and every other petty drama queen will look so wonderful as someone’s prison bitch, now wouldn’t they? Cheer up, Eli, everything will be okay.”

“I hope you’re right. I just want things to go back to normal.” Elias mumbled, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. Grabbing Elias gently, Gen pulled her brother into a hug.

“Of course I’m right. I wouldn’t be Genevieve Johannes if I was wrong, now would I?” The siblings released each other from their hug and Gen fixed Elias’ hair with a careful touch of her fingers. “Now, you run along and go cause some trouble. I’m going to go find somewhere quiet to relax.”

“See you later!” Eli said as Gen nodded a goodbye, walking off to find somewhere to sit.

Their thinking was wishful and, unfortunately, fell flat on its face as soon as Kordei showed his stupid face on Twitter. Genevieve despised the guy, never having gotten along with the raging douchebag. But after what he did to Amy, she had zero respect for the scum. He was a blight on music, and a sore spot to the school. Gen wanted nothing more than to rid the filth from the halls but alas, being an asshole wasn’t criminal enough to get him out.

But then he had the nerve, the absolute gall, to bring Elias’ name into his disgusting mouth. Gen wasn’t the type of person to stick her nose into other people’s business, but the second her brother’s name was mentioned, no matter how insignificant the comment might be, she was involved personally.

How unfortunate that those little boys did that. With a sigh and the crack of her knuckles, Gen got to work. Every word was calm, calculated, careful. She could feel them cracking and crumbling on the other side of the screen, each sentence breaking through tiny chinks in their armor. It was almost boring how easy it was to shut everything down, to get those fools off their high horses. Just another day in the life of Genevieve. It truly was a shame how simple it was. All that energy for so minimal entertainment.

Across the school, Elias was still busy being incredibly worried. Worried about Ash, worried about Trevor, worried about Gen, worried about himself… Fuck it, he was even worried about Charlie. He was worrying about worrying too much or worrying too little, worrying that his worrying would cause a problem with him or someone else, worrying that his worrying would give him a headache.

Too late for that last one.

He was too busy worrying to pay attention to the world around him, including the smaller brunette in front of him that he nearly crashed directly into. It wasn’t until he had actually run into her that Eli’s mind clicked into focus and he reached his hands out, carefully securing her shoulders to keep her from tipping.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so so sorry!” Eli exclaimed, jumping back slightly and gripping the straps of his backpack with unprecedented strength. “I was sort of lost in the clouds there for a minute? Are you okay? Of course you’re not okay, I just ran into you. Man, I am so sorry.”

Once his eyes clicked in with his mind, Eli came to the realization that the poor girl looked rather lost and confused, her class schedule clutched in her hand and a deer in the headlights sort of look in her eyes. He didn’t recognize the girl’s face, and he was certain he would remember seeing someone that pretty before. Eli’s throat dried up as his cheeks burned red.

“I, uh, I’m really sorry. Though I suppose I’ve made that sorta obvious, huh?” Eli joked, reaching out a hand in greeting. “I’m Elias, I don’t believe we’ve met before. Are you new? You look a tad bit lost. If you want, I can help you find your way around.”

Smooth, Elias. Reaaaaaal smooth.


gen ✩ hanging about
eli ✩ the auditorium


gen ✩ petty little boys smh
eli ✩ idiot of the year award goes to him




gen ✩ open
eli ✩ january sunshineysoul sunshineysoul
coded by natasha.
It hurt. A lot more than Ash was willing to admit to watch Trevor walk out and hear his words. She looked towards the ground at her feet, her teeth chewing on her bottom lip again. At this point, all of the nerves and the nervous biting of her lip over the weekend had left it both red and sore -- and then she tasted blood and realized she had chewed her lip to breaking. Ash brought a finger up to touch her lip and pulled it away to confirm her fears. Feck.

What was she supposed to do now?

Ash couldn't think -- her thoughts were bouncing around and none of them were making sense, and now her lip hurt, and she didn't know what she wanted, but that she had wanted to kiss Trevor but that that was probably a bad idea, but also how did she know that was a bad idea, except that usually she felt like it was a bad idea and--


He always knew what to do and after a few quick messages, they were set up for... lunch. For hugs, cookies, and talking at lunch. Well, it wasn't great because it meant having to sit with all of these thoughts in her head for the next few hours, but it was something. Ash could make do until then, so she put her phone away.

She took in a deep breath, ran her tongue over her lip to see if it was still bleeding (it wasn't), and then slipped out of the classroom. Ash did her best to paint a nice smile on her face -- so that, you know, no one would think anything of it. If she smiled and acted normal, then maybe the twisting in her stomach and the rapid beating of her heart would start to fade.

Ash headed down the hallway towards her locker. Maybe she could just grab her stuff and head to class and like... slam her head into the desk a couple times. Yeah, that might clear up her jumbled thoughts a bit.

Instead of being able to do something that simple, she started to approach her locker only to find some guy that she didn't recognize at the locker next to hers -- but with his guitar leaned against her locker. Fuck, fuck, fuck. There went her brilliant plan and instead, Ash had to take in another deep breath and step up, forcing a smile onto her face.

"Uh... hey," she said, waiting for the guy to look in her direction before she pointed at the guitar. "That's my locker and I kinda need my stuff so that I can go, you know, to class."

MENTIONS: Trevor, Eli

TAGS: Kio.exe Kio.exe
code by valen t.
He didn't party.

To be fair, Jace didn't do a lot of things. His weekend was spent at home in the studio apartment that he had rented. It had taken far too long to convince his parents that he was unable to find an affordable two bedroom apartment for himself and Ash -- after all, anything was affordable for the Wests. But a little bit of convincing on Ash's side and their parents had finally relented and Jace could live alone while his stupid sister went off to live with Gen and Eli.

It was peaceful. Jace loved it. Waking up in the morning to the sounds of nothing and being so close to his kitchen. He could shuffle out of bed, make himself a cup of coffee, and collapse right back into his bed without having to walk more than a couple feet. Plus the whole no little sister bringing home friends or bitchy boyfriends was a positive, too.

So Jace's weekend was spent like most of his weekends. And his days. His evenings. His mornings. Basically, he spent it the same way that he spent every other day and minute of his life.

Hunched over the desk in his apartment with pencil in hand. His foot tapped the ground and his fingers tapped against the desk while his lips moved but no sound came out. Jace murmured lyrics to himself, ideas for songs. Little bits of lyrics that sounded good were scattered across his notebook. Notes on... uh... notes were also there -- but a lot of it was little things that no one would be able to decipher but Jace. For example, the babadum was very different from a babadum but probably not to others.

He was a strange fellow.

The only breaks that Jace truly took from the task at hand were to pickup his guitar and strum out a couple of notes, or test something out on his keyboard. As always, the pencil was in his hand and a couple of times, he stuck it in the yellow beanie that was a permanent fixture of the blonde boy. It had been a gift to Jace when he was around twelve or thirteen -- his mother had abandoned them, but she'd left the cursed yellow hat and Jace had worn it every day until she returned and their parents made up.

Well, made up was a strong word.

The beanie remained on his head, though, and despite the years of nearly daily use (the exceptions being his grandpa's funeral and a family friend's wedding, although the beanie had remained hidden away in the inner pocket of Jace's suit jacket thingy), the beanie was still in decent condition. It provided the poor boy a certain level of... comfort.

Anyway, Jace had been so into his work that he hadn't noticed when the sun had set or the hours had ticked by until he noticed, on the little clock on his desktop screen, that the time read 2:49 AM. And he had to be up in just four hours to get ready for school -- that would give him about an hour to get ready and get to school, which was really pushing it.

Jace had collapsed in his bed (which was handily close given the whole studio apartment thing -- seriously, best creation to ever exist) and fallen into a fitful sleep for a few hours before his blaring alarm dragged him out of his dreams. When he finally managed to roll out of bed, Jace had to get ready fast. Which involved throwing on the nearest clothes that (mostly) passed the sniff test, running a comb through his hair, brushing his teeth, and then leaving the apartment with his guitar slung over his back and a go-to cup of coffee in his hands.

The drive to the school was short but made longer but stupid LA traffic. All of Jace's life, he had wanted nothing more than to leave for the West coast. But that he was here? He'd happily take the chilly New York mornings again. Granted, the traffic was still... mostly better here. But a little part of him, as he was road raging his way to school, found himself missing home.

He parked his car and hurried towards the school with his guitar thrown over his shoulder.. Jace took a sip of his coffee, but nearly spit it back out as the strong flavors mixed with the minty freshness in his mouth. Stupid teeth hygiene.

Jace had booked the studio booth for this morning -- or, at least, he thought he had until he stepped into the room and was met with... a girl in there instead. He paused in the doorway, frozen in place. At first, Jace didn't know who she was, but something about her seemed vaguely familiar. And then it clicked. Amy. The girl with that boy drama or whatever. Plus, he was pretty sure Ash had talked about her on one or two occasions -- then again, Ash talked about everyone but it was always the same thing: "they're sweet, I like them."

"Oh... uh..." he started to talk, but his voice cracked and his mouth closed up again. Shoot. Jace put a fist over his mouth and cleared his throat before letting the hand drop back to his chest where it fiddled with the strap of his guitar. "H-hi, I... ah..." his second attempt at speaking failed just about as much as the first time. Now, his hand moved up to the yellow beanie and tugged at it -- a nervous habit of his when he found himself flustered and having difficulties articulating words.

"D-did I... hi... d-did you..." his free hand gestured around, "d-did you... rent? This? This place? The... the uh... booth of sound." What the hell did that even mean. "I-I thought... I did... b-but I... probably... went and forgot again..." his voice trailed off.


TAGS: Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
code by valen t.
She glanced over at Chas, her deadpan expression not changing at his passive aggressive remark. Adriane was used to the things that he had said, after all, and although a small bubble of rage roiled in her stomach, Adriane's face didn't portray any of this. Again, it was all about her looks and she was still convinced that any amount of facial movement would cause wrinkles. Sure, she had a backup plan for when she could no longer model, but Adriane didn't want to rely on writing for years to come.

So, although her insides twisted in anger, her expression didn't change.

"I had a busy morning and quite honestly, I don't enjoy starting off my morning in a bad mood." She responded. By busy, she simply meant that she had been getting ready for school. Hey, it took a seriously long time to fix your makeup and do your hair in a way that reached the level of perfection that was necessary for Adriane Holloway.

"You should be thanking me for jumping in at all." Adriane added with an exhausted sigh. "Plus you had it handled, did you not? I thought you were a big boy that could handle yourself, Chas." Her voice dripped with a hint of venom.

The corners of her lips turned down in the faintest hint of a frown when he mentioned the crackhead. "I know it does, love. Really, I can't believe he hasn't forgiven you or even thanked you for what you did for him yet. Instead he's out here trying to still tear you down. You really should have just left him alone without making any calls back then." It's what Adriane would have done if facing a similar situation. If she were to ever find Chas suffering in a similar manner, Adriane wouldn't hesitate to turn her back.

At the end of the day, she was still here for herself and only herself.

"Have you talked to that... what's his name? Your new boy." She asked, her voice returning back to its typical monotone self.


TAGS: hery hery
code by valen t.
january quinten
backyard boy by claire rosinkranz
dance with me in my backyard boy; looking super fine in your corduroy.

class junior
department visuals;; photography
tags geminiy geminiy

january was pulled out of her thoughts as someone bumped into her. she nearly fell to the ground if it wasn't for someone's hands on her shoulders to stabilize her. after the initial shock almost falling gave her, she was able to look at who on earth just ran into her. man oh man, he could run into her more often.

shut up, january. she mentally slapped herself in the face. you cannot be thinking about boys right now her logical side tried to kick in but she couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful brown eyes and his wonderfully curly hair. smack she mentally slapped herself again.

"oh no no no you're totally fine! i probably shouldn't have been standing in the middle of a high traffic area!" january hated the sound of her nervous laughter, hoping this boy didn't catch it. "i'm totally fine, it's no sweat!" no sweat? are you kidding me right now? january was really hoping the bell would ring and everyone would scurry off to their classes so she could go die in the bathroom in peace. she shouldn't be having this reaction right now, she didn't even know this boy. he glanced at her schedule in hand and let out another nervous laugh.

"that obvious, huh? yea i just now got transferred in and i have no idea where this class is." january turned to stand next to him, showing him her schedule so he could help her. a small wave of relief washed over her as he agreed to walk her to her class. she has no idea if he had it too, but she tried to convince herself to stop thinking about him.

"that's a beautiful name, elias. no, we haven't met. i'm january, january quinten."
coded by incandescent
Last edited:

Chase was about to grin at Evie and confirm that 'the shirtless guy from Twitter' was exactly who he was talking about, when lo and behold, there Javi was. Chase was almost a bit startled by his voice, not having expected it, but it was pretty much exactly like how he'd imagined it to sound. Deep and confident and low and... Chase whirled around to face Javi, any disgruntlement from the use of that unflattering nickname immediately dissipating when he saw the other boy. God, he's hotter in real life. "Wow," Chase breathed, then instinctively glanced down toward Javi's abs, only to realise he was wearing shirt. He cleared his throat and brought his eyes back to Javi's face.

"Um, hey," he muttered, then realised how lame that sounded, so he quickly gathered himself and his thoughts. "Who says I was waiting?" He shrugged, despite it being very obvious that he was doing just that. He glanced at Evie as she interrupted, giving her a quick smile, and opened his mouth to continue speaking with his newest endeavour when Nate was suddenly grabbed by Kordei and pressed against the lockers. Now, Chase had no issues with fighting, which was widely known. However, it was also widely known that Chase often lost fights - even Chase himself was aware of this. He wasn't so keen on embarrassing himself in front of Javi, and in all honesty he didn't really care that much about Nate, anyway.

He glanced back at Javi and tilted his head toward the two boys who Evie was yelling at. "Uh, do you wanna go... somewhere else?" He suggested, then, for good measure, added, "Just you and me."
MOOD: men



INTERACTIONS: hery hery Winona Winona hery hery

code by valen t.
Last edited:

  • Maggie stood, in the lobby, unsure of what to do. Should she go to class or find someone—anyone—to talk to? Her phone was a constant stream of chimes, notifications from the Hollywood Arts Twitter chat she’d been added to just last night. Maggie took a minute to silence her phone and quickly read through the messages. Everyone seemed really nice so far, except for that other new kid. Nic. It wasn’t her fault she was almost eighteen and still a virgin! He did say he was joking, and Maggie was inclined to believe him. He didn’t seem that bad. Tucking her phone back into its space in her back, she decided she would just find her locker and go to class. Meeting people could wait until lunch.

    Locker 254. Okay. Now where is that? Maggie assumed it was in the music hallway, so she strode off down the hall that was labeled “Music”. People milled about, most of them on their phones, fingers tapping away, surely about some drama that had happened over the weekend. She had just missed the homecoming football game, and the party afterwards, and Maggie wished she had been there. Then at least she’d have a friend or two to show her around. She continued down the narrow hall, biting her lower lip nervously as she scanned the lockers, looking for her number. Finally, she found it, but her heart sunk just a little when she saw Nic leaning against the locker besides hers, his guitar besides him. A blonde girl stood besides him, as if waiting for an answer to something. How had he made friends already?

    Fingers fumbling, Maggie attempted to open her locker, gritting her teeth as she failed the first time, her hand slipping on the wheel. Frowning, she tried again, and managed to get her locker open this time. She placed her backpack into the space carefully, but kept her guitar strapped across her back. She would need it in at least one of her classes, she was sure. Closing the locker door, Maggie felt people looking at her, wondering who she was. It wasn’t fair that no one was glaring at Nic like they were her, but she supposed she wouldn’t want anyone to be glared at. Besides Nic was her friend. A bit uncomfortable in her own skin, Maggie tried to pull down her skirt a bit, wishing she had opted for her flown pants rather than the sweater-skirt combo she had on right now.

    Turning to Nic and the blonde girl, she gave them her brightest grin, even as she felt her face heating. “Hi! I’m Maggie, or Maggs, or...whatever really! I already introduced myself in the Twitter chat but everyone was talking so I don’t know if you saw....I’m sorry, am I rambling?” She said, her voice growing quieter with every word, her face turning a little more red. Smooth, Maggs, real smooth.


  • A voice besides him had Nic looking up from his phone, a smirk on his face. At first he saw no one, but then he looked down to see a small blonde girl looking up at him, glaring at his guitar. He gave her an easy grin before snatching the case from where it rested against what he assumed was her locker.

    “Hey, no problem, love,” he said, stuffing his phone into his back pocket. He gave her a mocking bow, his hair flopping over his forehead. He’d need a haircut soon. His sunglasses slipped down his face a bit, so as he rose, he pushed them back up. “Nicolas Thompson, Twitter’s resident ‘asshole’ at your service,” he added, sure she had been a part of the drama that had unfolded not ten minutes before. But who was she?

    His thoughts were interrupted once again, this time by a surprisingly tall brunette who almost knocked him out with her guitar case as she moved passed him to stand in front of Nic and the blonde girl. As she spoke, Nic’s eyebrows rose higher and higher. This was the Virgin Maggie? For some reason he had expected a dwarf or a rainbow fairy or something. As far as he could tell she looked normal! And exceptionally pretty. What was it about all the girls here? Did attractiveness come with talent or something? Well he was sure some of the students here were just rich assholes with parents who had bought their kid’s way in. That certainly wasn’t the case with Nic.

    His heart sank a little. Thinking about his parents was dangerous, and usually led him in a downward spiral to near insanity. He missed his mom. A lot. When she had died of leukemia it had felt like his entire world was collapsing at his feet. And as much as he hated to admit it, he missed his father too. Nic hated him for leaving, but it was still his father. Sure, he liked his aunt and uncle well enough, and he certainly wouldn’t be attending this school without them, but it just wasn’t the same.

    Pushing the thoughts from his mind, Nic turned his attention back to the girls, once again pasting that easy grin onto his face. “I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity right now!” He exclaimed, trying not to laugh. “It’s the Virgin Maggie in the flesh!” Her bright smile slipped just a bit, and he felt like the worse kind of asshole, but he quickly pushed the guilt aside. That was what he was going for, right? No point in proving everyone wrong. Not if they would all just leave anyways.

    Nic turned his grin to the blonde once more, once again adjusting his sunglasses. “Well? And who might you be, love?”

His thoughts and messages were interrupted as the front of his shirt was grabbed up and Nate was slammed back into the lockers and pinned, unable to move. Not that Nate would've wanted to move, anyway. What would he have done? Run away? Punch Dei? All of the potential options were no good.

So Nate just stood there, unmoving, his face expressionless and blank as he looked back at Dei. He was aware of everything, though -- the people that had started to stop and congregate in the halls, the whispers and glances, and Evie beside them. All he'd wanted to do was make sure that his friend was okay this morning. Just make sure she was okay after this jackass got her name dragged through the mud, but then everything had just snowballed from there.

The mention of his drug abuse and crimes. And now Dei throwing him up against a locker.

Nate didn't respond to Dei. It was pointless to try to defend himself against Chas' best friend, but it was also weird to think that a couple years ago? It would've been him pinning some jackass against the wall for Chas.

He still regretted nothing.

Evie spoke up and Nate had half-expected her to... he didn't know... tell Dei to go ahead and do it? The rest of the school had turned on him, and if Evie was sleeping with her ex-boyfriend again, that probably meant she was back on his side again, right? Which meant the side of Chas. The side that wanted to see Nate expelled and beaten to a bloody pulp.

Instead, she tried to talk Dei down and he felt a little better knowing that Evie was still, somehow, in a way, on his side.

Nate was going to speak up, tell Dei that Evie was right or something, but he wasn't super good with his words. Instead, he broke eye contact with Dei long enough to look over at Evie before looking back at the guy that had him pinned. He didn't say anything, though. Nate knew if he did, it would just make it a thousand times worse.


TAGS: @jasmichelle fin fin
code by valen t.
On a normal day-to-day basis, Ash was usually in a much better mood. A... happy, joking kind of mood, and she'd happily be engaging these new kids in conversation and helping them feel like they had at least one friend in this school. It was kind of her specialty -- and after Briar telling her through messages that she was, apparently, really hard to dislike, Ash decided that was basically her job now. She wasn't good at much, but she was good at making friends with almost anybody.

The guy moved his guitar without much issue, but then proceeded to introduce himself with a very extravagant bow that brought the faintest hint of a smile to the troubled blonde's face. And then he introduced himself and it clicked in Ash's mind. Nic. The kinda flirty one. The asshole that no one seemed to like, save for her and a couple others just because he hadn't been exceptionally mean to her yet. And now here he was, his locker next to hers.


She opened her mouth to introduce herself back, but then a girl was walking up and stole Ash's thunder. Ash took the time while Maggie was stumbling over her words to step forward and try to put her combination into her locker.
But she was distracted -- far more than she would like to be -- between trying to listen to Maggie's introduction and the events of this morning still swirling through her mind with a million what ifs followed by a million regrets.

Well, one regret.

She was pulled out of her reverie by Nic asking her what her name was and she looked back over her shoulder to find the two watching her. It was intimidating enough to meet two people at once, but it was even more intimidating when they were way taller than yourself. This was why she hung around Charlie. At least she was taller than Charlie.

"Oh," Ash looked back to her locker and tried to open it, just for the combination to fail again. Just her luck. A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she turned to face Maggie and Nic, an easy-going smile spreading across her face.

"Nice to meet you both," she said before copying Nic's extravagant bow -- although it wasn't nearly as cool, obviously. She straightened up with a smile and leaned back against her stupid locker. "I'm Ashton West, but please just call me Ash."

"So you're both in the music department, right? Good choice. Music department is totally the best."


TAGS: Kio.exe Kio.exe
code by valen t.
get money

Kordei's face was only inches away from Nate's. He was biting down at the side of his mouth now, which was really the only way of him restraining himself. He'd instigated the confrontation, but he at least wanted Nate to speak up before he beat him to a pulp. Perhaps there'd have been a slim chance of forgiveness if he could come up with some sort of apology. Instead, Nathan remained silent which only pissed him off all the more.

To make matters worse, the sound of Evie chiming in was one that ticked him off. Nate wasn't her boy toy anymore-- not after last night. There was clear tension between Dei's group of friends, and Nathan's. As much as he was fine with Evie fucking whoever she wanted to, whatever she had with Nathan was going to stop. He'd make sure of it.

His stern glare at Nathan didn't flinch for a moment even at Evie's interruption. "You one giant pussy letting her do the talking for you, you know that?" Kordei spat. In all honesty, he didn't care about the rumors of Nathan's past, and whatever bullshit he got up to. He cared about making it as explicit as possible that nobody fucked with his friends.

Dei's right hand slipped away from it's hold on Nate's shirt, leaving only his left pinning him to the locker. He arched it back, with his fist balled up. He was going to punch Nathan, rocket that shit into his jaw and send him to the E.R.-- yet Dei ended up dusting at Nathan's shoulder and taking a step back. In his peripheral vision, he'd noticed the quiet of the students to his left of the hall. There was a teacher coming, and Kordei didn't need another trip down to the principal. Not in his senior year, anyways. Evelyn was right; not at school.

"You bitch-made anyways." Kordei waved off. Nate had made no effort to defend himself when Dei first shoved him onto the lockers, stayed quiet throughout his taunting, and had Evie speak up for him when it all came down to it. Hurting him would've been like kicking a puppy. Nothing even Dei would want to be known for and he loved playing villain.

"Evie, what's good?" Dei smirked as if the interaction between him and Nate had never even happened. His eyes looked her up and down as obviously as humanly possible. Dei didn't hesitate to plant a kiss on Evelyn's lips, and slid over to her side. Her brought a hand up under her loud red jacket, and placed it a couple inches below her waist, his other hand rested over his crotch just under the double G's on his belt.

Evelyn was his now, and Nate would have to understand that. He might've missed her himself too, Amy was too timid-- too private. He knew Evelyn shared his interests.

While he'd never show it, or tell a soul, the only instance Dei had questioned his actions had been on Twitter of all places. No strings attached, his dumbass had texted Evie. He'd be a fool to say he didn't want her back, but in acting hard, trying to test if she really did want to be exclusive without saying he really did-- she'd said yes, no strings attached. Whatever.

mood; angry, pissed. | location; hallway. | tags; evie @jasmichelle , nate Winona Winona
**** *******.

code by low fidelity.
Last edited:
MOOD: fighty

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: school hallway
too much work

LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Chase)
Winona Winona (Nate)
@jasmichelle (Evie)
fin fin (Kordei)
TL;DR nope
Javier Cervantes
Javi smirked cockily at Chase's temporary lapse of composure. "Quiet, are we? Harder to think on your feet when I'm right in front of you, huh?" He looked away from Chase to return Dei's nod, looking the football player up and down. He was great-looking, but way too virile... and straight... for his tastes. He had witnessed what had gone on between him and the HA Cancelling Committee on Twitter and, quite frankly, his actions didn't really bother Javi. Javi had never necessarily cheated on someone, but he was all too familiar with leading girls on. One thing rung true for every instance: the girl always blew it out of proportion.

"See ya later, princess," he said to Evie with a wink, his overconfident face just begging to be punched. Immediately, he turned back to face Chase, only then sneaking a glance down his lithe figure as well. "You weren't waiting? Well shit, guess I'll leave you to whatever you had going on here." His body said the opposite as he leaned in to lock eyes with the boy, the tips of their noses just inches apart. "So, if you're done being a mocoso, why don't we-" THUD!

The sound of Nate being slammed against the lockers startled Javi, causing him to furrow his brows and look in the direction of Evie, Nate, and Dei, the former of which was supposed to have scurried off elsewhere by then. He stepped away from Chase, his front tooth tugging on his lower lip for just a moment out of a longingness to ignore the world and proceed to his favorite part of making new friends. He listened to Chase's words with an utterly bemused expression glued to his face. "You're not tryna get in on this shit? You're no fun, man."

Without waiting for an answer, he stepped beside Dei and looked down at a struggling Nate "You heard the man. You gonna just take that shit, pussy?" Complete silence, even from the halls. The only sound being made was Dei's antagonizing taunts. "Tch. Fucking loser." He restrained himself from throwing the first punch as Kordei stepped back as soon as he spotted the reason the altercation had abruptly stopped. "You're real fuckin' lucky, asshole." He narrowed his eyes with frustration as he realized the brawl was over before it had even started.

He wasn't that invested in the whole Nate-Chas thing anyway, but he did find Nate's outing of Chas to be pretty fucked up, despite his lack of context on the situation. The way Javi typically responded to fucked up things was punching someone in the face. He was a guy that firmly stuck to his morals, getting into confrontations he didn't need to out of a stubborn insistence to let everyone know he was mad. And Nate's cowardly behavior just pissed him off even more.

Out of annoyance, he gathered all of the saliva stuck to his mouth and spat on Nate's shoe before turning his attention back to the small, black-haired boy he had left for a potential fight. "Alrighty then. Please, lead the way to 'somewhere else.' I'm done here."

code by valen t.
MOOD: u go girl

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: costume room
too much work

ditto ditto (Mike)
TL;DR nope
Veronica Crosby
Ronnie frowned. It was stupid to get her hopes up when she knew how this was going to go from the moment it started. "Hmm," she halfheartedly replied with crossed arms, disinterestedly looking around the room, anywhere but Mike's face. How was he claiming she wasn't an idiot with a straight face? She absolutely was and he had said it himself. No amount of pretend-forgetting would change that.

She looked back at the older boy with an unamused expression, the muscles on her face frozen with a consistent display of bullshit awareness. Watching him struggle was new and, although she had to admit it was jarring in its own way to watch his confidence go down the drain, she expected nothing but more deflection and excuses to come from it. She didn't want him to feel bad or anything. Or maybe she did? If that was how he was going to show remorse, at least it counted for something.

Actually, his display of frustration and loss for words killed his appeal a bit. She wasn't at all into him at the moment, but even normal Ronnie would have been hesitant to cling to him when he was being so weird and soft.

Okay, what the hell. First of all, Mike was acting like he was learning what "I'm sorry" was for the first time, which even for an asshole such as himself, was a bit of a farfetched notion. The theatrics of struggling to utter the words, then repeating them over and over like he had just discovered the answer to cold fusion was all too much even for Ronnie, who was a musical theater nerd at heart.

The pleading, puppy dog look in his eyes was a treat though, reminding Ronnie in an unfamiliar way why she couldn't stay completely mad at him. For the first time, she actually held a fraction of power. She had no idea what to do with it. Quickly handing it back to Mike with an upbeat tone she answered, "Okay, apology accepted!" Why was she mad again?

Oh, right. The situation looked a lot more grim as she replayed Friday night's event for the millionth time in the past five minutes. "I'll go with you. But not if it's just a weird pity thing. I don't want to torture you just because your fragile ego took a hit." It felt kind of good being a bitch. She was proud to see a bit of Gen rubbing off on her, however short and insignificant her added words were. Although if it were Gen, Mike would be bruised and bleeding on the ground with a missing organ below the belt. And with a hangnail to boot!
code by valen t.
MOOD: dishin

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: school
too much work

Winona Winona (Adriane)
TL;DR nope
Chas Marino
"Oh please, you always look pissed off. It wouldn't kill you to show some emotion every once in a while, Robocop," Chas retorted with a smile, not looking up from his phone. He let out a sigh, feeling the marks on his face made by Charlie's pummeling. His front-facing camera was not at all flattering, although the parts of his appearance he couldn't change were never the biggest concern to Chas. He would never be as attractive as his worthless older brother, Santino, who was perfect for his role in reality television as the sleazy, hot drug addict he was. At least I have perfect skin.

Well, in regards to acne, at least. The rest of the damage to his face would fade in time. At the very least, he could spend some time pulling off the rugged, manly look he could never achieve with his typical put-together, aggressively hygienic appearance.

"Of course I had it handled. And I still do. You could just use the added practice with Twitter wars, is all. I sense a lot more in your future, especially with that attitude." He looked up from his camera with an arrogant grin, laughing to himself. He was an expert at subtleties in the way people spoke and was especially no stranger to Adriane's sass. There was a bit of a gray area between when he had offended her or when they were harmlessly bantering, but deciphering that was all part of the fun. She was the only person that would take his shit and actually dish it back out in an amusing way.

"Don't tell me what to do," he snapped, suddenly feeling a bit defensive about his long past with Nate, "Last time I ever do shit for anyone ever again. Except for you, of course, dear." He winked playfully, oblivious to just how much of a backstabber Adriane knew him to be. To say he didn't have an idea that she would know would be false, considering it was the forever-opportunistic Chas in question, however he didn't sense any ill-will between the two of them. Both were mutually beneficial one another's success, so really it was quite the amicable arrangement.

"Oh, Seb. He's probably pissed about the thing with Nate, but what's he gonna do? Leave?" He laughed to himself, shaking his head. "He's hopelessly in love with me. He was all over me Friday." Immediately, he remembered that everyone knew that fact, causing an involuntary twitch of the eye. He felt his pride shrink thanks to his vulnerability with Seb being exposed to the world, as well as the fact that he had publicly made it clear that Nate had done well in distressing him. After the past few days, there would be a lot to explain to his parents and the PR team.

"This one will be easy to keep in line. Not like Dei; I can't believe no one saw this whole cheating thing coming, especially Amy. I mean, really? He's a known player. And a good one." It sounded terrible coming out of his mouth, but he meant every word. Dei could do whatever he wanted and Chas admired him for it. If you weren't walking all over everyone every chance you got, would you really belong with the elites at H.A.? The "nice" ones could talk all they wanted about right and wrong now, but when they end up as nobodies outside of high school, Chas would be the one laughing at their misfortune from his estate in Spain. And maybe his old friends would get a card, although chances were they would be working for him to some capacity.

code by valen t.[/border

MOOD || great
OUTFIT || casual wear
LOCATION || the lit dpt.'s costume room
TAGS || hery hery

Michael’s plan’d worked after all.

Forget the groveling, forget the puppy eyes, forget the sorry and pleases. Forget the whole humiliation and forget Ronnie coming for his ego like that.

My plan worked.

Of course it did. It was foolproof, and he was good at doing stuff right.

He chuckled softly, as if he had expected this, and he straightened his posture and cocked a grin at Ronnie. His confidence had been restored— or, rather, resumed. “Oh, no, it’s not pity. Why would I pity you? You get to go with me there, babe,” he teased. “Kidding. It’s my pleasure, Ronnie.”

Mike shifted his bag on his back. The guilt in the back of his neck was satiated, at least for now, but something was still bugging him.

He could deal with that later. Right now, his brain was telling him to get the hell out of dodge.

“Classes are about to start,” Mike said, “and I haven’t done everything I need to do this morning yet.” He chuckled softly and came up to Ronnie, patting her shoulder again. “Have a good day, Veronica. Catch you later.”

With that, he walked out of the room, feeling entirely relieved— like he’d dropped a deuce or something, but even better.

Mike had done it again. He’d dug himself a hole earlier, but he’d gotten out super easily.

He was the fucking best. Sure, he’d signed himself for inevitable torture, but hey, sometimes suffering was necessary for you to come out on top, and Mike always came out on top.

He made his way to his locker, a confident grin on his face, all of the tension in his body gone and his swagger resumed.

Today was now, officially, his day.
code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Jack Hill

All good mate.


Parties were not his thing, Jack decided as he awoke with a groan, one hand on his head, the other over his mouth as a wave of nausea washed over him. Drinking wasn’t his thing, not after he had gone on a weekend-long bender, one he sorely regretted now. Why had he agreed to participate in that stupid drinking contest? Blinking sleep from his eyes, Jack peered over at his alarm clock, squinting as he read the numbers. 7:35. Shit. Jack had twenty five minutes to get to school. He’d never make it in time, not with the headache pressing at his temples, the twisting in his gut. Food. He needed food, and some aspirin.

Frowning, Jack rolled out of bed, wincing as his bare feet hit the wood floor, instantly cold. Clothes, he needed clothes. He couldn’t be bothered to actually care what he looked like today, and so he dug through his drawers haphazardly, settling on a crew neck and some sweatpants, before slipping his now socked feet into his shoes. He stumbled into the bathroom, flicking on the light and swearing as the sudden brightness made his head scream in protest. He turned the sink’s knob all the way to “hot”, before stooping down to open the cabinets below the sink. Jack dug through it for a moment before coming across the aspirin. He shook three into his hand, before popping them into his mouth, wincing as they slid down his throat without water. Standing back up, Jack sighed, squeezing toothpaste onto his brush and shoving it haphazardly into his mouth. He would not go to school with a mouth that that tasted like death.

When he had finished, Jack grabbed the keys to his motorcycle and locked the door behind him, bouncing down the stairs, much to the horror of his still aching head. He’d left his guitar at school over the weekend, and his school stuff was shoved into one of the bike’s saddle bags. Throwing his leg over the side of it, Jack jammed the key into the slot and set off towards school.




Pulling into the school parking lot, Jack hopped off his bike and ran into the school, not wanting to be late. He hadn’t even had time to eat, but he’d deal with that after. As was usual for Hollywood Arts, whispers filled the halls, surely about some drama that had occurred over the weekend, drama that he’d been too drunk to care about. He wondered what it was. And where his friends were. Jace was no where to be found, and Lin was probably with his other friends, people that Jack had never really gotten close to. The bell would ring any minute, regardless, so he decided to just go to his locker in the music hallway. This hall wasn’t as crowded, and only three people stood there: Ash, and two tall people he didn’t recognize.

Smiling, he strode over to them, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. These must be the new kids everyone was buzzing about on Twitter. “Oh, mates. Good morning! Ash, looking lovely, as usual,” Jack said, grinning, before wrapping his arm around Ash in a quick side hug. He turned his attention back to the other two, taking a moment to study them. The girl was fairly tall, certainly taller than Ash, and, as his face heated, she was very pretty. The boy was a bit taller than Jack himself, and had a cocky smirk on his face as he leaned against his locker. Aggression rolled off of him in waves, and Jack was instantly made uneasy. This boy would cause problems, that was certain

Regardless, Jacks shot them a grin, his green eyes lingering on the brunette for a second longer than they should have. Clearing his throat, he leaned against the locker besides Ash. “You lot must be out new students. Welcome, mates. Jack Hill, HA’s resident Aussie at your service. Just don’t tell Zeph, he’d beg to differ,” he told them, wincing as his head pulsed. His phone was chiming in his pocket, and Jack quickly silenced it, not bothering to check the Twitter chat just yet.

Interactions/Mentions: Kio.exe Kio.exe Winona Winona Mood: Hungry Outfit: here Other: Every Way—Jack Hill


Maggie Fields

Oh! Hi!


Maggie stared up at Nic, frowning at his nickname for her. They had met briefly during their orientation, but they hadn’t talked much. She turned to face Ash, smiling once more. “It’s so lovely to meet you Ash,” she told the blonde, pushing a stray brown hair out of her face. Maggie looked back up at Nic reluctantly, to find him staring at the blonde, silent for the first time. She looked down at her phone anxiously, hoping classes would start soon, so she could escape from awkward situations such as this one. She was no good at stuff like this.

The world decided to spare her when a tall, good looking guy strode up, grinning. He gave her a once over, and something about the way his eyes lingered on his face made her flush, surely turning more red than she already was. The newcomer took a moment to study Nic as well, his eyes turning cold as they swept over him. He introduced himself as Jack, and Maggie couldn’t help smiling at his accent. She’d always wanted to go to Australia, in fact it was on her bucket list back in her apartment. While Jack’s tone was friendly, his eyes glinted with ire as he looked at Nic again, as if daring him to try something.

Maggie didn’t like the tension between the boys, so she smiled up at Jack again. “Hi Jack! It’s nice to meet you! I’m Maggie, or Maggs, or whatever, really,” she told him, unable to think of something new to say. At least she didn’t stutter this time. She turned back to Ash, happy she’d met someone so nice already. The blonde really was quite pretty, and seemed to radiate a calm that was infectious. She hoped they would get a chance to talk more. And Jack too!

Interactions/Mentions: MadeInAdelaide MadeInAdelaide Winona Winona

Nic Thompson

What do you want?


Nic couldn’t stop himself from staring down at Ash, transfixed. He remained that way until a loud, booming voice with an Australian accent sounded in his ears. He looked up with a glare, to find a guy of similar height to him staring at Maggie, the twin to his expression directed towards Ash on the newcomer’s face. Well maybe Virgin Maggie will get laid after all, he thought, unable to keep a smirk from his face. When the guy’s eyes turned to Nic, however, they grew colder, almost hostile. Nic’s grin only widened. Oh this is going to be fun.

Just as quickly as the look came, the guys face turned into a wide grin as he introduced himself. Nic was sure he’d heard the guys music before, some crap about love and self deprecation. Jack had talent, sure, but Nic couldn’t deal with the sappy bullshit. Copying Jack’s tone and facial expression, Nic gave another mocking bow, smirking as he said: “Nicolas Thompson, soon to be H.A’s resident asshole, at your service.”

Maggie gave him an exasperated look, but he ignored her, raising his brows at Jack as if to say “I can match your energy, ‘mate’, don’t test me”. Nic looked back down at Ash, smiling at her before raising his eyes to the Aussie’s once more. Smirking, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, a evident dismissal of Jack, one he hoped the boys would understand. So what if he was new? He’d rule this place soon enough.

Interactions/Mentions: MadeInAdelaide MadeInAdelaide Winona Winona
Oh yeah, Adriane knew Sebastian had been all over Chas. She rolled her eyes as he spoke, though. Chas was... a lot to handle -- she knew this. Even if Adriane cared deeply for Chas and had grown accustomed to his rather entitled nature and rather passive aggressive comments, she knew that most people weren't.

Of course, Adriane had no idea how he spoke to Sebastian, but she couldn't imagine that her best friend was always kind. Plus, with the whole Nate thing? In her opinion, Chas was really testing the limits of how much Sebastian would stand idly by and support his... boyfriend? Fuck buddy? Adriane wasn't sure what Chas and Sebastian considered themselves yet and quite honestly, she could care less.

Adriane was already growing bored with the conversation.

A faint smile spread across her lips when Chas mentioned the whole Dei situation. Honestly, her classmates had really delivered and kept her entertained over the weekend.

"Honestly," she said with a breathy sigh. "But can you blame him? I'm no fan of Evie, but at least she's interesting and fun. Amy has the personality of wet cardboard." Adriane paused for a moment, rethinking her comparison. "No, even wet cardboard is more interesting... talking with Amy has about the same entertainment value as watching paint dry." Yeah, that was a better comparison.


TAGS: hery hery
code by valen t.

- Location.
HA school auditorium steps
- Mood.
- Tags.
Zeph ( Winona Winona ), Ronnie, Bobby (Mentioned)
Casual day

Stella always keeps earbuds in her ears just in case she needs to tune out extras in the show that is her life story, but for people like Zeph she always took one out the moment they walked up. Still however just one incase her phone rang or she got a notification for something. She never knew when her agent was going to need to contact her about something and speed was also important. Wouldn't wanna loose out on a job because she replied too slow.

However Zeph still had her complete attention at the moment as he seemed to nervously tell her the events of the night. Once he was finished she couldn't help but off up a look of apology that his night turned out so shitty. People here really usually weren't worth half the heartache people went through over them. She paused a moment to think over every detail he'd said since while she was a clam person since she wasn't as silly and immature as most of her peers it was sometimes hard to step into their shoes and understand what in the world was going through their brains. It really put her acting skills to the test honestly. Great practice for future seemingly silly roles. God could she ever turn her brain off from work? Even right now her friend is in a crisis, and she brain shifts to work. It was almost a curse at times.

The most she could come up with was Ronnie finally for a brief moment thought about taking everyone's advice, but only in the heat of the moment of being hurt, then realized that it still wasn't what she wanted. As much as she wished Ronnie would stop simping so hard for every womanizing boy who looked in her direction...if that's what she was into that's what she was into. You can't force yourself to like someone you don't...well you can she supposed but it's probably a miserable process. A process that Ronnie didn't deserve to force herself though just to appease everyone else's best wishes for her.

She closed her eyes a moment and sighed before reopening them and looking Zeph directly in the eyes. "Ok this is tricky, and I'mma be frank with you cause you know I don't know how to sugarcoat things." She prepped him, though Zeph knew her well enough by now to know anything she said to him was always going to be because she cares about him, never to hurt his feelings. He could take it she believed in that which is why they were able to stay such good friends.

She wondered if he really wanted to know the cold hearted truth of what Ronnie's thought might really be? If he was ready to acknowledge his desires and the fact that he had acted on them, even if it was what he thought she wanted to. "Before I can answer any question of what you should probably do next, there are two important things you need to ask yourself first. Can you handle her honest opinion, can you handle hearing it? Cause we both know you probably already know deep down what it is, what it's always been. But are you ready to hear her say it to your face. Well if she's mature enough to do so that is." Which was honestly another part of this that would make her advice helpful or not. Could Ronnie handle a confrontation like this? Could she be honest with herself and with him. Could she really just tell him how she felt and put it out there?

"The second question is what do YOU want the next step to be." She pointed her finger at him as she spoke for emphasis, "This is a crossroads man. This is that kinda thing that will either A.) lead to you guys being a thing...whatever kinda thing that maybe, B.) being forever friend-zoned, or C.) you two drifting off apart into being 'old friends that used to hang out sometimes'. So before you put that ball in her court you should figure out which way you want that ball to go. You don't have to try and force it in that direction or anything, but girls can tell indecisiveness and it's not attractive. It sometimes comes off as uncaring, and that's not what you want. Women like a man who knows what he wants, whatever that may be. If you wanna be just her friend make that known, if you wanna be more make that known. Don't just be like, 'whatever you want I'll accept' kinda stuff before saying what you want."

She wanted nothing but the best for her friend. she wanted his happiness, and if he thinks that's Ronnie then so be it. She was semi distracted by the notifications beeping on her phone from twitter in her ear. "Give me a sec I need to silence this." It was getting too annoying especially if she wasn't going to be able to keep up with the replies. However when she looked down she noticed there was one notification that wasn't from twitter. She didn't pay it much mind and clicked on it noticing it was a play button.

She turned her attention back to Zeph giving him a moment to think about everything she'd just said, cause honestly it was a lot. She wanted to give him all the time he needed to let what she said sink in, so what could it hurt that she had some elevator music playing in the background of her mind as she waited? What she didn't expect was for her heart to skip a beat the moment the first word was spoken. It...it couldn't be right?

Ok she needed to turn this off right now, but...she couldn't Despite her head screaming that nothing good could come from listening to the whole song play through she was captivated. His voice was as soothing as it ever was, and the lyrics...the lyrics felt like he was talking directly to her. Wait...directly to her? Was this song about her? No it couldn't be she was being a narcissus to think that. They've not talked in almost four years there was no way he'd write a song about her, nope, nope nope this was about some other girl clearly. Wait...why did that option seem to sting ever so slightly.

She looked back up at Zeph her grip on her phone slightly tightened as she continued listening to the song, but trying to keep as much of her focus on her friend who needed her right now. She could deal with whatever stupid thing her heart was doing later. She needed her mind focused. "Once you decide on those two things, I will give you my suggestions."
Stella J. Bailey
coded by incandescent

Last edited:

- Location.
school studio room
- Tags.
Jace ( Winona Winona ), Javi, Dei, Nate, Evelyn, Charlie (Mentioned)

Why the fuck was high school so complicated? How did things really turn out this way, it felt like everything was everywhere. She was doing her best to comfort Charlie, and defend her against these assholes, but knowing she was fighting with Dei...well she had him blocked for a reason. She couldn't handle seeing him, or hearing anything from him. She begged and pleaded for Charlie not too, but she knew Charlie. Once the flame was lit that was it she wouldn't back down, she couldn't back down. She did her best to look strong, but on the other side of the screen she was damn near in tears, her hands shaking making her mistype simple words. If she were to speak she was sure it'd have cracked.

She'd never felt like this in her life, so vulnerable, so filled with rage, so uncontrollable. Her body literally wasn't listening to her. She wanted to be clam, she wanted to be still, this was why she wanted to just be alone. She didn't wanna know if he was still talking and defending Evie, she didn't wanna hear him say that she probably meant nothing to him, and that he wasn't even sorry. She didn't wanna see him try and save face on social media acting like he was completely unaffected by his choice and how losing her didn't matter. Why? Because she knew she fucking mattered! Weather he was willing to admit it or not, she knew she did, she knew in her heart what she felt was real, and that there was no way it was ALL a lie. She knew a part of him would miss her because real misses real, and she knows she was a real one to him, for him.

However perhaps she did need to take a step back again from social media, she'd seriously almost agreed to sleep with Javi. Now there was nothing wrong with him, he was certainly hot, and she had no doubt for a night he could get her to at least for a moment forget about Dei. She was grateful for his offer to just talk, but in a moment of weakness she wanted someone to hold her and feel that warmth of contact. The rush of exctasy and adrenaline Dei had gotten her used to, hooked on even as their bodies moved together. She wanted to drown out all her feelings for him because she couldn't just forget them. She'd spent all weekend writing it out trying to vent it through words and music. It helped a bit, but it wasn't enough yet, there was just too much inside her.

Maybe because it wasn't just him, maybe it was everything, and everyone. Maybe it was years of pent up aggression boiling beneath the surface that she didn't realize she'd been masking. Maybe she was never happy being sweet little Amy. Lord she wanted to scream and shout. She wanted a smoke for the first time in her life so badly she almost called up Toni, or knocked on Trevor's door. As much as she hated being drunk she was willing to go that route too. Though she didn't have the money to waste like that. A rebound with Javi was her cheapest and most entertaining option. So why didn't she? Who would blame her? Who would even really care? Nate and Dei were fucking Evelyn so what did they care what she did, especially as a now single woman.

But was that what she wanted? Did she really wanna go back to just randomly flirting around with guys aimlessly? That was how she got into both of her previous relationships, and both of them have been absolutely shitty. Well dating wasn't just the way they didn't know how to be honest men and break up with her if they didn't care about her. Like was that really asking for too much? Just a "Hey I don't think this is working out." Or a "I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way." It's not like Amy was known for being dramatic or insensitive, she would've understood. Sure it would've stung, but she'd have been ok. This Bullshit though of just up and leaving or screwing someone else instead was for cowards. Both of them were cowards, and she hated she'd even had feelings for them. She hated her apparently shitty taste in men.

Maybe doing the same thing a third time expecting a different result would be the definition of insanity. Apparently she doesn't know how to just 'hook-up' without dating them in the end, and apparently she can only make a bad boy good for a few months. She was done being guys 30 day trials. She'd like to say she's not crazy enough to fall down the same rabbit hole again. This time she'd be stronger, wiser. But maybe not. After all as much as she won't admit it...she was itching to unblock him. Why? She's not sure. Would she yell more, be passive aggressive, melt, who knows. She didn't and she wasn't ready to find out yet. He didn't deserve her time of day anymore anyways. She hated him and how bitter she felt herself becoming. Convincing herself it was better to be bitter then risk being bruised again.

She was pulled from this wormhole of thoughts threatening to suck her in and never let go by the sound of the door opening. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if the boy didn't start to kinda talk. She looked over at him with a confused expression. She didn't want to be rude, but just standing there mumbling was a bit weird. She closed her laptop not wanting him to see what she was working on for Charlie, after all more people seeing would kinda defeat the purpose. She'd finish her damage control later.

He looked nervous as he continued to stand there in the doorway awkwardly making noises that sounded like they might be forming complete words, but definitely not a real sentence. Was he lost? While he was trying to figure out how to form a complete coherent sentence that she could respond to she slowly recognized him from twitter. He was ash's brother...or that was her guess. They looked a bit similar so it didn't seem too far of a reach. She'd yet to ever really talk to him personally, so it was still just a hunch. after all she just barely started talking to Ash a decent amount thanks to Charlie and Trev.

Once he finally spit out what he wanted to say she smiled and nodded, "Yes I rented it Saturday morning." She explained trying not to giggle at his choice of the words booth of sound. She did feel bad for him though since that is an easy mistake to make with the booking, and who knows maybe the school messed up and double booked. "Hmm well do you want to share the space?" She offered gesturing that it was ok for him to come in and join her, "Might be fun, or at the very least a bit interesting to have a mini audience or someone to give feedback?" She shrugged politely, still trying to keep her smile plastered to her face. It was all she could muster at the moment even if it didn't feel as warm as she'd have liked it to be.

She had nothing against him of course, but all the turmoil in her head right now was making faking being happy rather difficult. Fake twitter happiness was easy, face to face was much harder.
Amethyst K. Jones
coded by incandescent

Last edited:

Hallway of HA
Gen ( geminiy geminiy ), Nate
Antonio Elizondo

The rest of Antonio's weekend was vastly uninteresting, or at least no different then the usual. However that is exactly how he likes his weekends. He stayed home in the comfort of his apartment with his friends, smoking, writing, and overall just vibin out. He spent a very small portion of it doing homework and called home to his uncle to check in. He knew he had to do his work every now and then to keep his grades just high enough to not flunk out of school and worry his Uncle. That was also why he'd called him because he knew he needed to keep himself motivated in some sort of form. Talking with him and hearing about his cousin once a week was usually just the legal pick-me up he needed.

He personally didn't understand all the twitter drama, or peoples need to be in it or know about it. Sure he had a twitter account for social media presence purposes, heck he even took a whole elective class on social media one semester (they lied and said it was an easy 100). However he only got on for things like announcing a release, or a preview, or something you know work related. He didn't like talking with his peers on there because all they do is fight about the same like five things and kill his vibe. He had once upon a time cared, but by junior year he was over it, and honestly if it wasn't for his editor he'd have deleted the whole thing al together. It's on his phone, but it's collecting virtual dust.

Now he knew Nate was a part of said drama due to proximity, but outside of that fact he knew nothing else and didn't want to know anything else. He didn't care about whatever it was he did or didn't do, Nate was his friend and that wasn't going to change in his mind. Also he didn't really want the responsibility of as his friend having to fight others over it. He was sure Nate wouldn't get mad about him not doing, it but it was a safer bet to just no get involved in the first place. He can't get mad at him for not defending what he doesn't see. Plus his private and personal life wasn't his business or concern. If Nate truly needed some help then he hopefully knew he could as and Toni would lend a hand, but if he could handle it himself well then from what Toni knew of Nate that's the way he'd prefer to handle it.

Nope he was not about to kill himself over petty he said, she said drama that won't matter 6 months from now, 5 years from now, or 10 years from now. He was glad this was his final year in it's mist, and at this rate he was going to graduate unscathed by the blackhole of twitter. Which would probably be his greatest accomplishment while attending this school (outside his novels of course...maybe).

However all good things must come to an end, so with a heavy heart and baggy eyes Monday morning arrived. He showed up to school and it didn't take long for him to realize that he'd forgotten his math homework on his desktop. Of course one of the few times he actually attempted his work he conveniently forgot it. His teacher would not believe such a story which meant he would need to redo it before the end of the day when he had his math class.

Let's see who in this place is good at math? Amy? He looked around, but she was no where to be found. Plus she didn't have his same class so that wouldn't help anyways. He didn't wanna cheat, he was willing to re-do the damn thing, but he needed the notes. His eyes landed on a familiar face. Gen! Perfect since she was actually in his class period. Did she take good notes? Probably, he was pretty sure she made good grades. Either way they'd be good enough and probably better then his original ones anyways. He casually walked up to her with a grin, "Hola Gen, can you do me a solid?" his Puerto Rican accent shining through while he tried to keep his spainglish at bay.

Toni was well aware that most people were intimidated by Gen, and probably for good reason if they were sane. Approaching her so casually when they weren't even really friends just casually knew each other might seem weird. Then again he was the token weird stoner kid anyways so what did that matter? However the main reason he was ok with walking up to her was because he didn't see all that extra stuff. All he saw before him was a person. Not royalty, not some big time rich family heiress, just a person who just so happens to be in his math class. "I know this sounds muy mal, but I swear on my uncle it is true. I forgot my math work at mi casa, can I borrow your notes from last week to re-do it." He clasps his hands together as a final plea, "I'll give them back before our class starts alter. By lunch in the same condition I got them." He smiled hoping she'd say yes, or even have them on her.

In his eyes the worst that can happen is she say no and then he wonders off to the next person. Rejection wasn't something that phased Toni much due to his low expectations of things in the first place for the most part. He didn't view himself as bold or overly confident for doing such simple things. "Por favor?" Keeping out the spanglish was harder when he was sober. That was the other tough part about being in school. He tried to not get high before coming, and then if he just so happened to get a hit of something while here great!, but he did most of his smoking at home. One would think he's speak more Spanish while high, but without the nuisance of overthinking when trying to speak English he was actually pretty good at it.
I became Insane with long bouts of terrible sanity~
coded by incandescent

Seriously, though.

Of all days, when all she wanted was to be totally alone, she ended up becoming next door locker buddies with a guy that apparently attracted people like moths to a flame. First Maggie, and now Jack -- who, to be fair, was a welcome presence. Although she wasn't super close with Jack, he was one of Jace's (only) friends and it was always nice to have a little bit of reassurance in the form of someone that she kind of knew. So she returned the hug, her smile broadening a little bit.

He leaned against the locker next to hers, but Ash noticed the lingering look that Jack gave the girl. Maggie. With a roll of her eyes, Ash turned her attention back to her locker and fumbled with the lock again. Eventually, after probably like, the third time putting her combination in, the locker popped open and Ash was able to start rummaging through it to get her stuff together for the morning, all while paying partial attention to the conversation going on around her.

She pulled out her books for the morning and her notebooks before closing her locker and turning back to the group, trying to tune in to wherever the conversation was at this point, but Ash... well, she honestly had no idea what was going on. Except that time was ticking and she should really be heading to her class, but it would be kind of rude to just dip now, right?

"It was really nice to meet you guys, but I actually have to head class." Ash started as she took a couple steps away before pausing to turn around and look back at the group. Look, not only had she noticed the lingering gaze that Jack had given Maggie, but she'd also noticed the cold look that Jack had given Nic. It would be wrong of her to not help out her brother's bestie and take away the problem while also giving him alone time with the cute new girl.

So her gaze turned to Nic and she gave him a sweet smile. "You wanna come with me? I can show you, like, where all of your classes are and like uhh..." she paused, looking towards the ground for a moment as she tried to think of anything else cool or worthy, and then her gaze moved back up to Nic. "Like just everything. The grand tour. It'll be fun."

And then she looked towards Maggie and Jack, her smile stretching. "And Jack could totally show you around, Maggie!"
INTERACTIONS: Nic, Maggie, Jack


TAGS: Kio.exe Kio.exe MadeInAdelaide MadeInAdelaide
code by valen t.

Zeph didn't have an answer. He felt as if he should, but Stella's words fell on almost deaf ears. He wasn't... feeling it right now, so to speak. His thoughts were jumbled and he didn't know how to even start sorting them out. Just a tangled mess inside his brain and the more Stella talked, the more Zephyr realized that he... he just...

He didn't know.

He pushed himself up from the stairs. Zeph didn't know what to do, but he knew that sitting was just making it a little worse for him. He started to pace back and forth. Trying, hoping, that the movement would somehow start to right his thoughts so he could think clearly about what he wanted. Well, he kind of knew what he wanted.

Or what he had wanted.

Zeph had wanted to kiss Ronnie.

Now? He wasn't so sure. He knew that he still had some feelings for her, though, and that's what... kind of mattered, right? And Ronnie maybe felt something for him back, otherwise she wouldn't have wanted him to kiss her, right?

"I don't know." He finally stated because the more he thought about it, the more his thoughts jumbled and the more Zeph didn't even know where to go. Eventually, he came to a stop, turning to face Stella, a faint smile on his face. "Thanks, Stella. Really. I uhh... I think I probably need to talk to her, right? See her mind is at?"

Did that make sense? Zephyr didn't know.


TAGS: Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
code by valen t.

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