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Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation

Eventually Willow made her way to the small manor that had been set up for Salem Witch students, and got to her room. Binx greeted her with a meow rubbing himself around her legs as she walked toward the bed. She set her things the side, and got ready for bed. It had been an interesting day so far, and tomorrow she was expecting even more things to come.

After talking to Emmett for awhile more, Molly eventually made her way back to the Castle and to the Hufflepuff house common room. She put her things away by her and bed, some of the girls asking her about the Drumstrang boy. "I can't say for all of them but he's certainly not as scary as he looks." She would tell them. Once everything was put away and set up she laid down her in bed. She was happy she could make a friend from another school so quickly, and hoped that tomorrow would be just as exciting as today had been.

__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue finally felt like he could calm down. There wasn't any tension from awkwardness. It was nice. As she noted about how other people view her, he shook his head in obvious disagreement. "Those people really need to get some sense." Then the girl started to laugh which brought him to laughing a little as his smile spread. "That's what I'm saying!" It was nice that he met someone that wasn't completely ridiculous. Then, he blinked as she said her name. "Duly noted." He said gratefully. "Well Faye, it seems that enough time has passed that people should no longer be a problem." Avenue stood up and held out his hand to help her get up. "Shall we go back?"

Faye nodded abd took his hand. She stood up and brushed off, still smiling. "Yes, i suppose it is getting late...." she sighed, not wanting to leace her new friend. She turned to the castle and cringed a little. "I hope most are asleep. I think its actually past curfew but all the heads of the schools know about me, so we should be okay.... Im staying in a room close to the Headmasters office." She started walking to the castle and kept a hold of his hand.
I lay down on my bed and opened up my Witchcraft anf Wizadry book, looking through the different spells, trying out the less violent ones on objects around the room. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep with the book resting on my chest.
Aiden eventually went up to his dorm and laid down on his bed. He pulled out his copy of History of Magic and began reading the last few chapters. He'd avoided it since he'd gotten the book but he knew he needed to. He fell asleep after a couple of hours and the book dropped to the floor. Kissa curled up next to his head and they both slept for the whole night.

I awoke the next day to the bustling of our dorms inside Hogwarts, people were everywhere talking about the capture the broom match that was going to go one between Salem and Brazil. Even though the coming match was not a ranked match it still excited everyone. I got up and got dressed for the day. I looked out my window to see kids bustling everywhere getting to classes and practice. Thats when Notts voice echoed through the halls. "Attention all students, we are going to be home to journalist from all around the world, so be kind and cudious to them. Practice for Brazil and Salem will start soon. All Fifth year and higher students may try out for the team, tryout will begin on the field next to the Brazil, Salem match." I eventually made my way down to the field to meet my teammates and see who all Salem threw at us.
I had been up really early that morning. I could not miss Quidditch trials. I had played the team seeker the previous year, and I didn't want that to change this year because I loved the sport. I put all my stuff on, grabbed my brand new broom, and ran down to the quidditch field when I heard Nott's announcement. I saw no one was there yet, so I started doing a bit of practice flying only about a meter or two above the ground to get back into it.
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Nightmares had kept Imogen tumbling around all night. Images of her mother and weird ghost looking creatures popped back and forth inside her head. When she couldn't bare it anymore Imogen woke up with a scream awaking several of the girls next to her. She apologized sheepishly and slipped her slippers on.

It was still dawn so Imogen grabbed a candle light that was conveniently placed in the night stand next to her. She turned that candle on and made her way out of the common rooms. She wandered the halls until she came across the library. Imogen placed her hand on the door and was surprised to find that it was open. She pushed the door in and crept inside the Library.

I'm in a Library at three in the morning. How Ravenclaw of me. There library had an old rustic book smell that somehow pleased Imogen. She crept around the dark library with the candle light in front of her. From what she could make out. The library had a surplus of books. From tiny pocket leather binded books, to huge brick like book, to old scrolls and century old newspapers, the library had it all.

Imogen roamed the isles and brought the candle light close to each of the books to read the titles. Fascinated by all the titles Imogen felt a rush of joy overwhelm her. She loved reading, so being in a library like this was like Imogen's paradise. Her attention was brought to a rack of magazines. It seemed very modern for a place like this.

Imogen walked over to the rack and began to go through the titles. One caught her attention. "The Quibbler." What had drew her in to that particular tabloid was not the name or the colorful images on the cover but the made of the publisher, Xenophilius Lovegood. Could that be the person the headmaster was talking about?

Imogen grabbed a stack of The Quibbler volumes and rushed to a nearby table and began to read all the old articles. Fascinated by all of the facts and tales in The Quibbler Imogen was able to finish reading three before fatigue got the best of her. Laying her head down on the table Imogen fell asleep on the Library and did wake till later that morning.

I awoke before most of the others did. I rolled and fought my way out of my ball hammock. Another morning in Hogwarts was always a good thing, not naggy parents, and all the right people to enjoy a good book with. Even before I went to breakfast I found myself in the library. I had just found a book on the dark ages of magic as it were. History was always facinating, the answer of why. I walked down the halls to find a place to read a few chapters before breakfast. Something suprised me when as I walked past the magizine rack, it was no other then Imogen. I pulled up a seat on the opposite side from her and set my book down. I then proceded to go to Imogens side and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. "Hey there you alright?"

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Imogen was startled awake by a tap on her shoulder. She bolted up from the chair and looked around for any possible threat. When she saw the creepy boy from last night sitting on the chair opposite from the one she had been sitting on, her eye's narrowed, "Oh. It's only you."

Imogen slumped back down on the chair and gathered up the stack of magazines she had been sleeping on top off wiping off a bit of drool. Yuck! She looked at the boy completely ignoring his question of her well-being. "What do you want? " Her voice was sharp, but there was a bit of drowsiness that lingered in it.

"I was only waking you up so you didn't miss breakfast is all" with that I sat down and picked up my book. "I'm sorry I startled you" I said as I started to read dispite her harsh words. Wasn't the first time its happened, won't be the last, so might as well get use to it. One of the chapters in here was labled the foundings of wizarding schools, that was going to be interesting when I got to it.

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Aiden awoke the next morning and found Kissa curled up on his chest. He sighed and poked her. "Kissa, get off!" He had to do it a few more times before she decided to move. He shook his head as he got up. When he began to walk across the room he kicked something and looked down, seeing his copy of A History of Magic. He cringed slightly, thinking of everything he'd read the night before on his grandfather. He sighed and picked the book up before beginning his morning routine. Changing into charcoal slacks, white button up, charcoal sweater, and his shoes and socks before dawning his robe, Aiden then set about arranging his things from his trunk around his area of the room. When finished he draped Kissa around his shoulders and headed downstairs to the common rooms. He sat in the same chair as the night before and began to read his potions book.

Faye woke up earlier than most and got ready quickly. She combed her hair and put on her Beauxbatons uniform, light make up, and pulled her hair back finally with a sapphire encrusted clip her mother had given her. She sighed and yawned. It was only about 5:30 now and she needed to get to the great hall quickly. She stopped before going out the door as she heard a tapping on her window. She looked and it was her raven Piere, She let him in and took the letter off of his leg. It was from her mother. She put it in her school bag and walked quickly to the great hall. She hoped the heads of the schools would be there soon so she could eat... She decided to read her letter while she waited.


I hope everything is going well for you there. You haven't had any troubles yet have you? Your father and I are worried for you so much....If you need anything just let us know. You know we love you.


Alicia Alvery


__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue getting back to the Ravenclaw area the previous night ended up staying awake thinking about the previous day.

As they walked toward the castle, Avenue took notice quickly that Faye hadn't let go of his hand. While it was strange to him, he didn't object to it either. Besides that however, he was more concerned about the worry that had obviously returned to her as they entered the grounds. "Most of them should be! And I'll be here if anything happens." He assured her as he smiled. I think I finally understand why I'm being so nice. He thought about it for the longest time and seemed to finally reach an answer. As they reached the area by the Headmaster's office, he let go of her hand and turned to her. "This is where I gotta go.." He let out a little sigh representing his own objection to having to leave. "I'll meet up with you tomorrow really early okay?" He thought that meeting earlier in the morning would mean marginally less people. Even though it was a question, he had already started walking away and waving as if he knew what her answer would be. "Till tomorrow!" He called.

Avenue spent the rest of his night reading a book with his white fox Aval until is was about time to start the day. Scratching her on the head, he stood to wash his face in the nearby sink. He put on his Hogwarts uniform and scoffed at how it always fit him. "I'm like a deer in pants." He laughed talking to his fox. He finished with a cleanup of his hair and walked out toward the day. There wasn't much for him to do that moment since while magical sports were Oh so entertaining, he wasn't so into watching them. Passing by the headmaster's office, he wondered about speaking with Faye like he said. She might be busy with something.. He contemplated whether or not he should knock on her door and ended up against it thinking it was still rather early. Might as well take the time to look around for my classes. He then began to repeat his memorized schedule and began looking for his first class.

Imogen scoffed at him, "I don't eat breakfast. I can't stand the smell of dead chickens and skinned pigs." Imogen wasn't big on meat. Ever since she saw the way Luna has gotten, raised, and then killed a turkey for thanksgiving, Imogen hadn't been able to lay an eye on that type of protein without hearing the bloodcurdling gobbling cries that her turkey friend Pablo made when Luna wrangled him inside his pen or picturing the heart-sickening, pleading eyes of Pablo when Luna drove the machete down his neck.

Imogen shook her head from the memory of her past and stood up from the chair. She grabbed the stack of Quibbler and threw then back in the rack as if they had been a lousy choice of literature, even though she was dying to open the next issue and read more. She went back to the table and looked at the guy as if she should say something else, that was when she realized she was still in pajamas. Well that's just lovely.

Without saying a single word Imogen grabbed the melted candle--which had surprisingly not started any fires--and ran back to the Ravenclaw common rooms to change.
Willow awoke the next morning and dressed quickly. There was a game today for Salem against the brazillian school and she needed to get there. She made sure Binx was fed and gave him water before leaving off on her broom to the fields.
Alezi woke up and streached. She reached for her robe before remembering why it wasn't there. She sighed and instead threw on a jacket before turning to leave the room. As she turned to leave, an Eagle Owl flew into the room, clutching a large envelope. "Hey Orn," She yawned. "This from Gil?" She asked, taking the letter. Inside was a message from her brother Gilbert and some money incase she needed it. She quickly jotted down a reply but left it on her desk. She whistled and tapped her shoulder, and the owl perched on it. The two made their way down for breakfast.
I had been training for the better part of an hour, so I decided it was time to go get some breakfast before the Quidditch trials. I went into the dining hall and grabbed myself a plate of some eggs and toast, and sat down at one of the tables by myself. It was still early in the morning, so there were very few people there.
Emmet shot up in bed, breathing heavily and clawing at the blankets. After seeing that no one was after him, and that it was just a dream, he calmed himself down. Rubbing his eyes, he padded across the room and got dressed, deciding to forgo the staff for the time being. He never got why that used those things anyway...

He had ended up staying in Gryffindor, and he marveled at the house symbols that covered the walls in the common room. Yawning, he ran a hand through his hair before heading to breakfast.

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People these days, I thought to myself as for a second time my kindness had been rebunked by her. A while after reading I took my book in hand and made my way to breakfast. I sat down in my usual spot at ravenclaw table and started eating breakfast. As I ate I kept reading the history of the founders of all the different schools, and it was very interesting to see the original reasons for the foundings. Ha Durmstrang was indeed an interesting place. I sat there thinking and eating for quite some time.

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"What do you mean I can't get in?" Imogen was standing outside the Ravenclaw common room door slamming on the bronze eagle knocker that just kept on saying "What came first the Phoenix or the flame?"

She had been banging on then door for several minutes, but it wouldn't budge open. How did I get in yesterday? There must be another way in! Imogen didn't remember having to answer a riddle last night when she came to the dormitory. Then again she hardly remembered any of the events that had happened the night before.

"What came first the Phoenix or the flame.""Oh can you shove that Phoenix up your hinges and let me in already?"

Imogen was growing tired of the knocker repeating the same stupid riddle that had no answer.

She slammed the door with her fist, pressed her back towards the door and slowly slid down to the floor in defeat. All she wanted to do was change out of her pajamas and into her robes before classes started.

It took a while for Imogen to notice a girl that was standing in front of her(NPC) staring at Imogen with judging eyes . "Good luck getting in. It won't open unless you solve it's stupid riddle" The girl ignored Imogen's comment and slammed the knocker three times. As it had before the knocker spoke "What comes first the Phoenix or the Flame?" The girl spoke in a snobby stuck up voice, "A circle has no beginning." There was a clicking sound and then with a jolt the door cringed open. The girl gave Imogen a smirk and skipped in closing the door before Imogen could get in.

"That mother..." Imogen stood up quickly and slammed the door knocker hard against the door. "What comes first the--" "Circles don't have a stupid beginning" the door clicked and opened. Frustrated, Imogen shoved the door open and went up to change.

Everything was starting up, quiddich in the fields in the back, and on the field where he stood was where the american sport of capture the broom was going to start. We in brazil called it war, but that name might be misleading.

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Faye waited until the Hogwarts headmaster had arrived at breakfast and walked towards him. "Headmaster Nott? would it be okay if I watched the game today? If it would be too much a distraction I understand..." Faye looked down. She didn't mind talking to the Headmaster of Hogwarts he didn't seem to be affected nearly as much as anyone else by her.

Aiden walked out of the common room and went to the field. He really had nothing better to do so why not watch others beat each other up...

I looked down at the little girl that came up to her. "I don't see why not my darling" I said as my food had arrived. "Might even bring others to come and see the games" as I laughed a little I meet her eyes again. "It may also serve as some practice for you too. Some may flock to you, but this is allso a time where you can practice restraint" I smiled as I finished "a little confidence goes a long way"

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__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue not being to far from the Ravenclaw area, he was able to hear the ruckus but not the conversation. It seems like the riddle is has made a victim of yet another student. He liked the way his thoughts were so clear. It actually seemed like something he would say. He continued on however and kept looking for his classes. "Potions, D A D M, blah blah blah." He was starting to get bored as he finished through his list, all except his favorite; Care for Magical Animals. Jeez, animals are cute! He was almost ecstatic just thinking about them, forcing him the grab his head. He realized how strange he looked standing in the middle of the hall and holding his head, thinking about animals. It fit him though not necessarily productive considering the early morning. Going back to an appearance of sanity, he scratched his chin. Well.. His inner voice told disappointingly. "The logical thing to do would be to watch the festivities since that seems to be what today evolves around.." He cringed as the mumbled words left from his mouth to his brain. He thought about the masses of people and aesthetics of the games. "I can handle it." He said plainly. I can handle it. He thought in repetition. The more he repeated it, the less it seemed to be true. Trudging he long, he began his way to the stands of the playing fields.

Smiling, Faye curtsied to Nott. "Thank you, sir." She turned and walked toward the doors. Once outside she headed to the fields. He was very nice. She thought about the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He was very different from that of Durmstrang. The one time she'd met him he'd yelled at her for distracting his boys. She sighed and looked at the stadium. She hoped Avenue was out here today.

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