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Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation


The First Iron Warrior
Harry Potter started his long journey at Hogwarts, and changed the world forever. The lessons taught there have laid the ground work for generations of wizards, great or small all are welcome within these hallowed halls. Harry Potter is now a middle aged man, but Hogwarts lives on. In the next generation we hold all our hopes and dreams, and you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Welcome young wizard, welcome home.

I am guessing most people have a good idea of what Hogwarts and all the other areas look like. If you think I really should put pics up just for convenience sake then hit me up in occ

Normal RPNation rules, fade to black, not cussing every two words, ect

Try not to dally too long in conversation, we could be stuck in one place for days because two people are caught up in their own thing.

Post on a regular basis Ex:(once a day or once every other day)


No Mary Sues

Then last and not least. If you are going to make a character for this please Role play and put an effort into it, no one likes it when they have nothing to do because the person they were Role playing with just bails out of nowhere.
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YES! I want in! I'm going to play a Slytherin (possibly related to the Malfoy family, unless I play Draco himself), and I'm very up for any sort of plotting! Yay! If necessary, I can also try to find more players for it. I haven't yet rped on this site, so I'm looking forward to finding out more. 
As a teacher. Professor Draco Malfoy would be teaching Potions. Not as a student, naturally.

But I'd most likely play an OC anyway.

If you guys are in a hurry to start the rp, go ahead, I'm new on the site and apparently haven't figured out enough about this site.

Things went normally when the students were on their way to Hogwarts. Then, just as they were abut to arrive on the boats a massive boat appeared from the depths, a flying carriage came and landed close to the school. There was a massive flock of broom riders coming from the west, A armored ship resembling a turtle rose from the waters. Upon entering Hogwarts the entire inside was decorated as if it were more a palace then a school. Upon entering the main hall it seemed much larger this year, and there were five more tables doubling the size of the hall. That is when head master, a middle aged man named, Theodore Nott dressed the whole school. "It is my pleasure to welcome you all to another year at Hogwarts, some of you may be wondering what is happening with the arrivals of others to the school. This my students is the First World Wide Wizards Tournament." after he spoke there was an uproar of applause from all around the room. "So introducing our sisters and brothers to the south, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic" with that a group of primarily girls, all wearing light blue, marched into the great hall as butterflies trailed behind them. They took their seats on the other side of Hufflepuff house. "And from the north east, Durmstrang Institute" The school was mostly comprised of boys, but a few girls could be seen in their ranks. They all wore red robes and entered the halls pounding the floor with their staves, they took their seat in between Griffindor and Ravenclaw. The girls of Durmstrang Institute were all stunningly beautiful, but they all had the look about them that they would kill you with out a second glance. "our friends from the west, Salem Witches' Institute" at the name my heart sank in my chest. I was born and raised in America, and attended my first two years of school at Salem. The american wizards prized dueling above all else. They flew in on broomsticks with red white and blue trailing behind them, wearing deep blue robes they all came to their seats... right between Ravenclaw and Slytherin I recognized a few of them from three years ago, but I hoped they didnt recognize me. "hailing from the far east, Mahoutokoro School of Magic" They wore very plain brown robes as they all walked in, not a single one of them was out of step, not even in the slightest. They sat on the other side of Slytherin house. "and last but not least, Brazilian Wizarding school" what I saw enter the hall next was a bit odd. The entire contingent of them were wearing yellow, they came into the hall smiling and waving all around, eventually they took their seats between Hufflepuff and Griffindor. "This year is going to be one of new beginnings, friendship, and rivalries. I welcome all of you to Hogwarts, and may the games begin!" as he finished there was the loudest applause I had ever heard, hooting and hollering all around the room. I looked to my fellow Ravens and saw quite a number of us had returned this year as well. at this point we were allowed to mingle with the other schools before going to bed. I decided I was going to just watch and see what others around me were going to do.

I sat quite in awe of what was happening around me. My 5th year at Hogwarts had just started, and this is what came to meet me. A huge group of people that I had never met before and didn't have the slightest clue what they were like?? I loved it. I always did enjoy meeting new people, and I had actually never met someone from another wizarding school, so it was going to be an amazing experience. I sat near the head of the table with my fellow Griffindors and watched eagerly as each school swooped or stomped in, all in completely unique manners. "This is great!" I said, to no one in particular, just sort of a passing comment. I had already been informed the year before about the tournament, as had most of us, but I didn't know it was this big. I definitely planned to participate as, as everyone knew, I loved a challenge, I loved magic, and I loved using magic. This tournament seemed to be challenging and required some skilled wizards and witches..
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Katrina walked into the school grounds "Great another year here, well i guess its better then staying with my brothers." She mumbled under her breath, as she walked into the yard she saw so many new faces and many that she did not know. She was proud in a way to have more experience then the other kids
Emmett sat down with his fellow classmates, back stiff and straight as he surveyed the room. He smiled,yes, joking around with the guys around him, but in truth he was completely on edge. He kind of wished they could have been seated at the edge of the room, rather than right between the dreaded English students...

His friend slapped him on the back. "Loosen up mate," he said, seeing right through Emmett's act. The blonde shrugged, laying his staff over his knees, and leaning his elbows on the table. "I'm just tired, is all," he lied, staring straight ahead at the ravenclaw table, scoping out his opponents.
Katrina walked into the 5th year class, she had been appointed to, even though she had missed a grade. She sat in the back hoping she would be alone, the only guys she really wanted near her, he is from the Griffindor house so she sees him a lot. She hopped that he would sit near her, but she dare not say it.
"So you're saying I just walk straight into a wall?" Imogen had a messenger bag strapped across her body. She was used to her mother's crazy talk, but this was a new low for her. Did Luna seriously expect Imogen to run straight into a wall in hopes that a magical portal would open and lead her to another train station. Yeah. Totally buying that.

It was true, Imogen had just discovered the magical world, and thanks to the help of Luna she was able to shrink all of her belongings and stuff the inside her messenger bag, but portals was a new deal for her. "No. I'm not doing it. There must be another way into this crazy witch school."

After arguing and...shoving, Imogen made it through the portal. The gut wrenching feeling of being sucked into oblivion and then spat back out into a new place left Imogen with a sick feeling. Having been locked up and under strict care for 15 years, to suddenly being whisked away into a secret world that held magical beings was like a nightmare come true for Imogen.


Imogen had been able to find an empty room on the train. She took out several stuff from her bag, that way, when someone would ask to sit with her she would just say it was taken.

Imogen rode the whole way alone to Hogwarts. She heard stuff about flying, and crying plants that brought back the sick feeling to her stomach. Great so Luna made me pack every last flavor of Bertie Bott's Beans, but she forgot advil.


When the massive Gothic Castle came to sight Imogen's mouth gaped open. She had never seen anything so massive and so beautiful. It seemed to resemble something she had read in a book. The torch lights and the eeire glow to it send chills down Imogen's spine. A smile crept up on her face as the tiny boats made their way to the school. Maybe this wont be so bad after all.


Standing with a lot of other first years, Imogen stuck out like a sore thumb. She towered over all the tiny tweens around her that just stared as if she was some type of other being. A sudden rage came over her. It's all your fault Luna. Had you not been so overprotective all the time, I would not be standing here with a bunch of dorky children. I'd be sitting over there. She watched the Slytherin table admiring their haughty personalities and they nonchalant attitudes. Imogen belong there, she could feel it.
I went through the rows of fourth years, doing my usual beginning of the year greetings to everyone, until I came to Katrina, and I slid into the seat next to her. "Hey Smartass" I said grinning at her, making reference to her being bumped up a year "How were your holidays?"

Shopping for school supplies had been delightful especially this year, as her mother had finally let her by a new flying broom of the latest model. She sat by herself in her new black robes and the Hogwarts emblem stitched on it, munching on a chocolate frog she had bought at Diagon Alley. The dark haired girl's small hunting falcon sat, delicately perched on her shoulders. As the train neared Hogwarts, she mentally laughed at all the first years, pressing there faces against the glass, straining to see.

"Hey guys." Ara greeted a few of her Ravenclaw friends as she walked out to meet them, lugging her suitcases with her. She was itching to go to the Quidditch fields to try her new broom out.

soon people started going all their own separate ways, Slytherans and Durmstrang got along well enough. It seemed they were seated by those that they were most like, I eventually passed through the crowded halls and passages, Americans wee everywhere flying on brooms and engaging in duels. My fellow Ravens were about the place mingling with the other schools seeing how they operate and what they knew. I eventually got up to the tower that was Ravenclaws section, I over looked the Quiddich fields and saw a few Americans flying around.
Molly looked around excitedly as all the students from other schools flooded in. All kids were now allowed to stand up, walk around and get to know one another. She got up leaving her fellow Hufflepuffs behind, some of which seemed intimidated by the other schools, especially Drumstrang. She however wasn't worried in the least, and bright smile was spread across her face. She walked closer to Drumstrang, they were the most interesting to her by far. She didn't outwardly approach anyone, just walked around admiring them from a distance so to speak.

Willow sat at the table her school had been shown to, she didn't bother to get up and mingle. She wasn't one to mingle. She simply sat there reading her potions book with her broom leaning on the table next to her. The only thing she was looking forward to was dueling, and dueling students from other school was intriguing to her. She wanted to see how exactly they were taught and how well. Dueling was a big deal at Salem Witch's Institute, and she was one of the school's best.
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Emmett finally decided to push away the less-than-fantastic memories of Hogwarts, as he decided he might as well mingle. He scoffed at the Americans, thinking they were all that, dueling in the hallways and such. Most of the spells he saw flying around were quit inferior to his own abilities - he would have fun if one of them decided to challenge him. Spotting a blue eyed girl with long, dark hair that was hanging around the edge of his circle, and he moved towards her with a disarming grin, holding out a hand when he was close enough. "Hey, I'm Emmett. And you are...?"
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__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue gingerly walked into the main hall as thousands of others poured in around him. He watched as the crowd clapped incredibly loud forcing him to rub his head a little before placing ear plugs into his ears. One was blue while the other brown, the Ravenclaw colors. Feeling the spirit.. He thought to himself as he took the load of wizard supplies off his back and next to his seat at the far end of the table. It is not that he didn't have friends, he had at least two, he just was not interested in the intense beginning year eagerness. Many of you aren't even a first year, please calm down. He was looking at a lively group across the room that conjured a yawn out of him. Sometimes just looking at over action made him sleepy. He continued on surveying the rest of the room, simply looking for victims of his upcoming tricks. While the new wizards would be easy pray, he was not one of those who wants to ruin a newbie's first day at Hogwarts. His first day went smoothly, so the least he could do was let theirs go just as well. He eventually reached the eyes of a blonde who seemed to be doing the same thing he was just way more seriously and on the members of his house. He yawned once more and lifted his palm from the table to comfortably rest his head. His eyes followed the blonde until he reached his hand out to a blue haired girl. Blue..cool. With his other hand, he nudged at the blue earplug before continuing his search across the room to the other schools. Not many people singularly stood out from the schools which was bit annoying to him but at least the occupants of hall were generally attractive. His thoughts then quickly wrapped around the subject of the giant tournament taking place. It seemed like something that was just right for the kind of person he was. So excited for this.. He played in his head summoning a smile to his face. What he didn't realized was that he was truly excited.

Molly jumped in shock as a guy came up to her, she had been so enthralled in thought. She looked up to him, he was tall and handsome yet stern, one of the many Drumstrang boys. Wow was all she could think for a moment. She then reached her hand out as well and shook his, "Molly, nice to meet you." She said a little shyly, the slight irish accent coming up. This guy seemed friendly, that had to mean that not all of the Drumstrang boys were as terrifying as they looked.
"Please when am I not" I said with a small waving off gesture "I'm Gryffindor's only hope, the rest of the you lot are useless" I winked at her to show I was kidding. "But seriously how was your holiday? I hope your brothers didn't give you too much trouble"
Aiden Riddle watched the ceremony and cringed inwardly at the Americans, he had gone there for two years before transferring here. He just really hoped they didnt have history with him. He happened to know that they were supposed to discuss Grandfather Tom this year. That would be fun, to see their faces when they realize they'd gone to school with the grandson of the darkest wizard of this century. Aiden snorted in amusement and headed out of the great hall, ready to explore the castle for the first time.


Lorelei Faye had decided not to walk into the great hall with everyone else from her school. She'd talked it over with her headmistress and they'd decided it would be best for her. She sat outside by the lake, closer to the forest than she was supposed to be. She knew the creatures wouldnt hurt her because of her veela blood, and they weren't affected like human either. She sighed and spoke in a soft, musical voice. "This is going to be a long year"
Emmett chuckled deeply at her reaction, bending down ever so slowly to kiss the back if her hand, looking up at her with sharp grey eyes. He straightened, finally letting go of her hand, and studied her curiously. "The pleasure is all mine," he replied, a slight accent tainting the English words. "Want to tell me about this amazing school of yours?"
Molly could feel her face get hot as she blushed. She had never been given this kind of attention from a guy before, oh how it would make her dad a nervous fatherly wreck to see it. She giggle, both out of embarrassment and at the thought of her dad getting flustered over something like this. "Well, it's one of the finest magical institutes of this world, along side yours and the other of course." She said, not entirely sure what all he wanted to know. "The grounds around the castle are also pretty amazing, with the lake and forest." 
Willow finished looking over her potions book, and figured she'd leave to go watch some of the duels going on. Get an idea of the competition, and later on go to her room to check on Binx her black cat. She packed the book into her bag and picked up her broom looking around for a bit. She found the classes at Hogwarts interesting, each one being home to people with specific traits. She found interest in the Ravenclaw the most. She held intelligence in high regard and they seemed to as well. She leaned against a wall, and silently watched the playful duels students held among themselves. She never took part in these kind of duels, never dueling for fun. It was all about the competition to her.
Emmett nodded, genuinely impressed with how she had described the grounds. "Well I'd love to explore..." He said, his gaze flicking upward for a moment before settling back on her. "Will you show me around?"
Molly's eyebrows raised in a surprised manner. This was going incredibly well. "Sure thing!" She chimed happily. "Where'd you like to go first?" She asked as she lead the way out of the Great Hall. She looked over to the Hufflepuff table, some had gotten the courage to go and talk to other as she had, while some sat staring her in awe. It was turning out to be a good day, and she couldn't wait for the Tournament to start.

Eventually I saw someone that I knew out there, knew is a kind loose term i thought to myself. Arabella, someone who on occasion I found ease dropping on conversations I was having with others, I decided that I would go out and see what she of all people was doing out in the quiddich fields. I grabbed my broom and opened the tower window and blazed down to the fields, a few americans looked at this and smiled and laughed a bit. I eventually landed next to her just as she was getting out to the fields "Hey there, Arabella right?" i asked as I dismounted "What are you doing out here?" I asked as I came into step with her.
"Hmmm" She said thinking aloud for a moment, "We could go down to the Forest's edge." She told him being careful not to run into anyone, as she talked and walked. "We can't go in it, not unless it's for class but if we stand by it we might be able to see some of the creatures." She said happily. She loved her Care of Magical Creatures classes, she had a love for all creatures but found the magical kind especially interesting.

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