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Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation

Alezi made her way into the Slytherin common room, many books and notes in hand. Instead of going to her room, she looked for somewhere quiet to continue her research. She settled for a table in the living room, and set her stuff onto it with a loud thunk. "The spell seems relatively easy, but its the possible backfires that I need to worry about. The first time will strain the body a bit... But I should be ready to go before Win-" She stopped talking and shut her book. Something's not right. She thought to herself. "Who's in here?" She whispered.
Imogen was barely able to hear the girl's whisper, but figured that the girl sensed her. With her heart pounding and her body shaking in fear of being found, Imogen pressed herself against the wall and held her breath. She wanted to be as quiet as possible, and that meant no movement whatsoever.

After the little scene she had caused with the sorting hat, she was sure she would be humiliated if she was found here. Imogen could already hear them calling her names and telling her she didn't belong. She had to get out of there, but how was the question.
Alezi was sure she wasn't alone in the room. "Come on out, I know you're in here. If you're tryin to pull some sort if prank... I'm not entirely against that." She said a little louder than before. "I won't rat you out if that is your intention. C'mon I'm not as mean as everyone says." She continued, thinking of the rumors people often spread about the "dumb, mean American who should have stayed at Salem".
She hesitated, What if it's a trap? I don't want to be exposed and then made fun off. I wont do it. I wont get out. Imogen's face becoming red from holding her breath for so long. She was going to have to take a breath soon unless she wanted to pass out. Closing her eyes and taking a chance, Imogen slowly parted her lips open to let go of the air she had been holding in and take in a fresh gulp of air.

She was able to take another breath in an almost silent manner. She smiled at her success of quiet breathing although the rest of her body wasn't so quiet. Since Imogen had been pressing herself hard against the wall her crouched legs had become stiff. When Imogen released the tension in her body to breathe her leg spazzed and made her shoe squeak against the cold marble floor. Crap!
Alezi sighed. "Well if you're not gonna come out that's fine, but you won't have a good opportunity to sneak out until..." She pulled out a pocketwatch and glanced at it, "Hmmm, well after breakfast tomorrow. This place is usually full into the late hours, and I dare you to try to get through the door while people are sleeping." She said, before looking under the table. "So you gonna stay here or you gonna let me help?" She asked.
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Aiden got to the common room and froze when he looked at it. He saw the girl talking and was cinfused but he paused at the sight behind her. He saw the end of his own giant viper under thevtable at the end of the common room. He ran over and grabbed her tail. "Kissa! No!" He hissed it out in parseltongue on accident and pulled her out
The light from the opening the girl had made blinded Imogen for half a second. After blinking a couple of times and adjusting to the light again, she glared at the girl who had just discovered her hiding spot. She did have a point though, if she didn't get out now, Imogen would have to wait until the common room was empty again.

Rolling her eyes, Imogen crawled out from under the table and dusted herself off. When she felt composed enough to talk, she shot the girl an sullen stare. "Help you with what?"

At that moment Aiden came into the room Great. She remembered the last words she had heard from the headmaster and thought about them curiously. When Aiden lashed out at a snake and began to speak the different language, Imogen's eyes grew wide in shock. So that's what the crazy man meant.
He looked down and saw Imogen, then grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Imogen, Kissa likes to find warm spots to hide. She thought you'd be a good one..." He glared at the snake who was currently hissing out what sounded to normal ears as a snake laugh. Which, it was. Kissa wrapped around his neck similar to a huge necklace then reached her head out to Imogen. 'You.... You underssssstandssss me.....' Aiden was meanwhile looking at the other girl in the room nervously. He didn't speak Parsel often and it normally sent people screaming.

Faye cringed at the comment about her statement being a joke and laughed forcefully. "Yeah... some joke..." She studied the boy and say a small look of consternation cross his face. She sighed. "Even you're affected by me a little aren't you?"
Alezi rolledf her eyes and sat back in her chair. "If you're gonna be like that, then I won't help sneak you out of here. I mean, that's your intention, right? Why else would you be hiding?" She said with a sort of growl. She stood up and took off her Slytherin robe, revealing a tank top and jeans. "Some things you never get used to. Anyways, take that robe and you can pass it off as if you were bringing them here." She said. It's not often I help people, usually because people avoid me. She thought.

She turned and looked the newcomer up and down before raising an eyebrow. "Is that parseltounge? Haven't every seen that in action." She said with an impressed look on her face.
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Imogen looked between the snake and the other girl. If the headmaster was right and not many people spoke this language she'd look like a lunatic speaking it. Even though she did understand the snake she didn't respond. What the hell is going on? She met Aiden's glance for some sort of explanation, but when she didn't find any, Imogen looked back to the girl and the robe she had taken off.

Without saying a word Imogen grabbed the girl's robe and nodded towards as if to say thank you. Imogen looked back at Aiden once more in confusion before sliding into the robe and going towards the door. She was so confused and, honestly, afraid to even utter a word. Only a few months ago she was a normal girl who had no idea that there was a world of witches and wizard. Now she had picked a fight with a talking hat, met the grandson of most powerful dark wizard, traveled through an amulet, discovered her mother had been part of an army and then captured, figured that she could speak a different language that she had never studied, and was talked to by a snake. This was all to much for Imogen to handle in one day.

Before opening the door out of the Slytherin common rooms, Imogen looked back at both Aiden and the girl she hadn't intorduced herself too. After a moment Imogen looked back to the door and made her way out of the Slytherin common room and towards the Ravenclaw common room, where she belonged.
Aiden watched Imogen leave and turned back to the other girl. "Imogen is allowed in here any time she wants. I have told her that so she can get away from people who would redicule her. And Yes, I speak snake. What do you expect from an Heir of Slytherin? For them to be normal?" Aiden snorted and sat down in what he figured was a good seat near the back of the room.(in all reality it was a 7th year seat) He petted Kissa and stared at the girl, unknowingly looking too similar to his grandfather for most people's comfort.
Alezi studied Aiden. He's smug thats for sure. It doesn't matter what you said, it's passed curfew and she would've gotten in trouble. All I care about is getting my robe back. And by the way, nobody here is normal. That's kinda why we're here. Don't think you're any better because your ancestor was one of the founders." She said before beginning to collect her things. "I better get my robe back tomorrow." She thought out loud.
"Anyway, I gotta organise some stuff for school, and for the tournament" I said to Willow "So just come find me if you need help. Cya later" I shot her one last wink and made my way to the stairs, which I took up to the Gryffindor common room.
Imogen was now inside the Ravenclaw common room. Like the Slythering room, this common room was also dimly lighted, but unlike the former, this room glowed with a blue light instead of green. The walls where covered with bookshelves that overflowed with books. There was a navy blue velvet sofa near a fireplace. A fireplace inside a room filled with books. I thought these people were supposed to be smart. What amazed Imogen more was the ceiling that appeared to be like the night sky. It was dark blue with twinkling lights that resembled stars.

Whereas the Slytherin room, had appeared cold and distant, this room felt warm and secure. Maybe I was meant to be here. She walked around the room noticing that no one had arrived. That was strange since they made the announcement a while ago. Imogen let her fingers trace the soft velvety fabric of the couch before sitting down and enjoying the warmth of the fire place.

After spending a time outside and running to get inside before curfew. Kids were still everywhere and running around, i dont think the school thought that there would be this many kids as well as wiley ones at that. I eventually made my way to the commons of Ravenclaw, opening the passage to the room I noticed no one was in this room but a single girl. Either all the Ravens are either asleep or out doing something I guess. I came up to the girl to see if I noticed her. "Hi" I said offering my hand "I am Marx, and I dont think we have meet before." she had quite a bit of pink hair, most poeple it turned out horrible, on her however pink looked nice.

__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue noticed the cringe and the way she responded in a way that made it extremely impossible to not know it was forced. It wasn't a joke. He noted in his head as if setting a reminder to maybe ask at a later time. Then the girl asked something really upfront and it was actually a quality he enjoyed people having. "Eh, kind of not really." He scratched his nose a little as he spoke hoping to make her still know she's safe. "First off, I think beauty is more of a universal thing, not limited by gender and orientation." He said this in a matter-of-fact way. "Secondly, I'm more upset that people can't control themselves enough to the point where you have to be out here all alone to avoid danger." This was said with an edge of anger but in way that it was clearly not anger to her. Finally, he lightened up and gave a little laugh before speaking. "Lastly, we've been talking for this long and we still don't know each others' name." He then out stretched his hand to her and smiled a welcoming smile.

@Jerico Curtiss

Imogen quickly stood up defensively at the sound of someone else's voice. Oh no please. No more drama. Can't I just have some quiet time? She stared at the blonde boy that was stretching his hand toward her. Instinctively she crossed her arms over her chest. That's when she noticed she still had the Slytherin girl's robe on. Great. Now they'll kick me out of my own house as well.

Deciding that if she played on the defensive side like always, Imogen would look suspicious and they would think she wasn't part of Ravenclaw. Giving an annoyed sigh Imogen began to talk even though she ignored the guy's hand. "Imogen. I'm...new"
I went up to the Boys dorm room, and set out my books for the next day. I sat on my bed and ran my hands through my hair. "This is gonna be a tough year" iisaid to myself as i took out my wand and examined its beautifully crafted dark wood.
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When she wouldn't take my hand I thought it was a bit odd so I put my hand away. "My name is Stanley Marx, it seems you don't have the right robes yet, they should be on your bed and already fitted for you" as I spoke to her I went and sat down relaxing by the fire and not too close to Imugen, but not clear across the room. " if you are ever lost or need help with anything I will most times either be here or outside between the school and the forest." Other then that I kicked back a little bit "welcome to hogwarts Imugen, a home away from home"

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"Ummm...yeeah. Great. Thanks." Imogen began to retreat ever so slightly in the direction he had motioned her bed to be. The idea of having a room with a bed hadn't occurred to her. It was such a simple thing in this complex world that Imogen hadn't even thought about it. Once she was in the girls' room-- A whole room for all the girls in the house...how annoying.--Imogen found a bed that had her uniform: a black coat with a blue inner lining, a fancy white polo shirt,a black pleated skirt, a matching black sweater vest with the Ravenclaw crest embroidered on it, a blue and white striped tie and scarf, and a extra pair of black tights like the ones she had on. Also on her bed was her messenger bag, which she had forgotten all about and a letter.

Grabbing the letter, Imogen pushed the items on the bed to the side creating a small gap for her to sit on. There was a light purple wax stamp with the foot of a hare marked on it. She turned the letter and revealed the very elegant calligraphy of her mother, Luna. Imegen turned the letter back around and cracked open the wax seal. She took out a crisp piece of white paper that was written on with the same elegant calligraphy that was written on the envelope.


I really do hope your first day at Hogwarts was fantabulous. I am very amused to receive the news that you were placed in the Ravenclaw house just as I was. What a coinkydink don't cha think? I hope you are able to make yourself feel at home. There is still much for you to learn, but I don't doubt that that great Ravenclaw mind of yours will jump on board pretty quickly. You do have your mother's brains or so I have been told.

Anywho, I must leave you now, as this pen is beginning to act up and refusing to write. I hope in hearing from you soon my dear. I'm sure Nott will show you how to send letters with your owl in no time. Sweet dreams and remember, I Love You.



As she passed, she too thought I was weird. I thought I heard her say something as she left but I could have been hearing things. Whatever it was sounded like a whisper, all I could do was make out the word sign, what sign? Oh well I thought to myself as i sat there waiting for the rest of the house to get there. I never slept in my bed here, some thought it was weird but I couldn't sleep if I didn't sleep in my cocoon, so after a time I went and set up my Lycra Cocoon Hammock in the commons room close to where the restrooms were. I changed into my pajamas and slid into my hammock, the pressure on my entire body as it wrapped around me made me feel safe. I pulled out my moms letter from my pocket.

My Dearest,

I know things are getting harder at school and here at home, but hold on tight handsome I know you will get through it. As for your father and I, things arent getting much better, we hope to hear good new about the tournament and your involvement. You know I love and miss you even though we don't talk a lot. As for the issue with my maiden name, my maiden name means a lot to a lot of people and is a very special name not heard within the wizarding world. Don't take it personal sweetheart, just know it has nothing to do with you and that I will always love you.

Lillian Gaunt

After reading moms letter I fell asleep curled into a little ball. I thought about what everything was going to be like this year, and all the following years that the tournament would happen and where it would happen. Maybe I would....even......go...back....to *Yawn*... Salem
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After walking to her dorm she sat down and decided to read, after all the first day there was nothing to do the first day, except for the feast. She sat on her bed and got comfterble expecting none to come in she read her book in pice.
Aiden smirked maliciously and chuckled. He never knew that he'd fall into his grandfathers footsteps so easily but he almost liked it. "I don't think I'm better than you because my ancestor was a founder. No, that would be too simple..." He began to mutter and slipped Kissa off his shoulders, she slithered off towards his room. He looked at the girl suddenly and smiled charmingly. "Oh, I have forgotten my manners, forgive me." With that he stood and held out one hand to her. "My name is Aiden, Aiden Riddle."

Faye listened to the boy and smiled. "Its sweet that you get angry over that. Most just think its something I can control..." She held up a hand to her mouth as she laughed. Then she shook her head and mock exclaimed. "Oh no! Maman would be so upset that I forgot my manners!" She grinned again, simply enjoying being able to enjoy herself. She took his hand. "My name is Lorelei Faye Alvery. But you can call me Faye, Lorelei is such a mouth full."
Alezi looked at Aiden suspiciously before shaking his hand. "Alezi Zanos." She said before collecting her things and going up to her room.

She set her stuff down and got into her bed. "This weird school." She muttered before falling asleep.
Imogen looked at the later with rancor. How can she say she loves me after lying to be for 15 years. She grabbed the letter and shredded it into tiny pieces. A strange thought ran through her head. On the spur of the moment, Imogen grabbed the pieces of paper and brought them to eye level. She stared hard at the pieces of paper and then whispered, "Incendio."

With that the pieces of paper began to light up with flames and turn to ashes. Imogen smiled as being able to do some magic although she didn't even know where she learned the spell. The word had just walked into her head and she said it. As simple as that. Although the faint smell of the charred paper brought back memories of the day she had set a fire in her room accidentally.

Shaking the thought of her head as well as the left over ashes from her hands, Imogen put away the uniforms in a small dresser at the foot of her bed and tossed her bag to the side making several of her shrunken textbooks fly out of the bag and regain their original size. Thinking that she had had enough magic for one night, Imogen left the sprawled books on the floor and climbed onto her bed.

Imogen fell into a deep slumber. She dreamed of Luna being locked away and tortured and Imogen not being able to do anything because of her lack of witch knowledge.

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