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Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation


"Well" I said as the girl stormed off. "That wasn't an arguement, but the venom was still there. This world has made us all unkind." I decided to go out and about and explore this place, it was that either that or stay with these english and americans who can't do anything but torture one another mentaly

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Imogen walked the halls until she found one that was far enough away from the Main Hall. She had a straight face on showing no emotion whatsoever. The people she passed by would look at her, laugh, and make some remark about her being the crazy one's daughter. She held her composure until she was finally alone.

Imogen stood in the middle of the empty hall for a moment to make sure she hadn't been followed. After what appeared to be forever, her legs gave out and she toppled down to the floor crying. Her hand covered her eyes as tears ran down and she whimpered softly. She didn't want to in this crummy old school. She wanted to be far away from everyone. She wanted to be somewhere else were the ghost of her past couldn't haunt her.

She cried and cried until she ran out of tears and was just laying down on the cold marble floor shaking and whimpering. Memories of the people who use to tease her about being crazy danced around in her mind tormenting her. She was caught in a daze until a small thumping on the side of her leg awoke her from it. Questioningly she reached into her pocket and felt the amulet that had been given to her pulsating between her fingers. When you are in your room alone, listen and repeat what it says The words of the headmaster trailed back to her head.
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__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue flinched as she made eye contact. I guess she isn't awkward.. He thought as he finally sought it okay to return eye contact. "A veela, huh? The irresistibly beautiful kind." He spoke in away that seemed that he was talking to himself. In a way he was. It was just his way of getting the information from his head to his mouth then back to his head. Hm. Maybe that's why I'm being nice? The way he had been acting still couldn't compute but perhaps her beauty is as good an answer as any. "I see why crowds wouldn't be your thing." He understood now why she didn't enter the hall in the first place. "Well you don't have to worry about me." He let out a little laugh, trying to give her the room to be comfortable. "I'm more attracted to that guy from Drumstrang that walked by earlier than you. No offense of course." It's a shame you have to hide like this. People really should know how to control themselves.

Perking up, Faye looked at the boy more closely. She smiled very relieved. "Well that explains why you aren't jumping me at this point...." She was joking about it, but it had happened before. "And no offense taken. I'm thanking Magic that you're like that! I haven't been able to talk to any guys since I was younger!" She was excited about having someone other than her friends from school to talk to. A MALE at that! "Sorry. I'm just relieved is all. I've never met a gay guy before." She looked down and blushed.
Emmett nodded, directing her towards the black lake. " I don't know how Karkaroff does It," he said, referring to his headmaster. " But he's the only one that can actually preform the spell to keep it underwater. Its actually kind of illegal, but as long as nothing goes wrong, the ISWS won't care." He reached the ship, walking up the bridge to the deck as he talked. "We're not all staying on them this year though. Older student's are pairing up with students from Hogwarts..." he trailed off thoughtfully. "My house'll probably get put with Slytherin or Gryffindor."
Molly listened to him as they walked. She looked around, happily, the ship was incredible. It was far bigger than it looked from the castle. She heard what he had said about being placed with one of the houses back in the castle. "I highly doubt anyone will get placed with my house. We don't get a lot of attention there. Though I think that's how most of them like it." She told him, more or less just thinking out loud.

Willow looked to the boy's hand, who had introduced himself as Tobias. She eventually held out her hand as well shaking politely. "I'm Willow." She told him, her voice still plain and monotone, her face rather calm and unemotional as well. She went back to leaning up against the wall. "I'm sure she just has things she's trying to work through." She said matter of factly. She had a small amount of doubt with this idea, because after all some people were just like that. However she felt there was reasons for this girls outlandish behavior and her excessive need to prove herself in some way. Whether or not it was a good reason remained to be seen.
"She does" I admitted "But it doesn't give her reason to act like she's higher than everyone else, especially towards our guests. Anyway, you have any problems feel free to ask me, I'm always around. I'm 5th year in Gryffindor, so I'm often in the Gryffindor common room"
"What's Hufflepuff like then? Since I don't know that much about any of your houses," he said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. He had decided he liked her, she wasn't annoying or proud like some if the other students he'd seen.

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Alezi made her way through the halls, occasionally walking close to the Salem students too see if any recognized her, as she'd transferred from there. With no luck, she decided to get a head start on her reasearch. And turned around to head to the library, her boots making loud echoes through the hall.
"Fine I guess, well I have to go check out my dorm room so bye!" She said with a chipper voice and she skipped away thinking oh god he wants to know about my brothers.

__Avenue Peacelights__

Avenue slightly jumped again at the moment she perked. Well, mission accomplished I guess. He thought seeing that she finally wasn't worried. "I was about to make that same joke!" He really hoped it was a joke. If it wasn't, he would have to ask for a name and teach some manners. It seemed like a strange thing to only be able to talk to one gender to him but it angered him even more the fact that males have obviously caused trouble for her in the past. Ugh. If I had a choice, I just wouldn't like anybody. His eyes kind of flickered at the thought but he was drawn from it as she kept talking. "Well you get to talk to one now!" He was addressing the fact that he was both male and gay. "I'm not much different from other people..I'm just more interesting and apparently more sane the males you've come across." Those were words he never thought would come out of his mouth. Yeah I'm definitely not okay. He humored to himself.

Willow thought about what he had said for a moment, silently looking him over. 'A Gryffindor huh?. they are the brave and bold ones, or something like that.' She thought. "I'm a sixth year at Salem," She told him. "We don't have houses there though."

Molly let out a small sigh,"We have a bad reputation of being talentless, or weak." She explained. "Though that's really not the case. Simply because we weren't sorted into one of the other three doesn't make us less. The sorting hat works in funny ways like that." She tried to explain the best she could, though how the sorting hat truly worked was more or less a mystery to everyone. "I don't think it sorts you based on how you are now, but perhaps what kind of things you value, and of course that doesn't always account for what will become of you in the future." She looked to him and smiled, "So though the students in the Hufflepuff house may not be the bravest, smartest or even the most ambitious, we are loyal, and I like to to think that we are balanced and most of all underestimated."
Imogen scanned the room to make sure she was still alone and finding that there was no one there she took the amulet out of her pocket and began to fiddle around with it trying to open it. She yanked, pushed, pulled and even bit down on the amulet but no matter what she did the amulet wouldn't open. Frustrated and angry, she yelled out and threw the amulet across the hall making it clitter and clatter as it hit the floor.

She stared at the piece of junk across the hall from her. That good for nothing jerk. Open is and repeat what it says. Yeah right. He’s a phony just like all the others here. Imogen was mad, but for some reason she couldn't take her eyes off of the amulet. All of a sudden there was a small voice in the back of her head. It was but a whisper. She couldn't make out what it was, but she felt it had something to do with the amulet.

Imogen stood up cautiously and walked over to the amulet the voice getting louder and louder the closer she got. She was standing over the amulet when the voice was finally clear enough to understand it. Nahlahsaih the voice repeated over and over in her head. Imogen bend down and grabbed the amulet. It was warm to her touch. Her lips parted slowly and a small noise came out of her mouth… “Nala…

She turned her head around paranoid that she was being watch. When she noticed the coast was clear, Imogen’s gaze returned to the amulet. She took a deep breath, cleared her throat, and with a loud voice she repeated the voice in her head. “Nahlahsaih.”

The loud voice seized and amulet began to shake ever so slightly. She stared at the shaking antique until there was an audible clicking sound and the shaking stopped. Imogen turned the amulet around to reveal a small crack on the back, Great I broke it. Imogen began to peck at the crack only to reveal that it wasn't a crack. The amulet had opened.
"I try not to think of the houses as the determining factor of who a person is, like a lot of people here do" I said seriously "But there are some people that are pretty typical to the characteristics of their house. Anyway, is there anything you need help with or any place you want me to show you to?"
"Not that I can think of at the moment." Willow said plainly taking a look around. It seemed as though things were beginning to settle down finally. People were starting to disperse and it was as loud anymore. The brazillian boy had left for who knows what reason, and so far she wasn't too impressed with anyone here. This boy seemed decent enough however he would be an acquaintance for now. "What can you tell me about the dueling here? And the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" She asked him looking him in the eyes. She may as well get a good idea of what the competition would be like, granted she had already witnessed some.
"Well seeing as though its my favorite class, I can tell you a lot. We learn new spells and perfect them, in basic terms, but it is quite an intense class and the teacher is brilliant. We know our stuff when it comes to spells" I said with a half-mouth smile "As for dueling, a fair amount of us take part in it, but not as many as you think. I would be one of those that does participate, of course, because I love spells and magic in general."
The amulet revealed a beautiful green gem that was framed with intricate gold spirals. Her fingers reached over to the gem and as soon as the made contact with each other the voice in her head returned. Eaigth datsin ahlahvaisp tsi laist poeis ashithmisdo…Eaigth datsin ahlahvaisp tsi laist poeis ashithmisdo… Eaigth datsin ahlahvaisp tsi laist poeis ashithmisdo. This was weird to her, Imogen had never heard this language before, but she could understand it. Slowly she let her tongue loose and began to repeat the voice in her head again just as the headmaster had told her too. “Eaigth datsin ahlahvaisp tsi laist poeis ashithmisdo”

Imogen blinked and she felt herself being sucked into a vortex. Her gut was pulled and her whole body felt compressed under immense pressure, however the feeling was gone in less than a second and she appeared in a room she hadn’t seen before. It resembled a library, but with much less books. There were papers and old books scattered all over the place. With the amulet in her hand Imogen began to look around the strange place.

as I entered my office I looked at all the portraits of the past headmasters, I would eventually be put up on this wall with them. The thoughts would have continued, that is except a heard someone apperate. I turned to see who it was, i already knew who it was. I turned to Imogen and she looked as if she had been crying. I approached her slowly "Imogen my girl, whats the matter?" I said as I was about to put my hand on her shoulder, but i didn't know her that well yet, she may still hold some hostility from earlier.
Imogen had been skimming through several newspapers about past events. Back when the dark lord was still alive and the famous Harry Potter roamed these halls. An article about her mother, Luna Lovegood, had caught her attention. The article read that her mother had been abducted by the dark lord's followers. I never knew my mother had been captured.

She was reading the article when a voice startled her. Imogen dropped the article making several other things fall down with it. She spun around to reveal the headmaster standing behind her. She looked at him for a while before responding, "I...I don't know." She took out the amulet which he had put back in her pocket when she began to read the article and displayed it in front of the headmaster. "I did as you told me, and I ended up here. Why?"

"You are something of an abnormality here, in most all ways you should be a fifth year student but this is only your first year. You will have some catching up to do" she was an oddity for any wizarding school, most times they would be transfer students, in the past few years we had gotten a few transfers, mainly from Salem. "as to why it brought you here... could you under stand it?"
Imogen rolled her eyes when the headmaster told her she was an abnormality, "Yeah you think I don't know that genius? I know I'm suppose to be in a higher grade. You think I wanna be with the newbs that are just coming in? The only reason that stupid crazy lady brought me here was because she didn't want to deal with me anymore. What if I don't want to learn any crazy voodoo witch spells, huh? What if I don't want anything to do with this place at all. The only thing that's happened so far is people laughing at me and calling me crazy just because of my mother. Well you know what I'm not crazy."

She paced around her anger beginning to raise and making her sound like an actual crazy person even though she claimed not to be crazy. "And of course I can understand it. I'm not stupid. It was pretty clear. 'In this sign you shall conquer.' Even a baby can understand that." What Imogen didn't know was that a baby couldn't understand that. She didn't know that the language she had just heard in her head and spoken was not understood by normal people.

"It isn't because of your mother that you get strange looks, Luna eventually became a friend of mine. Luna is highly respected, even though some things she does are odd, she wasn't seen as crazy. Your grandfather Xenos was seen as more of a madman, yet once again he was proven right about most things others thought him mad about. Your family name is not why you get strange looks from some people. Have you noticed that sometimes you want to say one thing and instead say something completely different? Have you ever cursed under your breath while walking the halls and others stare?" I stood in front of her and motioned to the many pictures of headmasters around the room. "All of these men around this room, and not a single one has the gift you have. You can understand all of what I am saying to you not because I am speaking English. I am also a parsel. We speak in the same language as snakes, every curse under your breath, sleep talking, sometimes even when you yell. You dont notice anything, your mind switches instantly to parsel when it hears it."
Imogen listened to the headmaster speak. He sounds like a madman. I don't know who Xenos is...my grandfather died a long time ago. Even though everything else is true. I do end up saying things I don't mean. I do curse at people, but he can't be serious. Luna had never spoken to Imogen about her past, so it wasn't a surprise that she didn't know who Xenophilius was.

Imogen began to shake her head, "I don't know what you're talking about." She took a step back retreating from crazy man that was in front of her. "You're crazy, just like she is." Imogen began to look behind her to make sure the coast was clear for her to make a run for it. She took another step back, "Get away from me!"

Imogen reached behind her and grabbed a handful of papers. She threw them towards the headmaster, turned around and began to run. She didn't know where the exit to this place was, but if she there was an entrance there was an exit. Imogen ran behind a wall. She quickly grabbed the amulet and brought it to eye level. "Nahlahsaih"

The amulet began to shake, as expected, until it clicked. Imogen tore the amulet open and touched the green gem just as she had done before, "Eaigth datsin ahlahvaisp tsi laist poeis ashithmisdo." The gut wrenching feeling returned and in a blink of an eye, Imogen vanished.

I spoke into the amulet that I held knowing she would hear it. "If you don't believe me, seek out Aiden Riddle, show him the amulet" someone who has been lied to her entire life, of course she wouldn't believe the truth when she heard it. either she will come to accept it with time, or something far darker lies in store for her.

All over the school the voice of headmaster Notts could be heard: "Attention students, it is nearing curfew. Make your way to your dorms and we shall begin mixed classes, and tryouts for school teams tomorrow. Good night, and good luck all of you."
When Imogen opened her eyes she was hunched over in a living room that she didn't recognize. The room was dimly lighted. There was a black leather couch next to her, several wooden tables with open books and scattered papers and a fire place. She looked around until a green draping curtain caught her eye, Slytherin.

As her eyes adjusted to the dark room she figured she was inside the Slytherin common room. That's strange. How did I get here? The voices of several girls made Imogen jerk up scared of being discovered in a room that she didn't belong in. She looked around for the amulet which was several feet away from her on the floor. I guess I must have dropped it when I landed.

With the amulet now in hand she ran up a small set of stairs towards the door to the common room. She was about to open the door when she heard voices on the other side. Crap! Imogen ran back to the living room and looked for a place to hide. Seeing a table pushed against a wall and covered with a green table cloth, Imogen ran to it, lifted the cloth, and hid under the table.

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