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Fandom Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry


Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

"Renie, you're always starving." Dallas laughed remembering the feasts she would have. "Or should I start calling you Captain now?" He always enjoyed being around Irene. Even though she teased his American roots like the others, he could tell she meant no harm nor foul. This sparked an interest in her that he would have been too scared to pursue... until this year. Dallas knew of Caterina more than he knew her personally. Great seeker, great student, great person overall. He looked forward to getting to know her more.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

"Haha very funny." She said sarcastically."I'll go by Irene for now." She said jokily still having her arms linked with them. She was the shortest in the two so she found it funny that she was in the middle. She was excited that she was finally captain of the team, she dreamt of having that position since she was 5 and always thought that it was destined for her because of her father. She already fixed the plays by studying games from as far as the 90s to now and even made up some of her own. She was prepared for anything that got in her way... Well mostly.


Adeline Sherman \Ravenclaw \ Year 5

Shaking her head as she departed the train she sighed, now on her own without fellow Ravenclaws Addie wondered if it would be okay to stick with the others, or it they perhaps wished to be among themselves. Sighing she allowed her eyes to venture around the drop off a small smile growing on her face as she recalled her memories of arriving, being excited, nervous, and just a little bit scared..
Bartley Smythe/Hufflepuff/5th Year

Bartley starts as the train comes to a stop quickly stuffing his book (and a handful of sweets) in his pocket. He jumps up and walks quickly after the others, stopping at the exit and scanning the crowd for familiar faces. He notices Addie and walks over to her. "Hey uh... So the Gryffindors have gone ahead on their own as usual." He smiles slightly in a fond manner. "You uh, think I could stick with you till we get to the Great Hall and the whole ceremony and everything?" Bartley smiles at her in a way that he hopes denotes friendliness. He comes across as awkward and nervous, as he usually does.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.0b3898725a4b3aff8995ec109f4eadb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.0b3898725a4b3aff8995ec109f4eadb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alodia Kaiser / Year Five / Slytherin

'Elizabeth eyed the alleyway warily, it was paved in pristine white cobblestone in stark contrast to the filthy, jagged rocks that typically covered the streets of this penniless portion of London. An oddly conspicuous location to meet in an even stranger district, she took a hesitant step forward, nearly blind in the inky blackness of the night. How Elizabeth would see him, she did not know.. A shiver ran down her spin, but her intuition acted too sluggishly it seemed, cold digits were clamping around the pale flesh of her throat, sturdy as steal-'

The train gave a sudden jolt and Alodia had to suppress a shriek as she was suddenly thrust back into reality. Her eyes wide, she scanned the room hurriedly for the monstrous perpetrator described in the story. And, finding no such man she sagged back against the comforting solidity of the wall of the Hogwarts Express. The train was simply groaning to a stop, that was all, nothing to be concerned about. Her breath slowed and her expression steadily returned to a carefully neutral state. Everything was fine, absolutely fine. After a few moments, she trusted her legs to function correctly and bear her weight without shaking, and rose. She strode to the door and pushed it open, before slipping unnoticed into the crowds of students hurrying to exit the train and enter the Hogwarts Grounds.



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Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

"I can't wait to get on that field as an actual player. I've been watching past games all summer. Hey Irene, are you still in the Dueling Club?" Once Dallas realized he wanted to work for the Ministry of Magic, he knew he needed to step his game up.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene scoffed as she said."Of course I am why wouldn't I be?" The question had a very obvious answer.She loved dueling club and even if she didnt she felt obligated to join. Her father was head of Auror office and her mother was a dueling prodigy, So she's been train to fight as soon as she learned how to stand on her own.
"Dumb question," Dallas chuckled, "I was just wondering if there was room for one more? If I want to be an Auror or a Hit Wizard, I'll need to get some extra training in before OWLS." He hoped that Irene didn't think he was doing this just to get close to her. Though he did have feelings for her, their similarities in hobbies and career choices were coincidental. The last thing Dallas wanted was for her to think he was some creep.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

"I'm pretty sure there is. Maybe We can duel soon, Well I mean when you get better with your spells of course, I want to make sure that it will last longer than 30 seconds." She teased as she continued to walk. When they finally got to the carriages. She stepped onto it , giving Cat a lift then took a seat. She wondered what the horses looked like since she never witnessed a death so she wasn't able to see them but she thought that was probably a good thing.

Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

Dallas climbed into the carriage, while sticking his tongue out athe Irene. "I'll have you know, I casted the Senseless spell on myself after I left your train car and it lasted the whole train ride." She was right however, Dallas needed a lot of practice.
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Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

"Wow you must've put a lot of effort into it. Good for you even though we learned that spell eons ago." She said sarcastically. Getting comfortable in her spot. She smirked his way then added "You know I'd be happy to take you under my wing and teach you some spells out of kindness." She said with grandiosity. Though she loved aiding people ,She was kind of conceited and at times felt like she was superior than most. Not based on blood but by skills.

Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

"You're so gracious Ms. Dean." Dallas chuckled. "I'll definitely take you up on

your offer. Like I'd refuse time to spend with..." Dallas had not intended to say that last part out loud but he was able to catch himself before he was doomed. He cleared his throat, hoping no one heard it.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene laughed as his comment. She wondered what he was going to say but didn't bother to ask. She just observed the landscape , looking back at him from time to time, hoping that one of them would break the silence so .

Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

Dallas struggled to try and change the topic before it became awkward. He was still getting used to being socially active. Dallas remembered something they had in common. Music, muggle music to be precise. "So, heard any good music over the summer?" He chuckled nervously.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.5a8323fc197d3ce0912e336a8269e60b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.5a8323fc197d3ce0912e336a8269e60b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alodia Kaiser / Year Five / Slytherin

Alodia moved quickly, weaving through the rapidly diminishing crowds of students clambering to get a seat on an ideal carriage. Gazing down the line of carts, she caught sight of two in particular, that she found her eyes fixating on repeatedly. One was half filled with those Slytherins with whom she'd shared a compartment, the other, a near empty carriage containing Dean and Whitby, a kindly pair that if Alodia was being honest, she wouldn't mind spending an ride with one bit. The coaches rolled forward in speedy succession, and Alodia found herself keenly aware of the fact that she would only have time to catch up with one. Jogging hurriedly through the mammoth crowds, eyes squinted in an attempt to keep her target in view, she set off. And after a few minutes of sprinting through throngs of people, found herself climbing onto the Slytherin cart, it was the obvious choice of course. She couldn't have herself pulling something completely humiliating in front of the duo of Gryffindors, as a Slytherin she couldn't imagine they'd be as forgiving if she was to intrude, and she had a chapter to finish.



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Adeline Sherman
\Ravenclaw \ Year 5

Smiling at Bartley Addie nodded, "I don't see why not," She breathes a light laugh as she heads in the direction of the carriages. Scanning over their mounts she shivered as she again witnessed the hauntingly beautiful yet eerie creatures, before smiling over at the Hufflepuff to try to ease his nervous exterior. "How was your break?" She asked openly brushing her hair back from her face.

@kitkat13 @Kintaro Fujimori @Robyn Banks @RiddleWrappedEnigma @Kawaii Ghost Demon
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