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Fandom Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry


Adeline Sherman \Ravenclaw \ Year 5

Leaned back in her seat Addie said nothing, barely offering a slight nod to Azrael, her thoughts had again gotten away from her leaving her to grasp blankly at the edges of her mind for whatever the pair was talking about. Coming up as she expected- blank, she chose to remain silent, she almost regretted not taking the time in her previous years to get to know these students. They all had quite the unique personality.
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Catrina Lea Everwinter / Gryffindor / Year 5

Catrina slowly fell out of the conversation and began to block the voices out. She began to mess around with her rings, staring blankly out the window, watching trees and grass pass by with a blur of several shades of green. Catrina suddenly returned to listening to the conversation, and looked around the suddenly crowded compartment. She let out a rather gentle sigh. "Oh, hello Le Fay, Smythe. Sorry to appear rude, I blanked out for a bit." Noticing Drew had left, Catrina smiled gently. Wondering if she should go look for the cart lady, she looked back outside of the window. Familiar surroundings came into view, but not quite to Hogwarts yet. She stood up slowly and smiled at the group out students. "I'm going to go find the cart, I'm starving," Catrina said gently, letting out a small laugh, "Would anyone like to come with?" Catrina's icy blue-grey eyes gazed around the crowded compartment, a sweet smile on her face.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene rolled her eyes jokily at him about being boring and just listened for the rest. When he brought up her mother, She answered "Yes, She was. She's taught me everything I know about dueling... Or at least most of it. I'm surprised that you remembered." After a while she seemed as if she was going into deep thought until Catrina asked for a volunteer to go with her. "I'll go with you Catrina, I was about to do the same thing." She said with a grin as she got up."We'll be right back." She informed the rest prior to exiting with Cat.


Adeline Sherman
\Ravenclaw \ Year 5

Waving to the pair Addie continued to watch the passing scenery, an jolt of nostalgia swamping her as she pondered where all the other Ravenclaws had slunk off to. Breathing a sigh she pulled one leg up to rest her hand on as the gentle swaying of the train continued.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.35bb4c7f18495cc264519cc634f6bba4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.35bb4c7f18495cc264519cc634f6bba4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alodia Kaiser/ Year 5/ Slytherin

Alodia sat, pinned uncomfortably to a wall by a bulkier Slytherin boy seated to her left. Her arm twitched surreptitiously where her housemate's bulk weighed against it. She shifted slightly to no avail, and after a few more attempts to find sufficient space proved equally futile, she rose swiftly and exited the cramped compartment, not bothering to explain where she was headed. This lack of explanation was partially due to the fact that they would hardly notice her exit and partially because she wasn't really sure of her destination. She simply walked, listening to the steady rhythm of her measured footsteps and luxuriating in the absence of her more boisterous house members. A few minutes into her idle stroll, she came upon a sweets wagon. Alodia's lips tugged upwards in what was almost a smile, she really did adore a good treat. She reached into her bag for a few sickles, whilst eyeing the licorice wands, and heard the familiar voices of two students in her year approaching.



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Drew Collins / Slytherin / Year 5

Drew found the cart lady and saw a girl from his house standing with her. "Kaiser," he said with a nod as he walked up to them both. He didn't know her very well, she was much quieter than the rest of the Slytherins, often keeping her distance. He simply hated the fact she was a mudblood, but she rarely ever talked so he just left her alone most times. As Drew stepped in front of the cart, he was clearly displeased with his options, "Isn't there anything healthy on this cart?" The lady shook her head as if to say 'no'. "You've got to be kidding, my father won't hesitate to get you fired if this isn't changed by Christmas break. I'm sick of this candy crap." He folded his arms while tapping his right foot, unaware that Irene and Catrina were approaching.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene continued walking beside Cat sparking a conversation as she always, She spotted Drew harrassing the lady goi g on about 'eating healthy' or something like that. She decided to be the courageous one and cut in front of him, though it was more of a shove then anything ,saying. "Then just don't eat candy,See problem solved plus. Anyways you have to take your complains with higher authority. I thought you knew that, Even if you did fire her the menu wouldn't be changed." She said turning her attention to the lady smiling.unfazed by the glare she was probably receiving "My apologies about him, He's just a wuss that depends on his parents for everything. Can I just get five of each candy please. " The woman happily gave her the sweets, even adding a couple more candy as a sign of gratitude. Irene handed her the money giving her extra. "Keep the change." She said smiling back. She handed Kaiser two licorice wands, remembering how she loved them. " Hey Kaiser, since you love them so much." She said smiling.
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Azrael Le Fay/Slytherin/Fifth Year


Azrael opened his mouth to say something, but the duo had already left. Leaving him with the quiet, and possibly socially akward Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. "Say, Sherman, Bartely. You two excited for anything in the upcoming year?" Azrael queried, trying to get a conversation going.



Bartley Smythe/Hufflepuff/Year 5

Bartley glances up from his book, slightly startled. After a second or two he seems to register the question and smiles, putting his book away carefully. "Oh yeah! I got selected for the Hufflepuff Keeper. That probably means the other teams will score a lot, but it's the taking part that counts, right? Also I'm excited to get back to the Botany and Creatures classes. I uh, find them really interesting." Bartley's blunders in DATDA and Potions classes are well known, but he is fairly decent at the ones he just mentioned.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.6b2842ec20973fdbe250187b4b1daee0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.6b2842ec20973fdbe250187b4b1daee0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alodia Kaiser/ Year Five/ Slytherin

Alodia nodded slightly in Collins' direction, with a murmured,

"Collins." Before continuing to dig through her bag in search of her purse, she really should have organized it prior to leaving for school, but instead she had whiled away hours reading and disregarding responsibility. She was just retracting the sickles from the depths of a particularly large pocket of her satchel, when she found she was being handed two licorice wands by Irene Dean. She blinked twice and resisted the urge to pinch her arm to make sure she was experiencing reality and not just some hazy daydream. She'd hardly ever spoken to the girl, though that might have been due to Alodia's own introversion, why on Earth was she doing her a favor? Still gazing at her peer's outstretched hand warily, she plucked the sweets from her grasp and replied a quiet, measured,

"Th-thank you."



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Adeline Sherman
\Ravenclaw \ Year 5

Lips pressed into a small smile Addie shook her head in response to Azrael's question, "Just the usual excitement," She laughed before a lopsided smile replaced the previous expression, "I almost envy those who can participate in the sport- I never could get my broom to do much more than roll on the ground." She breathed a laugh as she remembered her previous years and the brief humiliation she had endured. "What about you?" She pressed, her smiling remaining as she awaited an answer.
Azrael Le Fay/Slytherin/Fifth Year


Hearing Adeline's self-deprecating comment, he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips. "Well, flying isn't for everyone I suppose. I'm just excited for Defense I guess. As well as another year at the dueling club. Sure there's a lot of new talent that's going to be there." At Bartley's comments, a smile formed on his expression.

"You made Keeper? That's brilliant mate!" Azrael exclaimed with a bit of a smile. "Don't beat yourself up, there must have been loads of people at tryouts and you managed to secure first string spot at keeper. That's got to mean something. I'll personally still give you Sixty, but that means you still have skill nonetheless..." He stated, trying to encourage the male.


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Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene nodded at Alodia then walked away saying "See you at hogwarts." While she continued walking she spotted Dallas asleep from his compartment window, Irene quietly slid open the door tossing him some candy then walked off. He probably needed it since he wasn't with the most desirable people. She went back to the compartment then slid open the door with a grin on her face. "I brought Candy for everyone . I didn't know what you guys wanted so I just got 5 of each." She announced tossing Azrael a chocolate frog and handing Bartley the rest so he could Select the candy, He found the most appealling. She plopped onto her spot,taking a honeyduke.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.a1d399c02fcdef7ab93916005e838185.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alodia.jpg.a1d399c02fcdef7ab93916005e838185.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alodia Kaiser / Year Five / Slytherin

Alodia nodded vaguely in her direction, before glancing at Collins. He appeared to be making a fuss about the quality of the food served on the trolley, a silly, futile battle to pick with an opponent who would hardly fight back. She shook her head slightly, almost amused, and then continued on her way down the hall, not wishing to return to her cramped compartment just yet. As she walked she gazed through the windows separating her from and her peers and found herself entertained by the view. It was a curious thing walking down a hall of glass boxes, able to observe the goings on of their occupants, like an odd zoo of some kind. Alodia's eyes traveled past each one but she dared not enter any, even those that contained the few she recognized and could call companions of some sort. She continued following the straight path, nibbling at her licorice wands, and acting the spectator for quite a while, until eventually she tired. And spying a suitably desolate coat closet, slipped in, pulling out a thick volume that detailed the fictional 'Mystery of the White Chapel District', an excellent read according to the owner of Flourish and Blots.



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Azrael Le Fay/Slytherin/Fifth Year


Azrael caught the chocolate frog, nodding in thanks to the girl before unwrapping it before and plopping it into his mouth whole before it got a chance to escape. Some of his cravings partially filled, Azrael looked at the card in the box before snorting it in amusement and turning it to show everyone in the compartment. "Thomas Marvolo Riddle. Also known as Lord Voldemort. How Ironic." He slipped the card into one of his pockets before speaking. "Going back to what you said Dean, I tend to remember tid-bits like that. So, what did you guys do for your summer?" Despite his earlier words, the wait was really starting to get to him if he were being honest with himself.

@Robyn Banks



@Kawaii Ghost Demon


Catrina Lea Everwinter / Gryffindor / Year 5

Catrina chose a few chocolate frogs and a bit of some other candy, scoffing at Drew as she paid the woman, giving her extra as well. "Here, keep the change, I don't need it." She said sweetly, grinning at the female. She turned and quickly walked back to the compartment and took a seat once more. "We should be arriving soon," She said softly, staring outside of the window. Glancing back at Azrael, she shrugged gently. "My father and older brother gave me extra training for Quidditch, and I got to meet my brothers new wife, but nothing too exciting, honestly." She said softly, offering a small smile. She unwrapped a chocolate frog, quickly placing it into mouth as she scanned the card that came with it and putting it into her bag.

Irene Jack Dean/Gryffindor/Year 5

"Nothing much, I went to France to visit my mom, we traveled, I learned a few skills for dueling club ,and also got into a lot of muggle things you probably won't want to know. My father and I came up with some spells to do... Pretty much it." She left out some things from her summer since she didn't want to rabble on about it. She took another honeyduke. Settling more into her seat. She knew that they weren't far from Hogwarts and was starting to get really excited to arrive there. She was so excited to start her classes and to decorate her side of the room with her new decor. She glanced at the window, hoping to see the castle.
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Azrael Le Fay/Slytherin/Fifth Year


He nodded at both of their responses, pretty typical summers all in all. And taking Everwinter's word for it, the ride would end quicker than he thought it would. Though there was something about Irene's statement did spawn a comment from him. "And just what makes you think I wouldn't want to know about non-magical things?" The query also came with an arched eyebrow, the Le Fay expecting a response.

@Kawaii Ghost Demon

@Robyn Banks


Irene Jack Dean/Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene looked back at him bewildered until she thought about what she said. She didn't think her statement would offend him. A grin came upon her face as usual as she replied jokily. "Well if you want to fangirl about sherlock with me then be my guest, it would actaully be nice to have someone to discuss my theories with." She took a bite of her candy, pulling a bit of her hair from her face.

@Gabriel Leko
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Azrael Le Fay/Slytherin/Fifth Year


He pouted, a strange expression on his face. "I haven't even finished the first book yet...I do like it so far though. That girl in my year Kaiser might have finished the whole series with how many books she's completed.." He put his hands behind his head and leaned back a bit as he relaxed. "Unless you're talking about the T.V show. I don't watch Television that much so that's a no for me."

@Robyn Banks
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Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene let out a laugh. She was talking about the T.V. show but she loved the book as well. Though she didn't remember it as much since she read it years ago. She almost forgotten that everyone else was in the room since they were silent. She wondered if they were shy or didn't want to be part of the conversation. She knew that she wouldn't talk to Azrael as much since they were in separate house especially since they were rivals ,So she decided to enjoy the time while she still had it. She took a glance outside, observing the landscape.
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Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

As if ordained by the fates, the senseless spell began to wear off as the Train screeched to a halt. We have finally arrived at Hogwarts!

Dallas wakes up, a bit of swear running down his templemail from the dream turned nightmare. He noticed a piece of candy on his lap and smiled, having an idea as to who might be the generous donor.

Before he knew it, students began rushing off the train with their bags and whatnot. Once the hallway was less crowded, Dallas made his way off the train happy to distance himself from his train mates. Dallas stretched out his body as he waited for Irene and Catrina to depart their section of the train.


Catrina Lea Everwinter / Gryffindor / Year 5

Catrina, hearing the train screeching to a stop, happily leaped up, excited to start the year at Hogwarts. She slung her bag over her shoulder and waited for the train to clear slightly before exiting. Noticing a fellow Gryffindor, she walked over to Dallas, bag hanging loosely on her shoulder. "Hey! Excited for the year to start, Dallas?" She said gently, grinning at him, waiting for Irene to exit. Catrina had always been the type to be overly excited for things, especially school. Truthfully, she was just excited to start Quidditch. A smile still lingering on the girl's face, she peered up at the sky, taking in a deep breath. "Ahh, fresh air..." She whispered, sighing as she looked back to the train.

Dallas Whitby/ Gryffindor/ 5th Year

"Who wouldn't be! Well, besides Dreary Drew that is." Dallas laughed as he straightened his travel bag. "Plus, I'm excited to start Quidditch this year. I'm going to be a chaser this year!" Dallas tried to contain his excitement but failed. He was starting to enjoy stepping out of the background.


Irene Jack Dean/ Gryffindor/Year 5

Irene made her way outside the train. She noticed Catrina and Dallas talking so she approached them stating "I'm so glad we finally got here, I'm not cramped anymore." Linking arms with the two. She started to follow the crowd of people heading towards the carriages."I can't wait til we get to the castle I'm starving!" In all honesty she was always hungry.
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