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Fandom Hogwarts 2020: The First Years - Spellbooks and Sorcery

Maple's Sorting

Hello, Hello~! Yes I am. There’s no need to be so nervous, Mr. Komeda. I’m just going to take a small little peek…

Mmm, determined and stubborn, I see. You don’t like to leave things undone. A little impatient as well, but not reckless. You’ll watch your surroundings, weigh your options before making your move…

…yet you won’t stand for being called weak.

Haha, a height complex, eh? I see a strong thirst to prove yourself, but you’re probably a bit too good natured to be Slytherin… and most Hufflepuffs don’t feel the need to prove themselves...

I do see bravery though.

Yes, smatterings of it here and there, but that’s how bravery is, you see. It’s not an infinite resource and it doesn’t exist without fear. It shows up when you have to make a choice. And it’s your choice that makes who you are, not mine. I was only made to divvy up the students so the founders don’t fight like cats or dogs over who goes where. Hahhhhhh, those were the good old days…

The hat slouched. I may not fit like a glove, but I was made to tell you where YOU where you fit, Boy. That bearded boor would probably want a boy like you in...


The table of red and gold roared, claps and cheers resounding the hall to voice their approval. Some even popped streamers from their wands, though whether it was to welcome their new housemate, or because they didn’t want to lose out on being the loudest, it was hard to say.

Might simply be that Gryffindors liked to party.

“Well…you can’t really expect any less from the most spirited house.” Professor Grimald coughed. “Good luck and try not to break too many rules, no matter how the older ones might pressure you.”

Robes altered and a lion badge later, Maple would be met with claps on the back from fellow Gryffindors as they welcomed a new young lion into their pride.

Nico Nico

Piper's Sorting
Not Slytherin, you say?

Not the house that leads you to greatness? I can see your desire to take center stage, you know…the competitive fire that burns brightly within you. You want to be the BEST. Slytherin can pave you the easiest path there.


Well, I didn’t think so either, to be honest.

Talkative, don’t mind being laughed at, positive, and kind despite how those muggle kids treated you, you’ve got all the traits of a Hufflepuff…but far too much confidence. The fire in you burns so bright it burns away any doubt in my mind.

Sighing, the hat took a breath before shouting, “GRYFFINDOR!!!!”

Much like Maple’s sorting, the table of the lions cheered loudly, roaring their approval. Streamers. Blowhorns. Some even made smug faces at the Slytherins that were dead silent. Well, most of the Slytherins anyway. A few clapped anyway, since not doing so would appear rude. Slow, steady claps though.

Professor Grimald rolled his eyes. “The next time I get bothered to do this, I’ll remember to bring earmuffs.”

Staff pointed at the girl, the Head of Slytherin repeated the same silent magic he’d been performing since the Ceremony began, before letting the lions welcome another member.

Raven14 Raven14
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