Other Hobby

Reading a book, listening to music, coming up with stories.

And if I could I would even join my country's military.
Reading. Always and forever. I need to get back into the habit, though.
I love collecting posters that represent what I like as well as collecting books. I don't have many posters yet, but I own 125 Books.
Video Games, books, music, eavesdropping on conversations, and doing absolutely nothing for extended periods of time.
Making models! Collecting, yard sale hopping, finding deals. It's surprisingly fun and only slightly sketchy at times.
Scrapbooking, collecting an absurd amount of plushies for someone of my age, and attempting nail art. But I usually make a mess just putting one plain coat of colour on, so meh.
Games for sure.

Also enjoy reading, writing, drawing, and working on VFX stuff. Hobbies that I don't get to toy with that often include paintballing and rock climbing.

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