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Fandom History Should Stay History

He just nodded and rubbed at his face, going to lay on the couch again, she didn’t seem to be listening to him at all at the moment and he knew she was stressed but he was doing everything he could to help out as much as possible, it just wasn’t much yet.

Val frowned and nodded holding onto him tightly. “hes so scared of being on hisown but he can’t sleep with one of us every single night.... how the hell do we keep him in his own room without seeming like awful people? He’s terrified EZ.” She mumbled, pulling food out to start on dinner.
Max came back and sighed softly kissing his cheek gently "I'll be home as soon as I can be alright?" She murmured before handing Mari off to him and going to her job.

EZ sighed softly giving a small nod "We have to prove to him that he is safe, we have to make him feel it." He murmured frowning when he heard James scream and quickly rushed out to him. He went over and picked his son up seeinh he was having a nightmare and sighed heavily bouncing him some
James just held onto his dad tightly shaking a bit and buried his face into his shirt, still not saying anything at all and only relaxed after EZ had been rocking him for a little bit, sitting at the table when they were ready for dinner, making a mess as always with his food and pushing away the bits he didn’t like then reached for his mom to take him for cuddles so she lifted him onto her lap, murmuring to him and kissing his head to soothe him, exchanging a look with EZ

angel nodded and cradled Mari close to him carefully watching her go then set Mari on the floor to play, seeing Gracie come down after a bit rubbing her face and coming to cuddle angel, having woken up grumpy so he held her for a bit until she was ready to play with her sister, managing to sit up and lean forward a bit but he didn’t have the energy or strength to stand right now.
EZ gave a heavy sigh kissing the top of her head as well as James' just wanting them to be okay "You ready to go to bed buddy?" He asked quietly looking at her worriedly

Max came home late that night holding Angel close smiling some "Goodnight handsome." She whispered stroking his cheek gently seeing he was still awake
Angel grunted a little but lay there awake all through the rest of the night. In too much pain to get to sleep. He got up in the morning to head downstairs, checking both the girls were up before heading max complaining in the kitchen. He shuffled down as carefully as possible frowning as she turned to him the moment he got there and began yellimg at him about him not having done the dishes because it was such a simple job. He didn’t have a chance to explain to her why they hadn’t been done, just going to sit down at the table, panting some and burying his face in his hands. ”stop.... stop!” He snapped at her.

Val frowned rocking him gently, holding him close relaxing a bit when he nodded and cling to her. “Alright, lets get you up there.” She murmured. Once he was asleep she grabbed a couple blankets and a pillow and headed downstairs togo join EZ on the couch, holding onto him until she fell asleep just wanting him close tonight.
Max frowned as she saw Angel come down for the morning "You couldn't do the dishes? I just asked for one simple favor!" She said glaring at him as he yelled at her "Whatever." She muttered finishing up the dishes. She had been so wrapped up in trying to have everything together for their family that she didn't see how bad he was getting

EZ instictively wrapped his arms around her kissing the top of her head gently keeping her close to him just wanting her to be safe.
He groaned a bit and stood up, gently stroking Maris cheek as he walked past her, ruffling gracies hair and trying to get stuff out to make coffee but his hands were shaking and was feeling dizzy again so he gave up, not wanting to ask max to do anything else around the house, just heading to the lounge and laying down.

gracie frowned at her mom crossing her little arms. “I don’t like you yelling at Angel.” She told herfinisjinf her juice.

She slept lightly having to get up for James three times in the night and just sit with him til he fell asleep again but woke up to him in the kitchen with his dad.
Max frowned as she heard Gracie and shook her head some "Gracie this is grown up stuff okay? Nothing you need to be concerned with." She murmured

EZ woke up the last time and got James kissing the top of his head "Hey buddy,lets make Mommy some breakfast." He murmured softly
Gracie shook her head. “But I don’t want you to get another daddy for us! Angel didn’t do dishes cause he fell down and he was sick!” She yelled crossing her little arms while Mari saw her sister and just copied her giggling.

val sighed a little going to make Jamess bed for him frowning seeing he’d wet the sheets at some point and just took everything off, getting him fresh sheets still worried about him.
Max frowned and looked at Gracie "Gracie no, Im not getting you another Daddy. What do you mean Angel fell down?" She asked listening to her a bit before going to Angel in their room closing the door "We need to talk."

EZ looked at Val as she came into the room gasping some "Oh no James she caught us!" He said playfully smiling more when he saw James crack a small smile and waved at his mom before he reached for the maple syrup.
Angel frowned a bit and sat up carefully seeing her with slightly double vision. “What is it? No more yelling. Please.” He muttered frowning some, breathing heavy.

val smiled and kissed both their cheeks. “Morning boys, you wanna go see Poppa today? I thoughr we could go get some steaks what do you think mijo?” She asked James softly.
Max frowned more and sat with him "Did you collapse last night?" She asked quietly running her hand through his hair gently

EZ nodded smiling some "I think thats a great idea." He murmured watching as James nodded and handing Val a fork 'Eat mommy.'
He nodded slowly. “Mari needed her diaper done again, I got up and picked her up but I couldn’t breathe and I put her down quickly so I didn’t drop her, Gracie woke me up, id passed out and thrown up while passed out.... so I put the girls to bed and cleaned up the puke then went to bed myself.” He told her starting to get out of breath by the end.

val smiled and kissed his head.”Course I will baby.” She murmured and smiled taking a couple bites of pancake before passing him a bite.
Max frowned and kissed his cheek gently "I....fuck Angel I'm so sorry I didnt listen to you." She murmured letting a few tears fall holding him close to her

EZ gave a small smile seeing James eat as well and smiled some "Are they good buddy?" He asked watching him nod
Angel frowned leaning against her. “Max I can’t breathe still. My head is all fuzzy.... I’m not leaving you to do it all.... I can’t hardly stand up.” He slurred the last bit frownknf. “I know it’s been a long while but they only let me go cause we ran out of money.” he muttered closing his eyes.

val smiled and cuddled him close wiping his mouth up.
Max nodded softly and frowned more getting him to lay down "Get to rest okay? Its okay." She said taking a deep breath amd getting the breathing machine out from the last time he had been shot bad because of Adelita.

EZ watched them happily and kissed her cheek gently before starting to eat what he had made as well "I love you both." He said quietly
He frowned and lay back shaking his head some “I’m sorry,.... I don’t want you wearing yourself down..., maybe,... call EZ, ask him to come give you a hand with some jobs.” He muttered as he passed out barely breathing but it was how he’d been for days, it was just that she was noticing
It now.

val smiled and watched EZ some until theyfinished eating and she heard his phone ring, taking James up to get dressed and cleaned up
Max got his breathing machine on his and shook her head some "No your brother is dealing with enough....I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention." She murmured

EZ sighed heavily as she left to get James dressed and thought about everything that was happening in their lives right now.
He frowned but nodded and squeezed her hand a skittle before falling asleep for now. Gracie was playing with her sister in the lounge when her mom got downstairs and she got up running over for cuddles. “Mommy when am I gonna see daddy again?” She asked her.

val came back down with him after a while and helped James get his shoes on, cuddling him in the kitchen while they waited for EZ.
Max sat down after she got into the lounge and smiled happily cuddling her eldest close to her. She frowned at her question though and shook her head some "Sweetheart Daddy had to go away for a long time remember?"

EZ came in all ready to go and smiled happily taking one of James' hands while Val took the other "You ready to see your Papa míjo?" He asked happily
She frowned but nodded and sighed heavily watching cartoons with her mom and sister for a while until they heard a loud banging upstairs because angel was hitting his nightstand to try and make enough noise to get max up there.

Valgot him into his car seat after a little negotiating and then got in the front with EZ to go get some food for tonight from Felipes place so he could also see his grandson.
She frowned but nodded and sighed heavily watching cartoons with her mom and sister for a while until they heard a loud banging upstairs because angel was hitting his nightstand to try and make enough noise to get max up there.

Valgot him into his car seat after a little negotiating and then got in the front with EZ to go get some food for tonight from Felipes place so he could also see his grandson.
Max heard the banging and frowned quickly rushing upstairs to him "Angel whats wrong?!" She asked worriedly as she looked him over

EZ drove to his Pops store smiling as he walked in with him and gave him a hug "Hey Pops, came to grab a few steaks for dinner." He said happily smiling as James came in quickly
He couldn’t even respond to her as he’d been woken up by his body panicking over lack of oxygen, unable to get any air in at all despite his chest heaving violently just staring at her and freaking out while black spots started appearing in his vision, reaching out to grab at her.

val smiled watching james run over to his abuelo and reach up for cuddles. “Oh someone’s excited to see papa.” She murmured.

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