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High-Tech [ A 1x1 between me and Azi ]

He nodded. There was a very awkward silence and Mike spoke up again, "Want anything? Food?" He said and his stomach growled, he stood up and waited for a answer.
"Oh, um I think we have two more cartons." He said and went to the kitchen fixing himself up a sandwich. He took out a glass of milk and poured milk into it. He poured himself some orange juice. "Here." He said coming back, he gave him the glass of milk. Kage apparently smelled food, maybe it was the chicken in his sandwich, she woke up and groaned.. "Food..?" Mike laughed. "Here." He said giving her his sandwich. "I'll be right back, I gotta make myself a sandwich and pour me some orange juice." He gave the orange juice to her also, and he went to the kitchen.
Mickel would perform clunky head movements. "food. Detected." He says with the stereotypical robot voice.
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Kage raised eyebrows. "What the??" She winced and sat up a little and started to eat the sandwich. Mike brought back his food and sat down next to Kage. "Felling okay?" She nodded. "Like your milk..?" Mike said slowly,
He nodded. "Well. That's good." He said awkwardly. Kage looked like a little kid, she was eat ugly messily and she whined. "I need a napkin!!!" Mike rolled his eyes. "You are not a Princess ya' know." She smiled and batted her eyelashes. "I know." He got up and got her a napkin, she then cleaned herself and looked around. "So.. What we doing today?" She said grinning. Mike raised a brow. "You? You are staying here," she frowned.
"if you try to run, i'll duct tape you to a bed... and don't worry. I have enough tape." Sparky then makes his way over to the pair and climbs up. He appears to inspect kages wound.
Kage eyes widened. "Jeez, when do you care so much?" She said with raised eyebrows as well..
"he's a perfectionist. Watch." From his back, sparky clips a curved needle device onto one leg. On one end of the needle, is the stuff used for medical stitches. Sparky goes to begin stitching...
The wound is promptly sealed. "they will dissolve by themselves." Mickel says.
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"Cool." She said again and grinned. "May i touch him??" She said, wanting to touch the spider creature.
"you can try. But I don- nope. There he goes." Sparky would crawl away into one of the other rooms. "that room will he neat in five minutes."
"Aww." She said frowning and sighed. She shook her head in thought and looked at the robot. "So.. What were you inventing?"

( I imagine Alex fall through the roof. xD )
Kage and Mike didn't say anything. A knock was on the door. "Open up. I'm here. Miss Louise sent me here.." He said. Kage laughed. Miss Louise was her fake name Mike opened the door. "Yes?" His eyes widened as he saw a german shepherd with a bionic front right leg and bionic front right eye. He barked happily and shook it's tail. "Miss Louise here? I need her signature.." He pouted. "She is hurt." He nodded, "May i just see her to confirm about this?" He nodded slowly, eyeing the dog. He came in, Mike had luckily hid everything in other rooms. he looked at Kage, "Miss Louise, meet your new Companion." He smiled and let go of the leash she grinned and hugged the dog, it barked excitedly. "Wel. Thank you Miss Louise. Have a good time." He said and left. Mike turned around and yelled. "A DOG?!"
Kage nodded, "I wanted one. So I got one. I am the one and only Princess." She smirked and hugged the dog again, patting him. "He is trained and stuff!" The german shepherd saw Sparky, and barked. His tail wagging fast and he started chasing the little creature.
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Sparky would leap back and raise his front legs. He'd jab at the dog-borg, threatening to shock him. A spark arcs from sparkies front legs.
The german shepherd was trained. To be a watch dog actually. He growled, his cyborg eye was glowing red, "Damn creature." He said as his collar Vibrated, Yup. A talking dog. The dog took another step closer, growling.
Sparky would jab again just as Mickel climbs back in. Mickel would smile at the sight... sparky pounced onto the dog-borg and finds a data point. He plugs in and hacks the cyborg part to identify him as a friend. "don't panic." Says Mickel. "his hacking is as neat as neat as the current state of that room." If one where to look in that room... they would see utter perfection.
The dog would twitch and his eye turned green. He would bark happily and shake off sparky his tail would wag. "Hi!" He said and sat down by the spider. Kage and Mike shrugged,
Sparky would flip himself over and slinks up the wall to sit in corner. "great. Now he's in a mood." Says Mickel. "So, got a name for dog?"

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